Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

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Re: Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

Post by johnlewismcleod »

Once more Lt. Pomador seemed quite preoccupied with military matters (something about goblin raiders if I overheard rightly) and would not be troubled after my concern further than referring my to an irregular militiaman named Liam Longstride. In truth I must accustom myself to my role as itinerant seeker and banish from expectation that any might deem me worthy of greater care than any other pilgrim in the realms. It is my misunderstanding, not Lt. Pomador’s failing, that I feel myself a neglected cast off. My father’s house is far from me and no longer mine.

Be that as may be, Liam Longstride displayed himself an excellent and respectful guide and delivered me safe and unmolested unto Silverymoon’s gates. Though I did muster the strength to wash and don fresh traveling garb in Rivermoot, I am certain that in my weary and distraught state I was not well comported company for the journey. Verily, glad or entertaining dialogue is now a stranger to me. I find that my mind is succumbed to dark musing and I am become unable to bid my tongue to but follow.
Goodwoodsman Liam Longstride hath piercing blue eyes and competent demeanor....jpg
Goodwoodsman Liam Longstride hath piercing blue eyes and competent demeanor....jpg (20.33 KiB) Viewed 7353 times
It was well goodwoodsman Longstride did seem a man of few words himself and seemed not troubled that I followed his lead in plodding silence. He hath blue eyes of exceeding clarity and methinks he did say he is a follower of Meliki’s forester Gwaeron Windstrom, but I cannot bind that with certainty for weariness hath disheveled my mind.

Within the Halls of Inspiration Lorelord Ormast Keldellyn was indisposed to see me, but Loremistress Anthira took me under kind counsel straightaway. When I told her circumstance of the loss of my journal, she was seemly not scandalized. She said that not all possess a warrior’s spirit and that the gentle among us may serve our Lord Oghma in other ways than as wayfaring seekers. Indeed she said that I might be best suited for service within the cloistered safety of our Lord’s Library as was she.

I could not then give voice to the circumstance that had severed me from my parent’s house, and submitted myself to cleansing under her guidance in the Songmaster’s atrium. Verily I felt a great burden washed away beneath ministrations of her acolytes.
The cleansing gave comfort, but I felt Anthira knew even then of my deciet....jpg
The cleansing gave comfort, but I felt Anthira knew even then of my deciet....jpg (94.88 KiB) Viewed 7353 times
But later, in my bedclothes, when the Loremistress asked if I had unburdened all unto her consideration, I found I could not further resist her. I told her all and wept in her arms, but she did not turn away from me. She said that it is not our Lord’s wish that we judge others, but to learn and bind. She said our church was well peopled with rogues as well as heroes, and that no sanctuary is assured us in this realm beyond that which we may secure within our own hearts.
I could not help but reveal all to Loremistress Anthira....jpg
I could not help but reveal all to Loremistress Anthira....jpg (72.1 KiB) Viewed 7353 times
“Do not succumb to the deceit of judging yourself or others, it is our task to bind the truth of things, and your only real error was in attempting to conceal from me your past.” Her tone was not harsh, but she continued...”Nothing is truly lost once bound by a seeker, through service and the grace of our Lord what you now think gone may yet be returned to you”.

Then she bid me take my rest in peace, and verily...I was plagued no further with painful visions that night. It is now morn and as Lathander graces this stained glass, hope is returned unto me.
Last edited by johnlewismcleod on Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I seek plunder....and succulent greens

[Wynna] Chula Lysander: [Talk] *Shakes head* I've been in worse situations. He was just....unjoyful! *stomps foot*

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Re: Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

Post by johnlewismcleod »

She is a bald hin, and her name is Mimosa. When first I did see her outside the High Hold keep in spiked leather plate I thought her male. Even as she turned to face me, and I gazed upon the rippled features of her unfortunate face I did not yet know her as feminine. But when she smiled and spoke, her delicate mouth twisting against the misfortune her visage hath suffered, her voice revealed her to me.

Tears sprang to my eyes unwished as she valiantly stood before the soldiery of that keep, back straight and unbowed by the calamity that had so blighted the distaff charm we of the more vulnerable sex do rely upon as means and commerce in this cruel world. But standing there in her spiked armour, I felt a confusion of emotion take me: pity, disgust, fear. But verily, as I looked into her eyes, despite the sickly hue evident therein, I saw a strength within, or better bound a resilience… like that of an insistent flower anchored in blasted, ruined earth, unwilling to concede the fouled ground to desolation. It’s twisted and deformed petals testament to the need to persevere and transcend the misfortune of its roots.

Indeed in those moments the pity I felt for her gave way to curious envy, but I could not dwell upon these strange emotions, be the insight or imaginings, for then came the devil.
Mimosa and Xujja outside High Hold Keep in the SIlver Marches....jpg
Mimosa and Xujja outside High Hold Keep in the SIlver Marches....jpg (77.07 KiB) Viewed 7356 times
He strode around the approach to the keep with axe in hand, his merciless black eyes beholding all before him with disdain. The very air did seem to go chill and thin as he drew near, causing me to lose my breath and become dizzied. With my heart in my throat I thought fleetingly that perhaps I should pick up Mimosa and attempt to shield her somehow, but even in that same moment I knew that my legs would not support me and I was powerless to oppose his malignant will. I recalled Ankira’s counsel and resigned myself to offer him the praise his aid in the destruction of Bolnak did merit.

He stood before us, and spoke to Mimosa in the tone and manner of familiarity. And lo…it did soon become evident this malformed flower was somehow a friend of Xujja's. I wondered at this, and when soon time later Xujja did leave us unattended I did ask her if he was perhaps the source of her disfigurement. But she said he was not, and to my amazement stated plainly that he had never offered her injury.

As we waited in a cool meadow, bright with the blooms of mountain spring, I asked further about her history. It seemed that I could not help myself but to seek to understand her resilience and power. For even knowing her affiliation with the tiefling, or in truth perhaps further prompted by it, I wished to bind her and glean from her the knowledge that might sustain me in this harsh world.
Mimosa has suffered greatly, and the marks of her travail are plainly seen....jpg
Mimosa has suffered greatly, and the marks of her travail are plainly seen....jpg (141.95 KiB) Viewed 7356 times
She is a follower of Talona, and indeed I can see the evidence of her devotion coursing just beneath the surface of her skin, and the sickly sweet smell of toxin doth faintly emanate from her. She wears an odd roped collar about her slender throat that bears the aspect of slavery, but she will neither speak of it, nor abide its removal. She says she has never known the love of a male, but has been misused by the exploitation of that bestial sex. Indeed I do wonder if it is this misfortune we share that is the source of my fascination with Mimosa. She said that even now she contemplates whether to submit to the suit of Hollis, a male hin of Xujja’s cult. Verily I am gripped with disease that her association with the devil and his followers may yet bring her further injury and suffering, but she seems content (or at the least resigned thereof) to continue thusly.

Indeed it is a marvel to me that I suspect Mimosa may transcend the tragedy that has been so clearly visited upon her and continues to press at her from every side, but my intuition bids me believe this of her, and I will continue to seek understanding of her if circumstance doth permit it.
I seek plunder....and succulent greens

[Wynna] Chula Lysander: [Talk] *Shakes head* I've been in worse situations. He was just....unjoyful! *stomps foot*

Retired PC's: Torquil, Gwenevere
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Re: Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

Post by johnlewismcleod »

I had just left the High Hold Keep after inquiring after Sir Lemuel among the soldiery at the gates. The warriors had been less than civil and one even pinched my bottom when I suggested their commander might not approve of consumption of spirits while on duty. I took refuge in the Inn across the river with the intention of washing and taking my rest, when after some brief and fruitless discussion with the proprietor a young, dark-haired man did speak up and offer assistance. He was well mannered and wore the fine, clean robes of a magi not so deeply subjugated by scholarly endeavour as to neglect his appearance. I realized my fortune had improved when he introduced himself as Marcus Wands:
Marcus Wands in the Angler Inn near High Hold.jpg
Marcus Wands in the Angler Inn near High Hold.jpg (50.08 KiB) Viewed 7359 times
Marcus Wands: [Talk] *clears throat* Goodwoman…

Gwenevere: [Talk] Yes?

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Might I suggest that you try the High Hold just north? might find the blade knight’s commander there.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ahhh...then you know Sir Lemuel?

Marcus Wands: [Talk] I do indeed.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *smiles, curtsies*...Pardon my manners, good sir...I am Gwenevere

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *stands, formal bow* Marcus Wands, graduate of the Lady’s College of Magic

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ahhh...another magi … *smile fades slightly* …Then you know the drunken Ferox, perhaps?

Marcus Wands: [Talk] I cannot say I know any drunks by name, nor this Ferox if indeed he is *slight smile* … you are not fond of wizards, perhaps?

Gwenevere: [Talk] The craft has been bolstered in my estimation only recently and I apologize if my feelings are so bluntly displayed

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *slight laughter*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Good Ferox is a hero, and a credit to your number. He was recently at the Ladies College, he claimed

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Not for any length of time, I would think, or I would have met him… *shrugs* …I do not take particular offense, lady. I do not know him...have you known many wizards then?

Gwenevere: [Talk] More than a few, yes… I find them distressingly cold and distant, if by vocation.

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *slight grin in corner of mouth*

Gwenevere: [Talk] But I disgrace myself…I should not speak so of a hero or one I would beg favour of...

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *grin fades*

Gwenevere: [Talk] For in truth I am in sore need of your aid, magi Wands

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Mmm hmmm *steeples fingers*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I have been to the High Hold keep, and was not well received by the soldiery there

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *cocks head, slight frown*

Gwenevere: [Talk] And I find myself in possession of an item of good knight Lemuel's I wish returned safely to him

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *slight tilt of head, listening*

Gwenevere: [Talk] For he is an honourable knight and did lend aid to Baldur's Gate when we were in dire need… As did the brave magi Ferox

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *narrows eyes*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I would see it to him myself, but I must be away… there is a tiefling about I would wish to avoid…Know you Xujja, perhaps?

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *Face goes blank, slight nod* I know him, aye.

Gwenevere: [Talk] A friend of yours? *eyes reveal discomfort*

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *slight smile* No.

Gwenevere: [Talk] That is a comfort to hear

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *shrugs* it is a fact.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Xujja is also is a hero of Baldur's Gate...

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *eyes betray a surprise*

Gwenevere: [Talk] But remains a vile ruffian and abuser of women

Marcus Wands: [Talk] So it is said

Gwenevere: [Talk] Know you of the recent siege of Baldur's Gate?

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Siege? …as of an army?

Gwenevere: [Talk] army of the worst sort… Vile undead...wargs, goblins, and filth of every stripe

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Gods no! I had not heard this! They attacked the very city of Baldur’s Gate?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed...they did. They were led by a powerful hag named Bolnak

Gwenevere: [Talk] They lay waste to the ducal forces…then raised them up in death to hurl them back against us

Gwenevere: [Talk] All this....fueled by the abduction, torture, and sacrifice of children *eyes begin to tear*

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *looks angry for a moment* I heard something of this hag... but nothing of an army

Gwenevere: [Talk] She found a means to deploy them at will…by use of a magical fog

Gwenevere: [Talk] Many heroes lost their lives...

Gwenevere: [Talk] Names that should be remembered...but may now be forever lost

Gwenevere: [Talk] But I digress *wipes face with a cloth, smoothes hair*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Good knight Lemuel did send aid to us

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *passes hand over face, lets out a deep breath*

Gwenevere: [Talk] And the healing herbs he sent saved many lives… and eased the suffering of our host

Marcus Wands: [Talk] You say Xujja was present as well? *quiet voice, clearly shaken*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Yes...he was. Verily, we would not likely have triumphed without his might in our hour of greatest need

Marcus Wands: [Talk] and the hag... Bolnak... she is destroyed?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *nods* I destroyed her heart myself

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *blinks, looks surprised again*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I cut it out and burned it, that she may never return to this world

Gwenevere: [Talk] But in doing so, I incurred Xujja's wrath… and have suffered his cruel punishments for my offense

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *opens mouth as if to speak, pauses* How?

Gwenevere: [Talk] He is a creature of the Ice Queen…He demanded Bolnak's heart not be destroyed

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *cocks head* Why?

Gwenevere: [Talk] It seems that fire offends him greatly

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Is there no other reason then?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Perhaps… in truth, he rejoices in cruelty…and this may have been a means toward that end for him. Thus, I would leave this place and suffer him no more.

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *taps finger on chin* ... perhaps.

Marcus Wands: [Talk] I, for one, think that you have performed a great service for the Realms by destroying this killer of children, and I bless you for it.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I thank you for your kind words...but verily...methinks it could not have been done without Xujja's aid

Gwenevere: [Talk] He dislikes being named hero...and the bestowing of such a title on his vile person is an affront to the many others who toiled to achieve her ending… But I cannot dispute that his valour and might did sustain our cause and bring us victory

Marcus Wands: [Talk] I’m sure he will use the title to his advantage…He is a gifted destroyer, it is true.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *eyes begin to tear again*

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Do not fear him.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I am a woman, good sir...I must fear him…for it is the vulnerable he takes his greatest pleasure in harming

Gwenevere: [Talk] *wipes face with a cloth, smoothes hair*

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Fortunately, the laws of the Marches protect against such oppression

Gwenevere: [Talk] Laws?

Marcus Wands: [Talk] That’s right

Gwenevere: [Talk] Would that law could return to me what he has taken and destroyed… but it cannot...and I would not seek punishment to be meted out against him… for he is the saviour of innumerable children and mothers

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Just know that the Lady works to prevent that which you speak of…there is recourse if you have been wronged.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I cannot bring suit against him...I must bear what has been done and be thankful for his aid

Gwenevere: [Talk] But I would be away from him and this place in all haste

Marcus Wands: [Talk] As you wish, goodwoman… it is your right to choose.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Will you see this returned to good knight Lemuel? *holds forth a cloak*

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *nods*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *wipes face with a cloth, smoothes hair*

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *studies it with a keen eye a moment, passes a hand over the fabric, mumbling a word*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *reaches out with a trembling hand to touch his cheek*

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *jumps as she touches him, eyes wide*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Bless you, good magi

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *blushes slightly, goofy grin*

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *eyes study her a moment*

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *shakes head, looks down at cloak*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Would that I could stay and return it myself...that I might thank him properly

Marcus Wands: [Talk] hmm... abjuration... *stroking the cloth, studying it* …not trivial magic.

Gwenevere: [Talk] But I cannot bear to stay longer

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *stuffs it into a pack at his feet*

Gwenevere: [Talk] It gave me great warmth and comfort

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Safe travels to you then. And again... my thanks for your work against the hag. *eyes darken a moment*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Goodbye, magi Wands

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Until we are fortunate to meet again…*slight bow*

Gwenevere: [Talk] And give my regards to your brother *cast back over shoulder as she turns to leave*

Marcus Wands: [Talk] ... brother?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *stops, smiles wanly*

Gwenevere: [Talk] He also offered aid to our host…though alas, his aid did not arrive

Marcus Wands: [Talk] My *looks confused*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Lauril? Is he not your brother?

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Ahhh! Lauril is my cousin! You know him then?

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Wait!...He spoke of you!... Yes! *eyes brighten*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Lauril and I are kindred in Oghma

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Oh! I had no idea! *looks excited*

Gwenevere: [Talk] He did speak of travail here in the Marches concerning a plague of some sort…

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *slight frown, nodding*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Likely that preoccupied his efforts

Marcus Wands: [Talk] Safe travels to you lady.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Goodbye, good magi

Gwenevere: [Talk] *smiles, curtsies*

Marcus Wands: [Talk] *returns bow*
I seek plunder....and succulent greens

[Wynna] Chula Lysander: [Talk] *Shakes head* I've been in worse situations. He was just....unjoyful! *stomps foot*

Retired PC's: Torquil, Gwenevere
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Re: Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

Post by johnlewismcleod »

It was a comfort to see Ashan and Kalana on the docks as Captain Vampa guided his craft into Baldur's Gate....jpg
It was a comfort to see Ashan and Kalana on the docks as Captain Vampa guided his craft into Baldur's Gate....jpg (57.85 KiB) Viewed 7361 times
Upon my return to Baldur’s Gate I was heartened to find Ashan and Kalana dockside as I disembarked. Though I know it likely mere coincidence, as Ashan has the cold heart of a magi, I allowed myself the pretence that he came to welcome me out of affectionate display. He did, after all, offer his strong hand to steady me as I stepped across the heaving gunnel.

We went straightaway to the Helm and Cloak Inn and there find dear Connor in a state of inebriation and continuing distemper over her ejection from the palace. I fleetingly took some comfort in seeing her again, but lo...then I realized she had a handsome young man caught up in her calloused grasp and was misusing him disdainfully. His name is Aiden Fireson and though rightly fearful of Connor, he seemed a promising warrior with a keen wit. But with some gentle persuasion and tact Kalana and I were able to calm Connor, and hold counsel with Aiden after Ashan returned from his rest.
Aiden Fireson seems a promising, young hero....jpg
Aiden Fireson seems a promising, young hero....jpg (39.49 KiB) Viewed 7361 times
Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *struggles and appears to be dragged by the woman*

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] I shall rest for a bit...*starts toward stairs*... I will be back soon.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*jerking Aiden about as Ashan, Gwen, and Kalana enter*</i> ...Speak of the devil!

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *staggers a bit trying to keep balance*...Ugh!

Derry Lyonson: [Talk] *frowns*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] HEY! ...ASHAN!

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] This dim-wit be lookin' fer ye!

Gwenevere: [Talk] Connor! ...*rushes forward, shocked expression*... Please!

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *looks frightened as he is gripped by the woman*

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *eyes Connor* ...What?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Pushes Aiden forward.*</i> Go on then ye skiddish git, speak.

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] Easy, mistress Connor...*calmly*... don't hurt him.

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *looks at Ashan a little wide eyed*

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *stumbled forwards as she pushes him*

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] Why were you looking for me, master Aiden?

Derry Lyonson: [Talk] *snorts with a wry grin*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Lanky four-eyed goon...*grumbles, grabs up a frothy mug*

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] All I did was ask her if she has seen you! ...*looks about, seems disoriented*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Ye tell yer friend the duke that 'e can bite me arse!..*loudly to no one in particular, takes another drink*

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *eyes Conner with a bit of fear*

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *slowly inches his way further away*

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] *shakes her head and smirks*

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *places his hands at his hips* Well... what is it fella?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] So. . . Gwen ye bring me anything from where e’er it is ye been??

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] *gestures to the barkeep*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I fear not, Connor ... *giggles, shrugs apologetically* ... But I did take a lovely sketch of a woodsman and a magi...*opens journal revealing sketch of Liam, then Marcus*

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *looks at Ashan, blinks, adjusts glasses* ...Honestly I was just asking if she had seen you and others I know

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] What good is ye anyhow? ...*slams mug down again heavily*... Can I eat them?!

Gwenevere: [Talk] I'm certain you could... *giggles*... but please don't

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] *gestures toward Innkeep*...I'm certain he can make you some food, if you wish.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] No, I cain't... *makes a face*... Ain't no use fer it... <i>*wanders back toward the bar.*</i>

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] Ah, I understand...*nods sagely, glances at Connor*

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] I...I uh had just wished to discuss the issues which continue to plague the city that’s all

Derry Lyonson: [Talk] *picks up a napkin shaking his head and begins polishing his helm*

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *rubs his hand over his other arm where Conner grabbed him*

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] Well... feel free to discuss with the others. I must go to rest for a bit. I should be back soon...*nods, walks toward stairs*

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *looks nervously after Ashan as he leaves*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Sighs, grumbles*</i> Tretcherous sods... Abandonin' me to that metal beastie like ye did.

Derry Lyonson: [Talk] *crooks a brow polishing his helm while watching all the commotion.

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] We didn't know it was going to pick you up and throw you out.

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *tries to look as unassuming as possible*

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *begins to slowly inch further away from Connor*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I did protest, Connor...I assure you

Gwenevere: [Talk] But Ashan vouchsafed your safety...*voice trails off a bit weakly*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Oy! Like hells ye did! PFft... Friends like ye, I ain't be needin' enemies.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *opens hands palms up, contrite expression*...And it seems he was correct

Gwenevere: [Talk] Please, dear...*smiles, hurt expression*...don't be cross

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] uh... perhaps if you did not behave in a manner so uncouth, ma'am

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] That giant metal git that the duke has threw me outta the bloody palace, is what!

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *stops speaking and seems to slink further into the corner*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *pulls out comb quickly, moves between them*... Would you like me to brush your hair for you?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Grits her teeth, looks at Aiden.*</i> What did ye say?!!!

Derry Lyonson: [Talk] *seems rather unaffected by the outbursts except perhaps a small bit of humour from the corner of his mouth*

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *shakes head* ...nothing ma'am

Derry Lyonson: [Talk] tch tch tch... *shaking his head*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *reaches out and begins to comb Connor's ponytail*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Ye brittle, skiddish, half-wit. . . I'm gunna stomp me heel into yer four-eyes!

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] Look on the bright side, Conner...

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] What bright side?!

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] We still have more villains to put in their graves...Your arm and axe'll be needed.

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] You'll be lauded as a hero.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Hmm...*head rolls slightly as Gwen brushes hair*

Aiden Fireson: [Talk] *looks at Kalana for a moment*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *shrugs*...Oy, aye. . .aye. . .

Gwenevere: [Talk] *picks up a bar rag and cleans comb carefully when she finishes*

Derry Lyonson: [Talk] *busily wiping down his helm*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Mayhap I’ll help ye after all... <i>*Rubs her chin.*</i> ...Seein’ as ye lot left me behind when yer squared with that wrinkled ol' croon.

Derry Lyonson: [Talk] *humming to himself*

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] *level gaze*...I'd hate for you to miss out again.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Heh...*picks up mug again*... Fine.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *smiles and winks at Kalana*
I seek plunder....and succulent greens

[Wynna] Chula Lysander: [Talk] *Shakes head* I've been in worse situations. He was just....unjoyful! *stomps foot*

Retired PC's: Torquil, Gwenevere
Former PC's: Rugo, Flora, Rory Mor
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Posts: 2021
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Re: Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

Post by johnlewismcleod »

Tymora’s Black Sister allowed me not even a ride’s respite since my return before my wounded soul is torn afresh by her wicked craft: Xujja is come again unto Baldur’s Gate.

And Lo,...he hath brought the despicable cadre with him he names his family.

It is clear there is no shared blood between them (other than that spilled by them in common craft, I am sure), but all doth refer to one another as sister, brother, or father. Verily I would think them a rival to any goblin clan in wickedness, but I disgrace myself to bind it so...for I know not these rumours of their vile nature to be substantiated by any fact I have witnessed.
Xujja returns to Balbur's Gate...with his cult.jpg
Xujja returns to Balbur's Gate...with his cult.jpg (97.19 KiB) Viewed 7364 times
Only Xujja has wronged me, and although the violation is grievous beyond countenance, it is not my vocation to judge. He did make clear demand that none make fire before we entered unto Bolnak’s lair, and as Loremistress Anthira did remind me “...devils are known to be contractual and vengeful by nature...did he seek promise not “to make fire”, or did he bid you not “to use fire”? For such distinction is of crucial consequence to a devil...”.

Indeed methinks he bid it not be made, but Xujja hath claimed he bid it not be used. But in that wood, staggered and bleeding, I could not recount with certainty to Anthira the precise words. And in truth, although she hath told me such meticulousness is required of me, such lawcraft seems vapid and spurious in pursuit of such endeavor as we were then employed.

Still, my task is clear...Xujja is a hero of Baldur’s Gate and it is my task to bind his actions, not to judge them.

Verily, a cadre of courtiers came to us only yesterday and announced that Duke Eltan would hold a thanksgiving within the fortnight and Xujja is well named to attendance. My comport is soon to be tested, but I will honour my heritage and not disgrace myself through conduct unbecoming a gentlewoman.
Last edited by johnlewismcleod on Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I seek plunder....and succulent greens

[Wynna] Chula Lysander: [Talk] *Shakes head* I've been in worse situations. He was just....unjoyful! *stomps foot*

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Re: Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

Post by johnlewismcleod »

Duke Eltan was gracious and our company well received at the palace. Even Connor succeeded in navigating the ceremony without incident, though I may flatter myself to think that my counsel and explanation of gentle comportment might well have been of assistance to her in this. She would countenance only the barest tutelage, but she did allow me to wash and coif her hair, as well as some minimal instruction as to carriage.

Verily, although she has no more grace than a drunken sailor, I do love her dearly and in truth it is I who learns most from our companionship. She is a woman unbowed by the burdens of our sex, fearless in the face of oppression. Would that one day I should acquire but a fraction of her strength and I would be blessed indeed.

The Duke rewarded my heroes richly and even honoured me with a fine cloak:

Royal Guard : [Talk] So be it ...*nods large helmet once at Connor*... You've been here before...I expect you to keep her respectable in front of the Duke

Gwenevere: [Talk] Of course...*smiles, curtsies*

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] I shall do that, master guardsman.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Aye. . . <i>*Hesitantly.*</i> Aye.

Royal Guard : [Talk] if she collapses in good judgement again...She AND you will be keeping warm in the dungeons

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *whispers to Conner*

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] *nods, looks toward Connor*...Very well.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <I>*Narrows her eyes.*</i>

Royal Guard : [Talk] *looks to Kalana* ...Is this everyone then ?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Frowns deeply and glances to Ashan, spits out a terse.*</i> ...Fine.

Gwenevere: [Talk] No...*frowns, eyes quiver*...Roland is dead

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] Aye... *scowls faintly* ...sadly that is true.

Royal Guard <c=gray>(*)</c>: [Talk] *turns head slowly to Gwen*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *sighs*...And Ferox and Thorvald are...well...*pauses, seems to be struggling for words*...busy being male

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] *nods again*...Everyone that could be found.

