7. Censure

This Chapter concerns censure after an informal solution of a complaint, temporary server bans, and censure after a formal dispute or as issued by the Infra Admin.

7.1 Informal Censure
If an investigation ends with an informal dispute resolution Admin may impose whatever censure the parties agreed upon. Such censure may include but is not limited to counselling or mandatory attendance of RP 101. No informal censure is mandatory.

7.2 Temporary Server Ban
Any HDM can issue a temporary ban from their server for up to 30 days. Such a ban does not necessarily have to be based on the offences listed in Chapter 2. The Player Admin must be informed immediately of any server bans. If the HDM wants to extend the ban beyond 30 days the Player Admin will initiate an investigation on the player. The Player Admin may decide that the ban should remain during the course of the investigation. Note that a temporary server ban does not count as formal censure in itself. Alternatively, HDMs may instruct their DMs not to include the player in DM sessions on the server for the 30 day time period.

7.3 Formal Censure
Formal censure is issued by the Player Admin after a formal dispute, or by the Infra Admin.  In cases where the Admin responsible (ie. Player or Infra Admin) is directly involved in the matter, or other clear conflicts of interest exist, the Lead Admin will step in to over see the dispute. In cases where the Lead Admin is also involved, a third Admin will step in as necessary. There are three levels of censure. Admin determines which level of censure will be imposed in the individual case.

7.3.1 First Formal Censure
This serves as an official censure and may be given along with AR counselling or other punishment that the responsible Admin deems fit.

7.3.2 Second Formal Censure
The member is banned from all of ALFA (servers as well as forums and chat) for 7 days. At this point the member is no longer considered to be in good standing, and may thus no longer run for Admin, as per Section 3.1 in the ALFA charter.

7.3.3 Third Formal Censure
The member is permanently banned from all of ALFA (servers as well as forums and chat).

7.4 Censure Record
Each formal censure is added to the player's censure record.  Censures will be recorded against both the player and their CDKey.  With a first-level censure in the player's history a second-level offence may thus lead to a permanent ban, or vice versa. It is also possible for a player to get banned permanently after committing 3 consecutive first-level offences. Out-of-game censure levels are cleared after 6 months of good behaviour except in the case of a permanent ban, while in-game censure levels are always permanent.