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Re: Memoirs of a Wretch.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:24 am
by JonnyJerny
((This is for my own reference. You guys can read it, if you want.))

Plot process.

1-5.) Everything above.
6.) RP Filler.
7.) RP Filler.
8.) Adventuring (RP determined)
9.) Adventuring (RP determined)
__________________________ Undetermined amount of RP filler.
10.) Introduction to heist.
11.) Heist preparation.
12.) Heist. (Finale)
13.) Betrayed/abandoned (depends on RP)
14.) Final monologue.
15.) Death.
16.) Epilogue.
Planned in game time : ~5 years.


((If a DM or whoever can assist me if this plot process is too complex/not possible please tell me and I'll scrap it.))

Re: Memoirs of a Wretch.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:26 pm
by Ithildur
Definitely hope you get some DM interaction to attempt/get a shot at some of the things you have in mind for your PC. Good stuff.

If Puny is still a dm on TSM I'd recommend checking with her; she would be all over this kind of stuff I believe.

Re: Memoirs of a Wretch.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:35 pm
by JonnyJerny
((I'm gone for Christmas. My friend Mez will fill in for my story while I'm gone. We have similar writing styles, it'll be like I'm not even gone. On top of that, please don't fuck with Mez. I mean it. He's a good guy, but he takes ribbing and jabbing to heart.))

Updated plot process.

1-5.) Everything above.
6.) Encounter with thugs (Mez)
7.) Forced dealings (Mez)
8.) Encounter with company (Mez?)
9.) Encounter with company leader (Mez/Jon)
__________________________ Undetermined amount of RP filler.
10.) Introduction to heist. (Jon)
11.) Heist preparation. (Jon)
12.) Heist. (Finale) (Jon)
13.) Betrayed/abandoned (depends on RP) (Jon)
14.) Final monologue. (Jon)
15.) Death. (Jon)
16.) Epilogue. (Jon)

Re: Memoirs of a Wretch.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 6:36 am
by JonnyJerny
"...So a Dwarf, a Drow, and an Elf walk into a tavern... And the barkeep says, 'Get the fuck out!'"

Cameron slaps his hands down on the table, him and the bartender bursting into moronic laughter. I can't believe I got paired with this baboon. Me, the ringleader of the most notorious crime circle in Silverymoon, forced to work with the most idiotic, greenest kid that we found starving in the slums. Kid's a hassle. Almost gotten me killed at least five times. Has no sense of direction, no motivation, I don't even think he's stolen anything yet, yet alone killing someone.

We were holed up in one of the taverns we've established in the... seedier part of town. The weather was horrible. We could hear the thunder harshly echoing, the lightning violently striking the earth, raindrops pouring onto the poorly built roof, just barely protecting us from the weather. Cameron and I were the only ones dwelling in the tavern, resting on cheap ale and small talk with the bartender. Cameron could barely hold it together. Stupid boy. Has a lot to learn before he's ready to start his first job.

Suddenly, we heard the muddy door creak open. Cameron and I didn't take much notice of it, just continued nursing our mugs, cracking terrible jokes. We could hear heavy footsteps getting louder. We could hear the chattering teeth of someone who's seemingly freezing to death. That's enough to make me turn my head in curiosity. It was a woman, her clothes drenched in rain, her petite body trembling as she tried to keep warm. Her reddish hair was a mess. Heh. It's like taking candy from a baby. I turned back to Cameron with a smirk, gesturing towards the woman. He chuckled back and nodded. We drained down our drinks, walking towards the woman, sporting misleading grins.

"Evenin', lass. Is something the matter...?"
"O-oh...? Y-yes... Everything's f-fine..."

I smirked to myself. This'll be easier than I thought. We sweet talked the woman, who's furrowed brow and frown never left her face. The bitch was as vulnerable as any scared shitless kid. She kept squinting at me. Studying me. She started making me nervous, but I still looked onto her with glowing eyes. The more this bitch's guard lets down, the sooner we can take whatever she's got. I was so confident in how quick and simple this'll be that I let Cameron do his thing. The kid gently pushed the lass to the wall, locking his eyes with hers, smirking. Ugh. Kid thinks he's such a fucking flirt.

"You look terrible, sweet. Mind if I get you a mug?"
"N-no thanks... I don't drink..."
"Aw, what a shame." His eyes darted down to the small pack shes been nursing along her side. "You look tired, ya know...? Why don't I take you to one of the rooms we've got? They'll keep you nice and cozy." His arms extended and pointed to the lady's pack. "Let me take that for ya... Don't want a dame to be burdened with all the legwork, eh?

