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Information To Be Shared

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 5:58 am
by Magile
The point of this thread will be for sharing up to date information on the extremely long (2+ year) plot that has seen its fair share of people coming and going. All that is said here is meant to save time and be considered spread to the rest of the people involved in the plot, since our nights having a DM can sometimes lose an or two due to catching individual PCs up so their PC feels comfortable in helping/aiding the cause.

1. This is not a rumour thread. This is for information that we have gathered in-game or out of game, specifically from the plot itself and our DM, Arianna.
2. If you have multiple information, try to spread it out in the same post - we do not need the same person posting four times in a row for four separate stories. We have an edit button for a reason.
3. Try to keep information clear. A lot of our bumbling in past DM sessions is due to mixing up information or explaining it wrong. While this is to become IC information and known IC originally, we need to make sure people actually understand it.

Anonymous Posting
If you would like something posted but not under your name for whatever reason, please send it to me and I will post it for you. Some people may want their sources or who is providing the information to remain anonymous for several reasons - I will ensure that it remains anonymous when posting it on your behalf.

Gem Values
Loot Chest wrote:Jade: 89gp
Alexandrite: 450gp
Violet Garnet: 470gp
Red Tears: 939gp
Fire Opal: 939gp
Time Zones
Time Zones wrote:DM Arianna: PST (GMT -8:00)
AnalogKid: PST (GMT -8:00)
Mikayla: PST (GMT -8:00)
Ithildur: CST (GMT -6.00)
Mick: CST (GMT -6:00)
Magile: EST (GMT -5:00)
SSM: EST (GMT -5:00)
Gonz.0: EST (GMT -5:00)
Use the information that gets posted in this thread in order to develop the next action we take in the plot here!

Re: Information To Be Shared

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 7:06 am
by Magile
A merchant ship was spotted in Waterdeep unloading cargo onto the docks. The captain of this ship was seen arguing with a half-orc, who was described as having a purple sash around his waist and a lightning bolt tattoo. The argument seemed to involve the price of grain and food supplies; however, the captain's crew eventually moved their cargo onto a ship that flew purple sails. The merchant ship proceeded to finish its rounds, stopping last in Callidyr, before sailing off once more. The current whereabouts of the merchant ship is unknown, but no one has suggested seeing it, its crew, nor its captain since the trade in Waterdeep.

Within the last month, the Oman island has been raided. The Northmen, revered as warriors in all shapes and sizes, not only suffered at the hands of the raiders, but also had two villages razed to the ground. No one has gathered information nor confirmed what sails the ships flew, nor the physical appearance of the raiders.

It should be noted that the raiding that occurred over two years ago did involve a ship with a purple sail, crewed mainly by humans and half-orcs, would attack and raze coastal villages on southern Alaron, rounding up all the villagers and taking them away. It is unknown what the fate of these villagers were at the time. This event occurred around the same time as the Queen being forced to empty her coffers in order to purchase food and supplies from Waterdeep so that her people may survive the winter

Re: Information To Be Shared

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 4:24 pm
by Ithildur
((awesome, thanks for the initiative Magile)

Aglaril has been relating (rather hesitantly, given both the nature of visions in general and the content of this one) what he saw in a vision or trance while passed out from a very recent exposure to one of the 'Stone of Discord' - an enormous gaunt being dripping with malice, disdain, and unlife/undeath. It seemed to speak or otherwise communicate:

"Bring me the stones... I know the other one will..." as it laughed and faded from the vision.

Re: Information To Be Shared

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 7:10 pm
by Arianna
Common Knowledge [dates are approximate]

~Two years ago

-- A Hurricaine hit Skaug causing moderate damage which was quickly rebuilt
- - the Isles were wracked by unseasonable storms that never seemed to let up , often followed by days of blistering heat, the strange weather caused crops to die and the wildlife to become scarce. Even Druidical interventions did not last long.
-- many older ffolk often remarked that the weather reminded them of something that happened about 12 some years ago when Alicia's father was King, and that it was ultimately linked to something wrought by Talos.
-- Raiders had nearly decimated the southern coasts of Alaron, attacking many small villages, capturing its people and burning the homes and fields since mid spring. [ these areas were the main agricultural and fishing that supported the Isles]
-- Only a very, very few had been able to escape the raids, those out of the village at the time it happened and brought back the news to Callidyrr at that time.