Royal Guard <c=gray>(*)</c>: [Talk] *shakes head slowly, then nods* ...then enter

Gwenevere: [Talk] *nods, curtsies*

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *bows his chin respectfully and paces lightly forward*

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] Warrior... *eyes Conner, low tone* ... When you have opportunity land that apology to the dukes.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *slight grimace*...Aye, I know. .

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Please ...*deep voice* ...enter my friends
Duke Eltan gives thanks....jpg
Duke Eltan gives thanks....jpg (38.93 KiB) Viewed 7367 times
Thanksgiving at the palace.jpg
Thanksgiving at the palace.jpg (36.83 KiB) Viewed 7367 times
Duke Eltan: [Talk] *beckons them foward*assemble, please... Welcome to my Palace

Gwenevere : [Party] *moves into place, smiles, curtsies *...your grace

Xujja: [Talk] *Looks aroud, distracted at the details of the place, thoughtful frown, till called*

Rain Dog Special Tactics Soldier Cantel: [Talk] *nods to group*

Conner Brightwood: [Party] Ey,...*pulls on Ashan’s arm, motions to Cantel*... didn't
we save that one?

Red Wizard Cayvax: [Talk] *slithers a smile onto his face*

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *nods, paces forward lightly*...Come

Kalana Du'Monte: [Party] *nods politely* good eve' Your Grace.

Duke Eltan: [Talk] *tired smile* Good eve to you as well

Xujja: [Whisper] *looks across room, low voice*...Thayans.

Duke Eltan: [Talk] my apologies for the late night request...however; to conduct a ceremony is often too difficult within the schedule of the city

Xujja: [Talk] *Watches the man speaking, the looming golem behind*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <I>*Grins widely.*</i>

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *is gazing at duke, calmly and quietly*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] A sacred ceremony under the moon and stars seems to pass more gracefully ...*smiles*... as many who don’t care not present themselves

Duke Eltan: [Talk] are all here for your bravery in aiding in yet another horrific war which has plagued the territory protected by Baldur

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *absently folds his hands behind*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] For your services ; I have repaired for each of you with a special gift from our archives which I feel would only be suitable for such an accomplishment as all of yours

Duke Eltan: [Talk] now...before we start; my trusted scribe has asked me for you to announce yourself ...*motions to the assembled* ...and your part in the defeat of Bolnak directly

Flaming Fist Mercenary Guard: [Talk] *addresses the assembled*...With my address,state your name and role within the war with the evil hag

Flaming Fist Mercenary Guard: [Talk] *looks to Conner* ...YOU may begin, my lady

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Uh!

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *eyes Conner, low voice*... This could be fine opportunity to say your apology to the duke first.

Duke Eltan: [Talk] *Nods to Conner, squinting eyes while he studies her face*

Gwenevere : [Party] *looks toward Connor with concern*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] I didn't really fight the Hag. I juss sorta rescued them kids the ol' croon captured an'. . . *pause, looks at feet, shifts uneasily*. . .an' I wanted to apologize.

Duke Eltan: [Talk] *raises a caterpillar like brow* ...apologize?

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *pats Conner at her shoulder lightly in respectful manner then eyes the duke with discipline again*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Aye! It was rude of me an' bad company to snoop about fer yer kitchen. It were late, and I was hungry an'. . . well. . .

Red Wizard Cayvax: [Talk] My lord... *speaks up*... this is the one that ransacked through the palace during our last meet ...*narrows eyes to Conner*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Ransacked?! ...*looks up in protest*...I opened a few doors 'ere an there! That's hardly a ransackin'!

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Ahh ...*nods slowly* ...I felt your face was familiar

Gwenevere : [Party] *speaks up*... Connor fought bravely at the battle of the East Gate bridge...and aided in the destruction of Bombara

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *eyes red wizard* She lacks manner or two, but I assure you... *eyes the duke then* ...she has a noble heart.

Gwenevere : [Party] Indeed!

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Well then...*looks from one to another coolly*...for your courage, I will accept your apology

Red Wizard Cayvax: [Talk] *rolls eyes to the duke’s words*

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *nods once respectfully to the duke*

Kalana Du'Monte: [Party] *resists the urge to pinch the bridge of her nose, doing her best to remain patient*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] and award you with this...*pulls a pendant from the chest at his side, smiles*...step forward Lady Conner

Gwenevere : [Party] *smiles and curtsies*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Oy! Well, thank ye...*beams happily, examining it*... Fancy.

Duke Eltan: [Talk] This very amulet was found in the walls of the Helm and Cloak Inn during its renovation and is a priceless amulet

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Although we nay know who planted such in the walls...*smiles* dates back to a time when Baldur still lived

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Wow. <i>*holds up the amulet.*</i> Have thanks fer it.

Gwenevere : [Party] *eyes widen, beams happily*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] now please...retire to your place and know you have my gratitude for your part... *pauses*... and lets hope you will also learn to control yourself a bit more in the future? ...*slight smile*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*bows, turns back*</i> Er, aye. . .

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <I>*Stands ackwardly.*</i>

Flaming Fist Mercenary Guard: [Talk] You there... *looks to Ashan* ...announce your name and part!

Gwenevere : [Party] *looks toward Ashan*

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *eyes Duke* ...I would be Ashan Faewind, devout of the Goddess of magic. My thoughts and battle with the hags and evils that were followed in her arrival are long and tiresome. I...*pause*... dispatched the hag with firm allies of mine that are standing before you... I also helped in saving the children.

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Very well...*examines Ashan* ...and from what I know, you also aided in the Jolene Conflict..did you not?

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] Indeed, I did... I still carry that medal you presented to me.

Duke Eltan: [Talk] hmmm...devote such as you, Ashan, will go far...keep up your deeds and you will surely have lands here in Baldur some day

Gwenevere : [Party] *beams proudly at Ashan*

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *considers for a moment, then just nods faintly*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] However...*clears throat*... for now, I present you with this...*tugs out a pair of oddly sewn gloves*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Once there was a great wizard and she helped a city by standing against what she felt was wrong. She recreated that city along with some allies and made it better...*pauses*... that Lady was Duchess Liia good friend

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *is listening in quiet*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] and she wore these when she battled the Farm Tyrants who once owned this city

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] That is quite of a honour, Duke Eltan... I thank you for this gift.

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Now go...*motions back toward the assembled*...and know the Duke has thanked you for your courage

Flaming Fist Mercenary Guard: [Talk] *looks to Red Wizard* ...YOU...state your name and role

Red Wizard Cayvax: [Talk] *gives an overly polite bow* ...My Liege

Xujja: [Whisper] *displeased exhale when the Thayan steps up*

Red Wizard Cayvax: [Talk] *Slithering voice* ...I am Red Wizard Cayvax of the Thayan Enclave

Red Wizard Cayvax: [Talk] I was the one who cracked the location of Bolnak's Cottage

Red Wizard Cayvax: [Talk] so that your Flaming Fist Warriors could invade and assault her forces

Xujja : [Party] *Black eyes stare at the back of the bald head, smile fades*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] *nods* ...and for that...we must honour the Thayans and their dedication, although you are technically part of another nation, we salute your assistance

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] *glances to Xujia, then back to the Duke ahead*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <I>*Rubs her brow and rolls her eyes.*</i>

Duke Eltan: [Talk] For your efforts...I grant you with nay an item

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Wrinkles her brow looking confused.*</i>

Duke Eltan: [Talk] ...but permission that was requested from your Enclave to import another fifteen of your colleagues into the city and grant them a one year visitor term in our city.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Palms her face.*</i>

Gwenevere : [Party] *eyes widen slightly*

Red Wizard Cayvax: [Talk] *gives a shark toothed smile* Oh your excellency ...*bows*... you are too kind

Duke Eltan: [Talk] now go and know that Duke Eltan is thankful for your innovation this day

Flaming Fist Mercenary Guard: [Talk] YOU ...*stops*... um..Sergeant! Please step forward an announce yourself

Flaming Fist Mercenary Sergeant Suttler: [Talk] *eyes the Soldier with judgement*... I shall soldier

Flaming Fist Mercenary Sergeant Suttler: [Talk] *salutes* Sir...Fist Sergeant Suttler at your service. I pushed the last of our men forward and reorganized a counter strike in the Sharp Tooth Woods during our initial assault against Bolnak.

Flaming Fist Mercenary Sergeant Suttler: [Talk] We were able to gather wounded and retreat while countering an ambush and saving many

Duke Eltan: [Talk] hmmm...Very good Sergeant. For your deeds I grant you with this ...*hands him a finely crafted blade* ...Do you know what this is?

Flaming Fist Mercenary Sergeant Suttler: [Talk] Sir...*eyes the blade*...No

Duke Eltan: [Talk] This is the Sword of a stand tall Lieutenant, your ability to aid in the darkest of times has raises your rank within the Fists

Flaming Fist Mercenary Sergeant Suttler: [Talk]’s an honour, sir ...*salutes and takes blade*...I don’t know what to say

Duke Eltan: [Talk] There is nothing to say, it has already been spoken... *motions* go stand

Flaming Fist Mercenary Guard: [Talk] *looks to Rain Dog* Step Forward with name and role

Gwenevere : [Party] *smiles at Cantel*

Rain Dog Special Tactics Soldier Cantel: [Talk] *gives crisp salute* ...Special Tactics and Loyal Blade Cantel

Rain Dog Special Tactics Soldier Cantel: [Talk] When our unit’s assault failed in the attack on Bolnak's lair...I personally pushed forward and entered her compound until meeting up with some local heroes and re-infiltrating the prison. We then liberated the children

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Very good, Cantel...*nods*... You have done your city well

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *whisper*...I knew 'e looked familiar.

Gwenevere : [Party] *beams happily*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] And for that I grant you lands, my friend. You will own the cottage just outside of East Gate along with ten folds of plantery land and three new stallions

Rain Dog Special Tactics Soldier Cantel: [Talk] My Lord...*hushed voice, bows deeply*...I am honored

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Come forward...*motions*

Rain Dog Special Tactics Soldier Cantel: [Talk] *lowers to one knee and bows head*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] *taps Cantel on the right shoulder then the left with his blade*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] You are now Knighted as member of the Baldurian Fraternity

Gwenevere : [Party] *beams happily, dabs at a tear with cloth*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] *lowers sword* rise, sir Knight

Rain Dog Special Tactics Soldier Cantel: [Talk] *stands and salutes the duke*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] go now..and be in line with the others

Flaming Fist Mercenary Guard: [Talk] *looks to Gwen* ...You....state your name and role in the defeat of Bolnak

Gwenevere : [Party] I am Gwenevere, your grace...*smiles, curtsies*

Gwenevere : [Party] I am no warrior...and in truth did only aid the heroes in the long campaign as best I could in my capacity as a healer of Oghma and binder of knowledge

Gwenevere : [Party] I did destroy Bolnak’s vile heart...*eyes quiver but remain on the Duke*...that she may never return to trouble this land again... *curtsies again*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] *dips head* a fine job you did, my Lady. For your efforts ... *takes a cloak hanging from the chair behind him*...I give you this

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Looks around the throne room.*</i>

Gwenevere : [Party] *eyes widen*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] When Duke Entar Silvershield was but a warrior battling for Baldur he wore this...with this cloak, he was able to keep himself safe from the worse that foul weather gave him...and was sustained

Gwenevere : [Party] Your grace...*hushed voice* is beautiful

Gwenevere : [Party] *curtsies, holding it forward*...I am honoured.

Duke Eltan: [Talk] go now...and know the Duke is grateful of your efforts. As humble as you describe them to be...*motions toward the others*

Gwenevere : [Party] Thank you, your grace...*curtsies deeply*

Flaming Fist Mercenary Guard: [Talk] *looks to Kalana* You Step Forward!

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Hides a yawn and looks around the throne room.*</i>

Flaming Fist Mercenary Guard: [Talk] name and role

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] *nods and steps forward from the line*...I am Lady Kalana
Du'Monte...I was with the party that journeyed into her lair and helped to bring an end to the hag herself.

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Yes...*nods* ...your sister was a hero here as well

Duke Eltan: [Talk] It is with special pleasure that I give you this. It is something I am most excited about for we found its origins to be related to your very talented sister

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Mutters half-whisper.*</i> Wheresthechamberpot?

Duke Eltan: [Talk] without going into the details in public that I’m sure you already know

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] *can't help but keep the curious expression off her face, decidedly not interrupting the duke mid-speech*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] we attained this was forged by Halbazzar Drin, head of the Wizard's Guild here

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *eyes Conner and speaks with his voice lowered* ...Don't let impatience betray you. Remain disciplined as you have so far.

Duke Eltan: [Talk] it was crafted for all who rescued the city what seems like months ago

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Waves to Ashan dismissively.*</i>

Duke Eltan: [Talk] for your sister...when she rescued the city from Jolene

Duke Eltan: [Talk] *takes out an amulet*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] please...take this and be honoured for your sister too was once rewarded

Duke Eltan: [Talk] with this very same amulet

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] *bows her head* it is my honour to have stood and defended the city.

Duke Eltan: [Talk] now stand I thank you for your bravery

Gwenevere : [Party] *smiles happily*

Red Wizard Cayvax: [Talk] *cracks a small smirk while looking to Kalana*

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *keeps gazing at the duke, calmly and with disciplined manner*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Rubs her arm and twists her legs.*</i> Erm. . .

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] My thanks, your Grace.

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] *smiles and steps back towards the line*

Flaming Fist Mercenary Guard: [Talk] *looks to Xujja* You Sate your name and role in the victory against Bolnak

Xujja: [Talk] I am Xujja of White-Pines... Elk only have one name, we don’t name our families

Xujja: [Talk] I assaulted that shack with your hag, Bolnak...*shrugs*... Chopped the lass up

Xujja: [Talk] *pauses*...Yer Grace

Duke Eltan: [Talk] *cocks head back then shifts posture* ...Very good

Red Wizard Cayvax: [Talk] *narrows eyes as he stares to Xujja*

Xujja: [Talk] I came to your city to pray at that shrine of yours ...went along almost by accident

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Well then...your timing was of fate, it seems

Gwenevere : [Party] *face studiously neutral*

Xujja: [Talk] It was exciting,...*nods*... worth the walk, your grace

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Ahh...I remember when I once had the same energy ...*nods, reaches into chest*... for your bravery at a moment’s notice

Xujja: [Talk] Your grace...*speaks up*... if I may...

Duke Eltan: [Talk] *pauses* ...Yes?

Xujja: [Talk] I would ask a boon... it would mean more to me than any treasure from your coffers, and will cost you nothing

Duke Eltan: [Talk] *raises a brow* ...cast your request?

Gwenevere : [Party] *eyebrows rise slightly*

Xujja: [Talk] My wife, your grace, is of a more exotic and strange look and race than myself.... yet she is a soft city girl still. She yearns to buy makeup in a market, and listen to bards in a tavern. I am a wild man, and have been keeping her in a tent in the wild...Its not place for such a beauty, and great artist

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Hmmm... *looks confused* ...I am not quite sure I understand your request ...*crooks an eyebrow*... you wish for makeup?

Xujja: [Talk] No, I want the lass to be able to go get it herself. I would ask you make my wives and I citizens in your city, or at least free to come worship at your shrine. It would mean the world to her... and you’d only have to sign a piece of paper letting her pass your guards.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Mouth drops.*</I>

Gwenevere : [Party] *face drains of colour*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] *rubs beard*... quite the interesting request. Why can she nay enter town now? ...*studies Xujja curiously*... is she an outlaw?

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *is looking between duke and Xujja with very faint expression of amusement on his face*

Xujja: [Talk] You would normally hesitate to allow one of the dark elves, ...a defector from the city of Menzoberranzan

Flaming Fist Mercenary Guard: [Talk] *gasps*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Gah! The 'ells!

Red Wizard Cayvax: [Talk] *lets out a small laugh*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] No bleedin' way!

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] *inspects the amulet in her grasp with a hint of a smile to
herself, not lending much attention to the situation*

Xujja: [Talk] Despite the reputation of those people... they have butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers in their race...Like anyone one else

Duke Eltan: [Talk] you mean a ...*raises voice*... DROW?!

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Don't listen to that demon scum!

Duke Eltan: [Talk] perhaps my friends this is a request best reserved for privacy

Gwenevere : [Party] *hisses quietly* ...Connie!

Xujja: [Talk] Thats exactly what I mean your Grace. I am also not of demon blood despite what is being said

Duke Eltan: [Talk] I was nay aware you were married to any DROW

Xujja: [Talk] Just one of them, your grace, my other wife is a hin
<color=cyan>DMFI Dice Roll for: Diplomacy Mod: 0 TOTAL: 6</color>

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] I'll not brook any demons an' dark elves in Baldur’s gate!

Gwenevere : [Party] *moves to Connor’s side, takes a hand, whispers*...Connie...please!

Duke Eltan: [Talk] *brows rise* ...your OTHER wife?!

Xujja: [Talk] Elks take up to three... *Shrugs and nods* ... the cheifs anyway, your grace

Duke Eltan: [Talk] My friend...take these... *shakes head, holds out gloves *... they will keep you safe and aid when you are in danger

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *eyes Conner briefly and calmly then turns his attention slowly back at duke and Xujja again*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Lets out a small sigh of relief.*</i>

Duke Eltan: [Talk] As for your request...I regret to inform you that this Duke will nay be able to allow a Drow into my great city. I'm sure she may be lovely to you, but... *shaking head* ...enjoy the gloves...your service was appreciated

Xujja: [Talk] I can’t accept your gift, of course ...*nods*

Xujja: [Talk] My thanks for the honour of your presence

Duke Eltan: [Talk] *bows head* ...I understand, your thanks is still held though in my mind ... *respectful voice* ...just nay your request

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Now... *looks to the group* ...with that being said

Gwenevere : [Party] *eyes tear up*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] as some of you may know

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <I>*Swallows hard.*</i>

Duke Eltan: [Talk] there is still a deeper shadow and secret that lies beneath the mists which we do not attain as yet. Stay vigilant and know that it is those who stand few and brave

Gwenevere : [Party] *blinks*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *wipes face with a cloth, smoothes hair*

Duke Eltan: [Talk] which keep the majority safe

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Dismissed with gratitude for your fellow citizens of Baldur

Duke Eltan: [Talk] Our Thanks *holds out chest*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *smiles, curtsies*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Wide smile.*</i>

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] *bows carefully* Again, thank you for the honour.

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *bows his chin respectfully*

Flaming Fist Mercenary Guard: [Talk] All give hail to the Duke

Rain Dog Special Tactics Soldier Cantel: [Talk] hail

Flaming Fist Mercenary Sergeant Suttler: [Talk] hail

Red Wizard Cayvax: [Talk] hail

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] *glances to the others with a smile, then looks to the Duke* Hail.

Gwenevere : [Party] Hail, your grace *curtsies*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] wah?

Xujja: [Talk] Long live the duke

Flaming Fist Mercenary Guard: [Talk] Dismissed!

Kalana Du'Monte: [Talk] Ah..

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] *eyes Conner* You held your dignity well, warrior.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Oy! Where's the chamber pot?...*squirms*... I gotta piss!

Ashan Faewind: [Talk] Well, your best hope is outside the castle.

Gwenevere : [Party] Come, Connie... *giggles, takes Connor’s arm* the inn, then

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] <i>*Twists her legs.*</i> This is awful. No food. No beddin'. No chamber pot...*grimaces*... I ain't some uncivilized git. I ain't gunna jus piss on the bleedin' floor.
I seek plunder....and succulent greens

[Wynna] Chula Lysander: [Talk] *Shakes head* I've been in worse situations. He was just....unjoyful! *stomps foot*

Retired PC's: Torquil, Gwenevere
Former PC's: Rugo, Flora, Rory Mor
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Posts: 2021
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:37 am
Location: Tarrant County, Texas

Re: Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

Post by johnlewismcleod »

A Banite priest is come unto our city, and lo…he hath no shame in naming his patron before all that might hear. My brethren revile his kind and I have both read and listened to much discourse concerning the villainy of Banites, but I cannot dispute he is both handsome and well mannered. Indeed I might bind him seeming a gentleman were I ignorant of his service to The Black Lord. Verily I fear his arrival bodes further misfortune for us all.
Barid Mosinel...priest of Bane.jpg
Barid Mosinel...priest of Bane.jpg (65.86 KiB) Viewed 7337 times
Methinks I did well maintain a demeanor of civility in his presence, but he doth not offer any reason to hope he may soon depart. Indeed he stated he hopes to muster service to The Lord of Darkness here in Baldur’s Gate if so allowed. I can but hope the Dukes will dissuade him of such endeavour. I bind herein his image and his pronouncements in that troubling encounter:

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Ainnit true everywhere?

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Freedom only leads to Chaos.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *Shrugs.* Whatever…*Begins to look bored.*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *looks over male curiously*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *glances behind him at the sound of footsteps, stands*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Good day, Connor *smiles, curtsies*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] My lady.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *bows his head and then returns to his seat*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] 'Ey there Gwen!... *Has her feet kicked up on the table.*…Have a sit

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *does not smile*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Good day, sir *smiles, curtsies, then waits*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Is this handsome man a friend of yours, dear? …*pauses, hands on back of chair *…perhaps you should introduce him?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *She looks up and snorts. She spits up into the air and catches it in her mouth.* …Why?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *looks over Barid questioningly*… Is he an acquaintance, then dear?...*voice leading*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *frowns slightly at Conner's actions and turns to his book before looking back to a small leather bound book*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *scrapes some mud off boot on table edge*…Nah, juss some idjit who was less crazy than the other crazy.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *giggles, blushes* …Connie!

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] What?

Gwenevere: [Talk] You should be more...*trails off, flutters a hand in distress*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] I sat with some loony bastard over there… *Jerks her thumb at the table behind her.*… 'e was speakin' all sorts of nonsense.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *Looks at her sternly.* I should be more. . . What?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *avoids gaze, turns to Barid* I am Gwenevere, good sir...

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] She speaks her mind, as wrong as her opinion is, it is her own. Better for her to speak it than lie.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Oy! Piss off! Who arsked ye any way?

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *glances up at Gwenevere*… I am Barid Mosinel. Priest of Bane, my lady.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] I ain't wrong. That's how folks IS in the Sword Coast.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Connor is well known and loved for speaking plainly...*eyes widen in apparent shock*…Bane did you say, sir?

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *almost smiles, though it does not reach his eyes* I speak plainly as well.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Aye. I ain't realize them hoity-toity priests of Bane came all this way, ey? Less nary a guard in sight. *Shakes her head.* Usually ye get them Zhi. . .zhe. . . that idjit caravan passin through Th' Gate.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Forgive my surprise, sir…*seems off-balance*… I did not know we were so honoured as to have a priest of such an oft neglected deity about town

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Heh…*winks*… 'E's neglected fer a reason.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I had thought it unlikely to meet such as yourself this far from the Moonseas

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Say what ye will about Bane, but I doubt 'is arse can grow a crop all too well.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *Scratches her chin.* Er… fergive me blasphemy priest.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Ignorance is not blasphemy.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] To each god is given a domain, it is not Bane's role to farm.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *hand rises to throat unconsciously*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] As for the Moonsea, Lady Gwenevere, I do not venture from there or represent those who claim to worship Bane in that region.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *Lays lazily in the chair.* So anything worth killin' today? ey? - uh. . .*Trails off.*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] They tossed ye out on yer laurals, ey? …*grins, winks*…I ain't suprised. Ye seem like a dim-wit.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I truth I have never been that far west...*colour rises to cheeks, fans herself with a hand*…Indeed I only repeat what careless gossip I have gathered over the years...

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] I heard 'em zhents is doin' good works down there an Amn...*loud enough to fill room*...Ha!... Amn can bleedin' keep 'em too!

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *shakes his head and looks to Conner*… Do you often insult what you do not understand? Your ignorance will get you killed one day.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] If I knew what 'ignorance' were, I'd probably get rid of it afore it did.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Gossip is never a valuable source of information, my lady…*looks back to Gwen*… I would suggest ignoring it in the future.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *pulls out journal and opens it* …You are not offended if I bind your likeness, are you?

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *frowns slightly*…To what purpose, my lady?

Gwenevere: [Talk] It is …*pauses*…my vocation.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Purpose, purpose, purpose! Why does everythin' got to have a purpose for ye!

Gwenevere: [Talk] I assure you I mean no harm in it. I am a healer of Oghma...I do not judge... I bind and seek to understand

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *frowns* Do as you will then, my lady.
Conner Brightwood: [Talk] That's the spirit!

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *looks back to Conner*… Because lack of purpose leads only to chaos and pain.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *murmurs, laying out journal*…There has been much of both in
Baldur's Gate of late...

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *glances back to Gwenevere* …With understanding comes judgment, in one form or another. As we understand the world and our role in it, we cannot but help to judge the actions of others… Whether we admit to it or not.

Gwenevere: [Talk] It remains my goal not to, nonetheless...*busily drawing in journal*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *looks back to his book, and returns to his writing*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *Shrugs.*…Whatever. If ye got the ambition to strive through uh, chaos, er whatever. . . but definately the pain part, ye can become more than what ye is. I mean not abandonin' freedom. I juss mean bein' better.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *nods absently*…This is a lesson I hope Connor may one day teach me...

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *shakes his head* In the end, my lady, we all must choose a side. Spectators can only stand aside for so long.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Your god has made such a choice before…*speaks while he writes*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Not to get all heavy-minded on ye or nothin'. Cause I think ye would juss know things more than me. . . but! …Yer limited… Cause ye choose to be.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *pauses in his writing for a moment*… Limited? How so?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Well, take yer god. Yer god wants everything, ey? Tyranny. It's all about control. Ye,… yer juss the tool, ey? Like a hoe, er a shovel. Somethin' to till the soil. Now, take me Lord. Me Lord says; No limits. No tippy top. Strive until ye become a god!