The lass clutched the pack closer to herself. She opened her mouth, her words spoken in a fierce, irritated tone. "That won't be unnecessary."

Cameron widened his eyes, clearly taken aback by the woman's bluntness. I rolled my eyes. If I were him, I'd have my dagger pointed right at her back by now. I signaled Cameron to do so. He nodded dumbly at me, and turned back to the woman.

"Ooh, a feisty one, hm?" He deftly drew a sharp, steel dagger that was concealed by his clothing. He danced the knife through his fingers in front of the woman's blue eyes, whose orbs were following every movement of the dagger. That made me uneasy. I don't know why, but it did. Finally, after Cameron was finished being an idiotic showoff, the kid flashed a flirtatious (at least, that's what the idiot was aiming for) smile at the lass.

"Now, be a good girl and hand me the purse, okay?" His smile widened.

The woman lay silent. She was still trembling from the cold, her teeth were still vigorously chattering. Finally, she let out a barely audible squeak. "I-if you must..." Her hands motioned towards the pack. Suddenly, in a motion so quick that even I didn't anticipate, the woman quickly drew her own concealed dagger and suddenly threw it, the flying knife landing Cameron's throat.

"Ack...!" The kid dropped his dagger on the ground and fell down to his knees. His cries echoed throughout the entire tavern He was shaking uncontrollably on the ground. His hands raced up and down his neck, searching for the dagger that was stabbed through his throat. Poor kid was gurgling so much blood. By the time I rushed to him, his cries became a mere whimper. His squirming finally stopped and his body rested in the red pool around it. That bitch! She'll get what she deserves! I snatched Cameron's fallen dagger and charged towards the woman, as I gave the dagger a thrust towards the woman's chest, she raised and extended her leg at me, firmly pushing me to the ground.

"Oof...!" My vision was blurred as I struggled to get up. The lass' feet was planted on my stomach, forbidding me to stand up. She now sported a rapier, which was pointed, and slightly grazed my neck.


"...Now, listen to me you fuck." I snarled at the pathetic whelp that was on the ground, spitting at his disgusting, devilish face. "You honestly think you were going to pilfer some coin from me?"

Re: Memoirs of a Wretch.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:09 am
by JonnyJerny
...Now, listen to me, you fuck." I snarled at the pathetic whelp that was on the ground, spitting at his disgusting, devilish face. "You honestly think you were going to pilfer some coin from me?"

The thug's terrified eyes raced up and down the rapier extended towards his throat. The rapier that would judge whether his ass would live or die. The rapier that harbored a severe thirst for blood. I turned my head back to the young'un's lifeless body lying on the floor. I couldn't help but just stare at his corpse. He was just a child. Another kid that was probably sold to perform the bidding of some sick man's horrible enterprise. I was that child. I don't know why I resorted to killing him. I didn't even feel a buildup of rage within me. It just... Happened. He didn't want any part of it. I could see it in the boy's eyes. He was scared. Nervous. He knew his place. He knew if he didn't do this, he'd be thrown back into the streets. I don't normally reflect back on the people I've killed. They're just all faces. But this boy... I saw myself in him. I was him just a few years back. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. He's got it better than me. At least he doesn't have to live with the fear eating him from the inside. At least I gave him that much. At least...

I swallowed down a lump lodged in my throat and collected my thoughts. I turned back to the thug, whose eyes were still running up and down of my rapier.

((...More tomorrow. I'm beat. Here, have a photo for the holidays. Don't be shy.))

Re: Memoirs of a Wretch.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:50 am
by JonnyJerny
I know you're used to lying down every Tuesdays,
I used to move you this way and that way,
Everyone knows what love is in their own way,
It's only a word, why did I hurt myself over it the other day?

Hold this hand, tell me what you see,
I'm not the same anymore, but I know what it means,
Your heaven is my hell, my heaven your hell.
That's what it looks like from the bottom of the wishing well.

Did you see the fire burn?
It was heavy with all my anger and rage.
Who'll dissolve all these flames?
Please fan out what I've become,
Please take away what I am,
But you'll never burn out,

My love for her.

Re: Memoirs of a Wretch.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 1:40 pm
by JonnyJerny
...Now, listen to me, you f*sk." I snarled at the pathetic whelp that was on the ground, spitting at his disgusting, devilish face. "You honestly think you were going to pilfer some coin from me?"