~Eighteen months ago

-- At Midsummer before last, the Queen put out a call for able bodies to help get to the bottom of the raids, Callidyrr does not have the man power available to investigate.
-- The Tensions in the Isles were high because the Ffolk were blaming the Northmen for the raids, which they vehemently denied knowledge of.
-- The bad weather still wracked the whole of the Isles at this time.

~Sixteen months ago

-- In the fall Queen Alicia sailed to Waterdeep with most of the kingdoms gold and bought grain and foodstuffs to feed the people.
-- The priest of Kelemvor near the MacSheehan ruins was found dead by apparent suicide.
-- The group discovered the first stone in MacSheehan in a strange set up that seemed to amplify its powers, and its subsequent connection to the weather. The group through trial and error at the time learned that unshielded the stone caused the most unpleasant of dreams, damage when touched barehanded and relentless throbbing in their heads, and almost paranoid unease. Only a box made of quartz seemed to stave off its powers.
-- Another female redhead went missing in Moray.
-- The group started concentrating on finding the various stones, weather in the areas cleared upon each stone found

~A year ago

-- The raids stopped, by this point all of lower Alaron's coasts had been decimated.
-- The red haired Hin dancer from the Dance Hall in Callidyrr went missing.
-- Subsequent investigation revealed that occasionally Red Heads of talent had disappeared over the last 3 years or so, no one had made any specific connections, as people disappear all the time.
-- the Queen gave birth to twins a boy and a girl
-- Callidyrr was still wracked by storms worse than any place else on the Isles at this time
-- The babes were sickly and the group searched for a special herb to help them
-- Those of the group present at the time were summoned to the royal palace and given a token of the Queens favor

~Three months ago

-- Raiders took Farview on Moray

~In the last month

-- Efforts by the group seem to have Cleared the weather across the Isles
-- Oddly within a week of Oman being cleared of strange weather the Weather on Moray also cleared up without effort from the group
-- Raiders have taken the villagers of Skein and Trondhelm on the Isle of Oman, razing the grounds and burning the structures.
-- The Northmen are now blaming the Ffolk for the raids . . . tensions between the two areas are high . . . but the peace is not yet broken.

Aglaril & Arizma will remember various books and journal pages having been found at some of the sites [these are not all in the chest at hunters hall]

Re: Information To Be Shared

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:34 pm
by Ithildur ... 17&t=51798

((The content of the above thread can be considered IC knowledge already for PC's that have the packet of notes that Aglaril has been handing out copies of in-game (which is everyone involved currently iirc)

Unfortunately most of it is over a year old since I haven't been involved the past year; however, there's still bits of information in there that I believe is still relevant and possibly might become more relevant at some point ahead.

Sadly, the pages of notes I compiled on my laptop last year are now gone. There's quite a bit of info that I the player don't remember (especially vexing is that my memory is very fuzzy starting around the time the group went to the Elven ruins) ))

Re: Information To Be Shared

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:56 am
by Ithildur
Some information shared by Aglaril on past surprise attacks/would-be assassins:

1. usually groups of at least 4-6 in the past (Aglaril's remark during saturday's session about the sneaky pair: 'interesting that they're trying subtlety rather than brute force this time')

2. None of the previous surprise attacks involved slain attackers rising back up as undead. This one was definitely a different sort of attack, possibly different faction, especially since:

3. On two occasions (over a year ago) the group managed to identify the attackers as Talosians:

After one attack (which occured on north Gwynneth near the dwarven settlement) it was discovered that the attackers bore lightning bolt symbols. In the aftermath of another attack (on Alaron, group with black robes, one had a symbol of Talos) a member of the group of adventurers (Balkr) who was once a follower of Talos suggested that these assailants were something called Furies, fanatical Talosian assassin squads.

Whenever the group tried to subdue/capture one of these assailants for interrogation they apparently bit into something in their mouths that instantly killed them and destroyed their tongue (preventing Speak with Dead and such).

Further bit of information about the crates with Thayan markings Aglaril mentioned: these empty crates were found in one of the ruins on Alaron the group find a stone within; they were empty and very large, large enough to hold one of the dangerous constructs of stone the group battled inside the ruins. It would seem that the constructs were at least provided courtesy of a Thayan source, to guard the stone.

Possible lead, but may have gone cold since this was over a year ago.

Re: Information To Be Shared

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 8:10 am
by gonz.0
I debated and debated what form this should take, so I just decided to post what I was going to post the night I connected with you all to go to Skaug.

This is the report given to Toby
My most heartfelt greetings radiant Queen of these blessed islands.

Please grant me the indulgence before I begin my report, to congratulate you on the birth of your children; may you and they be hale and safe for all your days.

