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Titles The Lady of Mysteries, The Mother of All Magic, The Lost Goddess
Symbol Circle of seven blue-white stars with red mist flowing from the center
Home Plane Dweomerheart
Alignment Neutral Good
Portfolio Magic, spells, the Weave
Worshipers Elves, half-elves, sorcerers, wizards
Domains Arcana, Good, Illusion, Knowledge, Rune, Spell
Favored Weapon Shuriken
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Mystra (pronounced MISS-trah), the Mother of all Magic, formerly known as Midnight, is a greater goddess who guided the magic that enveloped Toril and its surrounding space. Mystra tends to the Weave constantly, making possible all the miracles and mysteries wrought by magic and users of magic. She is believed to be the embodiment of the Weave and of magic itself. Mystra's symbol is a ring of seven stars surrounding a rising red mist, spiraling to the heavens. Mystra rules over the divine dominion of Dweomerheart.


The church of Mystra preserves magical lore so that magic will continue and flourish in the future even if the dominant races of Faerûn fall. Its members also seek out those skilled in magic or who have the potential to use it, keeping a close eye on those who are likely to become skilled. Her clerics are encouraged to explore magical theory and create new spells and magic items. Sites dedicated to the goddess are enhanced by the Weave to allow any spell cast by her clerics while in them to be affected by metamagic. Mystra honors commitments to members of her predecessor's clergy who'd joined the church before the Time of Troubles, preventing them from being forced to leave the clergy due to alignment differences.

Mystra also has powerful mortal servants among her ranks of followers, including Elminster, Khelben Arunsun, and the Seven Sisters.


Mystra's customary adviser is Azuth and she is also served indirectly by Savras and Velsharoon. Other allies of hers include Selûne and Kelemvor, whom she knew as a man when she was a mortal. Mystra's greatest enemies are Shar, who created the Shadow Weave to oppose Mystra's Weave, and Cyric, who was a mortal along with Mystra and Kelemvor.