How To Submit a New Character

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How To Submit a New Character

Post by Malose »

I searched the forums for several variations of "submit new character", "create new character", etc. and the only bit of information I have found is that we are to submit it to the HDM if it is extraordinary.

If it is not extraordinary, do we not need to submit a bio, and more importantly, can we do so anyway?

Also, by submit the bio, I assume it is meant to post the bio somewhere. Could anyone please elaborate as to where exactly?

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Re: How To Submit a New Character

Post by Dorn »

Hello and welcome.
I searched the forums for several variations of "submit new character", "create new character", etc. and the only bit of information I have found is that we are to submit it to the HDM if it is extraordinary.

If it is not extraordinary, do we not need to submit a bio, and more importantly, can we do so anyway?
- No you do not. You can role up stratight away provided it's not an ext PC as identified in the players guide to alfa (website). Generally people submit bios to DMs as it helps the DM know what makes your character ticks and identify any 'life quest' type things and perhaps string them into a campaign. Often people submit them about level 2 as at level 1 one bite from a beetle can end up losing hours of bio writing ;) !
Also, by submit the bio, I assume it is meant to post the bio somewhere. Could anyone please elaborate as to where exactly?
IDentify who is a DM on your server and PM them the bio. They will upload it onto a DM only forum so the other DMs can see it but not other players.

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Re: How To Submit a New Character

Post by Rotku »

Feel free to shoot it to me, if you want, mate. I'll throw it up in the DM forum.
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