Under orders from my Lady, in my time seeking acceptance and familiarity with the less upright men of the sea, I traveled mostly with the Harpy's Song. She is captained by a nearly honest merchanter, who being braver than most is willing to ship in and out of ports that quail the hearts of many on the sea. We ported as far south as Calisham, and as far north as Luskan, though the majority were shipping concerns from Athkatla to the Nelanther Isles... The ports of Nessemer, Irphong, Skaug, and the hold of Drachenshore. The last, was not a free-port, as it was tightly held by a strong force which I believe to be within the consort of those who sail under the Purple Sails and wear the purple sash. While seeking further information upon the island, it would seem that those pirates sailing under the purple were not the masters of the island, but supplied by them. Security within was well portioned, and information was not to be had within the limited time I had in port. Part of their security was to ensure that all who sail in, sail back out again in short order. Even still, I was able to steal a view over their high protective wall and spy a fortress mounted upon a dormant volcano.

I kept my eyes and ears open, and took chances to discover where I could. Upon occasion in Waterdeep more than a year prior, I saw a galleon marked with purple sails. Its crew unloaded foodstuffs and grains, exchanged for coin and sailed off. I was denied a berth upon her, as her crew and master were tight lipped about ship and crew, accepting none from local ports. I attempted to seek berth upon others likely over the span as well, and was turned away with little or no explanation each time. Discussions with other sailors from those ports reported similar experience, with none claiming knowledge of anyone who sail upon the craft. Those who did know anything of the ship or crew, were very tight lipped as well. Only telling tale that speaking of them would incur wrath resulting in the disappearance and likely death of any individual that spoke of them. I found it incredible at first, but after more than 18 months hearing the same tales, it would appear that the crewmen were able to make ports-men and supporting individuals in every port cower at the thought of giving words to what they may have seen.

I have heard tell of these pirates sailing under purple sails and wearing purple sash capturing able, young men, women and children. Mostly of talent and of particular appearance from many shores, not just these... though in truth, with the many miles of shore, these islands made for easier targets for attack from sea. Of the whispers and tales, many and varied, only the facts of men sailing under the purple sail and their victims being those of red hair is truly congruent. I had learned also a rumor they may sell off those not wanted by their principle, I cannot substantiate as I was unable to locate and attend any such event. Their principle, in this case appears to be dwellers in the deep, the Ilythiiri I believe, if other whispers and sources are true. The pirates are thought to be worshipers of Talos, and whilst my own eyes did not see the marking, I was informed at great pains that some sport a the symbol emblazoned upon their skin. They are Dausurian Traders, by name, though this is a carefully concealed secret.

Upon my return, and before reporting, I was given information by an old acquaintance which further informs my mind as to whom may have a hand in the details of the plot which I was tasked to investigate. His research lead him to suspect a cult of Myrkul to be involved. I could find no evidence of any such thing myself, but I am told that the crown holds reports nearly a year old on that regard that may be of some use. It is my understanding from tales dating to the year of my birth that this god is no more, but we have all heard tell of cults both attempting and succeeding in reviving a dead power to godhood. I believe it is a necessity to take this threat with all seriousness and apply resources as necessary, more than just my own self and faculties. My acquaintance tells me that you have done just that and support a group, I advise to offer them any resource you can.

Whilst it is now conjecture I give you, I speak from an experience. I saw behind the walls of Drachenshore, and the fortress there atop a hollowed mountain no longer belching fire and tumult, is likely the point of passage into one of the realms of the deep. I suggest that the myriad of captured ffolk and others, were marched out of the sun there. I know there are many rumored, and oft spoken in dark corners, places where one can slip into the cracks in the world, and come out on the underside... /their/ realm. My belief is that would likely be the shortest, most direct, and possibly most dangerous route from which to recover any portion of the captured.

I sent letters, reporting what I knew, only to discover them undeceived as I sent them in code to my Lady. I have learned that she is no longer in the isles. My Oath was not only to my Lady, but through her to you Queen Alicia. My honor demanded that I come to you, and report.

Retainer to Lady Tha'is
-Horatio Allengarde-
Take from it what you will, those things which are hearsay are well documented as such. Those things which H witnessed, are also well documented. Those things which are conjecture, are labeled and last.

Re: Information To Be Shared

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:10 am
by Analogkid
These would be things Toby would have discussed recently, perhaps while at the lodge or the first night they stayed at the Keelhaul Inn. I will try to keep it as simple as possible, and will add/edit as I remember things.