Gwenevere: [Talk] *seems engrossed in studying Barid*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] The gods placed limits on mortals for a reason, we have duties and a part to play, to attempt to exceed them only leads into chaos.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Bah.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] And who is your god… Tempus?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Heh. Nah. . .

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] What do ye care? Yer content in yer own lil' life.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] I had not realized he wished yet another competitor in his domain.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] When yer beneath me. I'll spit upon ye and the flood waters will wash ye away.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] I never spoke that I was content…*eyes narrow*… Now tell me woman, who is your god?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Nah.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] You are ashamed of your worship then?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Nah. I juss think it's wise to keep me mouth shut on the account yer so damned ornery…Sides' yer a Priest. There ain't nothin' yer god ain't know already.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Arsk him.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] So then a god of deciet or shadows most likely? *eyes Conner with distrust*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Bane respects those who do not rely on his strength when they have their own.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Then 'e should love the 'ells outta me…So relax, ye uptight sod.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *shakes his head and returns his head to his writing* …You use your strength for own chaotic goals, not those of Order. And if my suspicion on your faith is correct, then he certainly has no love for you.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *voice slightly shrill*…Do you hope to establish a church here in our region, sir Barid?

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] That would be ideal, if I could be of service to those in this land who are in need of protection from chaos and criminality.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed we only recently vanquished such a one… With great loss of life and heroic endeavour

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Aye… Bleedin' ol crone. I wish I t'were there to bury me axe in 'er sorry hide.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Yes, I have heard of this hag. Unfortunate that of those brave enough to face it's chaos, so many died. I honor their sacrifice.

Gwenevere: [Talk] As do I, brave Connor...perhaps you could have helped save brave Roland

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Aye, I heard.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Alas I lost consciousness...and failed to extend him succour in his moments of greatest need … *eyes tear up*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Sorry to 'ear Rolly went belly up. If it means anythin'. I thought 'e was destined fer greatness. I guess I was wrong.

Gwenevere: [Talk] He has achieved greatness, Connor …*quietly, tears streaming*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Nah.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *wipes eyes and looks up defiantely* …He is a hero

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *glances up at Gwenevere's tears and shakes his head* Your sorrow does little to help you. Remember him as he was, and use his loss to give you the anger and strength to carry on.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] . . .but at least 'e died doin' what 'e loved…Aye, I agree with' tight britches 'ere.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I am no warrior...nor have I a warriors hard heart

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Hmm…I could 'elp ye.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I bleed when wounded...and weep in sorrow

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] I hate bein' wounded! Shyte, it 'urts like all bloody 'ells.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *wipes eyes again and tucks cloth away in bodice*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] We are all warriors, you simply fight in different battlefields.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *shrugs and looks back to his writing*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Heh. Don't humor 'er priest. She's grievin'.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Perhaps I will one day learn to be stronger...

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] That's the spirit!

Gwenevere: [Talk] I envy you both your callous hearts

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Grief can provide strength if properly focused.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Callous!?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Now juss wait one moment. . .*Ponders for a while.*. . . I ain't callous. I miss Rolly.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] You can remember him and use your grief as a source of strength without letting it control you. Callousness is feeling no emotion at all. I do not advise that, I advise you to use your emotion, not let it use you.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed, Connor...I meant no offense...I do envy you

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] envyin' folk ain't the best thing. What ye gotta do is have the abmition to go out and become stronger. You have potential in ye. Ye juss gotta take it.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I do hope to learn from you in that, Connor... But enough about me and my weaknesses...I am not so very interesting...

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *sighs and shakes his head*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] So when is the next Zh. . .uh, Zhent? Zhentar-, when is the next caravan comin' through?

Gwenevere: [Talk] But at present we should make welcome our guest, no?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Why?

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] I do not require or desire welcome. As for the Zhentillar, I would not know, I am glad to have no association with those honorless dogs.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *eyes widen* Have I heard wrongly, then?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *Sighs.* The 'ells!! When will them Iron thrones get 'ere!

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *ignores Conner and looks up to Gwenevere*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Is not Zhentil Keep a Banite stronghold?

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] It is. And many of the Zhentarim claim to follow Bane, but they do so out of their own ambition for power, not out of a desire to serve Bane's vision for Order.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I see...fascinating...*takes notes*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *Scratches her head.* What's the difference?

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] A man who works and scrambles only for his own gratification can be stopped, killed, or persuaded along a different path.

Gwenevere: [Talk] To serve one’s self, is not to serve one's patron, Connor…

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] I guess ye gotta have focus.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] A man who works for something more than themselves will fight harder, inspire vision and brotherhood in others, and if of strong enough influence, even death cannot stop them.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Very few god's countenance such...perhaps Mask…*looks up slyly as she mentions Mask*… But followers of that dark shadow are rarely known it is said

Gwenevere: [Talk] Have you ever met a Maskite, sir Barid?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Death usually stops everyone all the same, near as I tell.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Does it? Look at this city around you.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] 'cept fer zombies. ..

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] . . . an that one uh, what was it Gwen? …the feller on the bridge.

Gwenevere: [Talk] The Traitor Son

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Aye, him.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I do believe we will soon hear from him again…and our next encounter may be less pleasant even than the last

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] . . .but even still, ye can kill again' what’s doth risen again. So, I guess in a way. . .what ye said was hogwash.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *shakes his head* Look at this city…Baldur's Gate.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Annit great?!

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Balduran's Vision lives on through it. Death took him, but it did not defeat his purpose and vision.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Balduran's Vision, sir?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Hmm. I never really thought of it that way.

Gwenevere: [Talk] You mean his vision of this city?

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Yes.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *nods* It lives on...bolstered ever by the heroes who defend it…though if what the Traitor Son has said is true... It may now be in peril

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Traitor son?

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Oh, I juss thought Baldur ain't dead cause 'e still got 'is ci'y.

Gwenevere: [Talk] A vampire

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *frowns*

Gwenevere: [Talk] He did attempt to dissuade us from destroying Bolnak by use of cunning lies and courtly grace

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] I see.

Gwenevere: [Talk] If…*pauses*...indeed they were lies

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *Rubs her nose and begins to look bored.*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] He will be defeated in the end…*shrugs*… It is Chaos' nature to turn in on itself

Gwenevere: [Talk] He claimed that Ao has deployed a being of immense destructive power...

Gwenevere: [Talk] Verily...of power to match a god, he said...

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *laughs* The Overfather cares nothing of mortals or this realm to do any such thing.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Hmm… I don't know what ye two are even blitherin' about.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I did think as much myself...and when he claimed that Bolnak and her atrocities did keep the creature at bay I pronounced it a lie

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Ao the Overfather is supposedly to the Gods, what the gods are to us.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Now yer speakin' jibberish. Ain't nothin' above the gods.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] The Time of Troubles would suggest otherwise.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *Rolls her eyes.* Not that bleedin' fairy tale again!

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Believe as you will. It matters not to me.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Then why didn't ye shut yer yap when I spoke up?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ao, it is said, is the overgod, is bound thus

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] I think it's a lot of nonsense.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Because I was attempting to relieve you of your ignorance, I will not do so in the future if you seem so set against it.

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Oh! W...wait juss a bit…*exaggerated grimace*… Don't do that.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *shrugs* Our good fortune that Ao would not care one way or the other then

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Fine! Fine! …*throws up hands, rolls eyes*…It ain't a fairy tale, yeesh!

Gwenevere: [Talk] Whether what the Traitor Son spoke was truth or devious lie...methinks he will be displeased that we destroyed the creature he sought to protect. And he is not a common vampire...but one of immense power…able to transform into vapour at will...

Gwenevere: [Talk] There is yet dire need of heroes in Baldur's Gate

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] How am I gunna axe mist?

Ferox: [Talk] * walks down the stairs into the room*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *frowns to Connor*…Methinks we've not seen the last of him...Ferox!

Ferox: [Talk] * turns to Gwenevere* Good morn, Gwen

Gwenevere: [Talk] It is good to see you again, brave magi

Ferox: [Talk] you seem to be quite up beat today rather than your normal worried self …* smiles*… Perhaps the demise of Bolnak has brightened your outlook ?

Ferox: [Talk] * nods to the others at the table and takes a seat*
Ferox...wizard, drunkard, hero of Baldur's Gate.jpg
Ferox...wizard, drunkard, hero of Baldur's Gate.jpg (94.99 KiB) Viewed 7337 times
Gwenevere: [Talk] I am indeed...*rises, curtsies*…and I have yet to thank you for that service

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] *Looks less enthused about Ferox's arrival.*

Ferox: [Talk] Thank me for what? …*raises an eyebrow* …tagging a long and being a punching bag?... *laughs*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Ey…*nods, looking at Ferox with a grin*… that's a good idear. I'll be sure to invite ye along with me an' the priest of Tempus next time we venture into the Cloakwood.

Gwenevere: [Talk] You were brave and not seek to belittle your effort.

Ferox: [Talk] * laughs at Conner*… chipper as always Mistress...

Gwenevere: [Talk] I was there and bore witness…*rests hand on journal*… Your deeds are bound

Ferox: [Talk] You were there, and did far more then myself, but we did it together as a team …and that is what matters

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed...*nods, smiles*…that is well said

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Heh. Not from what I 'ear tell…*smirks*… Ashan is the one goin' about braggin' 'ow he defeated the ol' bag…*grimaces*… That an' that demon creature - thing.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *glances at the wizard for a moment*

Ferox: [Talk] I must admit I was unaware that Ashan and the strange dark elf were not knocked out by that blast

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ashan was fierce indeed...*nods*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *looks up from book*…The Mystran has never been lacking in pride.

Ferox: [Talk] I assumed that Bolnak killed herself with the spell that felled us…*frowns*… I woke up late apparently

Gwenevere: [Talk] But at the end, without the aid of the devil... we likely would have been undone

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Bah! Consortin' with evil juss to kill evil.

Ferox: [Talk] No doubt…* nods*... although Ashan was not happy when he knocked you out for using fire or whatever you did

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *frowns and shakes his head at Connor*

Ferox: [Talk] * turns to the unknown man*… The names Ferox, Well met sir

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Stupid ainnit Priest? Oy! Yer a priest. Would ye thought it wrong of me to round up a bunch of town folk to burn that bleedin' idjit to the ground? ...That's justice!

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *shakes his head, looking at Connor*...You have no concept of Justice.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I do apologize, magi Ferox...this is Sir Barid...*pause*...priest of Bane

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Oy! Yeh, I do!

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *nods to the mage when introduced*

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] I don't steal. I don't ki- oh wait. . . I don't murder. I uh, keep on the up an' up.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *shakes his head*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I was telling Sir Barid about the Traitor Son, Ferox…

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] Bleedin' shakin' yer skull all disaprovin' -like. Ye don't know me!

Ferox: [Talk] Conner, I wish we had you with us when we went after the Hag…*small grin*… I do think that you would have driven her to suicide

Conner Brightwood: [Talk] An' ye ain't me Pa!...*storms out*

Gwenevere: [Talk] …and that I expect him soon to be paying us another visit

Ferox: [Talk] ah the man in black…let us hope his father and the banshee do not return to fill the void

Gwenevere: [Talk] Yes...I did not tell you...but he presented himself to Connor and I on the East Gate bridge and repeated his lies shortly before we slew his mistress...But he did offer some advice that bore out some measure of truth as well

Ferox: [Talk] His mistress?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Bolnak, Ferox...the creature he sought to protect...and did so to great effect for some time

Ferox: [Talk] I had thought Bolnak to possibly be his mother…*slightly shocked look on his face* … I had no idea she was his mistress

Gwenevere: [Talk] You mock me, Ferox...that is your prerogative...I am a woman and well accustomed to such

Gwenevere: [Talk] *frowns, looks away*…Do forgive me if I don't bluster for your amusement

Ferox: [Talk] I do not Gwen… I am simply confused…that night feels like years ago

Gwenevere: [Talk] As you wish…*looks back*...shall I continue?

Ferox: [Talk] yes

Gwenevere: [Talk] He spoke of where a precious tome could be found that would gain it’s bearer admission to Candlekeep

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] If you will both excuse me…*frowns and closes his book, and stoppers his ink bottle*… Good day, a pleasure to meet you Lady Gwenevere.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *rises, curtsies*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Wizard Ferox.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *bows his head slightly to Gwen*
I seek plunder....and succulent greens

[Wynna] Chula Lysander: [Talk] *Shakes head* I've been in worse situations. He was just....unjoyful! *stomps foot*

Retired PC's: Torquil, Gwenevere
Former PC's: Rugo, Flora, Rory Mor
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Posts: 2021
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:37 am
Location: Tarrant County, Texas

Re: Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

Post by johnlewismcleod »

Even as I approached the East Gate Bridge and saw Connor with the Banite and the others, a sense of foreboding gripped my heart. It seems Sir Barid had been tasked by the Flaming Fist to punish an orc tribe for some manner of offense to trade, and he had rallied a motley host of adventurers to set to the task: Xujja’s “daughter” Jasmine was present, and Mimosa with a near feral kinshin of some sort addressed only as Snig, and Connor.

Peopled thusly I would have happily declined to accompany them, but at mention of battle and conquest Connor’s bloodlust had clearly been roused and I knew she would not be dissuaded.

It was an inauspicious beginning, but I would not conscience leaving Connor alone in the care of such wicked company.

Mimosa : [Party] *nudges Snig, whispers*

Conner Brightwood: [Party] 'ey gwen...*stroking axe blade with a riverstone*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Connie?...*looks to axe, then eyes drift to the assembled people*...Is this a war party?

Conner Brightwood: [Party] Aye.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *glances to Gwen up from the river, nods*...My Lady.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *faint frown, nods, curtsies* ... Sir Barid

Conner Brightwood: [Party] Juss goin' out to slay some orcs with these brainless buffoons... Wanna come?

Snig: [Talk] *watches Gwenevere, picks at teeth*

Gwenevere: [Talk] If you intend to go, then I shall go also, dear

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] You are welcome to join us if you think yourself up to the task.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I am no warrior, Barid, as you know...*frowns*... But I would not see my heroes come to harm if I can aid them

Conner Brightwood: [Party] <i>*Nods.*</i> There ye have it. Let's go. . .

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *nods* Lead on Lady Mimosa.

Snig: [Talk] *slinks behind Mimosa*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *unslings his shield *

No sooner had we attained the surrounds of the decrepit fisherfolk cabin than a large party of goblin raiders emerged from the wood. It seemed they had not yet seen our approach, but rather than avoid them, or use surprise to our advantage, Mimosa attempted to speak with the vile creatures. They, of course, evidenced no sign they understood the hin tongue and charged us immediately.

Conner Brightwood: [Party] Oy! Now what?

Mimosa : [Party] *whispers, points ahead* ...Goblins.

Jasmine : [Party] *readies her darts*

Snig: [Talk] *carries a throwing knife in each hand*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *whispers*...They do often frequent this glen after nightfall

Mimosa: [Talk] *steps forward, shouts* ...Vm'' un to'!

Conner Brightwood: [Party] <I>*Looks at Mimosa with a strange half-grin.*</i> heh, wha?

Mimosa : [Party] *crooked grin*... Jus' gettin' into it.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *looks at Mimosa curiously*...Was that hin tongue, dear?

We managed to slay the goblins with no significant injury, but as we moved deeper into the dark wood it became increasingly difficult to keep rank. Spiders ranging in size from shield to as large as a cottage ranged close, causing us to change course repeatedly, and even as we avoided that danger we came upon wandering undead. By and anon Sir Barid lost patience and charged the undead, but the clash garnered the notice of the spiders and the battle became pitched.
Giant spiders plague the Cloakwood.jpg
Giant spiders plague the Cloakwood.jpg (105.11 KiB) Viewed 7242 times
We prevailed, though some concern as to the Banite’s health was raised after he fell beneath the legs of a giant spider for some moments. It was my good fortune he admitted no injury, for I am certain my Lord Oghma would not well countenance even a novice seeker as myself to mend a Banite.

As we attained the brackish estuary near the seaside cave figures of men were just evident in the moonlight along that crag. As we drew closer it was clear they were warriors of savage heritage and quite bloodied from recent battle.

Snig : [Party] *quietly scampers after Mimosa*

Mimosa : [Party] *whispers*... Undead about.

Mimosa : [Party] *nods*

Gwenevere : [Party] *stands close to Connor, points*... I believe they went this way, dear

Conner Brightwood: [Party] *grumbles, grunts stepping over fallen tree*...I dunno why ye gotta wait around on me fer Gwen.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I have heard rumours of beasts that lurk these woods at night that are truly fearsome... *hushed voice, stays near Connor*...I beg you be wary, dear

Gwenevere : [Party] *looks to Mimosa, whispers*...Did you see where the Banite went?

Jasmine : [Party] *watches the undead as if memorized*

Mimosa : [Party] I think so...*quietly as the others catch up, points* ...Undead.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *looks about warily, eyes wide in the darkness*

Jasmine : [Party] *points to the undead*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] Abomination...*grits teeth, raises arms*... It will be purged

Conner Brightwood: [Party] <i>*Shrugs.*</i> Whatever. Back to bein' dead.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Oh...dear!...*hefts shield and mace, looks small behind them*

Conner Brightwood: [Party] W. . .what's that?

Mimosa : [Party] Mind the spiders.

Conner Brightwood: [Party] Oy! Shyte!

Conner Brightwood: [Party] Let's get outta 'ere.

Barid Mosinel: [Party] FOR BANE !...*charges at spiders*

Mimosa : [Party] *grits teeth*

Conner Brightwood: [Party] Aww bleedin' 'ells. . .

Mimosa : [Party] Leave the rest o' the spiders, our cave's here.

Barid Mosinel: [Party] *glances back*... Any serious injury?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *eyes wide with fright*

Conner Brightwood: [Party] Nah.

Jasmine : [Party] are you ok to heal yourself priest?

Barid Mosinel: [Party] *wipes gore from sword*...Very well, Lady Mimosa.

Mimosa : [Party] *nods her thanks to Jasmine*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] *eyes widen slightly, looks to Jasmine, then self*...I am injured?

Jasmine : [Party] *points*...I see blood

Conner Brightwood: [Party] *spits, wipes axe on moss*...Ye look fine to me.

Barid Mosinel: [Party] *glances down and seems surprised to see his own blood*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] *finds the wound* ...It is inconsequential.

Mimosa : [Party] *whispers, points toward rocks*... More undead?

Snig: [Talk] *looks around with quick glances*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] *frowns*

Mimosa : [Party] Looks like the livin'.

Snig: [Talk] Some look like the dyin'

Mimosa : [Party] *looks to Barid*

Conner Brightwood: [Party] <i>*Scratches her chin.*</i>

Barid Mosinel: [Party] Perhaps they are the Uthgardt...*straighten armour*... We shall see.

Mimosa : [Party] Those our barbarians, per'aps?

Jasmine : [Party] *crouches down low as she looks around*

Conner Brightwood: [Party] <i>*Swipes at the ground with her axe.*</I> Let's go! Why we standin' about like louts fer?
As we approached the estuary...savages could be seen in the distance.jpg
As we approached the estuary...savages could be seen in the distance.jpg (76.69 KiB) Viewed 7293 times
Snig: [Talk]
<color=cyan>DMFI Dice Roll for: Listen Mod: 6 TOTAL: 21</color>

Snig: [Talk] I fink 'ey be plannin' a fight, boss...*quietly to Mimosa*

Mimosa : [Party] *nods*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I would plead for caution...they appear quite heavily armed

Barid Mosinel: [Party] Likely they are the Uthgardt... *frowns* ... But we will be careful.

Jasmine: [Talk]
<color=cyan>DMFI Dice Roll for: Listen Mod: 3 TOTAL: 16</color>

Jasmine : [Party] *whispers to the priest* ...they are talking about injured and failed battle tactics

Barid Mosinel: [Party] I will approach., Get close enough to hit them with ranged weaponry, but no closer.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *hefts crossbow, struggles a bit as she cranks back the draw*

Conner Brightwood: [Party] <i>*shrugs, follows Barid forward, waves.*</i> Oy there!

Barid Mosinel: [Party] Good eve.

Snig: [Talk] *hushed voice* Fink 'ey might be after the same cave?

Jormungand: [Talk] Oye ...*smiles with bleeding gums*

Conner Brightwood: [Party] <I>*Grins back.*</i>

Mimosa : [Party] *whispers to Snig* They've been fightin' the orcs.

Barid Mosinel: [Party] I am Barid Mosinel. Would you be the Uthgardt Barbarians sent to deal with the orcs by the Fist?

Gwenevere : [Party] *quietly* Connie...ware!

Jormungand: [Talk] *examines group* ...I told the fists that we will handle our affairs... *slams fists on his chest*

Conner Brightwood: [Party] <I>*Jumps.*</i> I 'ear 'em...*spits*... Bleedin' spiders. . .

Kelgar: [Talk] *eyes the newcomers with contempt*

Jormungand: [Talk] *nods slowly* that’s us ...careful

Jormungand: [Talk] they just pushed us to the shores

Jormungand: [Talk] we dragged our dead to here but don’t have much more to fall back on ...*winces in pain*

Gwenevere : [Party] Sirs...*peers at barbarians from behind Connor* are injured...

Conner Brightwood: [Party] <I>*Wrinkles her brow.*</i> Don't juss stand there with yer mouth a gap Priest... 'eals 'em.

Barid Mosinel: [Party] I respect your pride. But perhaps we can provide assistance.

Jormungand: [Talk] we need a moment to rest... *looks to Barid* ... We are but a handful now...once thirty warriors

Barid Mosinel: [Party] *glances back at Connor and frowns, then looks forward*... More death simply allows Chaos to win.

Conner Brightwood: [Party] <i>*looks at Barid*</i> ...Wha the 'ells does that mean?

Gwenevere : [Party] Have you a healer amongst your host?
Jormungand...Uthgardt savage.jpg
Jormungand...Uthgardt savage.jpg (34.62 KiB) Viewed 7293 times
Jormungand: [Talk] then perhaps you should heal me woman... *looks to Gwen with hungry eyes* ... with your touch

Conner Brightwood: [Party] 'ey Gwen. . . I think someone likes ye... <i>*Grins, winks*</i>... Heh. I bet afore war, Gwen, ye can make love.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *eyes widen, blushes, hand rises to breast, fretting in apparent distress*

Kelgar: [Talk] Are we weak to need such as these to fight our battles ...*spits*

Jormungand: [Talk] allow us time to rest...they are holding up in a fort just over this hill... A damnable cave

Barid Mosinel: [Party] If at worse, we fail, you can deliver the killing stroke after you have rested.

Jormungand: [Talk] *nods and laughs*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] If we succeed, the victory is yours. Your men's blood paid the butcher's toll.

Conner Brightwood: [Party] <I>*rubs her nose.*</i> ...We won't though.

Jormungand: [Talk] now you’re talking in black

Gwenevere : [Party] *frowns*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] Barid Mosinel. Priest of Bane.

Jormungand: [Talk] *puts fist to chest* ...go make war ...*gives a shark toothed grin*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] *nods*

Kelgar: [Talk] *spits and shakes head, then limps away*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] Can you tell us anything about their tactics and fortifications?

Snig: [Talk] *picks at an ear with his fingers*

Jormungand: [Talk] *growls* they be about thirty or so...

Jasmine: [Talk] *coughs at the number*

Jormungand: [Talk] they have some crossbows they muss' have stolen from the Merchant's League carts they raided cause the hill side has two or three of em'

Barid Mosinel: [Party] Grouped, or separated among the caverns?

Conner Brightwood: [Party] <i>*Pumps her fist.*</i>... Aye! This is gunna be fun. . .

Jormungand: [Talk] in the caves they be in small groups...using small war fare on us... *clenches fists*...Like damned cats in prides

Conner Brightwood: [Party] huh? So they're like 'ousecats?...*guffaws*...Even better!

Jormungand: [Talk] they have two Ogres they promised something for their efforts and a giant pig too

Gwenevere : [Party] *pales*

Jormungand: [Talk] Ripped Mulgot to shreds... *shakes head* ... can’t understand a word they say though with their filthy pig-talk

Conner Brightwood: [Party] Uh. . . juss how big a pig?

Barid Mosinel: [Party] At least he died in battle, more than many can say in these lands.

Conner Brightwood: [Party] I'm gunna keep that pig.

Jormungand: [Talk] To Uthgar with those words ... *nods in approval to Barids words* better way to die *snarls*

Jormungand: [Talk] I’d say this though... be careful of there chieftain Gnoll Eater

Jormungand: [Talk] he be almost as mighty as Jormungand...*thumps chest*... deadly with his basher ...*grunts*... but I’ll get em'

Conner Brightwood: [Party] Whatever... <I>*Wipes her nose.*</i>... Let's go!

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *nods*... Then we will enter.

Jormungand: [Talk] ohh..let me catch me breath... *looks to the sharp of his axe*
... and I’ll give em a taste of this

Snig: [Talk] *husky giggle, looking around*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Make what preparations you must...*looks to others*... Then we enter.

Jormungand: [Talk] be right behind you once we tend our dead here

Jasmine: [Talk] shall I ask my queen for different blessings priest?

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Wait till we you have exhausted your current ones.

Jormungand: [Talk] its nay this cave...*shakes head as Connor moves toward cave mouth*...but the one over the hill...*points*

Jormungand: [Talk] this one be where we have been holding our war gear

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *nods at Jormungand, motions to Connor*

Jormungand: [Talk] *cracks neck and holds ribs*

Gwenevere : [Party] You mean...*frowns, look up hill*...Jolene's cavern?

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Let us go then.

Conner Brightwood: [Party] Aye.

Jormungand: [Talk] *laughs* ...get ready to die boys

As we climbed the hill to the precipice above Jolene’s cave two great insects could be heard savaging amongst the trees. I suspected it was not spiders as the breaking and rending of wood seemed to be beyond what even a giant spider might do, but when the creatures came into view mine knees did grow weak with fear. Indeed these creatures were unlike anything I had before seen. They were plated completely in thick armour and had jagged horns and pincers of immense size that cut asunder even large trees with apparent ease.

