Shadowdeep Rules of Engagement

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Shadowdeep Rules of Engagement

Post by jmecha »

*Deep within the House of Heroes map sketches are being pieced together and compared to maps of Waterdeep to create a map of Shadowdeep. In turn these maps are being shared with the allies of the House of Heroes as well as lessons learned from the Shadowdeep.*


Rules of Engagement

Red Void Doors appear to be one way doors to the Shadowdeep.

Sea Ward or Temple Ward
  • 1G Has proven a reliable safe entry point into Shadowdeep.
North Ward
  • 1X Enemies have been spotted upon arrival, but very rarely.
Castle Ward
  • 2S Used one time and there were no enemies in sight upon arrival to Shadowdeep. There were thugh large Legion Patrols in the Area.
Trade Ward
  • 3B Enemies have been spotted upon arrival, but very rarely.
  • 3H Potentially a dangerous point of entry with many nearby enemies.
Dock Ward
  • 3O This entry point has proven fatal, and best to avoid.
  • Blue Moon Doors appear to be one way doors from the Shadowdeep back to Waterdeep, and do not always appear where they have been found in the past. In an effort to learn if a pattern exists it is important everyone make note of the exact date and time that open Moon Doors are encountered.
  • The drain of the Negative Energy of Shadowdeep slowly and inevitably erodes those who spend time there. Travelers will eventually feel strength sapped from their limbs, their constitution weakened, and even their coordination will be made clumsy.
  • Magic does not appear to function with reliability within the Shadowdeep because of the low levels of magical energy present.
  • Mana Crystals can be used to reliably fuel magic.
  • Mana Crystals nodes can be found sprouting out of the ground in Shadowdeep and broken into more manageable pieces with traditional mining tools. Be warned the violent striking of Mana Crystal Nodes with mining equipment will release potent and violent raw magic that will injure those nearby.
  • Potions appear to carry enough physically stored magic within them to function normally.
  • Potions of Invisablity are of limited value because some of the denizens of Shadowdeep appear capable of peering through invisablity such as Shadow Mastiffs, Sharren Prietesses, and the mysterious beings that appear to be the embodiment of negative energy storms.
  • A Paladin has been witnessed effectively Laying Hands to heal wounds
  • The Monastic practice of Wholeness of Body has proven effective
  • There exist small havens of positive energy, often times marked by banners of Helm, but not always. These shelters provide sanctuary from the slow and constant physical drain of the negative energy plane.
  • Magical does not function reliably in these Shelters
  • Travelers can only effectively find meaningful rest and recover inside some of these shelters
Sea Ward or Temple Ward Havens
  • 1Y A House marked with the banner of Ilmater. While sections are in ruins it does have a bedroom.
  • 1Y House of Heroes
  • 1N Vasen's Shadowdeep Boarding House
  • 1P Helmite marked Barn near North Gate provides some relief from the Negative Energy Drain
Castle Ward Havens
  • 2E & 2F Inside the Melody Walk Tunnel is a Helmite Bunker with comforts enough for resting
  • 2T A house marked by a banner of Ilmater with what appears to be comforts enough to rest comfortably.
  • 2M Just South of the Market is a Safe Haven marked with a banner of Ilmater that appears fit for resting within.
North Ward Havens

Trade Ward Havens
  • 3A The Shadowdeep Analog of Auroa's Realms Shop can provide some shelter from the Negative Energy Drain.
  • 3B Druid Shoppe, Rest can be found here
South Ward Havens
  • 3Y Jade Dancer, WARNING Sucubi encountered on second floor