Around 18 months ago Toby was asked to help the people of Kingsbay battle the encroaching undead. He encounters his first cursed warrior in the farmlands outside Kingsbay. These are undead who were very capable fighters, and seemed to wish to be destroyed though though were driven to kill. Tobys research would suggest that they were "blood warriors", creations of Kazgoroth the beast during the Darkwalker wars 30 years ago, and which grew more powerful the more they killed and the more they feasted. These warriors, if defeated, would quickly turn to dust only to reappear in Macsheehan. Toby asks the priest of Kelemvor, Lyonsbane to help him fight the undead but the priest is slain in battle and Toby watches the cursed warriors tear him to pieces. Eventually Toby realizes he can set the cursed warriors free by casting remove curse upon them, but it is slow going given their sheer numbers.

The cursed warriors were controlled by a red mist entity that dwelled in the Macsheehan ruins. In conducting research and speaking with a local druid, it was suspected that the red mist entity was in fact a type of vampire which had not been properly slain, the group comes to call the entity the red death. In fact, after the red death was finally destroyed by Toby, Aglaril, Arizma and others, bones of what seemed to be a vampire were found nearby, along with a book, which was about Myrkul, the group suspected that the vampire had been a priest himself once. Both the book and bones were taken for further study and research. Another thing the group found elsewhere below the ruins, was the desiccated corpse of a red robed wizard who were a symbol of Talos, near him was a broken circle of summoning. Most likely the wizard in red summoned the red death, but somehow lost control of it, after which the red death took control of the other undead beings in Macsheehan.

During that same time the group found their first stone of discord. It was hidden in a coffin that the group found below MacSheehan Toby would spend some time studying it and learned that it caused paranoia, delusions and increasing hostility, as well as slowly destroying life around it. In addition, its power was greatly amplified by silver. Furthermore, the stone could protect itself in a manner if an attempt was made to destroy it. While the stone was kept by Toby, the people of Kingsbay grew agitated and hostile. In addition it was learned that there were 12 stones and that Quartz could contain their power safely.

Over the course of the next year or so, the group work together to collect more stones, slowly clearing the weather in various parts of the isles.

During this time, Toby first hears about the kidnappings of individuals but doesn't pay too much mind to the rumors as he is busy with other matters.

Also during this time, Toby befriends a hin at the Dance Hall in Callidyrr named Bell. The two becomes friends but after time she disappears. Toby investigates the matter, and finds no help with the local authorities. Through his own investigation he learns that she met a well dressed man at the docks and sailed off with him. Toby scrys for her and sees that she is in a room filled with various red headed women, of various races and ages. Over the next several months he determines that she is in underground area and is a slave to drow, and who use gnolls as their bodyguards. He continues to scry her and learns they use her for every demeaning thing imaginable. The last time he scryed upon her she seemed to be visiting a merchant in what appears an underground city. The kidnapping of his friend would spur Toby to investigate the drow further and seek means of rescuing his friend, along with others who had been kidnapped who were merely children.

Around one year ago, several members of the group went their own ways after all of Callidyrr was cleared of its foul weather after the stones hidden there was found. Toby would visit the royal court a couple months later and ask if there was any more he could do for the Queen, and was tasked with clearing the weather on Oman isle as it was increasing the tensions with the northmen and Ffolk. Toby hired various sells-swords but in the end it was mainly on he and Balkr to deal with finding the stone on Oman isle. After months and months of searching the mountains and fighting countless trolls, the two eventually find a cave deep in the cold mountains which leads to where the stone is hidden. Within the cave they find undead, clockwork beasts, evidence of recent battles, a dead wizard who had been stabbed in the back and a note that implied some group was fomenting trouble between northmen and Ffolk.

Eventually, about two months ago, the two found the stone after defeating a guardian golem, powerful undead and various mephits. While trying to grab the stone, Toby and Balkr were knocked unconscious and for the third time, Toby felt the presence of another being...a powerful entity, though speaking more of it makes Toby uncomfortable

Re: Information To Be Shared

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 4:04 am
by gonz.0
FINALLY - I have found the beginning of it all... the first prompt for this ... blessed /cursed event?
7-17-2015 - The event at the Regents field.

