
A land far away—a magical term that gives rise to mental images of exotic lands and exciting adventures. A land far away—the setting of countless fairy-tales and myriad bed-time stories. A land far away—that special place that we all go to when we need to escape the pressures and vicissitudes of life.

Welcome to A Land Far Away, a persistent world where the vast, wondrous Dungeons & Dragons™ universe takes on a life all of its own. A place where like-minded role-players of all races, cultures and creeds gather to delight in the wonder and joy of a thousand shared imaginations. A place where the raconteur holds others spellbound; a place where every decision has consequences; a place where the games unfold before your eyes.

Upcoming Password Change

It's been a while since we've had a password change, so this coming Monday (19th of Jan) all ALFA servers will change their password over.

The new password can be found at

If you have any problems, forums are a good place to start with questions.

Props to all!

Props to Muse, you make me want to )%#(%q=%pø  ;)

Props to a lot of returning players, back to check out what ALFA did all this time. WELCOME sirs and ma'ms.

Props to Wynna as usual for epic win roleplaying via the DM client, making everyone happy.

Props to Vendrin, our newest activest DM. Already deep into TSM lore. BIG UP MAN!.

Proprs to the Admin team, especially Rotku, who has worked TIRELESSLY as often as time has permitted to optimize and make perfect, admissions and other workings we have here in ALFA! WIN! man, Thank you!

Props to Acadiuslost. The man who works the most and gets the least. BIIIG UUUP! To AL!. As long as this man exists among us, ALFA will he in safe hands.... Remember that!

We have grown A LOT lately! And we continue to do so, Thanks to all of you! Without you members, players, humans, friends! We could never have pulled it off! Big Love! <3

We are entitled to feel proud, about all we have achieved through the years!


- Zicada

NWN2 Patch (and Storm of Zehir): Update Instructions

It is now time to update to the latest version of Neverwinter Nights 1.021.1549.  This patch allows servers to be joined by players who have installed the second expansion, "Storm of Zehir", or those who are still using just the "Mask of the Betrayer" expansion.  Please read the following instructions carefully.

  • Clear your override folder(s) of any content before running the autopatcher! Failure to do so may corrupt the patching process and force you to reinstall the game and start over.
  • Clear any third-party GUI mods from your /UI folders before running the autopatcher. See above for why.
  • Patch your MotB or SoZ install using the NWN2 updater. A reboot of your computer may be necessary as well.
  • Update your alfa_2da.hak to the latest version, 1.54.  This may be done by running the main ALFA Worldgate client, or by directly downloading and unpacking the file from this link.
  • Start looking for a copy of Storm of Zehir to pick up on sale or otherwise.  ALFA will be requiring the SoZ expansion starting sometime around the new year, so you have some time to plan ahead for it.

Please note, while both SoZ and MotB clients will be able to join ALFA's servers, the new content bundled with Storm of Zehir is not currently supported for Live play in ALFA.  So, while you may see Grey Orcs, Yuan-ti, Swashbucklers, and Fey/Infernal Heritage feats in character creation, these will not function properly in-game and should not be used.  They will most likely be fully supported once we transition to requiring Storm of Zehir.

Please report unexplained bugs or problems via IRC and/or the forums, and we will try to deal with problems as they arise as best we can.

New combat XP rebalancing for ALFA's NWN2 Core Scripts

With this last update, the combat XP calculations got a much needed revision, which should help encourage in-character teamwork when engaging in combat on-server.  The new scripted XP system includes the following changes:

  • Equal XP division among nearby party members.  (No more meta-worries about  higher level PCs getting a lion's share of the XP from an encounter.  The amount you see is the amount everyone in your group is receiving.
  • Sliding scale for bonus XP based on party size.  (As your party gets larger, individual shares from a given encounter decrease, but not dramatically.  A solo PC may expect to earn at most about 10% more XP than if he or she was partied up with another PC.  So, while some risk-reward relationship is retained, there is no longer a large disproportionate XP reward for soloing combat.

These changes should hopefully improve the player experience on ALFA003: The Silver Marches, as well as on the Beta servers as they approach LIVE status.  As always, any bugs discovered in the new content may be reported to me via PM or IRC, or to HDM Curmudgeon.

Enjoy, and stay tuned for information on the "Storm of Zehir" 2nd expansion pack for NWN2, out later this week.

The new ALFA website is LIVE!

After months of hard work, I am proud to declare this, the new ALFA website,- LIVE.

With the new design, we have tried to adress issues like usability and functionality, as well as making it easier and far more intuitive for our staffs to do their every day tasks. We have adopted a more serious and professional look, and crafted a final system that will stand the test of time, allow for quick and safe upgrades, as well as giving us a great modular interface for adding additional functionality.

In the months to come, we will further improve on functionality by adding a dynamic calendar system, dynamic and realistic stats of various kinds, as well as an improved log parsing system taking data directly from our live servers and presenting them in an intuitive way for our DMs.

I would like to personally thank Roekemoes for all his great work in making the new website a reality.

ALFA featured in Gameplayer Australia's Best Game Mods article

ALFA was recently picked as one of 12 'best game mods' by australian website Gameplayer.

From the article:

One that stands out – head and shoulders – above the rest is ‘A Land Faraway’. A community module that began forming in 2001, it has since grown to become one of the many ‘persistent’ worlds in the Neverwinter Nights universe. More than just an add-on scenario, ‘persistent worlds’ are in some ways very close to an MMO experience; a server loaded with the land faraway environment is kept constantly running for many users to connect to at the same time, allowing a shared experience and one where the timeline continues whether your character is logged on or not. While persistent worlds are actually quite common in NWN1 and 2, few have reached the stability or maturity of A Land Faraway. With seven servers to connect to and an apparently healthy population, A Land Faraway is also populated with live GMs (Game Masters) who seek to create ad-hoc plots and campaigns to help the world seem alive to the players...

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