The thug's terrified eyes raced up and down the rapier extended towards his throat. The rapier that would judge whether his ass would live or die. The rapier that harbored a severe thirst for blood. I turned my head back to the young'un's lifeless body lying on the floor. I couldn't help but just stare at his corpse. He was just a child. Another kid that was probably sold to perform the bidding of some sick man's horrible enterprise. I was that child. I don't know why I resorted to killing him. I didn't even feel a buildup of rage within me. It just... Happened. He didn't want any part of it. I could see it in the boy's eyes. He was scared. Nervous. He knew his place. He knew if he didn't do this, he'd be thrown back into the streets. I don't normally reflect back on the people I've killed. They're just all faces. But this boy... I saw myself in him. I was him just a few years back. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. He's got it better than me. At least he doesn't have to live with the fear eating him from the inside. At least I gave him that much. At least...

I swallowed down a lump lodged in my throat and collected my thoughts. I turned back to the thug, whose eyes were still running up and down of my rapier.

The thug's grey eyes were set upon my blue orbs. His frightened face slowly morphed into that devilish grin he was sporting earlier.

"...So, what's it gonna be then, hm? You're gonna slit my throat, like you did to the kid? Hm? Kill me, and you'll pay the price one way or another, bitch."

He let out a throaty chuckle. My foot that was planted on his stomach tightened it's hold on the thug. My arm holding the rapier begin to tremble. I could feel the sweat on my brow. He's right. I kill him right now, and all his goons will come after me. Nowhere will be safe. Nowhere.

While contemplating my situation, I saw the thug smirk smugly and snap his fingers.

"Better watch yer head."

Suddenly, every window in the building broke. Men sporting swords, daggers, bows started flooding in. Some were in full armor, some wearing rags. Some of them looked just as young as the kid lying in his pool of blood. Some looked hardened. Some looked pale, nervous, scared. I found myself surrounded by these thugs. The ringleader, who I seemingly had cornered, suddenly lifted his leg and harshly pushed it towards me, sending me flying and violently landing on the floor. Every bone, every muscle in my back ached. My vision was blurred. I struggled to stand, only to realize that the ringleader's foot was now planted onto my stomach. I looked up. He was holding my rapier and extended it towards me, the tip poking my throat. The bastard started getting sadistic. He circled the rapier around my throat slowly, then, in a swift motion, began swinging the rapier left and right just barely above my neck as if he were a trained swashbuckler. I winced and bit my lip every time the tip of the sword grazed my neck. I could feel at least four cuts around that area. A few of his thugs picked me up and tied my hands together with a crude knot and threw me towards a chair. One of them placed a piece of tape over my mouth as I squirmed in the chair. The ringleader came back, still holding my rapier, swinging it in the air as if it were some game. His eyes finally landed onto me, howling in laughter.

"Ah... This woulda been a lot simpler if you've been a good little girl, ya bitch!" His hands dropped down to my hair, fingers tightly gripping strands as he violently pulled, just enough to make me jump from the sudden and surprising pain. I yelped, though my screams were muffled by the tape placed on top of my mouth.

"...Mmmph!" The room flooded with laughter from every men, including the ringleader. When it subsided, the man stepped closer to me with that all too familiar inhumane grin plastered on his face, chuckling in front of me. The scent of cheap ale lingered in the space between us, vile enough to make my eyes widen and water. I continued to struggle in my position, in an attempt to break free. Not that it would matter, bastard would slit my throat as soon as I'd fine a loophole. The ringleader noticed this, chuckling as he watched my feeble attempts. His hands moved towards my face, lightly and slowly racing down my cheek. I closed my eyes tightly and whimpered. "...Mmph...!"

After a tense minute or two, the man pulled himself away from me, once again howling in laughter and dusting himself off.

"Hehe... This is some f*cked up foreplay, eh? Loosen up, will ya, bitch?" After a throaty chuckle, He tossed the rapier to the ground and began pacing the room, fingers grazing his chin. "Hm... What to do... What to do..." He began murmuring to himself. I could feel every eye in that room glued to me, completely defenseless in my position. I could feel every sick, twisted thought in every sick, twisted man in that room. I shuddered as I thought about it and I began breathing heavily. Through my blurred mind, I could hear tidbits of utterances from the ringleader, who continued pacing around the room.