[01:49] Queen Alicia Kendric: you have proven your skills and perhaps those of you who would concern yourselves with the Isles can help me with a problem
[01:49] Tha'is : yes magesty?
[01:49] Queen Alicia Kendric: *looks between them all *
[01:50] Aglaril Shaelara: *tilts his head slightly, listening*
[01:50] Stephon Reigh: What help could we offer?
[01:51] Queen Alicia Kendric: *the Southern Towns on Alaron have reported many raiders attacking and sometimes completely razing the small villiages between Dorset and Kythis few bodies have been found how ever
[01:52] Queen Alicia Kendric: Which leads us to believe that they are being taken alive
[01:52] Alyra Ashedown: *She would frown at this*
[01:52] Queen Alicia Kendric: but no ransoms demands have been forthwith so we can only surmise that they are slavers
[01:53] Lord Regent Geoffrey Keane Kendrick: *looks concrned as he looks to the queen and then to the audience*
[01:53] Aglaril Shaelara: *looks to Caine*
[01:53] Queen Alicia Kendric: we have had only one report from a young man that was away in the fields when his village was attacked
[01:54] Caine Kross: *nods*
[01:54] Queen Alicia Kendric: and he reports that the ship bearing the raiders bore purple sails
[01:55] Aglaril Shaelara: Purple sails...
[01:56] Caine Kross: I don't know much, but I cannot abide the victmization the children of the Earthmother, Lathander's consort.
[01:57] Aglaril Shaelara: It's a vile trade, one that will fester and seek to grow, expand, sooner or later, in these Isles and beyond.
[01:57] Tha'is : *Frowns as recognition filters through her features*
[01:57] Queen Alicia Kendric: With the Weather of late causing many a harvest to fail the coming months look bleak and my forces are spread thin
[01:58] Queen Alicia Kendric: If any of you are willing I need these raiders found and stopped at the core
[01:59] Tha'is : it would begin in skaug
[01:59] Horatio: Because of the storms?
[01:59] Alyra Ashedown: *she looks over to Tha'is at that*
[01:59] Queen Alicia Kendric: a vile place to be sure
[01:59] Aglaril Shaelara: *glances Thai's' way as well*
[02:00] Tha'is : the ships that bare purple sails are there to be sure. but do they work with the pirate kings blessing, will this cause a diplomatic problem between us
[02:01] Queen Alicia Kendric: it is a delicate problem though that accused place could sink beneath the waves and I would not shed a tear
[02:02] Aglaril Shaelara: Between the Throne and this... pirate king, perhaps. *is standing now, apparently mulling things over* But perhaps....
[02:02] Aglaril Shaelara: Perhaps a small group not officially recognized as commissioned by the Queen, directly...
[02:02] Queen Alicia Kendric: Reports or late say that even there there has been great storms enough so as to wash the streets clean for once
[02:03] Queen Alicia Kendric: *nods*
[02:03] Aglaril Shaelara: *grows silent once more, listening*
[02:04] Queen Alicia Kendric: I would ask that those of you willing seek these slavers and find our people if they still live
[02:05] Queen Alicia Kendric: for soon they will run out of small villages and start on the larger ones
[02:06] Alyra Ashedown: *She ponders quietly, before speaking* I am due to return to Luruar soon to resume my duties...however. *she looks to the others* Until that time, I will gladly lend aid.
[02:07] Queen Alicia Kendric: I thank you Alyra I would not keep you from your duties if you need return to them
[02:07] Queen Alicia Kendric: *looks to them*
[02:07] Alyra Ashedown: *She shakes her head* I will find a way to balance them. Slavery will not be tolerated.
[02:07] Aglaril Shaelara: *looks to Alyra, smiles a touch, then back to Thai's*
[02:08] Tha'is : *Nods her head staying particularly quiet*
[02:08] Caine Kross: I can make time for this, I am travelling to learn of these lands.
[02:08] Queen Alicia Kendric: IF you wish you may all sleep on this and give me your answers in the morning before we return to the castle
[02:09] Caine Kross: *nods slowly* Very well
[02:09] Horatio: I serve at m'lady's Tha'is command, and will aid in this, or other duties as required, as previously pledged.
[02:10] Queen Alicia Kendric: *looks to Thais*
[02:10] Tha'is : you know i will aid magesty
[02:10] Queen Alicia Kendric: *smiles slightly* thank you
[02:11] Caine Kross: If I may take my leave, I must go lie ears are ringing.
[02:11] Queen Alicia Kendric: Keep me informed of your progress then
[02:11] Aglaril Shaelara: Slavery is a blight on any realm, your majesty. These Isles would be all the more fair if the abomination was ended. *quietly* My blade and spells I would be glad to lend.
[02:11] Queen Alicia Kendric: of course
[02:11] Tha'is : beyond this instance i would see us work to rid all the isles of slavery
[02:12] Queen Alicia Kendric: Such a goal is indeed noble and worth pursueing but it may be a very long time in coming
[02:13] Aglaril Shaelara: I for one, can afford to wait some years, perhaps. *smiles a touch*
[02:13] Queen Alicia Kendric: I am sure my great great grandchildren will continue the quest *looks to Aglaril
[02:14] {Corwell}(child)Crown Prince Gregory Kendrick: *rolls his eyes a little as he begins to fidget around*
[02:14] Aglaril Shaelara: If need be, perhaps. *nods, then adds quietly* Though we've recently discovered, your majesty, that a few of us working together, can accomplish things that perhaps we could not have dared to think of at one time.
[02:15] Queen Alicia Kendric: That is often the waay of it it *looks over to Keane* A few good friends can acomplish more then a army sometimes
[02:16] Lord Regent Geoffrey Keane Kendrick: *smiles to her, giving her a knowing look*
[02:16] Queen Alicia Kendric: SO do I have your help in this matter then ?
[02:18] Horatio: *nods*
[02:18] Alyra Ashedown: With your permission, I will find someone to perform a sending to my commander so I can relay my intent.
[02:19] Alyra Ashedown: By your leave, your majesty.
[02:19] Aglaril Shaelara: I for one will pledge my aid, both for the sake of the greater good in these Isles, and for the sake of friendship. *bows* I only reserve that my first duty and calling as Bladesinger to the People remain my highest priority.
[02:19] Queen Alicia Kendric: *nods to Alyra * of course
[02:19] Alyra Ashedown: *She would bow, and turn swiftly on a heel*[02:20] Queen Alicia Kendric: *nods in acceptance to Aglaril*
[02:20] Tha'is : then we are all in agreement
[02:22] Queen Alicia Kendric: and now you may all go its been a long day and we all need our rest
[02:22] Horatio: *Horatio gives a short respectful bow from his head and shoulders.*
[02:22] Stephon Reigh: *nods, bows, retires*
[02:22] Tha'is : *bows her head and takes her leave
[02:22] Lord Regent Geoffrey Keane Kendrick: *leans in and speaks quietly to the queen*
[02:23] Horatio: By your leave *he turns and leaves*
[02:23] Aglaril Shaelara: *bows crisply, rather differently from Plumpy, and exits*

