1375 - looking for dwarven hooks for coming to M.D.

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1375 - looking for dwarven hooks for coming to M.D.

Post by Aelred »

Citadel Adbar - King Harbromm - famous for weaponsmithing and ingots
Mithril Hall - reclaimed in 1358 by King Bruenor Battlehammer
Citadel Felbar - reclaimed in 1367 by King Emerus Warcrown

[MY IDEA]Upon hearing about the reclaiming and subsequent rebuilding of Myth Drannor in 1375 the three dwarven strongholds of the north, Citadel Adbar, Mithral Hall and Citadel Felbar each send representatives in a single group to Myth Drannor. Their goal is to speak with Ilsevele Miritar and reclaim the old dwarven fortress there called the Onaglym.

The Onaglym, or House of Gems is a historic building in Myth Drannor that was once a dwarven stronghold of weaponsmiths, gemcutters and jewelers. I am envisioning it being a central hub for all things dwarven in Myth Drannor and I'm looking for more info and ideas based on known canon to support plot hooks for dwarf PCs.

The idea gives shield dwarves a clear IC reason for being in Myth Drannor and might also facilitate IC reasons for dwarven travel to and from the north.

I also wonder about the gold dwarves though. Do the strongholds of the north have close enough ties to the Great Rift that they would then extend the invitation south as well? [this would be in keeping with the spirit of the city of brotherly love] Or do the northern dwarves have no connection to
the Rift?

I also found a reference in Dwarves Deep (p62) to a dwarven brotherhood called the Black Helm that was trying to reopen the Halfaxe trail from Myth Drannor to the port of Harrowdale for trade purposes. (gold dwarves? exporting to the south?) It also mentions gnomes and halflings working for the dwarves in the caravans.

Please post your ideas or comments!
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Re: 1375 - looking for dwarven hooks for coming to M.D.

Post by danielmn »

As a player of a dwarven armoursmith/gemcutter, I APPROVE! I'll see what info. I can dig up myself.
For certain the re-establishment of Drannor would be of note in Mithral Hall as a contact for business, as it is debated that Mithral Hall contains the largest deposit of mithral on the face of Faerun. For certain the retaking of anything dwarven is in the forfront of many dwarven minds, as demonstrated in your previous citations of the retaking of Mithral Hall as well as Citadell Felbarr, nevermind the Thunder Blessing bringing more dwarves to travel. Even if a small piece of dwarven history, it would be of interest.
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<danielmn>: Yes,
<danielmn>: Easily.

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Re: 1375 - looking for dwarven hooks for coming to M.D.

Post by Curmudgeon »

Dwarves of the Dales, particularly those of [redacted] in [redacted]dale, have opened up regular commerce and diplomatic relations with the Gold Dwarves of the Great Rift, making use of the dangerous, but not impassable [redacted] Road.

It is known that Felbarr and Mithral Hall also have connections via the [redacted] Road to outposts in the [redacted].

I would be eager to sign on.
- Curmudgeon
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Re: 1375 - looking for dwarven hooks for coming to M.D.

Post by Aelred »

Thanks Curm - There is usually a good way to creatively explain most anything. I wanted to first check with the lore buffs to find any possible canon links I may have missed.
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Re: 1375 - looking for dwarven hooks for coming to M.D.

Post by viigas »

Aelred wrote:.... It also mentions gnomes and halflings working for the dwarves in the caravans.

Please post your ideas or comments!
:shock: stout acepting callasess among tradin, blooded noses an smolderin beards I say, I rather have several tousand barrels of da finest ale spilled than havin a skinny thief among me kin an traders at that. now... nosefolks I tend ta agreein more with, decent folks em gnomes aslong em nay be fingerwigglin or drinkin, em cant drink decent an often fall over afore fist barrel be downed but... afterall, en nay stout so I say I like em all da same but hins? not afore da mountainbrothers prove me wrong by tenfold I trust any of em

"downs me foamy mug and slams in hard down before leaving eyeing all the hins"

regarding golddwarfs, they are accepted within some boundary wide out in faerun but shielddwarfs do not fully trust them as they put personal earning first and community and dwarven history second. + they tend to deal in magick which shields still dont trust as a general rule.

/my two cent
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Re: 1375 - looking for dwarven hooks for coming to M.D.

Post by Lucifer »

Personal gain more important than Clan or Creed, You need to live in The Rift awhile...Growing up Knowing you WILL have to combat the Evil magics of Drow and Duergar, facing Beholders and Ithilid. We develop magic skills as a Neccessary Defense, Shield Dwarves have had to adapt to a different style of living and have other "friendly races" to use magic to help when neccessary. We Gold Dwarves living in a more closed society...have depended on "Dwarven" capabilities, including the use of magic. Magic in and of itself is not Evil..it's the one wielding it...better a Dwarf you trust than another Race without Dwarven intrests. Saying we put History second in our values is also a Load of Filth, we were not driven out and forced to create and live in another culture, that would be the Shield Dwarves who left there places below and are now hard at work reclaiming them. Since the Thundering many Younger Sons and Daughters of the Gold Dwarves have set out on their own or been sent out by elders to re-aquire contacts and relations with the Shield Dwarves. Most are quite willing to work with our cousins a few even willing to work with "Good" allies of other races...but none of us will be shamed by the Gold Dwarven histories and Cultural differences, WE have endured and are the stronger for it.

Gold Dwarf outlook
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