Dock Wards
  • 3O Thirsty Throat Tavern, rest can be found in the bed chambers. The Ash on the floors are the remains of the Expedition Force
  • 4H Soldier's makeshift Barracks marked by a Banner of Torm, capable of providing rest to the wary.
  • Surgical Tools that are not dependent upon magic remain useful for tending to battle wounds in the right hands.
  • Leeches when properly applied are capable of draining the ill humors from the body restoring healthy vigor, strength, and coordination at the cost of lost blood.
Large Shadowy beings have been found prowling the streets of Waterdeep and dragging people into Shadowdeep.
  • If you are victim of such find a Moon Door to escape back to Waterdeep, or a Positive Energy Haven and await help.
Last edited by jmecha on Wed Aug 04, 2021 10:46 pm, edited 214 times in total.
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Re: Shadowdeep Rules of Engagement

Post by jmecha »

Known Threats of Shadowdeep


Shadow Mastiffs are careful stalking predators who appear to prefer to knock their prey to the ground before rending them apart. Also of note they appear capable of running down those who try to use Invisibility as a means of escape. When encountered in pairs the Shadow Mastiffs are extremely dangerous because of their team work efforts to keep their prey prone upon their back where they can quickly tear them apart.

Shadows roam Shadowdeep, and often they do so unseen, hunting in packs looking to prey upon the living and numbering anywhere from a pair to half a dozen. It is not uncommon to find larger and more dangerous Shadow Fiends amongst the larger packs of Shadows.


The Legion
After Vanrak Moonstar slew Lady Alathene Moonstar's Legion, he reanimated them to create an army of his own. The undead Legion is filled with capable and dangerous undead combatants.

Squire Archers, exceptionally perceptive archers capable of finding even the must elusive of targets.

Squire Footmen, while not nearly as perceptive as the Archers, these combatants are exceptionally durable and hit harder then most mortal men could.

Squire Flagbearers, these fight as well as you would expect of those chosen from the rank and file to carry the banner, they are more capable then the typical foot soldier.

Squire Crusader Priests, These abominations are capable of concealing the battlefield with magical darkness and wielding potent negative energy spells that can restore strength to themselves or others of the Legion, or cause grievous wounds to the living.

Death Knights
Mounted Warriors capable of smiting good, these dangerous undead appear capable of regenerating their undead bodies and are prone to knocking their opponents prone.

Sharren Priestesses
Often found leading larger patrols of the Legion, these women appear capable of summoning undead to their aid and cloaking them and their forces in magical darkness. Be warned these Priestess will call upon Death Magics in an effort to ruthlessly Slay Living. Use of traditional Death Wards have proved useless in preventing the Sharran Priestesses from wielding their necromatic magics with deadly effect. It is as if there exist an aura about them that appears to nullify any efforts to preserve the sanctity of life.

An Unknown
This ghostly woman like figure was cloaked in shadows and radiated cold from her being, and seemed to be a Sharran Priestess of sorts. She used potent negative energy magics in combat and when defeated erupted in a large negative energy burst.

An Unknown
Large man sized storms of negative energy that appear to be sentient or at a minimal desire or compelled to destroy the living have been encountered and found to be exceptionally dangerous. While they have yet to be properly identified, there have been a few lessons learned from encounters with them.
  • They hunt the living regardless of Invisibility.
  • They are not exceptionally fast moving, but have proven relentless in their slow pursuit.
  • They can unleash rays of negative energy that can damage the living.
  • Their physical form when collided against the flesh of the living is devastating.
  • They have proven extremely resilient to physical attacks from a variety of enchanted weapons.
  • They appear almost impervious to the divine damage released by Holy Traps.
  • If severely damaged enough, it is possible to destroy these beings, though in doing so they release a sizable burst of negative energy to all those nearby.

The Shadow Dragon
There is a Shadow Dragon allied with Vanrak Moonstar, and I do not know what such a thing is capable of.
Last edited by jmecha on Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:50 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Shadowdeep Rules of Engagement

Post by jmecha »

Occupants of Shadowdeep


Vasen Coriver
A Shade with wisps of shadows trailing him, introduced himself as Vasen and proved a valuable ally in protecting several Waterhaviens from the draining negative energy effects of Shadowdeep by providing them shelter inside his boarding house located North of the Tower of Luck. If relationships can be developed with the local population of Shadowdeep, who appear to see both the former Legion of Light and the current Occupation of Vanrak Moonstar as invaders who are ruining their desired status quo we might acquire most valuable allies.

