Text Commands

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The text commands presented on this page carry different formatting. Text in monospaced fonts are meant to be typed. Often, to explain what a command does when there are multiple displayed at once, an inline comment will be given. This is not meant to be typed. Additionally, some parameters are user defined, and must be filled in by the user. Content inside bold <brackets> should be replaced with actual content.

For example, #sethp <Target HP> says you should type something like #sethp 1 to set a creature's hit points to 1.

General Commands

These commands are available for anyone.

Command Example Description
#<Anchor Number> #1 Establishes the current target as an Anchor. Setting an anchor with nothing selected will clear a previous anchor. Players may only anchor characters they control (Animal Companions, Familiars). You listen through your anchors.
#<Anchor Number> <Text> #1 I am a mighty puppet! Speaks through an Anchor. In this example, whatever is anchored to #1 will say, "I am a mighty puppet!"
#alist #alist Lists all current Anchors.
#dm <Message> #dm Bob would like to inspect the trap. Sends a message to the DM message queue. They may click the notification later to read it. This is useful for notifying DMs in other areas, or to send low-priority messages.
@<Language Code> *The chiseled elven warrior nods.* @elf "You are safe, should you behave." Allows the character to speak in a given language. Players must know the language to speak it. Clicking the @ symbol on the chat window will list your current languages, and their language code.

DM Commands

These commands are available only to Dungeon Masters.

Command Example Description
#ifl<DC> <Message> #ifl05 The sound of a heavy falling rock comes from the nearby cliffs. Sends a notification to all players in the area who succeed a Listen check. They may click the notification to read the full text of the message. In this example, the DC is 5. #ifl12 would be DC 12. You are provided a list of who failed and who succeeded the check.
#ifs<DC> <Message> #ifs30 The ceiling far above your head is dark, but you make out the form of a large spider. Sends a notification to all players in the area who succeed a Spot check. They may click the notification to read the full text of the message. In this example, the DC is 30. #ifl05 would be DC 5. You are provided a list of who failed and who succeeded the check.
#not <Message> #not A loud roar echoes through the cave. Sends a notification to all players in the area. They may click the notification to read the full text of the message.
#setdesc <Description> #setdesc This bear moves as fast as lightning, tearing through the forest. Changes the description of any object. This can be used to give items custom descriptions, make notes/books, etc.
#sethp <Target HP> #sethp 1 Damages or heals a creature that is currently selected. A target HP greater than a creature's max hit points will set them to full. The example sets a creature to a single hit point.
#setcharges <Number of Charges> #setcharges 10 Sets the number of remaining charges on any charged item, like a wand, staff, or rod.