"...Too pretty to make a whore... Too skillful to send with the regulars... Ah! I know! You'll be my personal nightingale." He walked back to me, smirking devilishly, and bent his knees to match my height. "Kill some, steal some, f*ck some, all in my name, eh?" He chuckled. "Ya should be thanking me, bitch. Why don't you thank me, hm? Right now?" He quickly tore off the tape on my mouth, which burned in agony. My tormenting screams of pain echoed throughout the tavern. I collected myself and lifted my head up to match the ringleader's.

"F*ck you." I snarled and spat at his face. My hands began tugging vigorously as I tried to break the knots constricting my hands. I could feel the rage building up inside me. My body trembled harshly and finally, with a final tug, I miraculously tore apart the knots. I gave a quick glance at my hands, which were bleeding profusely. I shook my head. I gritted my teeth, balled one of my hands into a fist, and charged towards the ring leader, putting all my strength, all my rage, into a single punch to the face. As he landed on the floor grunting, the rapier slipped from his hands and lingered into the air. I deftly retrieved it before it hit the ground. I thrusted the sword towards the demon's chest. Then again. And again. And again. And again. I still have blood stains on that tunic.

I don't want to recall the rest of that night in detail. It just reminds me that I've changed. That I've truly become a monster. A wretch. But I'll never forget the sight of the bodies, all stacked on top of each other, the stench of the corpses and of the rotting blood. The faces of younglings and experienced thugs alike flashing in my mind like picture frames. I don't feel regret for having to kill dozens and dozens of them. They got what was coming for them when they agreed to work for a madman like that. But what would she think? How would she react to witnessing her sister murder fathers, sons, grandfathers, uncles in cold blood, showing no remorse, no mercy?

Bah. Why would that matter? It doesn't matter if she believes I'm a haunted serial killer. It doesn't matter if she fears me, if she pushes me away. As long as she gets her happiness. I don't care. In fact, I want her to hate me. It'd make things a lot less complicated than they should be.

I can't stay in Silverymoon anymore. Every bounty hunter in the city will be looking for me, hungering for my head. I need new clothes. I need a new identity. I need to leave as soon as I can. But who knows what lies outside these walls? I'll never be safe from the influence of the crime enterprise that I just managed to piss off. Under normal circumstances, I would've gladly perish in a blaze of glory, shrieking battle cries under the moonlight before I'd get cut down by a swordsman. Just a little bit longer before I'll have my heroic death. Annabelle is still waiting, whether she knows it or not.

I can't leave the city by myself. I'll need help. I'll need company. But what friends have I possibly made? None. And I know better than to rely on the guard stationed throughout the city.

I'll think of something soon. I'll dwell in The Golden Oak until I have something to work with. If I have something to work with.

Re: Memoirs of a Wretch. (18+)

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:13 pm
by JonnyJerny
((Here, have something. It's supposed to be about petty thievery and thugs. Merry Christmas.))

Close your eyes for what you won't imagine
I am the back stabbing
Building smashing, bratty ass
He's mad, I snatched my daddy's arm
And used that shit for batting practice
Adam and Annie keep F*cking
Purchasing sh*tty grams with half the hand of cash I handed
Just panic, just patch me up
Daddy just latch-keyed us
Toying with Raggy Anns, and Mammy finally had enough
Brash as f**k, breaching all these aqueducts
Don’t believe us?
They treat us like we can’t burn away.

Re: Memoirs of a Wretch. (18+)

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:39 pm
by JonnyJerny
I end my day on the roof,
They taunt me to jump, I never do,
But when I’m drunk I'm their tool,
Do they sew wings on these cheap suits?
I’m on that ledge, she grabs my arm
She slaps my head,
It's never good times.
I slip,
I fall,
The market's down at least 60 stories,
Some don’t end the way they should,
His silver spoon fed me good,
A million pieces, a million places.
Another flash,
Close my eyes and await the crash.

Re: Memoirs of a Wretch. (18+)

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:09 am
by JonnyJerny
((Bleepity Bleep Bloop Blop. Beep boop bop beepity boop.))

There's no question if I want it.
I need it.
I can feel your body drifting from me.
We're on living by the edge, so stop playing.
I'll never ever let you live that deep down.

Not in vain, I've seen it.
I've dreamed it.
I can feel your body slowly drifting from me.
Don't make a promise if you know you can't keep it.
But I know you'll never ever let me live that deep down.

Re: Memoirs of a Wretch. (18+)

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:58 pm
by JonnyJerny
((I don't really feel like writing about "Memoirs of a Wretch" right now. Maybe some other time. Have this instead.))

