A Cleric's Arrival

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A Cleric's Arrival

Post by randomrper »

While the boat rolled in the sea, Jendari stood near the fore, one hand on the railing next to her, gazing out over the blue expanse. It wasn't that she was ill or motionsick, but the Uthgardt woman never really managed to get her sea legs no matter how many long boat trips she took.

She stood alone. Most of the crew and other passengers gave the teenage warrioress a rather wide berth the last few weeks. One of the male crew had be foolish enough to break protocol and make a rather offensive sexual remark as well as pinch the priestess' rear. He left the encounter with a bruised rib, broken nose, no pay, and the rest of the trip in the brig. Jendari left it with the rest of the trip in solitude. Which was fine with here for the time being. Tightening her grip a little bit, she lets her eyes close for a moment....

-- The trip from Baldur's Gate to Silverymoon and to her tribal lands had been a long, long, and tedious trip. She had finally arrived back home, however. The day after her return, she stood before the counsel, trophy of the massive spider in hand, waiting for them to declare her an adult, full member of the tribe, and the right to bear the title "Warrior."

The council deliberated a little while longer. She glanced at her older brother and father in the crowd. Her father looked sullen, but he always looked that way. Jendarek, her elder brother by nearly a decade grinned widely at her. She had his respect and love no matter what the outcome. Though his she had never had to earn. Her next glance was to her Battle Master, teacher, and mentor. The one who had taken her into the Church of Tempus despite her being a girl. He gave a slow nod. He too would accept her no matter what the decision. That was all she needed.

A sound caused her attention to return to the forward. "Jendari Telasa, it is the decision of this council that this proves you have passed your Trials and returned to us in victory and honor." She smiled at the words. "However, it is also the decision of this council that, though you have attained the rank of Warrior, you will not be given postings and duties as guard or soldier, but will return to the temple of your instruction and take up ministration and healing duties to wounded and fallen." Her smile faded.

The buzz of the room rose for a few moments, then fell. "Thank you." Jendari responded with a bow. "I accept your decision and am honored by your allowance and dispensation." Another bow, and she dismissed herself from the chambers, which errupted into sound behind her...--

Jendari opened her eyes as someone approached. "Pardon ma'am." It was one of the crew. Turning with a greeting smile, Jen responded with a "Yes?"

"Yes ma'am, I was sent to inform you that the weather is making it so we'll have to wait until a higher tide to come into harbor. Also, the boswain was injured while belowdecks a little while ago when a rope snapped and some cargo shifted. Th' Cap'n was hopin' you could take a look at him, seein' as you're the only healer we've got on ship."

Jendari nodded. "Of course, lead the way." She motioned for the man to follow him, and then did so.

-- Jendarek was furious, ranting and raving that evening at their father's house, up in Jendari's room while she packed a bag.

"Peace brother." she said, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. "It matters little anyhow. I am a full adult and member of the tribe now. They can no longer make decisions for me, and my mind is made up."

"But this is foolish! You've just returned home!" Jendarek protested. "It's been less than a week, and you want to go traveling some more already?"

Finishing stuffing her pack, Jendari looked up again. "Yes. I've friends going to the Moonshae Islands, so I'm going to meet them there. BattleMaster has already given his blessing. Even Father seems pleased with the outcome." She smiles. "You should come visit me sometime."

Jendarek flushed. "Of course Father is pleased! You're not going to be around to embarrass him anymore and his seat on the Council will no longer be threatened."

Jendari put a finger to her brother's lips. "Shush Jendarek. Father loves us both and I know it. He doesn't have to say it anymore. I've put him and you both in a predicament because of my selfishness, and now I'm going to fix it, at least for a while, by not being here."

Jendarek, larger than his sister by several inches, gathered her up in his arms for a crushing hug. "Fine then. You write letters. ANd no getting dead, you hear? Or I'll personally have to come down there and smack you around a little." THe grin on his face was audible.

"I won't. I promise." She gave him another kiss on the cheek, shouldered her bag, then went downstairs to say farewell to her father and her Battlemaster who awaited...--

The healing taken care of, Jendari had returned to her cabin for some time and a meal. A knock on the door. "Enter."

The First Mate stuck his head in. "We'll be coming into port soon ma'am, and we need to finalize the list of passengers for the Dock Master. Is there anything specific you wanted on the manifest and listing?"

"Yes." Jendari said, fingering her pendant. "Jendari Telasa, Priestess of Tempus."
"This is why I wear a metal suit. Not that I have nads perse..."

Current Character: Jendari Telasa, Battlepriest of Tempus
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