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Missing animation

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 2:50 am
by Twin Axes
Not really custom content I guess, but I'm not sure where to put this. My Cloak of Elemental Resistance is invisible. Is there a simple fix for this? If not, never mind, my PC will just look like he's wearing a hood attached to nothing.

Re: Missing animation

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 5:59 am
by boombrakh
[Post deleted by author]

Re: Missing animation

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 6:16 am
by Zelknolf
It's pretty common for clothing appearances to be weird or missing on dwarves and orcs.

That cloak probably looks fabulous on an elf maiden-- but this is part of why tailors are free on BG.

Re: Missing animation

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 2:05 pm
by Twin Axes
Thanks guys. I actually didn't buy it, I got it as loot somewhere.

Re: Missing animation

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 4:04 am
by Twin Axes
So I tried the tailor, and yeah, the anti dwarf discrimination is still enforced. No cloak for me. But I'm wondering, does it have anything to do with the PC model's frame? I always make my dwarves as broad as possible. Does this 'cover up' the vfx? Like when I turn on the dwarven waraxe vfx it sticks out of my PC's neck, as though it's too far in (or his back is too far out). Would a slimmer frame solve this? And is there a way to adjust this retroactively with a PC?

Re: Missing animation

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 6:31 am
by Zelknolf
We wouldn't expect scale to cause this sort of problem; cloaks can scale the same way that their wearers do, while VFX aren't so good at that.

If tailoring can't get it to go, the cloak might be explicitly set to never show its cloak appearance (which is great if it's not supposed to look like a cloak IC; confusing everywhere else), in which case all that can be done is replacing it.

Re: Missing animation

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 10:12 pm
by Ithildur
Cloaks of endure elements that are invisible (not just on dwarves) have been a thing for years; iirc there is no real easy fix for this without replacing the particular item with a different item that does the same thing, but is visible. Probably would be a thing to do at some point (and get rid of the caster lvl 2 as well unless it's needed for some obscure reason), and not too difficult or time consuming to tool up *ducks* for anyone that's interested.

In fact maybe I'll take a look at toolsetting a few similar themed items (whether they actually become available to PCs is an entirely separate issue...). Any requests for specific appearances for those who aren't lucky enough to have access to BG's tailor?