Spawning Placeables with Inventory

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Teric neDhalir
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Spawning Placeables with Inventory

Post by Teric neDhalir »

I have a number of spawn points scattered about that spawn a placeable with an inventory item (think herb-finding static, for example). I've noticed in testing other things that when the spawn point despawns it removes the placeable but leaves the inventory contents in a "Remains" bag. That's not supposed to happen! I can't see any obvious switches to set to stop it happening, any ideas?
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Re: Spawning Placeables with Inventory

Post by AcadiusLost »

I believe Wynna has some experience with this as well; I don't recall if she found a workaround or not.

The inventory drop / no drop for a despawning inventoried placeable is handled by a local variable on the placeable blueprint for items with Persistent Inventories (having an ACR_PSO_NAME localstring set), but I do not think this handling is scripted for non-persistent placeables. It should be an easy enough add to the spawn system or placeable include core scripts, though. I'll add it to the to-do list.