Re: Information To Be Shared

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:33 am
by Magile
All who witnessed the slaver ship, bearing the purple flags, sailing away from the docks are aware of one frightening fact - isolated storm clouds rolled over the boat and continued with it, suggesting that these people not only have a Stone of Discord, but also are able to use it to their advantage.

Re: Information To Be Shared

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 12:53 pm
by SwordSaintMusashi
We now know that the Temple of Myrkul in the ruins of Macsheehan have an altar with 12 silver discs, each one corresponding to one of the stones of discord.

4 lights hover above 4 of the discs, indicating there are 4 stones not yet concealed by the quartz boxes (this was confirmed by opening one of our boxes and seeing more lights appear based on the number of stones in the box).

In addition, we now also know that up until recently, it was thought each stone had its own individual box. Toby's box given to Zova, however, contains THREE stones. It is unknown how he got all three into the box safely, and will need to be followed up on.

The power of three stones at once is massive, affecting people AT LEAST over two hundred feet away and below ground in ruins.

Re: Information To Be Shared

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 6:15 pm
by Ithildur
Relevant info discovered at/concerning Macsheean ruins from the 'Reference' thread ... 17&t=51798

Some notable information from the deceased acolyte of Kelemvor once stationed at MacSheean:
Red Mist (later known as a Red Death) appeared x months ago
Undead have been restless in MacSheean for years ever since the area was cursed during the Darkwalker Wars
Acolyte's late mentor wondered if they were somehow connected to the Bloodwarriors
"Bloodwarriors are a vileness created by Kozgoroth the Beast before he was returned to the Hells from whence he came"
"The Cursed congregate on the site where great magic of a vile nature was performed nearly 50 years ago during Darkwalker wars...
it was said that this town was over taken by those that followed the Beast...
some say that the Beast changed men into something 'more' and these in turn sacrificed nearly the whole town in some sort of blood magic and sacrifice to acquire power. The spot has so far defied all attempts to cleanse it."(the site of the old pryre where the sacrifices took place)
"The Beast Kazgoroth, the Earthmother's greatest enemy..." (the same creature that serves Malar) " ... has also served Talos but I do not know if these things are related... MacSheehan has a very dark history even before the Darkwalker wars from what I have gathered. Few buildings yet remain here only the Old Temple and the Keep still stand... A great army marched with the Beast on its way to Callidyrr, half of them consisting of undead."

