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A Bridge to Cherish (an unperformed play by Begor)

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2021 4:56 am
by Ladellon
Act One

Scene I – at bridge (in the morning)

(farmer approaches bridge from off stage)

[PONT] Good morning, my good man. Got some more vegetables for sale, I see.

[FARMER] *nods* Morning, Pont. Stuck on bridge duty again, huh?

[PONT] Stuck? Why, this bridge isn’t going to guard itself, am I right?

[FARMER] Well, you’re good at it. (he waves and walks across the bridge)

(a woman walks to the bridge from off stage)

[PONT] Morning, ma’am.

[WOMAN] I have traveled several leagues and through the night to reach your town. Is this . . . is it . . . ?

[PONT] (bursts into song before she can finish)

Welcome to . . . Cherish!

Welcome to the town where your fate can turn.
Welcome to the town where the gate is open wide.
Right here in our town there is much to learn.
Right here in our town there is ever hope inside.

Cross the bridge and you’re sure to find no peer.
Stay one night and you’re sure to hold it dear.

Needing components for your spells?
We’ve got ‘em, even rare types.
A priest whose musically inclined?
You’ll need a set of prayer pipes.

A fighter’s sword, a rogue’s thin blade –
No weapon here that can’t be found.
And armor? Hah, there’s loads of it –
Metal and leather, just look around.

Cross the bridge and soon you’ll be admitted
To our shops where you can be outfitted
We’re fully invested so that you never perish.
That would be nightmarish.

Welcome to Cherish!

Welcome . . . to . . . Cherish!

[WOMAN] I just, uh, need an inn. But all that other stuff . . . yeah, thanks. And good for you.

(woman walks across the bridge)

[PONT] (hums to himself as he walks around the bridge)


Hey there, bard, you’re looking kind of garish.
Welcome to Cherish!

(speaking) Hah, good one, Pont.

(Two adventurers cross the bridge from town, loaded with equipment and weapons. They stop to adjust their belongings.)

[PONT] Hey, you’re . . . you’re going on an adventure, aren’t you?

[ADVENTURER 1] (looks at Pont and grunts)

[PONT] (singing) Are you heading for the caves
To face the monsters and the knaves
Rumored to be hiding there?

*sullen look* Aw goblin farts, and I’m stuck here . . . it seems so unfair.

Perhaps if you could wait a bit,
I’ll call for the captain, say I quit,
Then in your group I could enroll
And, thus, fulfill a lofty goal
I’ve had since I was four years old.


Uh, excuse me . . .

Hold up a smidge, sire,
For questing is what I’m obsessed at.

[ADVENTURER 2] (dismissive look) Just guard the bridge, squire,
I’m attesting – it’s what you’re best at.

(sad look by Pont as the adventurers move off stage)

[PONT] One day you’ll see . . . you’ll all see.


One day they’ll be talking of me.
Talking of all the feats I’ve performed,
All the castles I’ve stormed,
All the lasses I’ve warmed.

One day they’ll come begging me
Begging me to join with their band
And then throughout the land
We’d be in such demand.

One day I’ll be the heroest of heroes,
Maybe I’ll be an armor clad knight
Or a devote acolyte.
All I need is an invite . . . to a party.

Adventurers get all of the attention
All the wealth and acclaim
All who see them exclaim,
“long live your name!”
Oh, and did I forget to mention,
They also seem to get all the dames!

One day I will be coming of age,
Wielding a sword at some terrible beast
In the caves to the east
‘Til it’s good and deceased.

One day it’ll be me on the stage
Causing all monsters around to take flight
To the townsfolk’s delight
All I need is an invite . . . to a party.

I just . . . I just need a party.

(he kicks at the dirt and walks in front of the bridge)

Scene II – at bridge (later that evening)

(Pont is guarding the bridge and the returning adventurers are walking back to town from off stage, they look very happy.)

[PONT] Oh, look. Here come the returning adventurers. How exciting.

(when they get close to the bridge) How did you fare?

[ADVENTURER 1] (singing) We’re back with our stash
and we’re bleeding and bruised.
It was all hack and slash
But the threat’s been diffused.

We’ll rest a fortnight,
Resupply, study spells
Then return to the fight
‘Cause it’s what we do well.

We’re adventurers!
Just signal for aid,
any day, any season.
We’ll take up our blades,
we can use any reason
To invade some foul lair
and expel what’s inside,
Seize their gold while we’re there – why not?
it’s a matter of pride.

We’re not quite performers
but enjoy the applause.
We do it for experience
We do it because . . .
We’re adventurers!

[ADVENTURER 2] (singing) Oh, the town gets a lift
For we spend what we earn,
But our leisure time’s swift
then we have to return.

If the caves are not cleared
Every day with our crawls
The result that is feared . . . will come true . . .
They’ll be assaulting our walls!

We’re adventurers!
It’s us against them,
Push ‘em back or we perish
If we fail then it’s mayhem
For the entire town of Cherish.

We’re not quite performers
but enjoy the applause.
We do it for experience
We do it because . . .
We do it because of the loot and the fame.
We do it because it’s an enjoyable game.
We do it because . . .
We’re adventurers!

(Adventurers continue across the bridge to town, singing ‘We’re Adventurers!’ leaving Pont behind)

(Pont continues to sing)

[PONT] (singing) We’re not quite performers
But enjoy the applause.
We’re adventurers
(thrusts his spear into the air)
We’re adventurers!