Gwenevere : [Party] *whispers, face goes ashen*...Oh, dear

Conner Brightwood: [Party] *puts finger to lips*...Shh. . .

Mimosa : [Party] *w, points*...Giant beetle.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Avoid it if possible...*to Mimosa*...Get us to the orcs.

Conner Brightwood: [Party] Bleedin' Claokwood. . .*grimaces, then points*... I see smoke juss yon them there trees.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *glances down*

Mimosa : [Party] *w* ...Cave's down there?

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] I would assume as much.

Gwenevere : [Party] Yes...*nods, eyes never leaving beetles*...and it is a foul place

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Let us go then.

Jasmine : [Party] we should draw them out

But before we could descend to the valley below, the beatles suddenly charged. Connor and Barid made no attempt to flee, but met the charge full on. The Banite was able to deflect the vicious blows of the beatles with his shield, but Connor was caught with raised axe and her arm nearly severed as she splayed across the heaving head of a beetle. I tried to pull her free of the slashing beast, but she was pierced through on a horn and flopped about helplessly as the beetle heaved. I drew my sword and hacked at the beetle, but in my weakness could not pierce it’s armour.

When at last the beasts were felled, Connor lay immobile across the beetle’s snout with a horn as long as I am tall though her midriff. Desperately I called upon my Lord to give me strength to gather her back to this realm, but her soul was departed and me pleas were too weak to turn her back from her course. My barbaric sister was dead.
Connor readies for beetle attack.jpg
Connor readies for beetle attack.jpg (61.54 KiB) Viewed 7293 times
Conner Brightwood: [Party] Oy!

Conner Brightwood: [Party] Arch!

Gwenevere : [Party] Connie!

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *frowns*

Mimosa : [Party] *urgently*... Ogres near.

Gwenevere : [Party] *falls to knees*

Gwenevere : [Party] NO!

Barid Mosinel: [Party] Unfortunate.

Jasmine : [Party] *looks down at Gwen* should heal yourself, lass

Snig: [Talk] *looks down at Conner, licking his cracked lips slowly*

Gwenevere: [Party] *lays a hand on Connie as she weeps and casts a spell*

Snig: [Talk] *looks over the beetle*

Jasmine : [Party] *looks though Connor’s pack*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] We will have to recover the body on our way out. My condolences for your loss Lady Gwenevere.

Snig: [Talk] I fink she'd dead.

Mimosa : [Party] Aye, she looks dead to me.

Gwenevere : [Party] I will not leave her

DM BRM: [Talk] ((Conner’s arm is nearly sliced off by large pinchers, horn through breastbone))

Barid Mosinel: [Party] Let us leave her with the Uthgardt dead then. They will watch over her until we return.

Jasmine : [Party] *picks up a potion and hands it to the priest*

Gwenevere : [Party] *staggers about attempting to pick her up*

Snig: [Talk] *pulls at the arm*

Mimosa : [Party] *shakes her head* Ain't seen beetles like those before.

Snig: [Talk] *tries pulling the arm off*

Gwenevere : [Party] *falls beneath the load as Snig pulls the body off center*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] *glances at the potion and takes it with a nod of thanks*

Snig: [Talk] *tugs with a grunt* ...Still gotta a bit 'o meat holdin' it

Gwenevere : [Party] I take her to the city..*staggers back up, clearly distraught and unaware of what Snig is doing*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] Enough halfing... *looks to Snig*

Snig: [Talk] *drops the limb*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] Lady Gwenevere, your assistance is still needed.

Gwenevere : [Party] *staggers, face a mask of pain*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] Let us leave the body with the Uthgardt for now. They will ensure no further harm comes to it.

Gwenevere : [Party] This is my hero ...*staggers a few faltering steps up hill*... I will not abandon her

Barid Mosinel: [Party] And what would your hero have you do? Retreat while there is more to be done?

Jasmine : [Party] Heroes are not meant to grow old lass...*shrugs*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] You are not abandoning her, the Uthgardt honour their dead.

Gwenevere : [Party] Ogres...trolls...orcs...*looks up from beneath Connor, tears streaking through bloodly face*...they are ever in the wood

Barid Mosinel: [Party] And so they must ever be stopped, as Brightwood attempted to do. Do not dishonour her memory by letting your grief overcome you.

Kelgar: [Talk] *looks down at scene and grunts*

Gwenevere : [Party] She is a saviour of children... *sobs*...She is my...*grimaces, eyes wild with pain*...SHE IS MY SISTER!

Jasmine : [Party] *eyes widen*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] She was...*calmly*... Now she is dead, and there is still work to be done.

Gwenevere : [Party] THEN YOU ATTEND TO IT, BANITE!!...*eyes flash with venom and rage*

Barid Mosinel: [Party] *glances up to Kelgar as he approaches*
Kelgar....An Uthgardt savage.jpg
Kelgar....An Uthgardt savage.jpg (216.21 KiB) Viewed 7293 times
Kelgar: [Talk] Leave your women to lament ... *thumps chest*...Today we kill

Barid Mosinel: [Party] So be it Lady Gwenevere... *glances to Gwenevere, sighs* ... I wish you safe travel.

Kelgar: [Talk] Kelgar's axe seeks blood

Barid Mosinel: [Party] Your blade is welcome Kelgar...*turns from Gwen*...Let blood be spilled.

Kelgar: [Talk] FOR UTHGAR!

Mimosa : [Party] *points into valley below*...See them ogres?

Jormungand: [Talk] you don’t want Kelgar...he fights like a woman

Gwenevere : [Party] *staggers away under load*

Verily I cared not in those hours of despair that I staggered, crawled, and dragged Connor’s body back toward the city, but it is no small miracle that I attained the East Gate at all. I was sorely wounded myself, and my strength ebbed away as I could not muster the will to attend them. If not for Ferox’s timely arrival, I might have perished even there as my strength gave out and I fell beneath Connor’s weight at the bridge. I could not but gasp for aid as I saw Ferox boots approach from beneath Connor’s matted hair.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *staggers against fence*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *leans against it with knees trembling*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *leans against pillar panting and quaking*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *Connor's body draped over her, sobbing*

Ferox: [Talk] * notices Gwenevere* good eve lady Gwenevere, are you well?

Gwenevere: [Talk] FEROX!

Gwenevere: [Talk] HELP ME!
My strength gave out at the East Gate Bridge....jpg
My strength gave out at the East Gate Bridge....jpg (30.73 KiB) Viewed 7293 times
Gwenevere: [Talk] *falls*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *lies beneath Connor's body*

Gwenevere: [Talk] ((one of Connor's arm's hangs by a shred))

Gwenevere: [Talk] *groans*

Ferox: [Talk] Lady Gwenevere, are you well?... *stands looking down at the bloody heap*... you appear hurt

Gwenevere: [Talk] Connor...*sobbing, trapped beneath body*...She is fallen....

Ferox: [Talk] * uses a cantrip to remove the body from on top of Gwenevere and it gently is placed on the ground

Ferox: [Talk] What happened? ...* offers a hand *

Gwenevere: [Talk] Giant beatles...I tried to save her...but...*gasps, sobbing*... but...I failed her!

Ferox: [Talk] * nods* where?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Near Jolene's cavern...*chokes out between sobs*

Ferox: [Talk] * raises an eyebrow* what were you doing all the way out there just the two of you

Gwenevere: [Talk] the Banite led them in...he bid me leave her ...*voice choked and faltering, eyes wild*...I refused

Ferox: [Talk] Banite?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Barid!...*sobs uncontrollably*...He did this!

Ferox: [Talk] have I met him before?

Gwenevere: [Talk] He led her there! ...*eyes wild with apparent madness*

Ferox: [Talk] Why would he do that? ...*looks down at her sceptically*

Gwenevere: [Talk] He's mad for death and destruction!... *flails arms about hapharzardly, clearly about to swoon*...His god seeks tyranny over all!...*wails*... and now he has taken a hero of Baldur's Gate!

Ferox: [Talk] * nods*... Gwen let’s go to the tavern, you need rest

Ferox: [Talk] I will make sure Connor is brought to her god’s shrine... which one was that?

Gwenevere: [Talk] I cannot leave her me carry her, Ferox...I beseech you...

Gwenevere: [Talk] She would never say...*stammers, eyes feverish*... She wouldn't....she never did...

Gwenevere: [Talk] Oh, Ferox...*collapses into a bloody heap*...what shall I do?

Ferox: [Talk] * kneels down in front of Gwen and places an arm on her shoulder

Gwenevere: [Talk] We must take her to Bernard...*eyes dilated, staring*...No!

Ferox: [Talk] Gwen...*gently*... do not worry, we will do what must be done

Gwenevere: [Talk] Not Bernard...*contradicts herself, stammering, eyes rolling about*...he neglects his charges...

Ferox: [Talk] What god did Connor follow?... we will bring her to the shrine

Gwenevere: [Talk] I DO NOT KNOW! ...*wails in aguish*

Ferox: [Talk] *nods* I see

Gwenevere: [Talk] SHE NEVER WOULD SAY!... *becoming hysterical*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *approaches from across bridge, armour clanking*...What the hell is going on here?
I could carry Connor no further, but Modok and Ferox offered me aid....jpg
I could carry Connor no further, but Modok and Ferox offered me aid....jpg (43.78 KiB) Viewed 7293 times
Gwenevere: [Talk] MODOK!

Ferox: [Talk] GWEN!... * shakes her shoulder*... calm yourself

Gwenevere: [Talk] SAVE HER!

Ferox: [Talk] *shakes head sadly, looks at Connor*...she is beyond saving

Gwenevere: [Talk] *collapses into a sobbing heap*

Ferox: [Talk] * grabs Gwen in his arms*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Bah! What the hell happened?

Ferox: [Talk] come Gwen, can you stand? we need to go

Gwenevere: [Talk] I am undone!

Ferox: [Talk] Modok I do not know, Gwen spoke of someone named Barid leading Conner to her death

Ferox: [Talk] * attempts to raise Gwen to her feet*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I failed to save her...I failed

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *nods sagely*...It is important to know your company.

Ferox: [Talk] were you aware of any god she followed Modok?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *falls into Ferox's arms, sobbing*

Ferox: [Talk] Gwen, you cannot place everything that happens on your shoulders... not even the gods could stand if they did so

Gwenevere: [Talk] First Roland...and now Connie...

Ferox: [Talk] Did you accompany Connor ...or come upon her ?

Gwenevere: [Talk] I am nothing without my heroes ...*voice falters into mumbling stammer*... I was at her side...I tried to mend her...but I failed her...

Ferox: [Talk] You followed Barid as well?

Gwenevere: [Talk] I followed Connie...*looks up, eyes wild*... Not that filthy Banite!

Ferox: [Talk] we cannot do this here... * shakes his head*... you need’re hurt

Ferox: [Talk] Modok can you help us with the body? I do not know where Connor should go

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] There is a place where the dead have been laid, in the hope perhaps that some way may be found to return them to life.

Ferox: [Talk] what place is this?

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] The Lathanderite shrine.

Ferox: [Talk] * nods* I know the place, an old friend now perished was a priest there

Gwenevere: [Talk] Bernard ignores them... *eyes flash venom* ...I have seen them lie and rot beneath his callous gaze

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] He can do nothing...*frowns down at Gwen*... Be calm.

Ferox: [Talk] We should bring here there for the time being, we have no better options

Gwenevere: [Talk] The Silver Lady!

Gwenevere: [Talk] Connor was bold and fearless!

Gwenevere: [Talk] The Silver Lady will surely favour her!

Gwenevere: [Talk] I will take her ...*bends to attempt to pick her up, falls in a heap*

Keric Addams: [Talk] *leads a wild pig across the bridge*

Ferox: [Talk] You appear to barely be able to stand yourself... * grabs Gwen*... we must get you to the inn. You need rest and help...Connor can wait a little while

Keric Addams: [Talk] *looks down, looks down at corpse*...She's dead, ain't she?

Gwenevere: [Talk] NO! ...*wails, then whimpers, pleading*...I beg

Ferox: [Talk] *pulls Gwen back to her feet* ...Gwen I will not have two bodies to deal with! I have lost so many friends I do not want to lose you as well.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *sighs, shakes head*...Ferox, take Gwenevere away.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *looks to Gwen, speaks firmly*...Gwenevere, go with Ferox.

Keric Addams: [Talk] *squints and kneels down*

Ferox: [Talk] * attempts to lead Gwen away towards the town

Gwenevere: [Talk] She was like a sister...*nearly incoherent*... I won't leave her... *struggles weakly*...I will not!

Keric Addams: [Talk] What happened? ...*looks to Modok*... Hey. She gave me her pig. At least an explanation if someone should come looking for it?

Ferox: [Talk] * puts Gwen’s arm around his shoulder, starts toward the gate* ...we will go inside

Gwenevere: [Talk] *limps along on Ferox's shoulder*

Ferox: [Talk] We will put you to rest until we can find a healer to bring you to full health

Gwenevere: [Talk] Tymora..she will love Connie...*mumbles feverishly*...She will love her even as I do...

Gwenevere: [Talk] *drags along in Ferox’s arms*...Where are we?

Ferox: [Talk] * the barkeep sees Gwen and points to upstairs wordlessly*

Gwenevere: [Talk] What is this place?...*head lolls about as if on a swivel*...Where is Connie?

Ferox: [Talk] * opens the door and helps Gwen into the bed*...Rest now, I will be back

Gwenevere: [Talk] *collapses onto bed, seems unconscious*

Ferox: [Talk] I will go see to Connor ...* puts covers over Gwen and closes the door gently *
I seek plunder....and succulent greens

[Wynna] Chula Lysander: [Talk] *Shakes head* I've been in worse situations. He was just....unjoyful! *stomps foot*

Retired PC's: Torquil, Gwenevere
Former PC's: Rugo, Flora, Rory Mor
Dungeon Master
Posts: 2021
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:37 am
Location: Tarrant County, Texas

Re: Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

Post by johnlewismcleod »

To me, Connor Brightwood will ever remain a knighted hero....jpg
To me, Connor Brightwood will ever remain a knighted hero....jpg (98.51 KiB) Viewed 7269 times
I cannot name her gentlewoman, for in truth she was most often crude, unkempt, and surpassingly vulgar. But I bind her herein a valiant friend, loyal companion, Hero of Baldur’s Gate, and the sister I never had. She aided Ashan, Sir Cantrel, myself, and the fallen hero Roland in the rescue of five children from Bolnak’s clutches, fought bravely at the Battle of the East Gate Bridge and the destruction of Bombara, and was a woman of remarkable quality.

Can I rightly bind the blame for Connor's death with Barid Mosinel?...perhaps not. It was my failing not to drag her from his villainous company, and it was my weakness that caused my effort to sustain her in her greatest need to fall short.

But I will ever hate him for her death and if I am able, see him suffer and die in gore even as did Connor. May he die at the hands of a follower of Loviatar, begging for the mercy he is ever without, and I shall rejoice in his demise.
Barid Mosinel.jpg
Barid Mosinel.jpg (10.93 KiB) Viewed 7269 times
I bind herein the burial of a hero I did love as a sister, and yet fail to sustain:

Gwenevere: [Talk] *covered in dried blood, eyes red-rimmed*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *glances over setting down his book*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] My lady? *frowns at the blood* Are you injured?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Barid...*frowns, glances down at her soiled leathers*...I think not...I've not yet been to the bathes

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Priest or Mosinel if you would my lady....

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *looks up, frowns slightly* Ah… I see.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I must find what the drunken magi has done with Connor...That I may lay her to rest

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *frown deepens and shakes his head*... I wish you well then my lady... If I may be of assistance..... *lets the comment fall, and returns to his seat and book*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *stands over Ferox who lies sprawled across the Inn table, then leans over and shakes him* ...Wake up!...Where is she you drunken sod?!

Gwenevere: [Talk] *rises shaking with rage, eyes streaming tears*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *glances over, but returns to his book*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *looks about, eyes livid*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *finds a bottle with spirits still in it and empties it over his head*...Wake, you fool!

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] I do not believe anything you do will wake him out of his stupor my lady...*speaks without looking up from his book* ... As I said if you require assistance, perhaps I can help?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *slams bottle down on table, turns eyes full of venom*...You've done quite enough, Banite! ...*strides shakily toward the door*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *sighs*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Thorvald! ...*covered in dried blood, eyes streaming tears*

Thorvald: [Talk] *armor looks bent in few places, covered in blood, as is his hair caked in dried blood*

Gwenevere: [Talk] She is dead!

Thorvald: [Talk] *wide smile on his face fades*...Who's dead?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Connor...*choked voice* fallen

Thorvald: [Talk] *nods* I heard tha' them other day…I sure she be drinking with ‘er forefathers now...

Gwenevere: [Talk] And I cannot rouse the drunken magi to tell me where she is...Help me!...I must lay her to rest...I... *trails off, eyes widen suddenly as Ferox emerges from the inn wiping his head with a cloth*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ferox!...*teary eyes wide in surprise and exasperation*...You drunken fool!

Ferox: [Talk] Does Conner still lay in the temple?...*blinks, bloodshot eyes adjusting to the light*

Thorvald: [Talk] *turns as Ferox exits the pub*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Where is she? What temple?

Ferox: [Talk] I have not drunk in a long time…*tosses whiskey soaked cloth aside*

Ferox: [Talk] In the temple of Tymora...* raises an eyebrow* ... Modok brought her there

Gwenevere: [Talk]*stammers in exasperation*

Ferox: [Talk] Let us go there then

Gwenevere: [Talk] *follows*

Ferox: [Talk] Modok took her things so they would not be looted. I told him you might wish to keep some things and to give her belongings to you

Gwenevere: [Talk] It is her soul that concerns me, magi ...*voice venomous*

Thorvald: [Talk] *smirks*

Ferox: [Talk] I know Lady, however I did not want you to be surprised…what is your plan Gwen?

Thorvald: [Talk] *bows slightly to the priestess*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *kneels, sobs quietly for some moments*

Thorvald: [Talk] *looks down at the lifeless body of Conner*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I failed life...Oghma give me strength to sustain her in death

Gwenevere: [Talk] *tries to pick her up, slips and falls on stairs*

Ferox: [Talk] I will help ...* lifts the body*

Ferox: [Talk] * holds the body of Conner, an arm around his neck*

Ferox: [Talk] *looks down at Gwen* ...Are you alright, Lady Gwen?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *struggles to regain feet* ...We will lay her to rest near Roland… Will you bear witness to the burial of our hero, Thorvald?

Ferox: [Talk] Where does he lay?

Gwenevere: [Talk] In the hill beyond the orchard

Ferox: [Talk] Let us go then

Thorvald: [Talk] *follows them with heavy steps*

Ferox: [Talk] * casts a cantrip that lifts Connor's body from dragging on the ground*

Ferox: [Tell] The orchard outside of the city’s east gate… right?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *follows Ferox, weeping quietly* ...Yes

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **watches the slow procession**

Ferox: [Talk] It is a beautiful night for the ceremony

Gwenevere: [Talk] *looks up* that you?

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **nods**

Gwenevere: [Talk] She is fallen...I failed to sustain her…

Ferox: [Talk] Gwen, Lead the way from here, I have yet to visit her resting place

Gwenevere: [Talk] We will bury her next to the hero Roland

Ferox: [Talk] It is fitting for there to be one place for the fallen…so that we can remember them

Gwenevere: [Talk] Kalana buried Roland here ...*looks about hillside*...It is ground made hollowed by three gods

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **remains silent**

Gwenevere: [Talk] *digs silently*

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **lets his left hand rest on the hilt of his sword while he stands silently with his head lowered**

Gwenevere: [Talk] Lay her to rest, brave Ferox...I beg you see it gently done

Thorvald: [Talk] *watches* ...I would have thought she be them kind wha’ likes ter be put on pyre....

Gwenevere: [Talk] *blinks, looks at Thorvald*

Thorvald: [Talk] *smiles* ...that tham way I want me dead body ter be disposed off...

Gwenevere: [Talk] That is even as she said, brave Thorvald...*nods slowly*…I will gather wood

Gwenevere: [Talk] *gathers wood, begins to fill hole with wood *

Thorvald: [Talk] *gets out his axe*

Thorvald: [Talk] *starts building funeral pyre, by the looks of it he's done it before*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Bless you, good Thorvald...for returning my mind to her wishes

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **remains silent with his head lowered**

Thorvald: [Talk] *smiles and keeps stacking wood* ...We'll need more, eh?

Ferox: [Talk] do you have a torch Lady Gwen?

Thorvald: [Talk] *gets more dry wood*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *Kneels and makes rune marks in the soil about the forming pyre*

Thorvald: [Talk] *keeps stacking wood*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *begins to hum*

Thorvald: [Talk] *finishes building a pyre*

Ferox: [Talk] * nods, then murmurs an arcanity as he raise hands and splays fingers. Connor begins to float gently into a straight laying down position, her hands folded gently on her stomach, her face shimmering from the moonlight*

Thorvald: [Talk] anyone's got oil?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *the marks eventually encircle the pyre*

Ferox: [Talk] I have a torch

Gwenevere: [Talk] Hold...I would bless her before

Ferox: [Talk] We assume that you would do the honors Gwen

Gwenevere: [Talk] *raises arms in supplication, a warm golden glows spreads out from Connor’s body*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Set her pyre alight, good Ferox...

Ferox: [Talk] Are you sure you would not rather do so? ...*hands Gwen the torch*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *nods, squeezes his hand gently, then accepts torch and touches it to the pyre*
Connor's funeral pyre.jpg
Connor's funeral pyre.jpg (13.48 KiB) Viewed 7269 times
Ferox: [Talk] * watches as the body is slowly consumed by flames... smoke rising to the clear night sky*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *begins to sing*

Thorvald: [Talk] *watches the flames consume the body, lifts up his axe *

Gwenevere: [Talk] *sings* Guide me now resplendent Oghma...As we lay to rest Connor Brightwood...

Gwenevere: [Talk] *sings* Although I cannot bind her patron...There is no doubt in grace she stood...

Gwenevere: [Talk] *sings* Wine of heavens, bread of heroes...Sustain her spirit on its way...

Gwenevere: [Talk] *sings* To blessed rest she has well earned...Beyond the sorrow of this day...

Gwenevere: [Talk] *sings* Open now the crystal fountain...From whence healing waters flow...

Gwenevere: [Talk] *sings* Mend this broken warrior's spirit...And over blessed shroud bestow...

Gwenevere: [Talk] *sings* All Baldur's Gate knows her as hero...Saviour of children, innate firebrand...

Gwenevere: [Talk] *sings* Let none gainsay her fearsome virtue...Here lies a champion of this land...

Gwenevere: [Talk] *voice can hardly be heard through tears*
<color=cyan>DMFI Dice Roll for: Perform Mod: 5 TOTAL: 8</color>

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **keeps his head lowered**

Thorvald: [Talk] *pulls the stopper from a bottle with his teeth*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Would that I had the strength to sustain her in life... I beseech you my Lord...let her be sustained in death!

Thorvald: [Talk] we nay was good friends or nothin... but i feel yer was a spirit close ter mine... drink now with yer forefathers in the halls of yer god...

Thorvald: [Talk] *takes long drink, then pours other half of the bottle onto the pyre*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *wipes at tears, looks to others*...Bless you for your aid and witness, my heroes...

Gwenevere: [Talk] Verily she would be pleased to know she was honoured thusly...Although I am sure she would never admit such

Gwenevere: [Talk] *turns back to pyre, eyes streaming tears, voice choked with emotion*...Goodbye, sister...

Ferox: [Talk] * observes Gwen's state*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Holds up his hand*

Ferox: [Whisper] Have you met this person before Gwen?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *stops, looks up with tear filled eyes*

Thorvald: [Talk] *nods to the fire as the white smoke rises above the treetops* till next time, eh...

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Slowly lowers it.*

Ferox: [Talk] * nods to the man*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I have not, good Ferox...*looks pointedly at hooded male* you come to honour our hero, sir?

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Slowly shakes his head.*

Ferox: [Talk] He does not talk much...* looks over to Gwen*... perhaps is best to let him be…he seems to follow me…

Gwenevere: [Talk] Then know this...*takes a ragged breath, then straightens and addresses hooded man with firm, clear voice*...Two of Baldur's Gate's finest heroes lie on that hill...Roland Senders and Connor Brightwood...I beg you show them their proper respect

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Raises his hand and points to Gwen, movement beneath his veil.*

Ferox: [Talk] By Azuth!...*grabs Gwen's shoulder*... Gwen... let us go… * leads Gwen away *

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Tell] *Ethereal whispers fill the space around you. They quickly disperse.* ..."Where are you going?”Who are you?" "What do you want?"

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Tell] *A louder whisper.* ...Irrelevance.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *follows Ferox, clearly distressed*
I seek plunder....and succulent greens

[Wynna] Chula Lysander: [Talk] *Shakes head* I've been in worse situations. He was just....unjoyful! *stomps foot*

Retired PC's: Torquil, Gwenevere
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Re: Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

Post by johnlewismcleod »

Rumours of the fell craft of black cloaked assassins have begun to be heard from in the Helm and Cloak, the market stalls, and even amongst the woodland folk. It seems houses and temples have been burgled and several guardsmen found dead near on hand with little evidence of struggle or gore. My seamstress Mina described one such misfortunate as having been found with half emptied mug still in hand and a crust yet dangling from his lips...throat slit from ear to ear.

Such tales are appalling indeed, and I am caused to reflect back on Roland Senders misadventure shortly before the final assault on Bolnak’s lair: He said he had been held captive by a powerful magus of some sort along with two others and that the aim of the magus was to acquire an ancient tome of some sort.