The Kelemvorite acolyte is now deceased, apparently slit his own wrist after being driven mad by the effect (likely disturbing dreams) of constant exposure in near proximity to the amplified power of the first Discord Stone... when last seen alive he exhibited signs of imbalance, being agitated, uttering things such as 'My Lord/master tests me... the dreams... they show the blackness in ones soul that must be cleaned... my lord judges all...' etc.
Writting (in blood) on the mirror in his bedroom: "Judgment is coming"

The Cursed: a strange form of undead, resistant to many usual weaknesses most undead exhibit such as fire. The ones encountered in Macsheean were skilled warriors wielding blades, a few skilled enough to be a near match for Aglaril in weapon skill. When defeated in battle they crumble to dust, only to reform again some hours later. They seek above all to be set free from their cursed existence, but seem relentlessly hostile and combative until a Remove Curse is successfully used to set them free, a discovery made by Toby. A handful might remain; the rest have been set free.

The first crypt: a chamber (somewhere near or even within Macsheean ruins) accessible through a portal in a tower-like structure, which in turn is accessible via a well near the shrine of Kelemvor. The cryptlike chamber is filled with sarcophagi, about 20, several broken into and empty, most intact and sealed with silver runes which were glowing when first discovered.

Within one of the sarcophagi was found the first discord stone

Note: the portal in and out of the crypt cannot be accessed by undead; it is also damaged, and only functions one way, going into the crypt. Teleportation/DD will be required to exit.

The laboratory:found within the aforementioned tower-like structure. A corpse of a man in red robe carrying the symbol of Talos was found here; the corpse was dry and drained like an empty husk, later discovered to be the result of being fed on by the Red Death. Discovered on the man/in the lab were various tomes and a journal.

The Old Damaged Journal of the red robed corpse:




The tunnels below Macsheean, and the Red Death:

Toby had overheard the Red mist entity mentioned above speaking with the Cursed ones, promising them freedom. Apparently the creature used the lure of the promise to gain sway over them, wresting control over them from the man in red robes either before or after killing and feeding upon the man. The mist then seems to have proceeded to use them as guards and to bring it victims to feed upon, though it likely had other goals which thus far are unknown.

Accessible through any one of several wells scattered throughout the ruins of Macsheen are tunnels where more Cursed ones were encountered, including the elites mentioned above. The party was taken unprepared by a group of the elites and driven into retreat, but subsequent and more prepared return resulted in their defeat with a number of them set free by Remove Curse. With the ranks of it's guardians reduced, the Red Mist was vulnerable and when confronted it fled into a tiny crack in the tunnels.

A consultation with a loremaster from the Council of Mages in Caer Callydiir had yielded the possibility the Red mist was a creature known as a Red Death, a thing created when a vampire is slain, but somehow not completely destroyed completely. This was confirmed when the Red Death was finally defeated and a coffin found in the tunnels; the skeletal remains within held a wooden stake through the breast. Writings on the coffin lid indicate a foreign origin, a far off land to the East called Dupar, with this inscription in Dupari: "Hear lies Elder Doom Dalkari ... Church Elder in both life and undeath..."

The vampiric remains have been destroyed by Arizma and company.

The Ruins of the Temple of Myrkul:

Within the ruined temple several discoveries have been made after repeated visits:

Info on the Curst/Discord Stones:

"980 gold, 20 diamonds, 400 silver.....3 mages of magical nature....and... 12 stones of discord" was apparently involved in the ritual



((there seem to be info that were given/found/translated in session but not in the ingame text/book; i.e. the 980 gold, 20 diamonds, etc were definitely given information in game, but it's unclear to me where that came from. Toby last had possession of the book so far as I know))

The 12 discs:

Upon the surface of the raised platform/altar in the middle of the temple ruins were found (after much time spent searching quite thoroughly) 12 discs inlaid with tarnished silver, with silver lines connecting each to the other; at the center of each disc is a small depression, about the right size to hold one of the discord stones.

Book of Curses: a tome weighing over 100 lbs, apparently had a strong effect over the minds of those examining it, causing them to become obsessed with the book, resulting in uttering things eerily reminiscent of the words uttered by Kelemvorite acolyte towards the end: "my lord/god is testing me..." etc.