Good morning.
Wake up, Mr. Jern, Mr. Germ, Mr. Jerk, Mr. "Why-won't-he-ever-learn?"
I mean, damn, did you even see your burn?
Third degree, third degree, Time for you to take a turn.

And yes, you've barely passed,
Every single class,
Staring at every ass,
Cheating on every test,
Welcome to graduation, jackass.
Good morning.

Re: Memoirs of a Wretch. (18+)

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:01 am
by JonnyJerny
((I swear to Mormon Jesus I'll actually write something. Here, have one of the songs I've been trying to write.))

I'm so tired,
I fall asleep when we spoke,

Close my eyes,
In our dreams you know my name,

We've been dreaming all the way,
Hush little baby, that's what you mean to me.

Angie, what're we gonna do?
Angie, still in love with her.

Angie, what're we gonna do?
Angie, still in love with her.

Close my eyes,
We should know our destiny.

We feel alright,
When we go our separate ways,
Hold tight.

We've been dreaming in different ways
Hush little baby, that's what you mean to me.

Angie, what're we gonna do?
Angie, still in love with her.

Angie, what're we gonna do?
Angie, still in love with her.

Angie, what's she gonna say?
Wasting, all this time away?

Angie, what's it gonna say?
I've got to pull myself,
Wish you well,
Hope your dreams come true.

Re: Memoirs of a Wretch. (18+)

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:36 pm
by JonnyJerny
((I woke up, and I just wrote. No thinking, no second thoughts, I just wrote. I haven't even read it myself. I hope it turned it right. I promise this is the last one.))

I got, 99 problems, and they're all chickens,
Wish I was hippy man, carefree livin'
But I'm not Mad, or even a Mezmerio,
I'm that Cali kid rolling with the Cali boys,
You know how it is when you start living large,
I control my own life, folks were never in charge
No sitcom could teach Jon 'bout his drama,
Or even explain the troubles that terrified his mom,
Got me most of what I wanted, how'd you do it mom?
Got him the toys he'd play with by himself, why's he by himself?
He's got two best friends, one lewd, one prude,
They all kept me flying as much as they could,
But they all didn't see,
The little bit of sadness in me,

I got some issues nobody can see,
And all of these emotions are pouring out of me,
I bring them to the light,
It's only right,
This is, the sh*t that they call life,
The sh*t that they call life.

He's a super cracked, he's got a sixth sense,
Since his father left, he's not writing since,
Tried to solve the puzzle of this world,
Climbed the roof just so he could see the world,
I like to think of myself as a sacrifice,
Just to show the kids they're not the only ones up at night,
The moon will illuminate myself and soon I'm consumed by the doom.
Once upon a time nobody gave a f*ck,
It's all said and done and my c*ck's been sucked,
So now there's a cut, there's an open wound,
My heart is a sword that I hope heals soon,
Not many people in this world can understand.

I got some issues nobody can see,
And all of these emotions are pouring out of me,
I bring them to the light,
It's only right,
This is, the sh*t that they call life,
The sh*t that they call life.

People offering me a bag of this coke,
They think it's a happy ending,
It's slitting my throat,
Use ignorance to cope, ignorance is bliss,
Ignorance is love, and I need that sh*t.
Hope we're home by six-thirty,
Wanna settle down?
Stop being so flirty
If I cared about your blog I'd probably be a jackass,
Don't give a sh*t if people walk with smiles,
"I am happy",
That's just the saddest lie

I got some issues nobody can see,
And all of these emotions are pouring out of me,
I bring them to the light,
It's only right,
This is, the sh*t that they call life,
The sh*t that they call life.

Re: Memoirs of a Wretch. (18+)

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:42 pm
by Rumple C

I look forward to seeing a happy song.

Re: Memoirs of a Wretch. (18+)

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:24 pm
by JonnyJerny
Look at me,
You tell me,
Just what you see in these eyes,
Am I someone who you love?
Or someone, you discard away?
Am I speaking for you, or someone else?
I need some answers.

Why do I,
Feel so wrong,
When I know that it's right?
Flying high in the sky,
When my eyes close.
Who am I?

Listen here,
I don't have,
All I hear,
Is all the sounds of insanity,
What I hear,
Keeps going for eternity,
Then maybe I'll have someone.

Why do I,
Feel so wrong?
When I know that it's right?
Flying high in the sky,
When my eyes close,
Who am I?

And why do I, feel so right?
When we know that it's wrong?
When will I ever learn?
From all the stupid love songs?
Who am I?