NWN2 Server Stages Defined

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Alpha Stage

The first step is for a member to submit an application to the DM Admin to build a server. Once the DM Admin has approved the application, the server will be considered to be in the Alpha Stage up until the time that it meets the criteria below. The requirements for the server to advance to Beta Stage are as follows:

  1. Core areas built and connected.
  2. ATs and doors connected.
  3. Walkmesh tested for functionality.
  4. PWC available for download.

Once these are met, the server team must notify the DM Admin that they are ready to advance to Beta Stage. The DM Admin will review the server at this time and advance the server when the criteria have all been met.

Beta Stage

In order to advance to Live, the following requirements must be met by the server:

  1. Content added to Core areas (hostile and non-hostile spawns, all merchants, all scripted static quests)
  2. OOC areas (morgue, starting area and merchants) in place
  3. Some non-core Live areas included and content added
  4. Mod available for regular testing by players as well as DM-run sessions
  5. ACR (and any related global scripts) to be fully incorporated
  6. All server-specific scripts to be fully operational
  7. Persistent storage implemented and tested

DM Admin may grant full status for NWN2 HDMs. DM team to begin training and preparing for Live NWN2 DMing, including DM101.

Review process:

  1. DM Admin reviews server DM team.
  2. Tech Admin confirms use of global scripts & server-specific scripts.
  3. Infra Admin tests host connection.
  4. Standards Team conduct ongoing review of server content based on player-testing feedback - focusing on merchants and scripted static quests.

Final checklist:

  1. DM team to have sufficient numbers (min 3) and training for Live NWN2 DMing.
  2. Host to be stable and fully operational.
  3. Copy of the mod uploaded to DM FTP.
  4. DM schedule and faction-involvement published.
  5. Forums created and server lore published.

When all of the above criteria have been satisfied, the DM Admin may grant Live status to the server and full DM status for NWN2 DMs.

Live Stage

The HDM is fully responsible for the server. Responsibilities are listed in section 2.2 of the ALFA Charter.