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Moray is the westernmost of the lands of the Ffolk and is thus the most removed from the civilizing influence of the cultures along the Sword Coast. It is also the most untamed of the southern isles. Trolls, orcs, goblins, and firbolg giants may commonly be encountered in its remote regions. The Ffolk of Moray are rough and uncouth, even by the standards of the Ffolk. They are savage fighters, easily provoked to violence, but warm and generous to their friends. Moray is the original home of the moorhound. The breeding of these great dogs is still a highly honored tradition. Every cantrev lord keeps a large pack of the animals, and they serve loyally both on the hunt and at war. The rocky and mountainous nature of the isle is one reason it has remained so untamed. The small harbor and town of Moray on the northern coast is the largest concentration of humans anywhere on the island, and its population barely exceeds a thousand. Most of the other human inhabitants are scattered along the Shannyth River valley that cuts across the center of the island. The northeastern tip of Moray is covered by the Trollclaw Range of mountains. Although the altitude of this rocky wasteland rarely exceeds 4,000 feet, and then only at the dozen or so highest peaks, it is so marred with sheer cliffs, loose slides of rock, narrow gorges, and deep lakes that human travel here is difficult. The terrain is completely impassable to horses. Much of the southern and eastern regions of Moray lie under the Orcskull Mountains. This is a larger range, no higher than the Trollclaws, but it is not quite so rugged. An occasional pass crosses the range, and much of the highlands consist of green tundra. A few small cantrevs lie along the southeastern coast of Moray, connected by passes to the rest of the isle. These communities derive a living from the bounty of the sea. The mountains to their backs shelter them from the worst of the winter storms, so the weather here is not as bad as on the rest of the island. However, the threat of marauding orcs, raiding down from the Orcskull Range, is very real. More than one of these communities has been wiped out to the last person by the ravages of the bestial monsters.