Norheim Isles

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Most of the small kingdoms making up the nation of Norheim are tucked into sheltered coves on the leeward sides of the various isles. Like the kingdoms of Norland, the realms of Norheim are focused upon the sea, using little even of the small amount of land that is available to them. Of the Norheim Islands, only Giantspine has much surface area. This rocky isle contains several sheltered pockets of forest among the narrow valleys between the rugged ridges that give it its name. The rest of the Norheim Isles are virtually devoid of trees. Although the Norheimers practice a limited amount of agriculture, growing barley and wheat and tending sheep and goats, they are much more dependent than most of their kin on contact with the outside world for survival. This contact is in the form of raids against the Ffolk and farther peoples. Their purpose is to return with food as well as wealth. The Norheimers also trade with the lands to the north where their captured wealth is often bartered for food. The Norheimers, alone among the northmen, occasionally serve as mercenary soldiers or sailors in the fleet or army of some lord of the Realms who is in need of fierce fighting men, and who can pay in solid coin. The Norheim Isles are riddled with sea caves, and these have given birth to many of the legends among these superstitious peoples.