Murik Zaros
A Shade who is a friend of Vasen and has lived in Shadowdeep since being brought there as a boy. Zaros is actively working to avoid Vanrak Moonstar's forces, and has added me in avoiding their patrols. He has warned that Vanrak Moonstar has a standing bounty open for all residents of Waterdeep found in Shadowdeep.

Torleth the Trader
Torleth the Trader is a Devil who has been exiled from the Blood War for a time, and has turned his attention to mercantile pursuits by establishing a store within the Shadowdeep analog of the Adventurer's Quarter.

Inabras the Alchemist
Inabras the Alchemist appears to a Shade maintaining and operating a heavily warded and defended Alchemical Store located in the Shadowdeep Market Place. Inabras appears rather business orientated and prone to deflect conversation not related to the exchange of goods for coin with an almost reflexive throat humming that sounds like "Hmmmhmmm." Of note are his various weaponized alchemical concoctions as well as potions available to both ward against Death Magics, as well as provide Stone Skin.
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Re: Shadowdeep Rules of Engagement

Post by jmecha »

Field Guide for Crystalized Mana Mining

Crystalized Mana can be found almost everywhere in Shadowdeep and can be used to feed the raw magical energy needed for the successful casting of Magical Spells both Arcane and Divine in the otherwise Weave starved environment of Shadowdeep. There are many similarities between successfully mining ore from caverns filled with hazards and hostile creatures as there is in successfully mining Crystalized Mana from Shadowdeep, it though can not be stressed enough that Shadowdeep is an extremely hostile enviroment to the living due to the negative energy properties of the plane of shadows slowly siphoning life from those who enter the plane, as well as Shadowdeep currently being occupied by a large and very capable army of undead known as the Legion which is lead by fanatical and deadly priestesses of the Nightsinger.

Mining Crystalized Mana
Mundane Mining is brutal and dangerous work, where as the mining of Crystalized Mana actually creates an eruption of violent and dangerous raw magical energy with each strike of the pick axe. The injuries suffered from striking Crystalized Mana can very quickly seriously injure a Miner, and coupled with the Negative Energy of Shadowdeep and hostile enemy forces leave said Miner vulnerable to a fatal attack.

Steps need to be taken to mitigate these risks
  • 1) Focus your Mining Efforts upon the high walls surrounding the City and the few places where legion Forces are rarely found or encountered. You will want to send in people capable of scaling walls and effectively escaping and avoiding Legion Forces.
  • 2) Work in highly mobile and capable pairs that share the responsibilities of mining, vigilance, and tending to each other's wounds with field surgical kits or using potions.
  • 3) Plan your entry and exit points in advance as well as your route between them with a focus upon avoiding contact with Legion Forces while minimalizing your time spent in Shadowdeep.
Mistakes to be avoided

1) Do not rely upon magical spells to tend your wounds or to provide you with the mobility you need to effectively avoid combating Legion Forces. It is very easy for those depending upon such spells to use more Crystalized Mana during the course of Mining Crystalized Mana then they manage to acquire.

2) Do not bring more people then are necessary. The larger the team, the more likely there will be complications. The work of avoiding Legion Patrols while Mining Crystalized Mana leaves very little room for error.

3) Do not get drawn into a fight that you can avoid. The goal of mining Crystalized Mana is to gather the resources needed to effectively use magic inside the plane of shadows, so you may fight more effectively another day with a larger team prepared to fight.


Marked upon the Map above are areas where I have managed to successfully mine Crystalized Mana in the past. This has always been accomplished by actively avoiding enemy engagements through superior mobility, small capable teams, and avoiding the use of Crystalized Mana. The largest and safest deposits I have found are outside the City Walls in the North Western Corner of the City as well as Outside the City Walls west of where the Shadowdeep analog for New Olmann stands.
Current Characters: Ravik Ports
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