Scheduling Greengrass Events

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Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by Zelknolf »

Schedule is set, here's what we're doing.

Mage Duels: Friday May 1st, 20:00 US Central
One-on-one fights allowing magic, using nonlethal force until one side yields or is unable to fight back.

Actual Mechanics:
Mage duels shall be carried out in alternating rounds-- attack and defense rounds.
At the beginning of the match, both contestants enter the arena without having cast any spells. The person running the event may choose to dispel contestants if there is suspicion of magic in play.
The crowd is drawn away from the immediate range of the ring, as protection from any collateral damage.

Thereafter, exchanges happen at two calls, made by the contest's organizer--
Defense call, which allows the contestants to cast a spell which does not harm their opponent.
Attack call, which allows the contestants to cast a spell which does harm their opponent or alters the field.

If, on any call, neither contestant casts a spell, the remainder of the contest is handled as a spar, with spells still allowed until the conclusion.

Either contestant may, at any time, yield. At such a time, the opponent is declared the winner.
If at any point a contestant is unable to adequately defend himself or herself*, the person running the event may intervene and declare a winner.

* OOC: this is "knocked out" in this Greengrass, though the rules written for contestants would be in the format of "the ref will stop the fight once there's an obvious winner."
** Also OOC: the arena is rigged to convert your spell damage into subdual damage at the end of the round, so you don't have to do anything but not hit bystanders when fireballing each other.
Pie Eating: Saturday May 2nd, 13:00 US Central
A contest of endurance, forcing oneself to eat as many pies as possible in a confined span of time. Winner determined by an assessment of volume and thoroughness.
Contestants are all placed at a table with pies before them and hands bound behind their backs. They eat until time has expired, and the contestant who has completely eaten the most pies is declared the winner.

If any contestant is unable to remain seated, they are removed from the contest.
If any contestant has a reversal of fortune*, they are removed from the contest.

Every round, everyone rolls dex DC 10. Eating pies without hands is difficult, and just getting pies from pan to gut requires some skill. Everyone who rolls 10+ has eaten a pie.
Everyone may eat a number of pies equal to their constitution modifier before rolling any checks. Thereafter, they must roll a constitution check at DC 10+(the number of pies eaten)-(constitution modifier) [e.g. if I have 16 con, I eat 3 pies for just the dex check; my fourth pie requires DC 11 con; my fifth pie requires DC 12 con]. A failed check is collapsing, vomiting, or some other exit to the contest by the fun and narrative creativity of the player.
Food continues for 10 rolls, and then the winner is dubbed.
Dirty no-good cheaters would expect to have their cheatey skills resisted by the contest judges, and potentially audience members; obviously, getting caught stuffing pockets with pie would be disqualification.

* vomiting
Sparring: Saturday May 2nd, 20:00 US Central
One-on-one fights using nonlethal force until one side yields or is unable to fight back.
Both contestants enter the ring having cast no spells and having no spells cast upon them or their equipment, excepting those which produce permanent and unsupressable effects. The organizer may choose to dispel a contestant if there is suspicion of active temporary effects.

When both contestants declare themselves ready, the organizer calls the beginning and both contestants engage in melee fighting.

If either contestant casts a spell, uses an object which casts a spell, or consumes any magical potion, bauble, or device, that contestant is considered to have forfeit and their opponent is declared the winner.
If either contestant yields, their opponent is declared the winner.
If at any point a contestant is unable to adequately defend himself or herself, the person running the event may intervene and declare a winner.
Archery: Sunday May 3rd, 10:00 US Central
A contest of accuracy, striking targets with increasing difficulty until one side misses.
Both contestants first get opportunity to inspect archery targets at the end of the contest range. They may not alter or move the targets, but may call a judge to investigate and correct problems.

Once satisfied with the targets, the range is called hot and all observers are to move behind the starting marks. Both archers line on the closest mark, and fire on the target.
If both archers strike equally-narrow portions of the target they step back to the next mark and fire again, and continue to move back for the next rounds if they continue to tie.
If the archers are at the final mark, they each make a specific condition for a shot, such as firing with the off hand. If one archer hits the opponent's call and the opponent misses their call, the contest is won.
If at any earlier mark, an archer strikes a more-central ring than their opponent, the contest is won.

