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Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:31 am
by Galadorn
Thank you muse for some awesome RP together, Tha'is is wonderfully played. Cheers.

Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:14 am
by Ronan
Apologies for killing so many PCs tonight. I was hoping to get one at most this session, as I think we'll be fine with an average of an eight-PC party. Alas, Ang was much less cooperative than I'd hoped. Thanks to all the dead people for taking it so well.

Anyway, consider the culling over with!

Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:57 am
by Galadorn
Is that supposed to be PROPS?!? :P

Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:50 pm
by chalksoul
Props to all in Ronans campain (esp. Ronan), had really fun :)

Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:15 pm
by dergon darkhelm
A dwarf, a fish-man, and a Red Wizard walk into a bar ....

Thanks, OT for a bit of fun!

(( and of course Ronan too since I haven't mentioned him in a while ... see ya' tomorrow! ))

Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:22 pm
by puny
huge huge thanks to everyone involved in last nights vilquari session, despite the chaos -or perhaps much partly because of it i had a blast

Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:48 pm
by vergin_sacrifice
I would love to give thanks to Orange Tree for a little mini adventure she surprised me with today.

Even though it was off the cuff, it was well thought out, and very entertaining. Good Job OT!

Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:23 am
by Galadorn
Big thank you to DM_Phoenix for some imaginative and truly high fantasy excitement and DMing. You keep surprising me and when you DM me, solo or with others, my cheeks hurt after a while and I realize I'm smiling from ear to ear the whole time while playing! Lol

Some of Bu's interactions with the mystical creatures of nature...



Cheers and hats off Phoenix! I never know what will turn the corner... :)


Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:44 pm
by orangetree
Thanks both. I had great fun interacting with you. Everyone has done really well in their RP, and I certainly hope to get an actual campaign going with with a group soon

Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:31 am
by boombrakh
thinkpig: You're the man now, dawg. It was fun to see you back in action, engaged and full of energy and enthusiasm. We were all heavily invested in whatever it was that was unraveling infront of us. I am sad that it had to come to an abrupt end, but please try not to let one person have that effect on you. This community might not be as big as it once was, but there are still people who can't get along. Accept and move on. <3

Edgar: I loved to see your new character. I expect that we're going to have a lot of interesting situations in the future where our different personas clash and debate ensues.

Kickfoot (AKA Edgar2): Good to see you're getting into the game. It was hilarious listening to you panic over Skype about everything from how to walk straight to how to attack and everything inbetween. And your role in relation to your brothers character is just pure awesome. I approve!

jmecha: Had to be fun huh. The lonely human in a group of "elves". Glad to be able to play with you again, always a pleasure.

And finally

That one player who logged on: [EDITED: Removed this segment because it is not in the spirit of the thread. I will leave you with the picture below though and inform PA and HDM.]


Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:04 am
by Galadorn

Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:22 am
by thinkpig
Want to give some thanks for some specific things:

- thanks to all who have been patient with my becoming reacquainted with the DMclient, I do not remember sucking this bad with it and am working on improving!

- big thanks and props to ronan, for bailing me out when in over my head multiple times now, and to cloud and HEEGZ and orangetree for help w/ DM stuff

- thanks to Castano for having me aboard despite all the haters!

- some PLAYERS:

big thanks to Regas, and props-- Playing with Aseel makes me want to spend MORE time DMing every time-- will never forget the 'reservoir dogs' scene tonight!

props to Boom, Edgars, and jmecha for helping me with one of my first games and being REALLY patient

props and thanks to AnalogKid and Muse for delegating stuff to lower level PCs for me, so I can run them games without the really high level toons dominating action, and to Causk and to Muse for helping me get sudden new players into action right away and making them feel at home here

thanks to Galadorn for being a good sport when I interrupted happy hour with a pack of Wyverns! Uh, and also Muse for the third time...

and thanks to really just everyone, I am really enjoying DMing.

and props to Johnmecha for becoming a Daddy! :)

Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 3:53 pm
by CloudDancing
I want to thank the MS DM team.

As of late we had a few things come up and the whole team banded together to come to a most logical and thorough approximation of the situation. I wish everyone in Alfa is lucky enough to have a DM team that goes this far to be free and fair to players.

And our DM team has provided consistent, daily DM adventure opportunities to players featuring complex and thoughtful plots.

It was even to the point where we had DMs waiting for players to show up so they could DM them. We've had DMs come on just to welcome new players as well, and go out of their way to include new players on campaigns.

I consider this a tremendous achievement for our server.

Happy Holidays MS DM team! :xmas:

PS. Thank you MS players for being so compelling you allure our DM team into enjoying your creative characterizations.


Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 3:14 pm
by Ithildur
Thank you and kudos to DMs Zelk and OrangeTree for the great fun the past two days. :)

And for pie, yes definitely pie.

Re: DM and Player Props

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 6:30 pm
by Regas
I want to thank the DMs and players of MS for a great time the last few months!

Ronan's amazing story telling and dming brought me to MS but now that I'm here I've had a chance to see StepU who has been running an epic plot that pulls in all the players on the server and is very inclusive and action packed and great fun; Thinkpig, who is doing a great job with his intrigue plot and is full of surprises- great dming; and Orangetree, who I am looking forward to playing with more in the future, having gotten a small taste of her dming. Thanks all!