Travel map bugs, addtions, requests?

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Dungeon Master
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Travel map bugs, addtions, requests?

Post by Ronan »

So me and Zelk have been talking about making an ACR travel map. I'm really interested in doing so, and I know BG and MS would use it.

We're going to have wandering creatures on the map, ala SoZ. Zelk is going to be handling their AI and whatnot, and I'll be doing the map scripts and their spawn system integration. If all goes well you'll be able to place spawn points on the map just as you would a normal area, and have them "just work".

For the map scripts I'm going to pull the scripts off TSM and modify them a bit. So, what needs to be done to them?
Dungeon Master
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Re: Travel map bugs, addtions, requests?

Post by Ronan »


I've been wandering about on TSM and haven't seen any significant map bugs, just some encounter oddities. I've only had two random encounters though... do they usually work ok?
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Re: Travel map bugs, addtions, requests?

Post by Zelknolf »

There's one that comes from some issues with the triggers. The trigger to the west of the one directly in front of Auvandell (or I think that one; I've had some trouble reproducing it) seems to point toward an encounter area waaaaay out west. I think I've stamped out the other screwy ATs, but my attempt to figure that one out died in an intense desire to not take apart a script I'd intended to make obsolete. Seems like any rewrite we do would probably have location handled differently (I imagine it would be related to our persistent location stuff, though perhaps not using the SQL to save it), and thus defeat the bug by making the triggers no more.

The encounters themselves were intentionally given a reduced frequency/ intensity, afaik. So you'll have to do some Final Fantasy style pacing to stir up a healthy sample.
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