OOC: Ranged attack rolls vs. AC 10, 15, 20, etc -- when it gets to called shots, archers get to make up something fun and narrative, but then they just pick the AC they're rolling against for the mechanical resolution. Once one side hits and the other side misses, it's game for the one who hit.
Art and Poetry: Sunday May 3rd, 18:00 US Central
A contest of artistry, creating some artistic presentation entertainment or contemplation of those gathered for Greengrass, winner determined by a panel of judges.
Contestants provide any artistic performance, one at a time and in random order, in the stage portion of the food tent. Judges select the winner at the end of the final performance.

Any performance which does not violate the laws of Selûne* are appropriate.

* That is, normal laws. Technically, Selûne wouldn't have a lot of purely-social hangups because FR, but let's keep Greengrass family friendly so everyone can participate.
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Re: Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by Analogkid »

I've selected my availability for a couple of the events. Do we have a rough idea currently of what's the consensus on the times and dates for the various events?
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Re: Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by CloudDancing »

I may have to reprise my role as a DM for this one. :D
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Re: Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by Zelknolf »

It's hard to have any idea what's best with so few people willing to provide availability.

Between threads and chat, there were a dozen people saying they'd show; if I trust the whenisgood, there's four.
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Re: Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by Ithildur »

Responded rather optimistically, probably will end up with one slot actually unavailable... knock on wood.
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Re: Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by Zelknolf »

Well, looks like interested folk are only interested until it comes time to schedule. Barring some dramatic shift in people willing to talk times and days, it looks like there's nothing to set up because there's only a few people who would attend (and not at the same times).
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Re: Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by Castano »

generally with greengrass we have picked a weekend and declared it 30 day in advance. people adjust their schedules. less freedom is what people want.
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Re: Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by Analogkid »

Yeah at this point its best to just pick a weekend and go with that. As I recall actual attendance was greater then what would have been expected based on forum responses in the past.
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Re: Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by kid »

I'd like to attend I just don't have a preferred time/date.
So whatever it'll be i'll try to make it.
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Re: Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by Zelknolf »

Well, Castano and AnalogKid have run more Greengrasses than I have, so I defer to their expertise.

We'll have the fair grounds open Friday May 1st through Sunday May 3rd, and plan events by what bits of information I have.
Mage Duels: Friday May 1st, 20:00 US Central
Pie Eating: Saturday May 2nd, 13:00 US Central
Sparring: Saturday May 2nd, 20:00 US Central
Archery: Sunday May 3rd, 10:00 US Central
Art and Poetry: Sunday May 3rd, 18:00 US Central

I've gotten a tell or two about offering to run events; I can manage all of the times that I floated, but generally welcome people who would like to do other things to do so-- just try not to demand DM time; I think this is doable in a scheme where DMs don't feel obligated to help us.
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Re: Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by Ithildur »

Looking forward to setting things and people on fire... Burn, burn, burn... muhaha!! :twisted:
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It’s not the critic who counts...The credit belongs to the man who actually is in the arena, who strives violently, who errs and comes up short again and again...who if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement, but who if he fails, fails while daring greatly.-T. Roosevelt
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Re: Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by Zelknolf »

Ithildur wrote:Looking forward to setting things and people on fire... Burn, burn, burn... muhaha!! :twisted:
This is why we can't have nice things.
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Re: Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by Ithildur »

Zelknolf wrote:
Ithildur wrote:Looking forward to setting things and people on fire... Burn, burn, burn... muhaha!! :twisted:
This is why we can't have nice things.
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It’s not the critic who counts...The credit belongs to the man who actually is in the arena, who strives violently, who errs and comes up short again and again...who if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement, but who if he fails, fails while daring greatly.-T. Roosevelt
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Re: Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by shad0wfax »

Talindra may make an appearance!
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Re: Scheduling Greengrass Events

Post by Zelknolf »

In the event that one of these occasions has an underwhelming turnout, we'll run the event with whoever's present (and we just won't spend much time picking a winner), and I will be rallying whoever's present/willing into a backup event after.

I'm not sure what these all will be, but first among them will be a drinking contest (which will use fort saves-- while pie eating shall be inspired by our swimming rules, and you may drown in delicious pastries, drinking competitions shall be inspired by our poison rules, and you may ravage your insides with the corrosive waste of suffocating microbes).
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