Act Two

Scene I – at bridge (mid-day)

(Pont and a woman are sitting by the bridge, eating)

[PONT] Thanks for bringing me lunch, Ladra. I couldn’t leave my post for even a moment. You just never know who might cross this bridge into town. Ever vigilant, says the captain.

[LADRA] (distracted look) Yeah, sure, Pont.

[PONT] You know, there was another party of adventurers that returned yesterday . . . from the caves. Boy, were they loaded with spoils.

[LADRA] (distracted look) Yeah, I heard.

[PONT] What I wouldn’t give to be invited, you know, to a party.

[LADRA] (standing) Speaking of parties, there is something I need to tell you, Pont.

[PONT] (standing) Sure, what is it, Ladra?

[LADRA] (singing) I long for some excitement
I want to go and explore places
I want to meet some new folk
Not see the same next door faces.

Look at all these travelers
They pick a route and just . . . go there
But you and me, we’re like this bridge
We’re just . . . we’re going nowhere.

I’ve had an invitation . . .
To a party . . . we leave at dawn.
I’d ask you to join us but . . .
Well, they’re looking for some brawn.

Besides, you’ve got this bridge to guard
And if you don’t then who will?
You do it well, you know, you always have.
It’s just not for me, I need a new thrill.

I wish we could begin anew, you and I,
But life is not so fair.
We’re too much like this bridge, you and I,
We’re just . . . we’re going nowhere.

(she kisses him on the cheek and runs across the bridge to town)

[LADRA] (shouting back) I’ll miss you, Pont.

[PONT] (staring blankly at the bridge as she crosses, then picks up a rock and makes to throw it at her, then throws it into the river instead)

She wants adventure, huh?
Well, I’m a guy who can provide that.
I’ve guarded this bridge long enough
It’s time I became the top cat.

It’s time for some slash and hack glory
All I need is . . . is a back story.

Let’s see . . . maybe I was orphaned,
Yeah, and left out in the wild
Where I was raised and taught to fight
By wolves when I was just a child.

No, better still, my father, see
Was ambushed and betrayed
By his arch enemy, a far off duke,
Now I must avenge him and the duke must pay!

Or maybe a ravaging orc band -
The kind, you know, with ruthless aims -
That killed my family during a raid
And left my homestead all in flames.

Now I’ve sworn to track them down
And, sure, I may come back gory.
All I need is some vengeance.
All I need is a backstory.

How about an ancestral sword?
Stolen by some hired thief?
Until it’s found and safe returned
My family will have no relief.

It could be I’m from noble birth
kidnapped from my parents’ home
and cursed, until the truth’s exposed,
to wander and to roam.

I may not have the sharpest sword
Nor thickest armor on my chest.
I may not have the noblest steed
To carry me on every quest.

But one thing I’ll be sure to have
Aplenty in my inventory . . .
I’ll have a good back story.

(snaps fingers)

Wait, I’ve got it. It’s so simple.
There’s nothing that could be worse.
I was just jilted by a lover.
Why didn’t I think of that first?

To prove my worth, I’ll sally forth,
To risk my limb and life.
No more bridge! I’m an adventurer!
That’ll win back Ladra as my wife.

Now that . . . that is a good backstory.

(Pont takes a quick look at the bridge, nods, and walks off stage)

Act Three

Scene I – at entrance to a cave

[PONT] Well, Pont, you didn’t really think this through, did you? Some party you have – a party of one. But you did make it to the caves alone. That’s something. Maybe you’re tougher than you know. You can do this solo. What could go wrong?

One day they’ll see . . . they’ll all see.


One day they’ll write songs about me -
Numerous tales that, in verse, will be spun
Of the deeds I have done
And the battles I’ve won.

One day I’ll arrive triumphantly in town
To adoring applause and acclaim
They’ll be praising my name
And the spread of my fame.

One day I’ll have my dear Ladra back.
We’ll no longer need to be apart
For I’ll pledge her my heart.
All I need is to start . . . my own party.

My . . . own . . . party

But, for now I’m going into this cave.
As they say, first things first.
To whatever’s inside I say . . .
Here I come. Do your worst.

(he advances with his spear off the stage)
(there is a low growling and a thunderous roar, then a scream and silence)

Scene II – at bridge

(Pont returns to the bridge as a ghost from off stage)


Well, my adventuring has ended
And I’m back at my favorite post.
It didn’t go as I had intended.
Now it seems I’m here as a ghost.

It turns out ogres are very strong
And that club, such a daunting thing.
Me with my reckless, feeble charge
Felled by a single, mighty swing.

(sighs and looks to the bridge for a moment in silence)

(quietly) Welcome to Cherish.

Cross the bridge and soon you’ll be admitted
To our shops where you can be outfitted
We’re fully invested so that you never . . . perish.

Welcome to Cherish.


(singing brighter)

Hey, I’ve still got my spear
And I’ve got my last order -
Keep all of the riffraff
From crossing this border.

I’ve succeeded for years,
No one could contest that.
So, I’ll just guard this bridge –
As so many have said –
It’s what I’m best at.

Once you’ve crossed to the town over yonder
You’ll set down roots, you’ll not want to wander.
And if it so happens you perish . . .
And if it so happens I perish
I’ll remain here forever and good fortune to me.

Welcome to Cherish!
(holds arms wide and twirls in front of the bridge)