Sadly I had no time to question him more on that subject as we were hard pressed in defense of our city at that time, but methinks he did mention that the magi employed numerous black cloaked villains of uncanny stealth and nefarious craft. the time I was so overtaken by joy to see Roland returned to my care I took only the sparest of notes, but now I cannot but wonder if there is a heretofore overlooked connection between his abduction and the heinous goings on of late.

Ferox: [Talk] * smiles* Lady Gwen, how do you fair

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] By the gods! Gwenevere!

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ahh...*smiles, curtsies*...hello, good Modok

Gwenevere: [Talk] that you?

Ferox: [Talk] * removes hood, laughs* ...yes it is

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Sit...*gestures to seat*... It is of crucial importance that we speak.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *eyes widen, sits quickly* Crucial, you say?

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I am anxious that a new force of evil has entered the city.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Oh, dear ...*hand rises to breast*...You speak of the Aurilians, perhaps?

Ferox: [Talk] it was only a matter of time...*rolls eyes, smirks* we go again

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Ah, yes, the followers of the ice-queen, too...they are also worrisome. But this force is human. Do you know of the Banite, Barid?

Ferox: [Talk] * looks to Gwen at the mention of Baird*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Yes... *eyes narrow, frowns*...I know him. He shows a countenance of civility, but his heart is black methinks. Though I do loath him, I cannot without equivocation speak to any evil I have bound his thus far...

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Agreed, and not more to say on that point... Gwenevere, what do you know of the Auril-worshippers? I know that the young girl with white hair has knelt at the shrine to the winter wench, but not much more.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Jasmine...*nods*...She appears to be quite human, but has claimed the devil as her “father”. I know of no church of Aurilians...*shrugs*...indeed I have been told by scholars that no such temple exists...

Ferox: [Talk] * shrugs*...Tthere most likely are many groups that stay beneath the shadows of history

Gwenevere: [Talk] But Xujja claims to be a priest of some sort...*eyes quiver slightly*...and does seem to have followers...

Ferox: [Talk] Who are these Aurilians?...It is the first I’ve heard of them

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I know that the warrior, Xujja, is a follower of Auril. The arrival of another who follows the Wife of Winter is troublesome...

Gwenevere: [Talk] I fear it is more than just Jasmine, dear Modok... *grimaces*...Why would any follow such a god? Appease her with alms, perhaps...but worship? ...*gestures apparent amazement*...It seems madness

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I know little. I am a simple warrior priest of the Judge. However, there were those from the north of Damara, in the glaciers found there, who love withering snow and the goddess that causes it.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *eyes widen*...Then my ignorance is further revealed.

Ferox: [Talk] Enjoying the cold crisp winter air and snow is a devious act?

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Heh. If only it stopped there. It involves a hatred of fire and human comforts as well, and a personal love of, well, I don't know how to say it, uh, perhaps you could say the diminishment of human habitation?

Gwenevere: [Talk] I cannot claim to know the teachings of that dread goddess, but the devilspawn Xujja I do know...

Gwenevere: [Talk] He was tortured as a child by his mother and yet now exalts her memory

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *looks to Gwenevere, pulls a face* ...Touching.

Gwenevere: [Talk] If you perchance observe his hands you will see they bear the scars of being nailed to furnishings in his childhood home ...*grimaces*...This done as punishment by his venerated mother

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Say on.

Gwenevere: [Talk] In Auvandale he spoke at some length about his mother’s brutalities and the efficacy of her child rearing methods. I believe he takes great pleasure in cruelty...*face pales, eyes betray pain*...particularly against the vulnerable. I have tried to see the hands of his “daughter” Jasmine...But she keeps them covered at all times

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Ah, this then would be the girl that I mentioned...*nods*... the new comer.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *nods* The white haired young maiden...Jasmine.

Ferox: [Talk] He must not feel powerful enough to bother with the vulnerable...*seems sceptical*... I would think there would be greater pleasure being cruel to those who can fight back

Gwenevere: [Talk] Methinks you do not well understand the nature of sadism, magus. He relishes the manifestations of suffering...*eyes quiver*... Strong males and warriors would not evidence pain as do women or children...

Ferox: [Talk] Ahhhh...*nods slightly, still seems skeptical*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Thus I would think it less satisfying to abuse the strong

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Xujja was crucial in the fight against the hag, Bolnak, but his behaviour...and yours also Gwenevere, at the point of victory... was troublesome.

Ferox: [Talk] Anyway...*shrugs, matter of fact tone*... I am still confused... what is the threat in summation?

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] The threat lies in the presence of several persons lately arrived...Xujja, who is transient, his daughter, and Barid. Further, a cloaked figure with a staff who speaks rarely and invokes strange magicks which I do not understand.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Their presence...unsettles me.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I too have had my mind touched by that cloaked personage

Ferox: [Talk] I have spoken with him directly and I have much to say of the figure with the staff

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Say on, for I am interested to hear it.
I know not if this male is wicked, but his strange magics are disquieting....jpg
I know not if this male is wicked, but his strange magics are disquieting....jpg (15.96 KiB) Viewed 7224 times
Ferox: [Talk] As Gwen knows I have been extremely curious... more than is customary for me... of this cloaked person

Ferox: [Talk] I have sought out those who might have had a contact with him beyond my own dealings with him and I believe I am someone he finds of interest. Disregard any hint of boastfulness in that statement, for there is none

Ferox: [Talk] It all started when he was there...*points toward Anarchie*... up by the bard. I was speaking with a gentleman, I forgot his name, who stated that the figure spoke with him and mentioned some sort of curse.

Ferox: [Talk] The man I spoke with was afraid of the figure with the staff, and when I decided to walk up and talk with the figure the man I was speaking with became quite panicked

Thorvald: [Talk] *enters Helm and Cloak, goes straight to the bar*...Ale, eh

Ferox: [Talk] *shrugs*...Of course the figure said nothing, so I returned to the bar

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Thorvald is here...*nods toward Thorvald and Taque*... Ah, and the elf as well.

Ferox: [Talk] all of the sudden he cast his weave, a spell perhaps that I know not about

Thorvald: [Talk] *walks up to table, ale in hand*...Evenin

Gwenevere: [Talk] *smiles, brief curtsy, eyes return quickly to Ferox*

Ferox: [Talk] and I heard the word.... “Exile”... among other ghostly voices

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **leans against the bar**

Ferox: [Talk] *shrugs*...Those I have spoken to could not think of any special significance of the word exile

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *to Ferox* Yes, this is strange. You asked me if I knew anything of this. I know nothing.

Ferox: [Talk] Gwen also asked him a question I believe

Thorvald: [Talk] *takes a long drink from his ale*

Ferox: [Talk] she reported she heard the word “Irrelevant”

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Sit...*motions to chair*... by all means Thorvald.

Ferox: [Talk] Am I right in this Gwen?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Precisely so...*nods*...I asked him to honour our fallen heroes Roland and Connor. But his response...if it could be well named such...was an ethereal voice...*quickly flips some pages in journal*... "Where are you going?”, “Who are you?", "What do you want?", and the singular...”Irrelevent”

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **leans over and places a drink order with he bartender**

Ferox: [Talk] ah yes! It was outside the East Gate, after Connor’s burial...*nods*...I’d forgotten

Thorvald: [Talk] me an Taque had a road under our boots.... *glances at Taque* ...but recon we kin drink for a while, eh

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Yeah? Well, I have to admit, that strange new faces worry me.

Ferox: [Talk] *nods*...He also used that word with me later that night

Ferox: [Talk] So the other night I was walking the street and I saw a fight between the figure, and a halfling named Fig

Ferox: [Talk] Or was it Twig...*looks toward ceiling, strokes chin* I think Trig or something of the sort

Gwenevere: [Talk] It is Snig, I believe...*consulting journal* unwashed urchin, yes?

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **takes a drink of his wine watching the table conversation**
Snig seems so beastial of temprament and intellect it he seems nearer animal than hin....jpg
Snig seems so beastial of temprament and intellect it he seems nearer animal than hin....jpg (18.8 KiB) Viewed 7224 times
Ferox: [Talk] Snig!...Yes, that was it!...*nods vigorously*...

Ferox: [Talk] Anyway...*continues*...I found it odd to see the figure fighting this little creature and I attempted in all the languages I know to intervene to no response. But my presence did stop the fight.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Hmmm.

Ferox: [Talk] Snig cursed the person roundly... and the man or, whatever it is, left

Ferox: [Talk] I spoke with Snig and tried to gather information from him... which was a difficult task as the creature seems more nearly an animal than a hin

Gwenevere: [Talk] Snig is quite troubled...methinks he may be a fool of exceptionally vicious sort. But all are not gentlefolk...*shrugs*...and even the wicked can be useful I suppose

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Ah, by the Judge...*shakes head, frowning*... Contentious new faces...*low voice*...not good.

Ferox: [Talk] Snig reported that he attacked the man because he heard a voice that asked him what he wanted

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **takes another drink of his wine**

Ferox: [Talk] oh! I forgot...*raises a finger*...before the figure left he cast his magics at me again and I heard ...“it will come to pass"

Ferox: [Talk] Methinks that when people use the words "it will come to pass"...*shrugs*... it is rarely a good thing

Gwenevere: [Talk] We can but wait and see what comes of this...*sighs, seems thoughtful*

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] Have any of you reported this man to the Flaming Fist?

Thorvald: [Talk] *grins* ...Ever tried ter set ‘is robes alight?...*shrugs, takes a drink*... that got ter get ‘is attention...

Gwenevere: [Talk] Thorvald! ...*giggles, rolls eyes*... That would hardly be civil.

Ferox: [Talk] So, I was in the tavern the other night at this very table, and the figure strode past me. I again attempted to speak with him in various languages and he eventually responded to me in Chondathan...he even spoke a few words in common, but went back to Chondathan and stated how he hated to speak in the trade tongue

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **takes another sip of wine**

Ferox: [Talk] I attempted to ask his name and his purpose, but he would not respond to that ...*pauses*...he said it was...“irrelevant”

Ferox: [Talk] he then asked a favour of me

Gwenevere: [Talk] *eyebrow rises*...A favour?

Ferox: [Talk] And keep in mind this is not through his magics, but with language...*nods*...he asked me to tell him the strengths and weaknesses of the Lurien

Ferox: [Talk] I did not know what he meant by that...*shrugs*...then he said the halfling

Ferox: [Talk] I told him I could not help him as I knew little

Gwenevere: [Talk] *hastily making notes in journal*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *frowns*...I don't like the sound of this.

Ferox: [Talk] He conceded the point, but said he would call on me in the future when he had need of me and that he will have another request

Thorvald: [Talk] *finishes his ale*

Ferox: [Talk] That is all of the matter thus far...*shrugs*... I feel that he is a messenger for something...or someone

Thorvald: [Talk] *looks to Taque* ...another day, eh?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Queer, certainly...but what ill has he done?

Ferox: [Talk] *shrugs*...None that I am aware

Gwenevere: [Talk] Perhaps... *sighs*...but I see no reason to assume he is wicked...

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **looks to Thorvald and nods**

Thorvald: [Talk] *looks at the folk at table* good night...

Ferox: [Talk] the man I spoke to at the bar who told me the figure told him of a curse, that man said that it seems that he is interested in me...and I have seen him frequently in many different places

Ferox: [Talk] Perhaps I should not have approached him in the first place, but as I said...*shrugs*... he makes me very curious, almost as if it’s some working of the art

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **continues to watch Ferox talk and sips his wine**

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I have learned not to believe in coincidences. I do not like his arrival, hard by as it is with the arrival of the Aurilians and the Bane-worshipper.
I seek plunder....and succulent greens

[Wynna] Chula Lysander: [Talk] *Shakes head* I've been in worse situations. He was just....unjoyful! *stomps foot*

Retired PC's: Torquil, Gwenevere
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Re: Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

Post by johnlewismcleod »

It has become passing clear that the dark forces arrayed against our host are not imagined, and were not sundered with burning of the Hag and destruction of her vile forces. Despite our fullest efforts, however, neither I nor mine companions have discerned even the nature of our enemies, moreso less their disposition. It has also become evident to me that our most promising means to learn more on these matters must be to consult my brethren, the good scholars of Candlekeep. Nowhere in the realms can there be greater knowledge bound, nor in more able care than in those hallowed halls.

To be granted entry unto those sacred grounds, however, it is necessary to acquire a tome of surpassing worth and only thusly may we attain audience that our inquiries may be entertained. I have bound testimony of several sources I hath deemed trustworthy that such a tome may be found below our city in what is known as the Undercellar.

To that end I have resolved that we must venture forth unto those foul depths and search. My heart is oft gripped in terror at the thought of returning there after nearly losing my host when last we ventured down, but I must steel my will to the task and see it done.

Although I have witnessed the elven Taque Tahlam in close company of the vile Banite Barid Mosinel on several occasions, and gleaned whisperings that they may be twined in purpose, we must needs have a scout to have any hope of surviving the Undercellar, much less discover the means after which we seek.

Modok of Valhingen, hero of Baldur's Gate

Gwenevere: [Talk] And you said that you have not been drinking of late, Ferox...*eyes him sceptically* this true?

Ferox: [Talk] I gave up regular drinking some months ago, it was when we lost many companions, I felt I needed to be always of clear mind

Ferox: [Talk] I also began to study my spells and the art more intently

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **smiles and takes a sip of wine**

Ferox: [Talk] I was recently able to add two more spells to my book

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Good, good.

Ferox: [Talk] Modok was not around originally, but I was heavy on the Suzale in the past. I was much more happy go lucky before coming to the gate …traveling was a fun adventure

Gwenevere: [Talk] I did find you prone just there ...*points beside Modok's chair* ...just one ride past. I could not wake you...*eyebrow rises slightly*… Perhaps you were afflicted?

Ferox: [Talk] No, I was not, I might of fallen asleep while in meditation though…*grimaces*…sleep has been hard to come by as of late

Gwenevere: [Talk] *taps chin, studies him curiously* ...As you say...*makes some notes*

Ferox: [Talk] Making up for all the notes and drawings of me you lost in your old journal, Gwen? ...* smirks*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] The elf stands there and says nothing. What news there, you? ...*to Taque*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Oh!...forgive me, good Modok...*contrite expression*...This is Taque Tahlam, newly mustered to the Flaming Fist host...*motions between them*...This is Modok of Valhingen, hero of Baldur’s Gate.

Taque Tahlam, suspected Banite sympathizer
Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **looks over to Modok** ...Taque Tahlam ...**nods with a polite smile**

Ferox: [Talk] Do we still have plans to visit Candlekeep?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed, the issue remains pressing…*small frown*… but first we must acquire the that Roland's find and the hag's tomes are lost, I fear we must go below...

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **raises an eyebrow, looks to Gwen and takes a sip of wine**

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *looks to Gwen*...What did Roland find?

Gwenevere: [Talk] An ancient tome of magic... *turns to Modok* ... Worthy of admittance to Candlekeep, I should think

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Damn it! I wished to see him live again... As regards the depths below this THAT the room that the innkeep here is reluctant to rent, then?

Gwenevere: [Talk]No, Ashan spoke briefly of that fell passage, but I know little about it or whence it leads. I speak of the Undercellar that lies below yon pantry...*motions to door in the corner*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I have been below once...with Allina and Leah...but we were set upon by a great spider the size of which would dwarf any giant...*grimaces*...It did nearly wrest Allina from my care. If not for Ashan’s valorous effort, methinks we all would have been slain.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Taque...*turns to elf*...have you any knowledge of the depths below this inn?

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] I have heard rumors of lost treasures, ancient libraries, and undead. I even won myself a key to the underworld rumored to exist in a contest one night here in the city...*shrugs*... I never looked into the truth of it all, though

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **looks to Gwenevere** ...If you are looking to go treasure hunting, you can have me on your team for a fair share of what is found and a few coins more.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I would be honoured to have your escort, good Taque... *dips head, brief curtsy*... But methinks we should require a large host of heroes for any chance of success

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I have not traveled with you, Taque, but I am not against it. But truth be told, I wish to do harm to the living dead rather than mere giant spiders.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed, brave Modok...from what I have been told the depths doth swell with such abominations...*smiles and touches his hand*... Your company would be a great comfort

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **looks over the three sitting at the table**

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] A Cleric of the Judge wearing full plate mail willing to destroy undead, a sober and well practiced wizard, a Healer of Oghma, and one of the best scouts coin can afford....what more would you want Gwenevere?

Gwenevere: [Talk] I...well...I shouldn’t know really...I've not been deep within...*stammers slightly*...But I've bound some tales and rumours...*hands on journal*... rumours of powerful vampires and undead giants

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **takes a sip of wine**

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] By the Judge, I am not ready for such trials.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *smiles wryly at the silence attending his last comment*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Perhaps a careful scouting would be in order...*looks from face to face*...but I should think we would have to be very careful indeed...

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **looks down to his coin purse and lifts it a little with the fingers of his right hand, looks back to Gwenevere**

Gwenevere: [Talk] With Iolas, Leah, and Ashan perhaps we would be more secure...*trails off weakly, eyes narrow as she follows Taque’s gesture to his coin purse*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] There comes a time when one must step out from beneath the shelter of the oaks and stand under the open sky bravely.

Ferox: [Talk] * raises an eyebrow at the mention of Leah* ... she is another I have not seen since my return from the Silver Marches... she lives?

Gwenevere: [Talk] One can but pray, good Ferox...*frowns, then turns to Taque*...Coin is an end unto itself for many, Taque, but it is knowledge I seek...*looks at him pointedly*... A treasure I hold more dear than coin

Ferox: [Talk] I knew I liked you for some reason, Gwen! ...*grins*...Knowledge is power after all

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] For fifty coins I would be willing to go below and investigate these rumours with you and your team and act as your scout, as well as a equal share of whatever spoils are found.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *looks to Taque* ... You may find it difficult to sell your skills among equals.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Fifty coin, you say...*tone faintly disdainful*

Ferox: [Talk] I told him that very thing the other day, Modok... *nods, smirks*...and that we are not rich enough to hire for our services

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **looks Modok over** ....You going to scout with your one good eye while marching around in full plate? ...**smirks, takes a sip of wine**

Gwenevere: [Talk] *shrugs, nods*...Adventure without a scout is foolhardy indeed

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Coin is tough to come by here, elf. I have two breastplate armours, but they sell for so little I prefer to hold them for use by others.

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] If you want into Candlekeep... **takes a sip of wine, shrugs**... then you need a tome.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Well...*smiles*...if fifty is your price for a tome, I will gladly pay it

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **smiles** ...You want a Tome you need to go looking for one, if you want to go below.....I have a key, and skills you will need.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Let us go down then...*shrugs*...and see what skills you have

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] Twenty-five coins up front, a fare share of the spoils if there are any, and another Twenty-Five after we return.

Gwenevere: [Talk] You shall have your coin, if that is what you value...*pulls out purse* means little to me

Ferox: [Talk] I have no coin to give to a pot unfortunately, I earn my stay here by performing for the crowds outside... *smirks*... the tavern keeper likes it because the crowd come in here after,
but he gives me no discount for my service

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **finishes his cup of wine and sets it on the counter**

Gwenevere: [Talk] Very well,*drops coins into Taque’s hand*...take it

Gwenevere: [Talk] I will don my leathers...*turns on heel and starts up stairs*...I shall return shortly

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **looks the coins over before adding them to his purse**

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I will be outside...*rises, straightens armour, then starts for the door*... I have some business to attend to.

After hanging my silks and donning my adventuring leathers, I returned downstairs to the inn and began searching for the hidden panel I had seen the elven Casen uncover before our previous misadventure in the Undercellar. Although I did bind the knowledge scrupulously, I was surprised to find that it was quite difficult to repeat Laslis’s feat…but perseverance did finally prevail.

Good magi Ferox, hero of Baldur's Gate
Taque Tahlam: [Talk] Gwen...

Gwenevere: [Talk] Yes?...*absently as she runs hands over the wall surface*

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] Your Cleric of Kelemvor just left.

Gwenevere: [Talk] It's here somewhere...*murmurs, then fingers finally find a purchase*...ahh! Here it is!

Ferox: [Talk] Gwen... I would not suggest going down there with so few people.. and no cleric

Ferox: [Talk] I remember what it was like down there..

Gwenevere: [Talk] I believe he went to go purchase some supplies...*slides back panel, satisfied expression*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Modok is a hero...*confident tone*...doubt that not. He shall return shortly

Taque Tahlam: [Party] *turns, exits inn*

Ferox : [Party] Are we doing this a little fast Gwen? We did not think it through much...does this elf even know where he is going and what he is looking for?

Gwenevere: [Talk] We shall see...perhaps he is merely bold of word…*taps chin with slender finger*…it is striking that despite his bold demeanor, he seems quite reluctant to go below without brave Modok to protect him.

Ferox : [Party] I would not care to risk our lives just to see...*frowns*... I do trust Modok though

Gwenevere: [Talk] We shall be careful... *looks up at Ferox, smiles*... in the company of you and Modok, I feel quite secure

Ferox : [Party] I would feel much safer with Ashan here...*looks away, frowns*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I as well...*sighs, sad expression*...I do hope he returns soon...

Ferox : [Party] Where did he go?

Gwenevere: [Talk] I do not know...but with the recent arrivals, it would indeed be a comfort to speak with him and to...*trails off, looks distant*…and to know we are in his thoughts.

Ferox : [Party] and he are the only people still alive that I would call friends

Gwenevere: [Talk] Not Modok... *eyes widen*...or Iolas...or Leah?

Ferox : [Party] I do not know Iolas well... and I have not seen Leah in ages

Taque Tahlam: [Party] *returns with Modok*...Ready?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Open up there.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Their absence is troubling...*frown deepens, nods*...certainly

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **draws his longsword*

Ferox : [Party] it has been some time since I wielded the cleric...*hefts his mace, grins*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **slinks ahead**

As we descended the stairwell and entered upon the upper tiers of the Undercellar, we were immediately assaulted both by the putrid stench of the place and a suffocating blackness pressing against our host like a gloom come unto solid form. The corridors twined about in disarray and venomous insects and vermin of every size and description attacked us from all directions. It was a battle of attrition, and I bind herein that if not for the valour and steadfastness of my heroes, I would have fled those putrid depths straightaway.


Ferox : [Party] this place...

Gwenevere: [Talk] *crinkles nose* ...It doth reek awfully of filth down here

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** ...something small ahead on the left

Gwenevere: [Talk] *hefts crossbow, struggles a bit as she cranks back the draw*

Ferox : [Party] I can call Mara to scout ahead if need be as well

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** ...Sounds like doom beetles


Gwenevere: [Talk] Oh, dear!...*gasps, hushed voice*... not more beetles

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Modok**

Modok Valhingen: [Party] *peers into misty darkness*...I see nothing yet.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to the others**

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Nothing in here.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **slinks ahead**

Ferox : [Party] beware of giant spiders..

Ferox : [Party] damned beetle came right for me

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Yes. They're very aggressive.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *face very pale*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to the others** you see that spider?

Ferox : [Party] still, I’d rather fight the beetles than a giant spider

Ferox : [Party] speaking of which…


Modok Valhingen: [Party] Good shot

Gwenevere: [Talk] *smiles*

Ferox : [Party] I’ve been in this room...*shines staff light around*...a large chamber is near

Ferox : [Party] we killed a giant spider in this room...*grimaces*... good to see a cousin didn’t move in to replace it

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwen**

Gwenevere: [Talk] Yes...*nods, frowning*…and it nearly killed Allina.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] You believe this is the right way?

Ferox : [Party] Yes…*nods toward doorway*…we never did go into that door

Gwenevere: [Talk] Which way should we go?...*seems shaken and confused*

Ferox : [Party] *turns to Gwen*...Are you well, lady Gwen?

Gwenevere: [Talk] I am...*nods, very pale*...the beetles are distressing is all

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Hmm...awfully large room for nothing to be here.

Ferox : [Party] I do not know, I simply follow, do you know where we are supposed to go

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **examines the stairs**

Ferox : [Party] Oh…*looks about warily*…this room had an equally large spider ..

After crossing the great rooms where our host had fought the giant spider on my former, singular descent into the Undercellar, we entered unto a long winding stairway down across a vast and eerily lighted cavern. The otherworldly nature of the cavern and decrepitude of the narrow, crumbling stair forced upon us all the peril unto which we were entering. Even brave Modok seemed taken aback.


Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks the door over**

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Before we go down, should we not clear this area?

Gwenevere: [Talk] What is beyond that?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Looks like a ramp leading lower....

Gwenevere: [Talk] Carefully, Taque

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Modok** I doubt the rats and beetles are going to give chase.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Agreed... *smiles wryly* ...Go ahead.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **flicks bug gore from his blade and returns it to his side**

Gwenevere: [Talk] Oh, my!

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **unslings and prepares his long bow**

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Okay...this is dramatic.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwen**

Gwenevere: [Talk] This is...beyond...I've never seen such a....*trails off, looks sick*


Taque Tahlam: [Party] I'll scout ahead, wait here if you prefer I will report back when I find something.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Hmmm. Do you see the cauldron ahead?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **slowly creeps down the stone ramp*

Modok Valhingen: [Party] See if there is anyone near it.

Ferox: [Talk] * looks around in awe*... an interesting place, this...

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Abandoned

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Yeah.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Strange.

Ferox : [Party] perhaps that spider was a guard here, with the master long gone

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks the large stone keep over**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwen**

Modok Valhingen: [Party] *stands watch*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Do you think...beyond is the…*long pause, hushed tone*….vampire?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] If rumors of undead are true, I suggest switching to slings or throwing axes people.

Ferox : [Party] *looks to Gwen*…the traitor's son?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **slings his bow and prepares a sling**

Gwenevere: [Talk] *shakes head, eyes wide*…His father

Ferox : [Party] the father and the banshee... here?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Hold on. Tell me all that you know of this foe.

