Making Dungeons Persistent

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Re: Making Dungeons Persistent

Post by Blindhamsterman »

[quote="Mulu"][quote]Spawn in your bandit camp until the chief is killed and sets a switch turning the spawn off. I think it's a possible way of scattering little temporary un-DMed adventures about with the bonus that they are finite, not "farming" and someone gets "boasting points" for having rid the neighbourhood of this week's menace.[/quote]
It sounds to me like you're actually looking for randomness, not persistence, similar to the random dungeon generators on the vault, endless adventure type mods on the vault.

Talk to quest giver Militia Captain who says, "go to location X and rid of menace Y" which then triggers a spawned encounter Y in location X complete with a boss and treasure drop, preferably based on the level of the PC/party taking the quest, could even code to require a party of 3+ PC's presumably. Can only do once/RL week or whatever.

Endless balanced static content results. Set up a dozen locations with interesting features that only have encounters if set up with this spawn system, some above ground some below.[/quote]

the above sounds like a brilliant idea, means that ALFA becomes more playable to low level PCs while still remaining a challenge to Higher level ones. because you set the variables you can keep all the reward in line with standards too... couldnt something as simple as the above be done?