Toby studied this book and learned the following, before being snapped out of a trancelike condition that was overtaking him:

"They (the discord stones) have no effect on the undead...none... They can cause crops to wither... and they can cause storms to rage ... Silver amplifies them... other than their ability to affect dreams... No mundane or magical means can destroy the stones... and they were created in 12...
Quartz will contain their power... if not dreams of loss and failure will come to all within 50 miles of a stone."

The tome was destroyed by a spell from Toby after the examination.

Re: Information To Be Shared

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 4:30 am
by Mick
Arizma is able to relate the following information, which she indicates was gleamed through use of a powerful divination tool that she has at her disposal. OOCly, this book basically allows Legend Lore to be used once/week.
Legend Book regarding a Stone wrote: One of 12 Stones of Discord , created in <date> for Crown Horns. On Myrkuls death, Stored at Temple in MacSheehan, found by Pelmor Disrrat High Priest of Talos.
*shielded from any attempt to be scryed

*Not damageable by mundane means

*No mental affect on Undead or Unliving creatures

*Causes Bad Dreams to all living in a vicinity of 50 miles unless augmented by silver then its powers of chaos and storms come forth

*causes Lesser animals to be Agitated

*offspring born within its influence may be warped in some manner

* When augmented by silver it causes Weather and natures balance to go off Kilter ,

* causes pain and headaches

* Magical artifact

* contained by quartz

*Can be used to create Curst Warriors

Re: Information To Be Shared

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 7:28 am
by Ithildur
Posting here as well (was initially in planning thread) to keep all 'information' type of posts centralized/easy to access.
I changed the colors of a couple of lines for visibility/attempt to slow down the rate that I'm going blind... I really hope the text colors are not some important subtle hint/clues (especially since I'm partial colorblind).
Arianna wrote:Toby and Lunette spent 8 hours going through various information in the library at Broadleaf lodge

they found these references in regards to their research on Myrkul and the Stones of Discord

They found the resources the party already has acquired and the following:

- a second hand account about the duel between Blackstaff and Myrkul on top of the tower . . . .

-a small book that talks about Myrkul siring many offspring before his death . . which seems to have the mark of the church on it . . the children are known by a black skull birthmark

-one small volume that seems to have been written by a member of Myrkuls clergy . . in it there is mention of the Crown of Horns and how its power would soon increase 10 fold . . . how it does not specifically mention. . . . but it does go on to say that the power would come from that which was being created at Myksheen

-the first scroll seems pretty old and the writing does not seem to be that of the Isles . . .it talks about making a set of stones . .to sow strife and woe . . . no specific details on how they are made . . .but does mention that the touch of a god is required its dated at least 300 years ago

-the second scroll is dated about 200 years or so ago and includes a small sketch showing a pedestal with 12 points on it . . . . the document is half missing but mentions that each stone requires a soul sacrificed in its creation . . again talks about strife and woe as well as its use to set the weather in chaos . . .

-the third scroll seems much newer less faded but has no date on it * it seems to be some sort of letter ---its written to the Withering Lord and signed Bone Dancer. ( it goes on to say )"that all is in readiness for the creation of the stones of Discord . . the Sacrifices have been chosen from among the volunteers .. . . . they should be ready within a fortnight . . . the box has been delivered for their keeping already.. ((some of the letter has been damaged and lost ))

-the last scroll is also undated and is undetermined age . . . . it seems to be someones notes on the effects of a Discord stone . . . but does not seem to entail any more information then you have already learned . . .except for one small scribble to the side that reads . . . .What is done . . must be undone . .and underlined under that is the words Reverse the spell

Re: Information To Be Shared

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:43 am
by Magile
On October 15th, Horatio, Lily, Aglaril, Toby and Layali all went back to the main lake by Lewyrr to deal with dire crocodiles and other messes. They discovered a shallow hole on the shoreline which went back toward and into the land itself. They wound up slaying more crocodiles and, upon reaching a room filled with eggs, slew what could only be assumed was a matriarch for the dire crocodiles (( it was named "Mama Croc" )). The group set out to destroy all the eggs, but an unusually large egg hatched - what followed next is... odd.

A child with alabaster skin, silver hair and ruby-red eyes was born from the egg. She looked as if she were two years of age, but she acted as if she were a newborn babe. No one knows what it means, but Lily immediately took the child into her care. It was suggested the child should not be brought back to the elves, in case they deemed the babe a blight and kill it. The child was brought to the Gnarled Oak Inn (just outside of the river bank) and Lily was last seen cradling and feeding the child.