Ferox : [Party] by the gods we would be in deep

Gwenevere: [Talk] If my notes are well written

Ferox : [Party] the vampire and the banshee would mean our deaths*grimaces*… and quick at that

Gwenevere: [Talk] I know nothing of him

Ferox : [Party] we spoke with his son, many months ago

Modok Valhingen: [Talk]
<color=cyan>DMFI Dice Roll for: Wisdom Mod: 4 TOTAL: 19</color>

Gwenevere: [Talk] But I would think you are correct…*looks to Ferox*

Ferox : [Party] his father and the banshee who used to fight the hag... they are supposedly together…*frowns, looking about*…a dangerous pair

Taque Tahlam: [Party] It is your gold Gwen, you want me to take a look or we going back?

Gwenevere: [Talk] We must be very careful indeed

With Taque’s able guidance we at last attain a landing of crumbling stonework that did seem an entryway unto a more substantial stone construction of corridors and rooms. The putrid stench of the place had not relented, but perhaps mine senses were becoming dulled to it. Taque did seem to relish in the knowledge that I and mine heroes were wholly reliant on his expertise and guidance in this venture, and verily, without the elven we would certainly have been lost.


Taque Tahlam: [Party] **nods and slinks inside**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** Some skeletons ahead through the grate

Ferox : [Party] would the tome we seek be here?...*looks about uneasily*...or is this folly

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks over the room**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** Passages to the left and right Gwenevere

Gwenevere: [Talk] This is not the construction of lesser beings

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Indeed. This is a well crafted place.

Ferox : [Party] let us not tarry in one place, lest they surround us

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwen** You have a preference?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] If these undead are going to attack through that gate...I am all for slaying them here.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I shouldn’t know, Taque...*seems out of her depth*…I rely on your lead in this

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** skeleton


Modok Valhingen: [Party] A door to the left...

Gwenevere: [Talk] I see nothing

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Modok** ready?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] I will draw him forth.

Ferox : [Party] nor do I

Modok Valhingen: [Party] It is not a skeleton...

Gwenevere: [Talk] Then...what?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] It is some sort of lever.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Modok**

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Come forth and see.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *eyes cast about warily, then settle on the object*…it is…*sighs, shugs*… a lever

Modok Valhingen: [Party] This foe is tough...*pulls a face, brandishes mace toward lever*…be cautious!

But even as Modok relished his moment of humour, a host of putrid walking dead shambled forth from the several hallways that converged on our position. The fight was pitched and verily I was hard pressed to keep abreast of my heroes as they smashed and hacked in all directions in the misted darkness. Tague was momentarily trapped between the flailing clawed limbs of several fast moving ghoulish creatures, but Modok and I came unto his succor quickly.


To my discredit I succumbed to petty humour at his injury:

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Nothing of use?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **puts the hammer away and picks up his sword**

Gwenevere: [Talk] Taque... *smiles wanly*…you are injured

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **grimaces, puts his sword away**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **once again prepares his sling**

Gwenevere: [Talk] Now...*taps chin, coyly feigns deep thought*...what compensation doth Bernard require for healings?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwen, blinks**

Gwenevere: [Talk] I cannot it...*pauses*...fifty coins?...*giggles*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **eyes narrow, smiles grimly**

Ferox : [Party] what of that lever?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *begins to hum as she steps close, then lays a gentle hand on Taque’s wound*

Modok Valhingen: [Party] *chuckles*…Shrewdly played, girl.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Do we dare pull the lever?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] If our foes are as these last ones, then we will do well to be cautious, I think.

Ferox : [Party] it is most likely to the locked gate…*points*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwen and the others**

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Pull it, then…*turns toward gate, braces behind shield and mace*

Ferox : [Party] as I deduced…*faintly smug grin*…it is the entrance room


Gwenevere: [Talk] isn't that from whence we just came?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Ah. We are back where we started.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Then we go this other way.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] I say that way.

Ferox : [Party] perhaps I should turn ranger.. I have a good sense of direction ...* smirks*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** False wall here

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwen**

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Hmmm...

Gwenevere: [Talk] is it a passage?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Hmmm...

Gwenevere: [Talk] Oh, dear

Modok Valhingen: [Party] A sacrifce?

Gwenevere: [Talk] The dagger is yet in her breast

Ferox : [Party] jilted lover?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *pulls it out*


Taque Tahlam: [Party] The door is locked, and I am not seeing a way to get it open without Modok bashing it down.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Bah! …*looks at reinforced door skeptically*…I am not so strong as all that.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I shall have a look at the lock…*kneels, slides a thin dagger into the keyhole*…Ahhh...*muffled click*…there!...that should do it!

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Be careful...step lightly and carefully.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *searches about the walls*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwen** I suggest exploring the side chambers first

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Yes…*nods, eyes roving about*…agreed.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Lead on then, Taque

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** something inside


Modok Valhingen: [Party] Sorry to back off... Good shots

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Lock box....old beds.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Look. A chest.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Hold up...

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Trapped as well.

Gwenevere: [Talk] trip wires!

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Do you have the skill to bypass this trap?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks over his shoulder** ...Only one way to find out

Gwenevere: [Talk] Do be careful, Taque

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **examines the trap**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **removes a small blade and uses it to cut two small wires near the lock**

Gwenevere: [Talk] *hums a sweet tune*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **then uses a set of picks to open the box**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **after opening it he steps back**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwen**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Looks like coins and a gem, Blood Stone

Gwenevere: [Talk] The duke shall be quite secure with you guarding his treasures, I should think ...*smiles at Taque wanly*

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Let us move on.

Ferox : [Party] nothing of note that way.. a well

Taque Tahlam: [Party] I do not guard the Duke's treasures Gwenevere, now would you like to collect the coins and gem or should I?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Fourteen gold nobles and a bloodstone. Record it for our treasure...

Gwenevere: [Talk] Oh...I apologies, Taque ...*giggles, watches as Modok collects contents*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **frowns at Gwen then shakes his head, turning away**

Ferox : [Party] no creatures in there

Gwenevere: [Talk] this passageway looks less well done

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Looks like the privy…*motions toward crusted hole in the stone floor*

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Gah…*stops in doorway* Stench!

Gwenevere: [Talk] *peers in from behind Modok, wrinkle nose*... Indeed

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Hmmm.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] My arbalest is of no use it seems against such a foe.


Taque Tahlam: [Party] Everyone ready?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Aye. Onward.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **motions to the left**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** ...something shuffling around


Taque Tahlam: [Party] **motions to the door** someone guard that

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Five coins and a Fire Agate ...**motions Gwen to the chest**

Ferox : [Party] Thank you Mara

Gwenevere: [Talk] Your bat is quite talented, good Ferox

Modok Valhingen: [Party] This chest appears safe...

Ferox : [Party] I have just reached high enough in school to communicate with him

Taque Tahlam: [Party] About twenty coins and two scrolls

Gwenevere: [Talk] Scrolls?

Ferox : [Party] what kind of scrolls? *eyes widen, eager expression*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwenevere**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] privy...

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Once again, the shitter.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] This was a place inhabited by creatures in an organized fashion.

Ferox : [Party] a door at the end…nothing in between

Gwenevere: [Talk] *looks over scrolls* ...These are magi spells, I should think

Ferox : [Party] * grins wide* what spells?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks over his shoulder**

Gwenevere: [Talk] this one...*slender finger trails across symbols*…well...perhaps you should look

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **returns his gaze down the hall**

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Stand fast a moment...our magician friend is considering our newly found treasure.

Ferox shown light forth from his staff that we might see through the blackness

Ferox : [Party] yes it is…*nods, scanning scrolls quickly*…both!...and I have neither spells!...looks up, grinning*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **frowns**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to gwen** Forward?

Ferox : [Party] just a door

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Hmmm. Quite the nice find there.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *passes loot to Modok*…best to have one person keep everything

Modok Valhingen: [Party] It appears barred...

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **draws his sword**

Gwenevere: [Talk] I'll have a look at it

Gwenevere: [Talk] *leans over lock*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Guano

Ferox : [Party] the glory of this place is long past

Gwenevere: [Talk] *wrinkles nose* seems good Ferox's bat had a need

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Some mages find the shite of bats to be useful.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Do they?... *giggles, eyes dart from Ferox to Modok*... For what…tea?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] No, for use in their spellcraft.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *shrugs*…As you say, then…

Ferox : [Party] in fact it seems that the less intelligent creatures moved in after the original owners left

Taque Tahlam: [Party] There is also another false wall behind us, and another we passed on the way to this want to investigate those Gwenevere?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Let us go back the way we came and see this false wall that the elf speaks of.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Is this a passage?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Old ladder....looks to lead to a tower that has since collapsed.

Gwenevere: [Talk] A ladder?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ahhh...most likely...yes

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **stands ready near the door**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **shakes his head**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Impassable....looks like another cave in.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwenevere** All that remains is that center hall with the door flanked by two statues


Gwenevere: [Talk] This ruin is vast...I'm certain I shouldn’t be able to find my way out again

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Then we should look at what we have not yet seen and then get out.

Ferox : [Party] what is that!!!

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Gods!

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks over his shoulder**

Gwenevere: [Talk] Modok?

Ferox : [Party] we were being attacked..

Gwenevere: [Talk] You look quite pale...are you hurt?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] I am near death, certes!

Taque Tahlam: [Party] The statues gave off electrical shocks.....I was going to warn you, but you all sort of followed right after me.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] There was a place at the doorway, that caused great pain and hurt...

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed...I felt it as well... I'm quite light headed

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **puts his blade away and prepares his sling**

Ferox : [Party] doors and gates

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks ot Gwenevere** You have a preference?

Ferox : [Party] a iron gate with intricate circular designs is to the left

Ferox : [Party] straight

Gwenevere: [Talk] I really have no idea, Taque...I am at your disposal in this

Ferox : [Party] a revenant


Ferox : [Party] and skeletons

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Have that!

Ferox : [Party] one more

Ferox : [Party] with Mara as my eyes I see much more then with my own

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Well done

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Stand fast...are there more!

Ferox : [Party] come home Mara

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Ferox**

Gwenevere: [Talk] I fear we come closer to the undead lord, perhaps

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Hmmm...shall we continue onward?

Mara, goodmage Ferox's loyal companion

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Your bat might allow you exceptional sight wizard, but it obviously cannot scout without drawing the attention of undead.

Ferox : [Party] that is true Elf

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **puts his sword away**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** trapped

Ferox : [Party] a corpse

Gwenevere: [Talk] Oh, should be secured

Gwenevere: [Talk] lest it be corrupted

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Nobody that I know...

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Gwenevere, the door near the bed is locked, if you want to try it I will guard over you

Gwenevere: [Talk] Very well

Gwenevere: [Talk] There...that does it

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Empty

Ferox : [Party] this is the room

Ferox : [Party] from whence all the creatures came

Ferox : [Party] Mara entered here

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **waves Gwen over**

Gwenevere: [Talk] A...throne?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] There is something at the throne over there...perhaps a door?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Good Modok...will you see to it?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Fourteen more nobles, a fire agate, and another bloodstone.

Gwenevere: [Talk] This once was a giant

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** scroll and four coins....**takes nothing and moves on**

Ferox : [Party] this place surely is a repository for arcane spells..

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** Weapon, gem, scroll, and gold

Ferox : [Party] We wait for you to loot Modok

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **takes nothing**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks inside the tomb** Scroll and coins

Gwenevere: [Talk] Does something lie within?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwen** Scroll and coins

Ferox : [Party] scrolls and scrolls!

Ferox : [Party] * appears quite excited*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *frowns, sighs*…But no tomes...

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **watches over the hall**

Modok Valhingen: [Party] What a nice weapon...

Ferox : [Party] * a look of realization appears over his face* ah yes... no tome..

Ferox : [Party] perhaps behind the throne as Modok suggest

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **shakes his head**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Where to next Gwenevere?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] We should approach this carefully...

Gwenevere: [Talk] I should like to pray over that fallen adventurer… with so many abominations about, I fear he will be corrupted

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Then let us do so.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *looks about, faintly bewildered expression*…If you recall where he was

Modok Valhingen: [Party] *seems confident*…This way.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Checking the entire floor before tampering with rune surrounded thrones would be my professional opinion.

Ferox : [Party] what of the throne ?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **guards the door**

Ferox : [Party] anything on him?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *Frowns at Ferox*

Corpse: [Talk] <i>You discover the remains of some luckless soul.


Gwenevere: [Talk] Perform last rites.

Corpse: [Talk] <i>You finish the ritual and prepare to say a few words over the remains.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Cast Bless.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *makes some marks in the dust*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *raises hands in supplication*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *makes some more marks*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **continues to quietly guard over the door**

Gwenevere: [Talk] *chants in quiet tones*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *makes some more marks*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *raises arms in supplication*

Ferox : [Party] * appears inpatient, observing his surroundings*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Secure this poor soul...and see her safely bound unto her patron’s domain

Gwenevere: [Talk] *rises*

Modok Valhingen: [Party] The Kelemvorite rites are lengthy, but I think you will find them effective.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks over his shoulder** Looks clear

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed...

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Onward?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** Healing potion and gold

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Oh. This is well…*nods, tucks them away*…Aye.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] *Whispers* stairs leading down

Ferox : [Party] this place is never ending

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** scroll and gold

Ferox : [Party] ray of enfeeblement…*grins over Modok’s shoulder*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **motions left** Should lead to that Throne Room

Ferox : [Party] keep those scrolls nice and safe for me Modok * smirks*

Modok Valhingen: [Party] I will!

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **nods to them both**

Ferox : [Party] i have no spells left to help us

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** a Ghoul and the ones with the glowing red eyes

Gwenevere: [Talk] Where?...*eyes widen, looks about*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** ready?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Yes.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I see nothing…*very pale, grasps mace awkwardly*

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwenevere** we are in a hall way Gwenevere, I just came from in front of you.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Are we ready?

Gwenevere: [Talk] I,,,suppose

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Aye. Onward.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *uncertainly*

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Well done.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Another corpse...

Ferox : [Party] a library...

Ferox : [Party] or was..

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** Three healing potions and gold

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ahhhh...*begins searching in earnest*

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Hold on.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Here...

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Modok**

Ferox : [Party] this seems as good a place as any for a tome..

Ferox : [Party] thank you

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **nods to Modok**

Gwenevere: [Talk] *immediately returns to books*

Modok Valhingen: [Party] It is important that we all have these.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Thank you, brave Modok

Taque Tahlam: [Party] scrolls and gems

Ferox : [Party] scrolls!

Ferox : [Party] all identified?

Ferox : [Party] i can help if not

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Something I do not understand here.

Ferox : [Party] color spray! i could use that one

Ferox : [Party] you can take it now


Ferox : [Party] HELP!

Ferox : [Party] did that happen when you removed the scroll??

Gwenevere: [Talk] These are spirits!

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Aye!

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to the three as his breathing slows**

Ferox : [Party] wonderful...

Modok Valhingen: [Party] This was expected, sooner or later.

Gwenevere: [Talk] They are bound here...and very unhappy

Modok Valhingen: [Party] It is good to cleanse this place.

Ferox : [Party] well let’s move on then

Ferox : [Party] anything over there by the bed?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Nay...nothing.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I must tell you all....My Lord did not bless me with strength when I prayed

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks over the books that have suffered from time and neglect**

Modok Valhingen: [Party] That is not a good sign, but your god is a strange god.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwenevere**

Gwenevere: [Talk] I fear this place is too corrupt for my will to overcome, and my patron did not hear my plea

Taque Tahlam: [Party] We could proceed down, or investigate the one passage we have not yet looked into on this floor.

Ferox : [Party] there is nothing an army of clerics could do here..

Modok Valhingen: [Party] I do not believe we should proceed downward, but we should see to the passage.

Ferox : [Party] I agree with Modok..

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **still watching Gwenevere**

Gwenevere: [Talk] I follow my heroes…*eyes quiver slightly*…but I beg we go no deeper

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **nods and slinks ahead**

Ferox : [Party] did we find out what is behind the throne?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Not yet.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] We are behind the Throne

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **points down the hall** The throne is past that wall

Ferox : [Party] are you sure we were behind it…*looks about, confused*…or did we go around it

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks back and nods**

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Wait...

Taque Tahlam: [Party] I am not paid enough to tamper with runes

Gwenevere: [Talk] Runes?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] If you want to tamper with them go ahead.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Yes...we were behind it...I think...

Ferox : [Party] * observes the runes*

Ferox : [Party] then why the runes to protect?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Hmmm...

Ferox : [Party] i believe Taque was right...

Modok Valhingen: [Party] We have been here before...yes...agreed.

Ferox : [Party] did we not pass here before?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **takes a knee and guards the doorway**

Gwenevere: [Talk] He often is...*sighs, under breath*…to my continuing irritation

Ferox : [Party] looks like you were right Elf

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** on the left is a passage we have not checked.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Ready?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Yes...onward then.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] The ghoul seems to have a taste for elf-flesh.

Ferox : [Party] only 13 bolts left... I need to buy some more

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **wipes filth from his face**

Gwenevere: [Talk] *pulls handful of bolts from quiver, passes them to Ferox*

Ferox : [Party] thank you

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **whispers** skeletons


Ferox : [Party] ah there is the gate Mara saw with the designs

Ferox : [Party] this blasted place never ends..

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to gwenevere**

Gwenevere: [Talk] are ill

Modok Valhingen: [Party] You do not look so well.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **nods**

Taque Tahlam: [Party] That last Ghoul passed on the fever.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] You never know where those ghouls have been.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Has anyone herbs?

Modok Valhingen: [Party] I have nothing that can help.

Ferox : [Party] Nor I

Gwenevere: [Talk] We must make haste for the city...*firmly*….that I may purchase herbs

Taque Tahlam: [Party] Other then the Passages leading below, we have explored as much as we can here.

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Is this fever such that it may pass, or is it incurable?

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Modok** let’s hope it is curable.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I can stop it...but I must have medicinal herbs to do so

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks to Gwen** Ready to make our way up?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Yes...let us make haste

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Aye. Agreed.

Ferox : [Party] *nods* we will return another time for the tome

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **grits his teeth**

Modok Valhingen: [Party] What about this door?

Ferox : [Party] there are at least 2 doors we did not see, but there is no time

Modok Valhingen: [Party] Aye...agreed.

Taque Tahlam: [Party] **looks back for Modok*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Let us not tarry...time is short for Taque, I fear

Taque Tahlam: [Talk] **suddenly gets weak in the knees and almost falls over**

Gwenevere: [Talk] *tries to support Taque*…We must rely on Mara for guidance…and make haste!

We did manage to find the stairway back up out of the Undercellar with great difficulty, and once the good herbalist Arsa did supply me with suitable poultice I was able to staunch Taque’s festering wounds and beat back his fevers.

I cannot fault the elven for lack of bravery or skill, but I worry that his heart is untrue and his preoccupation with coin may be his downfall. He remains at risk of falling under the vile influence of the Banite Barid Mosinel in my estimation, though I cannot bind herein that I know this to have passed.

Taque Talham on the mend
I seek plunder....and succulent greens

[Wynna] Chula Lysander: [Talk] *Shakes head* I've been in worse situations. He was just....unjoyful! *stomps foot*

Retired PC's: Torquil, Gwenevere
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Posts: 2021
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:37 am
Location: Tarrant County, Texas

Re: Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

Post by johnlewismcleod »

It was an eventful eve in the Helm and Cloak. It seems the elven warrior Arathil is fallen. I felt little remorse at his passing, when first I was told of it. He had been quite cold to me when I ventured to Silverymoon to plead for aid for our war weary host of heroes in Baldur’s Gate. I had found him with two other elven males in the Brandished Blade. When I told them of the siege and sickness that so reduced us there, he and the other two claimed that the females of their clan were warlike and powerful and quite able to fend for themselves.

They made jest of my weakness, suggesting I would be better served to take up mace and shield and succour mine host myself rather than look to others for support. Verily their words did wound me and gave rise to shame at my deficiencies, urging me to flee their company in disgrace.

But even as I considered these remembrances, I was touched by the mourning of his companions Ward Halliams, cleric of Kelemvor and Sylvaine de Rochelle. From their pain it was clear to me that there was more to Arathil than the petty slights I had suffered from him. It is clearly my loss to have not had the opportunity to discover what engendered love for him in his companions.

Sylvaine is a lovely maiden, and clearly of high born Waterdavian family. I at once wished to ask about my family, for it is likely she is acquainted with my mother at the least, and likely knows my father as well. But even as I contemplated revealing my heritage to her in hopes of news from home, I knew that I must not. It would likely be my misfortune that she knows all too well of the circumstances of my flight, and would expose my disgrace for all too view and comment upon. I’m certain I have not the strength to have those wounds re-opened and what modicum of respect I have achieved here dashed. I will learn more of this maiden and discover what circles she did move in before I expose myself needlessly to ridicule.

The mysterious cloaked whisperer did nearly summon his maiming or death from valiant Modok this eve. I do not know why Ferox does countenance his hideous behavior, but it was good fortune he came and intervened before Modok cut him down for his insolence. I shudder to think what might have happened if Thorvald had been present. Perhaps good Ferox can find a means to discover the creatures’ nature before his craft causes further distress.

But the most momentous event of the evening was when the elven magi Venrill revealed the heretofore unknown precursor to Bolnak’s evil reign of terror and the substance of the events that preceded my arrival to Baldur’s Gate. I bind the evening’s discourse herein:

Sylvaine de Rochelle of Waterdeep
Ward Halliams, cleric of Kellmvor
Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *nods to Gruuhilda*

Ward Halliams: [Talk] I will use it to toast Arathil

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] This place sells high priced drink, certes.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Good eve...*smiles, curtsies in the general direction of the various unfamiliar faces, eyes widen when she notices Gruuhilda*

Gruuhilda: [Talk] *looks the woman up and down*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *eyes light on Modok in the crowd* Ahhh...Modok...have you new acquaintances?

Ward Halliams: [Talk] *takes out a bottle of whisky and pours a number of shots*

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *wearily leans on the counter*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] These people are unknown to me.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *eyes return to Gruuhilda, studies her warily*

Ward Halliams: [Talk] if you were a friend if Arathil, then please share a drink with me in a salute to a fallen comrade at arms *this ritual seems more accustomed to mercenaries than priests of Kelemvor*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Arathil?...*turns to Ward in surprise*...the golden haired elf?

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *sets a bottle of whisky down heavily on the table, then opens it*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *slithers around and between the tables*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] He is perished.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Is he?...*hand rises to breast*…That is sad news indeed

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *slowly rises.*

Ward Halliams: [Talk] He has indeed passed over to continue his journey

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I saw him carried into the city, dead as can be.

Gruuhilda: [Talk] *grunts* Gruuhilda go rest now.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *sighs softly, her forehead still resting in her hand*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *shies away as Gruuhilda passes*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] So, tell the tale, Brother Ward.

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Silently watches Gruuhilda.*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ward is it? *raises an eyebrow as she looks toward Ward*

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *pushes off the counter* I'll freshen up before I join you.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I am Gwenevere *smiles, curtsies*

Ward Halliams: [Talk] *nods* I am Ward Halliams, faithful servant of Kelemvor , and friend to the late Arathil

Gwenevere: [Talk] *sits, crosses legs, and adjusts skirts* Good Modok must be pleased to have made your acquaintance *smiles briefly, then face returns to serious*...I only knew Arathil in passing...He and his fellows in Silverymoon chose not to aid us in our battle with Bolnak…

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *slumps down on the chair, lolling her head back, staring at the ceiling*

Ward Halliams: [Talk] *pushes a full shot glass to Sylvaine*

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Merci bien.

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *watches the group silently.*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *drinks directly from the bottle before him*

Gwenevere: [Talk] But...oh, my...I continue, good Ward...I would hear of his misfortune…*pulls out journal, turns some pages, and then begins to take notes*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Yes. Tell of it.

Ward Halliams: [Talk] It matters little, he was a casualty, in the war against ill, he continues his search for the knowledge of his ancestors on the other side

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] If he knew a god.

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *eyes narrow slightly as he stares at Ward.*

Ward Halliams: [Talk] *nods* He was a man of faith, of the Seldarine

Gwenevere: [Talk] A clan with fierce females, if I am to take him at his word...He spoke to me of elven maidens that were quite warlike...Indeed, he seemed quite confounded that I was not a warrior...

Ward Halliams: [Talk] he can look forward to be embraced with open arms

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Good, then he will not spend eternity in the wall of the dead.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *sips from the whiskey glass*

Ward Halliams: [Talk] *finishes his drink* if you will excuse me I will take my rest. I have prayers to see to, and long ones tonight

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *slowly creases a brow, looking for Gwenevere for the first time in earnest, her young face weary*

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Bien sûr, your grace Halliams.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I hoped to learn more of his people, but seems my curiosity will now be frustrated

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *to no-one in particular* I have learned that life in these parts is cheap, regardless of what people say about how they love their fellows.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *moves quietly to a seat and takes out a small ledger from a belt pouch*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed, brave Modok... *smiles warmly*…but doubt not that you are loved

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *he begins reading through the booklet, paying the other patrons little heed*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Flexes his grip on the spear-like stave.*

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *shakes her head slowly, sighing*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *turns to Sylvaine* I am Gwenevere, good maiden

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *nods, exhaustedly* Sylvaine, mademoiselle,…de Rochelle.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] When I die, I will be mourned, then burned, and my belongings divided, as it should be. The best thing to do with death is say the rites and walk away from it.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *smiles, nods* A pleasure, Sylvaine…Are you also a friend of the fallen Arathil?

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] I... yes, you could say zhat.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *drinks deeply from the bottle again*

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] We met up en Luruar, from where we travelled ere togezher, to do some research. It seems fate ad other things in store.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Zhe pleasure is certainnement mine.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I am sorry for your loss, lady...truly...I have lost many dear friends as well...the pain doth linger...

