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The Search for Big Blue

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 6:47 am
by Ethbaal
**Posted on a board outside the Stag**

Adventurers from near and far, Corrwell's grain supplies are running low due to repeated Xvart attacks on the farms. The farmer Mitcham has reported seeing a giant sized Xvart leading a company of Xvart raiders. Sheyna and I, Robin Tradeberry, followed its tracks to confirm the existence of "Big Blue". We're seeking to raise a small militia to end the threat of "Big Blue", and hopefully find the Xvart stronghold. Reward shall likely come in the form of bushels of corn, especially if we can uncover the Xvart grain stores. Any information about the Xvart stronghold or Big Blue's location would be of immense value.

Interested parties, feel free to comment, sign your name below, or speak with Robin or Shey.


Robin Tradeberry

P.S. Koldast, where in the Gods names, are you?