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *to Modok* And you are un friend of monsieur Halliams? *smiles back faintly to Gwenevere* I'm pas un lady yet. But zhank you kindly. We are truly bereaved.

Gwenevere: [Talk] May I bring you wine, Sylvaine?

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *smiles again* Thank you kindly. Je pense tonight I shall accept your offer.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I know him not except we follow the same order.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Ahh…*nods slowly*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *pauses his studies a moment to indicate to the Host for a drink*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I have no doubt that where two followers of the Judge are gathered, though, that good work will be done.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *rises, approaches inn host, smiles up at him* Wine please...and something pleasing to a lady’s taste, if you have it

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *reads through more pages as he waits*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] For example I see that there is no graveyard, nor place to burn the dead. This will be corrected, in time.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *stops suddenly, stares at the figure lurking on the stage*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *nods, curtsies warily to Iryosdreghost, then approaches table again* Here you are, pardon if it is not seems our host has but a single keg bunged just now

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *smiles warmly, taking the wine* Zhank you... said is very kind of you, miss. It will do.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] It had better, the price is high.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *quirks a brow* Really? In zhat case, ow much do I owe you?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *lingers behind Modok, seems uncomfortable*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Movement underneath the hooded veil, contorts his free hand. Ethereal whispers surround the area centered upon Gwenevere. They're clearly loud enough for the group to hear. "What do you want? Where are you going? Who are you?*
Cloaked and hooded whisperer
Gwenevere: [Talk] Nothing, good is my pleasure, dear...

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *claps towards Iryosdreghost, clearly unimpressed*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *his eyes snap over to regard the cloaked man with a slight frown*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I find wine helps calm the nerves when bereaved…I seek it’s
comfort all too often

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *smiles to Gwenevere* Zhat is most kind…you ‘ave my gratitude…*lifts the glass in salute, swirling it elegantly before taking a sip*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *looks toward the stage and drinks from his whisky bottle again*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I...who are you? *face pales* What do you wish of me?

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *his eyes narrow upon watching Iryosdreghost appraisingly and he shifts in his chair to keep the man in his peripheral vision as he returns to reading through his ledger*

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *glances at her* Are you alright, miss...?

Gwenevere: [Talk] I...He...

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] ...yes?... *looks towards Iryosdreghost*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Yes...I am well...I do apologize

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] No matter. If zhere is some trouble, I'm certain zhe fist as rules against zhe use of unwelcomed magics en establishments like zhis. *smiles* But please, why don't you rejoin us?

Thorvald: [Talk] ale...

Gwenevere: [Talk] *rests a hand on the back of Modok's chair*

Thorvald: [Talk] *pays for his drink*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *takes a deep breath* Certainly...

Thorvald: [Talk] mornin', eh… *smiles widely and drinks his ale*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Good morning, good Thorvald *smiles, curtsies*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *sits, crosses legs, and adjusts skirts*

Thorvald: [Talk] Anyone seen Taque?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *ignores question* Did you meet the elf Arathil, Thorvald?

Thorvald: [Talk] Errr... *takes a drink* I ain't sure…what of him?

Gwenevere: [Talk] It seems he is fallen...

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Slain.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *sighs softly*

Thorvald: [Talk] wha' ate him?

Gwenevere: [Talk] This is Sylvaine de Rochelle...she was a friend of Arathil's

Thorvald: [Talk] *nods to woman and drinks*

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *nods faintly* ...E fell in battle against... *sighs softly* ...Ow to bes describe it. Un giant creature made of earth and rock, infused by un elemental spirit.

Thorvald: [Talk] *scratches chin*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *frowns* ...Were there Thayans involved?

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I seem to miss out on these misadventures of late.

Thorvald: [Talk] I’ve heard o' 'em... never seen one or faced in fight

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *squints unpleasantly*...How is it that you faced such an un-natural foe?

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *shakes her head* No, not zhat I'm aware of.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Gnolls, owever, were involved.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] The dog-men. I have expected such a thing, with the wolves on the road, and even what is called a warg.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *sighs* ...It was an unnecessary venture.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Gnolls...*grimaces*...common companions of Thayans, I've been told

Thorvald: [Talk] *drinks his ale*

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] So zhere is much trouble avec Thayans in the parts ere?

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] The Thayan hand reaches far. They were trouble in the Dragon Reaches, but they venture even this far now.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Ill are zhose tidings.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] They are emboldened by the lawfulness of civilized people.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I speak of it only because I know they have such a creature…It serves them as guard in their compound here

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Emboldened by zhe lawfulness...? I'm pas certain I follow.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Yes. I will explain. Say you come upon someone, or some...thing...that you know is up to no good. Do you slay it? Or do you wait for it to prove itself evil. The Thayans prey on this restraint practiced by decent folk.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Ow can zhey prey on it?... *rubs her chin*... If zhey do evil,
action will be taken.

Gwenevere: [Talk] One might hope so...but in Baldur's Gate, as in other cities, it is not so simple a thing. Some think them valuable trade partners.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Prove their evil. The Thayans are no wild-haired barbarians, burning and putting villagers to the pike.

Gwenevere: [Talk] The Thayans pretend to serve the Dukes

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Hmm... I ear zhe fist is stretched thin, oui? From zhe last war, and as not replenished all numbers.

Gwenevere: [Talk] This is also true…And many heroes have been lost as well

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *absently sips from his wine, flipping another ledger page and reading on*

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] I take some reassurance in zhe fact that despite ending up aving to slay wyverns on more occasions zhan I'd like, I ave no aspirations to be become un eroine and die an according death...

Gwenevere: [Talk] Thorvald, Ferox, and Modok remain...

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Oh... *smiles* You are un ero of Baldur's Gate, monsieur? *looks at Modok*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed...Thorvald and Modok aided in the destruction of Bolnak, as did Ferox, Ashan, Kalana, and Roland....

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] I see. *lifts her wine glass in salute* What is a Bolnak, owever?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Bolnak was a vile hag...Some named her a queen of hags...She laid siege to Baldur's Gate...

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Huh. *furrows brows, looking pensive*

Thorvald: [Talk] *finishes drink, slides tankard over to barkeep and motions for a refill*

Gwenevere: [Talk] And fueled her magics by the abduction and torture of children

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *frowns* Ow orrible.

Gwenevere: [Talk] She held the entire region in a deadly grip of despair until our heroes slew her

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Yeh...*short nod, drinks*... It was bloody terrible.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *nods slightly* A noble deed sans doubt, zhen.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Though quite odd - zhere was quite some trouble with a coven of hags up en Luruar, aussi. Several were slain, and several autres took revenge. It's part of zhe reason why we travelled ere...

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] But zhis Bolnak, worked alone?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed it seemed so, for her two sisters are destroyed as well…*sighs, frowns*...but now it seems another has risen and seeks to take up Bolnak's craft.

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Flexes his hand on his spear-like stave.*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] The hag said that there would be more evil yet to come. We're waiting to see it. You may play a part in what comes.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *smiles faintly* Why would you say zhat?

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *blinks* Oh, non! We're just getting our information, zhen we go back... we certainly don't plan to bring our own ag-troubles down ere...

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I don't think it will be another hag. It could be that crazy looking fellow over there on the stage...*laughs quietly*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *follows Modock’s gaze, nods*...Black cloaked assassins are deployed to gather Bolnak’s manuscripts. It seems that in our zeal to destroy the hag, we neglected to destroy her laboratory as should have been timely done.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Black cloaked assassins...*shakes her head incredulously* ...What kind of place I ave come to.

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Brow furrows slightly.*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *glances back warily*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] This place is not gentle, certes.

Gwenevere: [Talk] A region in dire need of heroes, my lady

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *smiles* ...Zhen you will ave to rise to become one, ensemble with your already eroic friends.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *reaches out to the bottle again, half empty, and drinks*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I am no any may well see...*extends her slender arms, delicate fingers open*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Would that I were...but alas...*sighs*...the one I hoped might teach me such craft is slain

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] I'm no warrioress eizher... *smiles brightly*...yet I ad to use my feet and arms together to pull my rapier out of a wyvern's neck. C'est not always our choice... And your friends ere seem quite capable fighters, yes?

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] That's true enough...*belches, nods*... A man does what he does, then finds his fate... Before I forget... *turns to Gwenevere* where is Ashan, and Kalana?

Gwenevere: [Talk] I do not know, good Modok...*seems suddenly sad, eyes fall to lap*...they have vanished, it seems

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] That's ill news.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *glances over to the other table briefly at the mention of Ashan*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I've not seen brave Iolas or fair Leah either in quite some time

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *sighs softly* ...Oh, please, not more tales of lost friends on zhis day.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] No-one is dead until we have seen their body.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *nods slowly*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Eyes slowly focus on Venrill.*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *flips over to an empty page of his ledger while drawing a thin quill and vial of ink from his belt pouch and begins making notations*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I have not suffered the task of burying any of them as I remain hopeful they are well, and only absent

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *smiles faintly* I am sure zheir gods will provide zhat.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I do hope so, dear...Though it is passing strange that they are this long absent...

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Hn.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Bien. En any cas, I zhank you for your kindness. I shall ave to retire, though it saddens me to leave new friends to drink alone.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Before you leave…where did you venture that you discovered these dog men and the mud beast?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Have a pleasant rest, dear... And pray do not dwell on what cannot be undone

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Per-aps on zhe morrow we can fence un peu, if you are worried about your swordsmanship. *grins* Unless monsieur Modok already taught you all is tricks by zhen.

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] *to Modok* Along zhe road to Beregost, je pense. A large band of gnolls ambushed us; we tracked it from there and fought with more.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *laughs* There ain't time to teach this girl all the tricks I know.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *drinks again*

Sylvaine de Rochelle: [Talk] Alors - rest well, zhe both of you, and may your dreams be tranquil.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *nods*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *smiles* Good eve, Sylvaine

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Looks to the floor slightly then looks toward Gwenevere.*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Venrill?... Will you sit with us?

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *glances over as Sylvaine pasees, then returns his attention to his notations*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Wolves on the road slaying Aidan, now dog men on the road to Beregost. Surely there is some evil force, lash in hand behind these sub-human tribes.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Perhaps good Venrill can enlighten us on this

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Slowly points an elongated finger at Gwenevere. There is inaudible movement underneath his veil.*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *look up at the call of his name and offers Gwen a small but polite smile* Oh, that is all right my lady. I would not wish to intrude on your conversations.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] There is a man who knows that he has two ears to hear with, and one mouth to speak with. *chuckles*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I had hoped you might offer substance to them, good Venrill…*smiles*… Perhaps you would be willing to explain what the Traitor Son meant when he urged us to query you further?

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *arches an eyebrow slightly* Enlighten? Upon what topic, my lady?

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Tell] *There is a distinct low toned whisper in your ear.*"I wish you to be my guide in this land. I hope it is not a slight imposition, but I believe I need to know more."

Gwenevere: [Talk] *starts, then looks back toward Iryosdreghost suddenly *

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Lowers his elongated finger away from Gwen. The subtle movement beneath the veil ceases.*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *the ghost of a frown passes along his features momentarily, but it never truly manifests. He seems to consider a breath longer, then nods* As you wish *he flips his ledger closed and stows the quill and ink back in their belt pouch*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Lifts his finger and points to her. He slowly turns his hand and beckons her.*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *looks frightened*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I ain't having this.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *moving to the other table, he sets his hat upon it and glances in Iryosdreghost direction briefly before taking the nearest chair*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *moves around table to chair farthest from Iryosdreghost*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *points his finger at Iryosdreghost* Find another place to be.

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Stares silently at Gwen.*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I...I am no ranger...*speaks to Iryosdreghost*… I am only a healer...

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *louder* You. I'm about to make me your business.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *turns his head to regard Iryosdreghost fully, his gaze wary, as Modok addresses him*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Eyes slowly drag toward Modok.*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *rises with a grim expression, pulls his cloak aside to brandish a sword*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *He narrows his eyes and holds out his hand palm up.*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *reaches out a slender hand and lays it on Modok’s arm*
Modok...please...don't...I beg you sit, my hero....

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *Modok's eyes move down toward Gwenevere, then back up to Iryosdreghost*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *He flexes his hand on the spear-like stave. He continues to watch Modok.*

Gwenevere: [Talk] You sir...*speaks to Iryosdreghost*… will you sit with us, perhaps? *face very pale*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Looks to Gwenevere.*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *He slowly shakes his head.*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *frowns*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Can you speak?

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Nods.*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *frowns, then raises chin defiantly* Then I beg you be gone... I am no guide…just a healer of Oghma in support of my heroes

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Slowly shakes his head.*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *continues to watch Iryos warily. As he does so, he lets his left hand slide slowly and inconspicuously into a belt pouch, pulling forth a pinch of something and keeping it at his side *

Gwenevere: [Talk] Seek out Taque...he is ever for hire

Gwenevere: [Talk] *looks back to Modok with concern plain on face* Please good Modok...sit... I would not have you again spill blood for me

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *breathes deeply*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *curtly* I ain't had my satisfaction yet.

Gwenevere: [Talk] He has offered no injury, and Ferox does know him...

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Looks to Gwen and nods briefly.*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I don't get him, and I don't like that Aiden and Arathil are dead, and I don't like that *points at Iryosderghost*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Perhaps good Ferox will discover what he wishes

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *He then shakes his head.*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *glances over at the group, looking rather exhausted*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *reaches down for the bottle* If you're saying that Master

Ferox speaks for him, then that will have to do. *drinks*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Water and bread. *nods and leaves a coin on the table*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Thank you, dear *clearly relieved as Modok relents*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *sits and takes a drink before eating the small loaf of bread*

Ferox: [Talk] * walks down from the stairs*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Beckons a finger to Ferox.*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *looks up* Ahhh...Ferox! *obviously relieved to see him*

Ferox: [Talk] greetings * nods*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Slowly places his hand by his side. His eyes narrow a bit.*

Ferox: [Talk] *speaks to Gwen and Venril*…it seems our friend wishes to shoot whispers into my ears... excuse me *turns and approaches Iryosdreghost*

Gwenevere: [Talk] That person has nearly earned good Modok's ire...will you see if you can discover what he wishes before he comes to harm?

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I must go, Good health to you… *rises abruptly, and starts for the door*

Ferox: [Talk] How do you wish to speak this time sir? *speaks to Iryosdreghost*

*Ferox and Iryosdreghost enter into quiet discussion in what sounded like Chondathan*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *watches Ferox and stranger, frets with embroideries on blouse absently*

Gwenevere: [Talk]*after some time turns to Venrill* So...good Venrill…you were about to speak of the Traitor Son?

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *shakes his head* I would not be able to even if I wished to, my lady. Our meeting with him that night was my first encounter with him. I suspect, however, you mean to ask why he pointed me out as a source for information

Ferox: [Talk] *finishes conversation with Iryosdreghost, nods and turns back to table* Gwen...

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed...*speaks to Venrill, then looks up at Ferox*

Ferox: [Talk] our...friend... wishes to state that he is no assassin and if he wanted any of us dead it would be so

Gwenevere: [Talk] *eyes widen* That is meant to be a comfort?

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *arches an eyebrow slightly* How confident of him.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *finishes his bread and rains the water, and then sits back*

Ferox: [Talk] He states that we have nothing to fear from him, so long as we are not a threat to him…I suspect him to be even more *cold* and neutral in his beliefs of the world then myself…I do not know if I suspect any evil in him

Gwenevere: [Talk] Well I am certainly no threat...but I cannot with assurance say as much about brave Modok...

Ferox: [Talk] he took offense when I spoke to him of the black robed figures…and I said “not unlike yourself"

Gwenevere: [Talk] I should think he should not make it a habit to accost ladies in Modok's presence if he wishes to live long enough to make more threats… But sit, good Ferox...and I thank you for speaking with him

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Flexes his fingers on the spear-like stave.*

Ferox: [Talk] * takes a seat* what happened?...*eyes widen in surprise*…what did he do?

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *listens quietly*

Gwenevere: [Talk] It is of little import in the face of what Venrill may share with us, I would think

Ferox: [Talk] I have seen many new faces as of late…they look to be adventurers of a sort, but were not too friendly…what news do you have master elf?

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Places his fingers on his chin and looks toward the floor.*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *leans back in his chair but only appears to relax slightly* That would depend. There are several tales and goings on in this land I know, but to properly relate such information I require a basis in what is known to you already. Let us begin with the hag and her much-alluded-to warnings. What of this series of events have you both been able to piece together thus far?

Good magi Venrill Letharian
Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Looks toward Gwen with a long stare.*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *shifts uncomfortably, re-crosses legs, smoothes skirts*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *glances over to Venrill as he begins to speak*

Ferox: [Talk] I admit I have found out little these past few days, I have been deep in meditation…

Ferox: [Talk] I often have to find out the new goings on from Gwen…The most important thing is to find out more of this cult I assume

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Points to Ferox and whispers something inaudible underneath his veil.*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] I see, *looks to Gwen, waiting for her input*

Gwenevere: [Talk] If someone is seeking to use Bolnak's tome, I would assume it is for ill... But the Traitor Son speaks of two creatures of Ao… He hints that they came to the region as meteors of some sort

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *sighs loudly and rubs the bridge of his nose*

Ferox: [Talk] * turns to the figure and nods*

Ferox: [Talk] *turns back to table* Ah yes,… AO

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Cants his head to the side. He furrows his brow slightly.*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *nods* Indeed they did. I happened to be traveling in this area when that occurred.

Ferox: [Talk] Ahh, yes…the meteors. * raises an eyebrow towards Venrill *

Gwenevere: [Talk] Were you? *eyes widen*

Ferox: [Talk] is it common for people... or things, …to come to Faerun inside rocks from the sky?

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *glances at Ferox* Hardly.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ashan seemed to believe this tale of the vampires’...but, in truth, I have ever thought him a deceiver

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *considers a moment, then nods to himself slightly* Very well, then it seems I shall begin from the start

Ferox: [Talk] Thank you, master elf, I am young, even for human standards, and fairly new to the world, and so I have much to learn…please excuse any ignorance on my part

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *stands, approaches table* Do you mind if I listen in?

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] Near a year ago, two stars broke loose from the heavens and came to ground in this region - as you already have been told. Understandably, this event caused a stir in the region and it was not long before.....*glances up as Baird approaches*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Good day, sir Barid… *smiles weakly up at Barid*...will you join us?

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *shakes his head slightly* I have no objections

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] My thanks *to Venrill, then bows his head slightly to her, his face neutral* Lady Gwenevere.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *returns his attention to Venrill*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] Very well. As I had been about to say; understandably this caused a stir and it was not long before travelers, scholars, fortune seekers, and other such adventurers along with enterprising locals began to search for one of the stars which impacted...

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Watches the group silently.*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *listens silently*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] …near the Friendly Arm Inn. The search went largely unsuccessful and group after group would return to Baldur's Gate empty handed. Some groups did not return at all, but little thought was given to this outside those who mourned for them as folk lost...

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ashan said a nymph named Jolene went mad at that time...and had to be slain?

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Lowers his head slightly and brings his hand up to his chin. His eyes narrow at the floor.*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk]…to the dangers of the Cloakwood was as common then as it is now. *looks to Gwen and nods slightly* All in good time, my lady…all shall be told in good time.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *blushes slightly, falls silent*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *continues* To shorten an otherwise needlessly lengthy tale, the disappearances increased until some of the lost began to return to the city, driven utterly mad. A nymph - as lady Gwenevere mentioned - was to blame. Now, the connection between the meteor and this....

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *rubs his beard as he listens*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] …nymph may not appear readily apparent, and was unclear for those investigating the matter at the time. However, it was the telling of an old prophecy by a scholar from Candlekeep that placed matters in new light…

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Soft sigh and a roll of his shoulders.*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] …The prophecy told of a day when twin stars would fall from the heavens. The stars would not be simple chunks of otherworldly mineral and ore as such occurrences have brought in the past, but would instead transport two being of unknown appearance or...

Gwenevere: [Talk] *taking notes into journal as Venrill speaks*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *tilts his head as he listens*

Ferox: [Talk] * appears to be listening intently*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] …composition to Faerun. The origins of these beings have never been fully agreed upon by the scholars of Candlekeep - different translations of the original prophecy and such have made it opaque. However, the most popular theory held that these beings were...

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Points to Ferox briefly and mutters something inaudible behind the cowled veil.*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] …early creations of the overgod Ao. Possibly made after the schism that separated Selune and Shar from one being into two with the intent to enforce balance. Regardless, it seems they were more or less forgotten by the overgod and left to drift in the…

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *frowns deeply*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] …endless dark void. How knowledge of them came to mortals is equally unknown - most likely the prophetic dreams of sages and such, half understood for what they were. I say all this to reiterate the point that what is known may not be wholly accurate. However, taken from what was seen in the wake of the meteors, we can be reasonably certain that the following evaluation of the prophecy is likely true:

Gwenevere: [Talk] *nods, continues to write rapidly*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] That evaluation being?

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] The creatures are believed to be polar opposites of one another. One creature of creation, the other of destruction. One to renew and maintain
all that exists, the other to wipe it out for all time.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *pauses in note taking, looks up from journal, eyes wide*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *frowns* Interesting.

Ferox: [Talk] balance...very interesting

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] Each being, utterly indestructible. None can stand in their path, save for their polar twin. It is believed that in this way they were meant to enforce balance amongst all creation… It soon became clear which of the two fell near the Friendly Arm.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Then...if the creature of creation could be found and supported somehow... It might vanquish the destroyer?

Ferox: [Talk] without destruction... there is no creation…and vice versa… one cannot be destroyed to keep the other no doubt

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] If the creature exists. This is all just prophecy and legend so far.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *frowns at Ferox briefly, returns attention to Venrill*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] And a Balance means that they are equal in strength.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *holds up a hand to pause them* Possibly, yes. However, there is more to my tale…

Ferox: [Talk] …if it is indeed their purpose * stops short and goes quiet to listen*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *goes silent*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *dips pen in ink well, and readies it for more notes*
Venrill Letharian: [Talk] As I said, it soon became clear which had fallen closest to us. While none ever laid eyes upon the being, its influence was keenly felt in what befell the region, beginning with Jolene…

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ahhh *nods to herself as she writes*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] And the creature of creation landed in the fields of the dead? *frowns*.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] …Again, I will save you a needlessly long tale in order to convey what appears to be most relevant to what you all wish to know. Jolene was a nymph with a history of vanity and possessive behavior. It is believed that Jolene first found the fallen meteor...

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Contorts his hand. He points one elongated finger at Ferox and another finger on the same hand at Gwen.*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *eyes flutter a bit as she notices Iryos movement*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Tell] *Whisper in your ear.* "Your enemies have become my enemies. My passing in this realm will not go unnoticed. Such a pity."

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] …and its inhabitant and took it for her own. She first saw it as a toy or prize to add to her collection, but those who defeated her later and examined the evidence left by her nexus believe that she may have grown to care for the being and lower her guard…

Gwenevere: [Talk] *frowns, seems to be having trouble concentrating*

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Movement beneath the veil stops. He lowers his hand.*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] …The being betrayed and brutalized her. As a nymph, she had the ability to reconstitute her form via her nexus if destroyed. The creature tortured and killed her countless times, to the point where even reconstitution could not hide the scars….

Ferox: [Talk] * laughs slightly*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] *raises an eyebrow as if evaluating the idea*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *frowns at Ferox*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] My pardon, I fail to see the humour.

Ferox: [Talk] excuse me master elf... the situation is almost comical as I picture it in my mind... it is a good example of ignorance turning on you,…I meant no disrespect…and a good example why immortality has its down side...

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *nods slightly* I see, very well then...

Gwenevere: [Talk] *blinks at Ferox*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] At any rate....

Ferox: [Talk] So she had the creature of destruction... what of the creation creature?

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] It is believed that for whatever reasons, the being grew tired of this cycle and departed. This drove Jolene to madness and her subsequent amassing of a madman army and her encroachment upon the holdings of the Banshee and the hags.

Ferox: [Talk] * nods* very interesting, this fills in a lot of the story I missed before I came to the gate… *listens intently*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] As for the creature of creation, all we know is that the other meteor fell somewhere within the Fields of the Dead. Without greater specification, a search was not launched due to the vastness of the area. For all I am aware, it lies there still, perhaps undisturbed.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] Shortly following the conclusive battle fought between Jolene and the folk who went to confront her, my travels took me from this region. For all I am aware, a search was eventually launched into the Fields, but that is only speculation.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] It was…*nods*...Someone beat them to it.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] The only hard evidence ever found in ties to these beings was a forged plate of adamantine.

Ferox: [Talk] So this creature of destruction wanders unopposed from the creature of creation…

Gwenevere: [Talk] And Jolene and Bolnak both hoped to gain mastery over the creature of destruction... as does the master of the cloaked assassins

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *shrugs slightly* Perhaps. As I said, I left this region nearly half a year past. What occurred after Jolene was felled is largely unknown to me. That is the most pertinent information I have to share, I do not believe I know much else of value to the current situation.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] They are no longer cloaked as much as they thought they were… thank you for the information Wizard Letharian.

Ferox: [Talk] Perhaps we should look for the creation creature

Gwenevere: [Talk] Oh?...*looks sharply to Barid*…What have you learned, sir Barid?

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *tilts his head slightly in a nod to Barid* Not at all. A chance to bring new information to those who seek it is a pleasure.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] A few things, but at the moment I am too tired to share them. I need to piece some more things together in any case before it makes any real sense.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I see...*frowns briefly*…then take your rest, sir Barid...please do…

Gwenevere: [Talk] I do hope we may speak further of this soon? *watches Barid questioningly*

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] We shall see…I am waiting to see if Master Tahlam returns soon.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Thank you once more, Wizard Letharian. *stands and returns to his former seat*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *tilts his head slightly again in a nod*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Good guardsman Taque...quite useful for you, is he not? *eyes betray some frustration*

Gwenevere: [Talk] I shall retire to the bathes for a excuse me *rises, smiles, curtsies*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *nods to Gwen* Of course, my lady.

Barid Mosinel: [Talk] Good eve Lady Gwenevere.

Ferox: [Talk] Good eve Gwen...

Iryosdreghost Oremaraster: [Talk] *Silently watches Gwen leave*
I seek plunder....and succulent greens

[Wynna] Chula Lysander: [Talk] *Shakes head* I've been in worse situations. He was just....unjoyful! *stomps foot*

Retired PC's: Torquil, Gwenevere
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Re: Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

Post by johnlewismcleod »

Indeed I had many conversations with young Aiden Fireson, and found him to be clever and insightful. He was young and inexperienced, but I had no doubt that in time he would become the hero I could see beneath the youthful apprehension most did seem not to look beyond. He challenged the Banite, and though I did fear for him at the time, he showed strength in the face of Sir Barid's imposing and forceful nature. I am saddened that my notes were lost with my last journal, but herein bind the discovery of his pyre at the East Gate.

I came upon Modok and Maikaru dividing his worldly goods between themselves in the unseemly fashion of looting mercenaries, but I fault them not. Although some would say a fallen comrades' goods belong with him in death, I doubt any have need of such in afterlife. Better for the living to make use of what the dead leave behind, than sacrifice it pointlessly on the alter of despair.

I hope only that they on occasion reflect upon the source of their windfall and remember him as the blossoming hero and friend that he was. But males are not want to do such, and indeed I believe it is this callousness that enables them to accomplish such feats that those of more sensitive nature can only marvel at.

It also enables them to be cruel, but I digress...I bind the passing before it slips from my grasp:

Gwenevere: [Talk] What is this?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Modok!...You are ill!

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I am. But I live and so cannot complain.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] You have come upon the estate of Aidan Fireson.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *looks to Gwen with sombre eyes* A friend has fallen

Gwenevere: [Talk] Aiden!...No!...It cannot be!

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Look upon yon pyre.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *tears begin to run down cheeks* He was so young....

Maikaru Shadowsteel: [Talk] *Looks to Venrill* I think the Mirabar whiskey should go to Thorvald should it not?

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *looks over the belongings with a detached air. Spotting the boots, he leans down and examines them*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I came upon him on the road to Beregost… eaten by wolves.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *nods with a ghost of a smile* That would be....appropriate, yes

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] These will allow me to slay the undead...or wolves...more adequately.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *kneels and begins to make marks in the soil around the pyre, begins to hum*

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *turns to watch Gwenevere silently*

Maikaru Shadowsteel: [Talk] I think I spotted their den... I will be returning.

Gwenevere: [Talk] This youth did aspire to be a hero, my Lord Oghma...but was felled by misadventure before his time...

Gwenevere: [Talk] I know not his patron...for he would not name him....

Gwenevere: [Talk] But know this...He was valorous, and offered his aid in the battle with Bolnak

Gwenevere: [Talk] I beseech he be conveyed safely unto his patron...there to reside hereafter

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] It would be greedy for me to remember Aiden more than I have by his items which may aid in the furtherance of order in these lands.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *raises arms in supplication*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *to Maikaru* Is that Aiden's cloak?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *the pyre begins to glow with a softer light*

Maikaru Shadowsteel: [Talk] It is.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] It is fitting.

Maikaru Shadowsteel: [Talk] I think perhaps a performer should have it though.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Gwenevere, do you wield the short sword or rapier?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *ignores question, rises slowly, eyes streaming tears* Modok...You must allow me to tend your illness…lest you be further reduced

Gwenevere: [Talk] *wipes face with a cloth, smoothes hair*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *returns cloth to bodice*

Maikaru Shadowsteel: [Talk] Or a sling Lady Gwen? I believe it to be magic.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Yes. If you can…by all means. It is the corruption of the undead upon me.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *begins to hum and pulls at the straps of his armour*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *presses some herbal paste against the wound* That should help, my hero…

Gwenevere: [Talk]
<color=cyan>DMFI Dice Roll for: Heal Mod: 9 TOTAL: 17</color>

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] That is better, though I was not so ill as I have seen some. Taque nearly had his death of the touch of a ghoul not long ago.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed... *frown passes face briefly* doubt someone would have mourned him

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Thank you, Gwenevere.

Maikaru Shadowsteel: [Talk] Modok, the shield suits you.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *returns to pyre*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] It is plain as I am.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I must pen some verse for poor Aiden

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] This whiskey will drink well in his honour.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *nods slightly*

Gwenevere: [Talk] If only I had been there to aid him in his hour of need

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] Poor fortune strikes even the best of us, my lady

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *raises bottle of spirits in toast* ....To Aidan, who perished for no good reason, the Judge take him and keep him.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *clearly uncomfortable*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed...often it seems to favour those who deserve the attention of the Lady Misfortune the least…

Maikaru Shadowsteel: [Talk] My weapons are not the best when fighting skeletons. I will carry Aiden's mace for when I meet them next.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I was near to him, when he was attacked. I was exploring the caves near the bridge, and when I emerged, I was attacked by the living dead.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *offers her a small smile* ...In many ways, he already was

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I staggered to the bridge, sickened, and found Aidan. Then this fellow--I still do not have your name, came upon me as I watched the wolves devouring him.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I have no doubt you did all that you could for him, Modok...your valour is beyond question

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Bah. I saw the pack of wolves, hale and unharmed, and I was weak. It was clear that Aidan was dead, but I could not drive them off for they were strong with hunger and would have had my flesh...

Maikaru Shadowsteel: [Talk] Ah…Modok. My grief has bereft me of manners. I am Maikaru.

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] *nods to Maikaru*

Maikaru Shadowsteel: [Talk] *winces*...Would that we had met under different circumstances.

Gwenevere: [Talk] It was too late...if he had yet lived, I know you would have succoured him

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] His death was a reminder that one should not travel alone, even on well travelled or familiar tracks.

Gwenevere: [Talk] His death is much more than that, good Modok...

Gwenevere: [Talk] He had a mother...and she shall never again see him

Gwenevere: [Talk] He had friends that shall never again enjoy his smile, or laughter, or awkward antics

Gwenevere: [Talk] We are bereft...this is a cruel land

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] Indeed. However, I believe we have done all we can here. We should spread word of his passing to those who may wish to pay their respects

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Oh, Maikaru…these will be of great help…thank you.

Maikaru Shadowsteel: [Talk] The Inn then, to drink in remembrance.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *nods slightly*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] Nay. The sun sets, I shall not drink. There are wolves who have supped on Aidan's flesh and I will have their pelts if I can.

Gwenevere: [Talk] If you venture out, good Modok…I will aid you in this

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *frowns at Modok* ...And next it will be your corpse we carry back to Baldur's Gate then

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I will not travel alone, if ye have stones.

Maikaru Shadowsteel: [Talk] It was only their nature, but it is true they cannot be allowed on the road... *glances at Modok*... I will aid you in this.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] *considers*

Modok Valhingen: [Talk] I go.

Venrill Letharian: [Talk] Very well, but I will warn you, I am not at full strength. I will lend what aid I can, but it will be limited in its effectiveness.

We found the creatures yet loitering about roadway where they had slain poor Aiden and dispatched the beasts forthwith, but I think none took particular satisfaction in the task, for the damage was done and could not be undone....young Aiden Fireson was dead.

Now the males have drunk their fill and assuaged the knowledge that such misfortune could as easily be visited upon themselves even as has befallen young Aiden, and I have retired to my room and do bind this poor homely in his honour:

Aiden Fireson, a young man of great promise is now lost to us...

He was nearly a man, bright eyed and handsome…

His golden hair blazed, as if lit from within…

Not yet a hero, was our Aiden Fireson…

But for all he was not, he was beloved friend…

His shoulders were broad, in burgeoning manhood…

And only weeks past he donned leathers of war…

He girded bright swords, and on precipice stood…

Unfurled wings poised for flight, chrysalis no more…

But cruel fate has taken our friend from us…

And now he burns unto ash upon smouldering pyre…

Once more returned to nascent chrysalis…

To the realm of his patron he doth now aspire…
I seek plunder....and succulent greens

[Wynna] Chula Lysander: [Talk] *Shakes head* I've been in worse situations. He was just....unjoyful! *stomps foot*

Retired PC's: Torquil, Gwenevere
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Posts: 2021
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Location: Tarrant County, Texas

Re: Gwenevere's Recombined Journal

Post by johnlewismcleod »

Taque Tahlam is fallen. I cannot well bind the circumstance of his death, for I know it not beyond that he twined himself to the care of the Banite Barid Mosinel and his Thayan allies. I find the news of his passing distressing beyond expectation, for it was to be expected for one so careless with affiliation...perhaps because I did care for him after he was injured in brief service to my heroes when we ventured below into the Undercellar some rides past. He was an able scout and brave. It is unfortunate I was unable to dissuade him from the Banite's grasp.

I bind herein my knowledge of another soul in jeopardy of falling under the fell guidance of the Banite that I would see succored from despair, mayhaps my efforts will prove more fruitful than my failure in craft with the elven Taque.

He was standing near the East Gate Bridge when I came upon him, gazing sadly upon the remains of what I surmised to be Arathils' pyre, just near beside that of Aidens'. He is a broad shouldered and powerful man, and had shown his strength at arms when he had escorted me, with Venrill and the fallen elf Arathil, to the hill tops beyond the sea cave. He seemed now vexed by a wound not visible, and as I conversed further with him methinks I discovered the source of his pain. His name is Dancon Allown, and his patron is Helm. He is now lost and alone, but I have extended to him the means of succour, if he is wise enough to grasp it to himself:

Dancon Allown, Helmite mercenary

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *sighs*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ahhh...hello again, Dancon... *smiles, curtsies*

Gwenevere: [Talk] You have heard the news about Arathil, I presume?

Dancon Allown: [Talk] Oh, good morning goodwife. Please forgive me, I was saying 'ello to an old friend.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *looks toward ashes *…Aiden?

Dancon Allown: [Talk] Arathil the Elve? I was there. We were fortunate 'e was the only one to perish…*shakes head*…Sir Taque… 'e was burned 'ere.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ahhh...I see…*eyes widen in surprise*… Taque...he was a friend of yours?

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *smiles melancholically* Compared to others, 'e was. We 'ave few to call friends. Such is the fate of the sellsword, no?

Gwenevere: [Talk] I didn't imagine he had many friends... Then you are a mercenary as well, good Dancon?

Dancon Allown: [Talk] 'e seemed to know many people though… And yes, I am too.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I see...I wish you luck in that pursuit, I should think it will be much needed...*frowns slightly*…Do you serve Sir Barid even as Taque did then?

Dancon Allown: [Talk] Luck is what might get one out of this work, to stay in one needs only skill…Sir Barid,… 'e is the one with the shield of the Black Lord, yes?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed...he is a priest of Bane...And from Taque's service to him, I would wager his purse is quite heavy with coin

Dancon Allown: [Talk] I 'ad not 'eard 'e 'ired. Sir Taque... 'e served many masters… May'aps too many…Tried to save the world, even.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Tried to save the world? …*eyes widen in surprise*… Who told you this of him?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Did I so misjudge him?

Dancon Allown: [Talk] 'e sought many to aid 'im, but trusted few…But now, who will be the leader to destroy the Sheltem? Too many are trying, but none is in command.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Taque seemed cold, ill-mannered, and overly fond of coin in my experience with him...*blinks, confused*…the Sheltern?

Dancon Allown: [Talk] You do not know of this?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *pulls out journal* Indeed, not...Taque only told me what the Banite wished him to share... Is this perhaps the cult of black assassins?

Dancon Allown: [Talk] No …no, it is a single rock thing. Or came from a rock... I understood little of it all…The Sheltem is one of the two monsters that fell from the skies. It brings death, and stirs all other creatures in the Cloak Woods.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Ahhh...the creature of destruction *nods*...of this I have learned some, and can now bind it’s fell name

Dancon Allown: [Talk] You seek a book, yes? …A journal? …To gain entrance into the Candle Keep?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Taque fought this creature, you say? *looks up briefly from journal, incredulous expression*

Dancon Allown: [Talk] None may fight it. It is death given form, or so it was explained to me.

Dancon Allown: [Talk] Sir Taque, he sought the book too… 'e 'oped it would contain the knowledge needed to ward against the monster.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed...I seek the tome once held by once appeared to be lost...but now seems to be in the grip of a warlock led band of black cloaked assassins

Gwenevere: [Talk] Taque sought the book to turn it over to the Banite, methinks...

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *nods slowly* Funded by the temple of Shar, the dark ones. Best avoided, yes?

Gwenevere: [Talk] But I should be ashamed to speak of the dead so forgive me...I know he was your friend

Dancon Allown: [Talk] Sir Taque may 'ave wanted to sell the book,… 'e too needed to eat no?... But first, 'e wanted to give it to others to read… Or so 'e said.

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *shrugs* Being dead made no man ever a better man…Sir Taque, …'e was no paladin.

Gwenevere: [Talk] We cannot now know his intention, …and so we must assume he meant well

Dancon Allown: [Talk] 'e did want you to know of the monsters from the Lord Ao, that fell from the skies… But 'e 'imself only knew little.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Know this then...there as a warlock, who likely seeks to gain mastery of the tome to control Ao's beast

Dancon Allown: [Talk] Sheltem, or the other? I know there are two, but all only speak of the one…Sheltem.

Gwenevere: [Talk] The Banite priest seeks the tome as well...and is allied with the Thayans

Dancon Allown: [Talk] Sir Taque said prophecies foretold the two beasts would bring the destruction of the world. All I know of prophecies, is that it is best not to be near one when it 'appens. But the world... we cannot leave Her.

Gwenevere: [Talk] The creature of creation's whereabouts are unknown...although there have been hints given by sir Barid that it is lost to us… This may be trickery on his part, or substantive, I cannot judge which...

Dancon Allown: [Talk] The wolfwoman said Sheltem is in the Cloak Wood. But it is big, dark and uncharted…Too many people want too many things… All those involved, best sleep in their cuirasses yes?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *shrugs* When one sleeps, armour is of little use… I would think that securing the tome would be best done with all haste...

Gwenevere: [Talk] Yes, it is true we are without a leader since the disappearance of Ashan and Iolas

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *shrugs a bit* What the Lady of Loss has, …she shall not give up easily.

Gwenevere: [Talk] We can but hope a hero will step forward to muster our forces

Gwenevere: [Talk] No doubt the Banite wishes to lead a host...but who could follow such a one?

Dancon Allown: [Talk] I would not mind. At least a Banite, 'e will give commands yes?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *shrugs* Indeed...he is fond of giving is his nature, is it not?...and he answers to the Thayans...few are so gullible to not know where the union of Banite and Thayan will lead

Dancon Allown: [Talk] Even I know that both the Red Wizard and the Zhent will never truly work together. Whatever shall 'appen, treachery will follow…And every army needs a leader… Even a bad leader is better than no leader… A leader makes an army an army, and not a mob.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Most likely...once the tome is found, both would wish it for their own vile purpose…but in the hands of either lies woe for us all

Dancon Allown: [Talk] When that book is found, if ever, then bloodshed shall follow… And none shall profit… Not the Unicorn Knights or the Third Circle.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *nods* Indeed...blood shall be shed in the taking of it, and blood shall be shed in its’ keeping...I suppose there is no surprise in that only the Banite and the Thayans seem keen to have it

Dancon Allown: [Talk] Only they? You know little of what is 'appening then…you want it too, no? …And the scribes at Candle Keep, they want it…The wolfwoman, and the elve Besolan, they want it too.

Gwenevere: [Talk] So it seems...*nods slowly, taking notes*...have you more news to share then, good Dancon?

Dancon Allown: [Talk] All seem convinced, the book 'olds the key to Sheltem. Why they are all so certain, I know not.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Certainly the scholars of Candlekeep wish it...and I do hope to deliver it to them...for they will see it safely interred...

Dancon Allown: [Talk] Taque, 'e trusted the circle and the Unicorn knights. And the Elves,… but then 'e should… 'e did not trust you, for fear you would render the book to the scribes before the secrets were learned.

Gwenevere: [Talk] I am not surprised Besolan wishes it as well...though I know not his motive...but who is this wolf woman you speak of?

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *scowls* Be wary of 'er! She takes the guise of the fair maiden. But she wields terrible magics, and 'as the shape of the wolf!

Gwenevere: [Talk] A druidess, then? *raises an eyebrow questioning*

Dancon Allown: [Talk] May'aps… I know not… Una, she called 'erself… She seemed to know much, and the Elves, they trust 'er.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Does she appear human...or elven?

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *frowns*'uman, did I not say she took a pleasing shape?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *smiles* did indeed...but many males find elven maidens quite pleasing, I have been told

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *snorts* I can see the beauty of the mare, too.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Hmmm...*taps chin* ...It doth seem I have been kept ignorant of the progress of this endeavour

Dancon Allown: [Talk] I do not think any progress was made… Just plans for betrayal, …and seeds of deceit.

Gwenevere: [Talk] This is passing does seem we are indeed divided in purpose...distressingly so…

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *nods* Unless someone brings clarity, I shall spend my last silvers on a ship to take me as far away from 'ere as they shall go… Prophecies, they are no thing to be near to …yes?

Gwenevere: [Talk] The Banite spoke of further discovery of the warlock and his cult… But would not share what he had discovered, claiming he awaited Taque's return for some manner of confirmation or further intelligence

Dancon Allown: [Talk] That, I know nothing of… But this warlock, 'e 'as the tome all seek no?... Or at least is the lead to it…*smirks*… Sir Taque, …'e shall speak to none but may'aps a witch or incantrix.

Gwenevere: [Talk] That is my knowledge thus far on it, good Dancon...but I begin to fear I am ill informed… I beseech you not abandon us...Baldur's Gate has great need of heroes… If the Banite or the Thayans gain mastery of the tome and the beast...then will it be timely to depart, perhaps...but for now this is yet hope

Dancon Allown: [Talk] I am but a sellsword, not an 'ero. I understand nothing of it all, I only know that when treachery comes, we are the ones sacrificed most easily - mercenaries.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed that is so, good Dancon...which is why I would urge you to reform your craft...Ally in purpose rather than in commerce… Become the hero your father and mother hoped you would be…

Gwenevere: [Talk] I can see strength within you...

Dancon Allown: [Talk] I 'ave no purpose but my craft… my father 'ates me, and my mother fears me…The fifth son, 'e 'as only 'imself.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Your mother will always love you, good Dancon...never be so foolish as to doubt that...*begins to hum, reaches toward his face with a slender hand*

Dancon Allown: [Talk] And do you not seek the tome, to gain entrance to the Candle Keep?... Let us not deceive, we all want something… Me, I want something simple… Gold.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *touches his cheek gently, a warm strength seeps into him*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *withdraws hand, smiles wanly*... I do not seek it for myself or my enrichment, good Dancon… I seek only to secure it from corruption

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *smiles and reaches for her hand*... I do not want to lose the world. But I 'ave no sons to care for me when I am old… If even I have the fortune to become old… We sellswords, we ply our trade because we must.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *allows him to hold her hand*...You needn't die alone and unloved, good Dancon...Companionship is ever within reach… it costs nothing but fidelity... And the reward is far more precious than gold

Dancon Allown: [Talk] You may 'ave your tome… It is your future… But I,… I may have my future also,… no?... And my future, it is not the life of the cooper or the wainwright… I shall not 'ave the wife and children… Gold is life… What is more precious than that?

Gwenevere: [Talk] The companionship of love...the birth and nurturing of children…The comradeship of heroes… The support of those who care for you, and do not seek to use you as a tool… all these things are far more precious than gold.

Dancon Allown: [Talk] 'ave you ever seen the children of the camp followers?... Thieves and scoundrels, they all become… Orphans too… I cannot 'ave the life of others, until I am dead or can retire.

Gwenevere: [Talk] For one so brave in craft, good are tremulous in you doubt yourself so much?... I look upon you and see a hero… You look upon yourself and see despair

Gwenevere: [Talk] You have the world at your fingertips, and seek only the cold press of coin

Dancon Allown: [Talk] Death,… 'e comes for all. But fortune, 'er I may seek and chase… Until I can hang my blade on a fireplace, somewhere… May'aps as an 'ero… May'aps not… That is the only doubt.

Dancon Allown: [Talk] The apple orchard be'ind you, there a man works for 'is fortune… 'e plants seeds only 'is children's children shall ever see bear fruit… But that matters not to 'im… 'e knows, they shall be there… I envy 'im.

Gwenevere: [Talk] can be that man, of a sort...plant the seeds of friendship, and allow them to grow and bear fruit… death awaits us all...but we can choose how we will be received by our patrons...and whether we will be mourned by our companions… choose wisely in this, dear Dancon...

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *smiles wistfully* I 'ave few choices I can make… And even fewer that matter.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Do not be deceived that the glitter of gold is your succour... It is the good works and companionship you make in this life that will enrich you… Help us find a leader who will see this menace vanquished… Perhaps that leader is you

Gwenevere: [Talk] In triumph will come riches... and these riches will be finer than the cold weight of gold or jewels...

Dancon Allown: [Talk] Me?... Why would any follow me?... I 'ave no gold to offer,… no weapons to supply… I 'ave no banner to rally to, or a goal to achieve… And I'll not promise riches I cannot deliver.

Gwenevere: [Talk] You can deliver victory over destruction... that is surpassing riches… Do you suppose it was the Flaming Fist's who vanquished Bolnak?

Gwenevere: [Talk] I can tell you it was not… It was a band of heroes... common adventurers even as you think yourself to be… That put the need of all above their own...

Dancon Allown: [Talk] And pray tell me,… what did they get for their trouble?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Duke Eltan did dispense rich gifts in thanks...this is true… But more than that they had... they gained the everlasting gratitude of every mother and father in the region... And friendships that will surpass all attempt at corruption

Gwenevere: [Talk] I would lay down my life for any of them...and be glad of it…

Gwenevere: [Talk] Have you friends such as this, sellsword?

Dancon Allown: [Talk] What good does that do the soldier, who moves on the next morn?... The friendship of their daughters for a night, may'aps… But if these 'eroes get old,… what shall they 'ave then?

Gwenevere: [Talk] I can only hope that you will know one day... And methinks you will...I believe in you...more so than you believe in yourself

Dancon Allown: [Talk] I 'ave no friends to die for,… and none would die for me… I never asked… The man in the orchard,… 'e 'as 'is sons and daughters for 'is old age… I shall either 'ave found my fortune, or be dead… Unmourned.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Two of our heroes have perished since that victory...shall I show you where they are buried?

Gwenevere: [Talk] They were mourned...and spoken over...they are not forgotten...nor will they ever be… for they are loved

Gwenevere: [Talk] Have you been told of Roland Senders and Connor Brightwood? *pulls journal from pack and flips some pages*

Dancon Allown: [Talk] No… Would I be a better man if I 'ad?... Or would they be less dead then?

Gwenevere: [Talk] *hums a bit until a light illuminates the pages from overhead*

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *blinks*

Gwenevere: [Talk] *steps closer and shows him the drawing of Roland's death*… Roland fell in the battle with Bolnak...see you the three mourners who weep over him?

Gwenevere: [Talk] That is Sir Ashan Faewind and that one is Kalana Du'monte *points to each in turn*

Gwenevere: [Talk] He is buried in blessed internment in that hillside there…*points past orchard*

Dancon Allown: [Talk] 'e fell… 'e died… None benefited from this… Such 'appens in war… Do the tears of others an 'ero make?

Gwenevere: [Talk] Indeed they do... For we all knew and witnessed his good works and enjoyed his companionship... It is this that enriches one beyond the measure of gold

Gwenevere: [Talk] *turns some more pages*… This is the heroine Connor Brightwood... She helped carry Bolnak's captive children to safety from her foul prison... Look you upon Connor's visage...*points at sketch*

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *twists his head a bit to see the picture better*

Gwenevere: [Talk] Every mother in the region doth know and loved her for her craft

Gwenevere: [Talk] You too could be remembered as a hero, good Dancon… And that title is not earned by the weight of gold you carry in your purse...indeed it cannot be purchased for any amount of coin

Dancon Allown: [Talk] I do not mind being forgotten come five Shieldmeets from now,… if I can just 'ave the silvers to buy firewood, and bread.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *pulls out pen and inkwell, turns to a blank page and begins sketching Dancon*

Dancon Allown: [Talk] We sellswords,… we do not build… We live off the fat of the land… We need to make our honey now, or die come the autumn of our lives.

Gwenevere: [Talk] What patron do you bind yourself to, good Dancon?

Dancon Allown: [Talk] When I was in the militia, I swore myself to 'elm… I 'ave not forsaken 'im.

Gwenevere: [Talk] You were not born to be a sellsword, Dancon... it is a craft you chose...You can easily choose to endear yourself to your patron and companions by other means than the want of coin...

Gwenevere: [Talk] And I believe you will....

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *snorts, then shakes his head* You did not 'ear a word I said!

Dancon Allown: [Talk] *smiles a bit melancholically*… It matters not.

Gwenevere: [Talk] *finishes sketch and puts journal away, smiles wanly*… I did, good Dancon...indeed I will bind each word with your image in my journal…but I believe you are more than you believe yourself to be....

Gwenevere: [Talk] We shall see in time who knows you better... You or me *smiles*

Dancon Allown: [Talk] Indeed, we shall see.

Gwenevere: [Talk] Come...let us to the inn... It doth turn chill out here in the wan of the night…
I seek plunder....and succulent greens

[Wynna] Chula Lysander: [Talk] *Shakes head* I've been in worse situations. He was just....unjoyful! *stomps foot*

Retired PC's: Torquil, Gwenevere
Former PC's: Rugo, Flora, Rory Mor
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