A few mod issues

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Ancient Red Dragon
Posts: 2810
Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:40 am

A few mod issues

Post by indio »

Skullport won't currently allow quests to be started. Here's the most recent log.
NWNX MySQL Plugin V.0.0.8
(c) 2007 by Ingmar Stieger (Papillon)
visit us at http://www.nwnx.org
(built using mysql-5.0.27 source)

* Log level set to 2 (everything)
* Connecting to server vault.alandfaraway.org
* Plugin initialized.
* Registering under function class SQL
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `areas` (`ID` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ServerID` smallint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Tag` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Visits` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`X` smallint(5) default NULL,`Y` smallint(5) default NULL,`Z` smallint(5) default NULL,`IsSafe` bool NOT NULL default false,`IsInside` bool NOT NULL default false,`IsNatural` bool NOT NULL default false,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY (`ServerID`, `Tag`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cdkeys` (`CDKey` varchar(8) NOT NULL,`IsBanned` bool NOT NULL default false,PRIMARY KEY (`CDKey`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `characters` (`ID` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ServerID` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`PlayerID` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Name` varchar(32) NOT NULL,`Level` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 1,`Race` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Subrace` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED default NULL,`Deity` varchar(32) default NULL,`Gender` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`HP` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`XP` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`GP` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`Wealth` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`Ethics` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Morals` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Class1` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Level1` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 1,`Class2` smallint(5) UNSIGNED default NULL,`Level2` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED default NULL,`Class3` smallint(5) UNSIGNED default NULL,`Level3` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED default NULL,`STR` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`CON` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`DEX` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`INT` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`WIS` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`CHA` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Location` varchar(128) default NULL,`Damage` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`Deaths` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`Status` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`IsOnline` bool NOT NULL default false,`IsDeleted` bool NOT NULL default false,`IsPlayable` bool NOT NULL default true,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY (`PlayerID`, `Name`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `heedspwdata` (`player` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`tag` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`val` varchar(128) default NULL,`expire` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`index` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,PRIMARY KEY (`index`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ipaddress` (`ID` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`CDKey` varchar(8) NOT NULL,`IPAddress` varchar(16) NOT NULL,`IsBanned` bool NOT NULL default false,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY (`CDKey`, `IPAddress`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `item_properties` (`ID` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ItemProperty` smallint(5) NOT NULL,`Description` varchar(128) default NULL,`IsIllegal` bool NOT NULL default 0,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY (`ItemProperty`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `logs` (`ID` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ServerID` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`CharacterID` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED default NULL,`Event` varchar(32) NOT NULL,`Description` varchar(128) default NULL,`Date` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `players` (`ID` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`CDKey` varchar(8) NOT NULL,`Name` varchar(32) NOT NULL,`FirstLogin` datetime,`LastLogin` datetime,`LastLogout` datetime,`Logins` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`TimeOnline` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`IsDM` bool NOT NULL default false,`IsBanned` bool NOT NULL default false,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY(`CDKey`, `Name`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pwdata` (`Name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Tag` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Key` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Value` varchar(128) default NULL,`Expiration` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`Last` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,PRIMARY KEY (`Name`, `Tag`, `Key`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pwobject` (`Name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Tag` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Key` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Value` varchar(128) default NULL,`Expiration` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`Last` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,PRIMARY KEY (`Name`, `Tag`, `Key`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `quests` (`ID` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ServerID` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`CharacterID` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`PlotID` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',`PlotState` varchar(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY(`ServerID`, `CharacterID`, `PlotID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `servers` (`ID` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`IPAddress` varchar(21) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `spelltrack` (`ID` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`CharacterID` mediumint(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Class` smallint(5) NOT NULL,`Uses` varchar(128) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY (`CharacterID`, `Class`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Skullport' and Tag='alfa01' and `Key`='ACR_TIME_SERVERTIME'
* Returning: 664355041 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Skullport' and Tag='alfa01' and `Key`='ACR_TIME_SERVERTIME'
* Returning: 664355041 (column 0)
* Executing: INSERT INTO pwdata (Name, Tag, `Key`, Value, Expiration) VALUES ('Skullport','alfa01','ACR_TIME_SERVERTIME', '664356480', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Value='664356480', Expiration=0
* Executing: SELECT pwdata.Name, pwdata.Tag, pwdata.Value, characters.ID, characters.Status FROM characters JOIN players on players.ID=characters.PlayerID JOIN pwdata on pwdata.Name=characters.Name WHERE pwdata.Tag=players.CDKey and pwdata.`Key`='ACR_DTH_LOCATION' and characters.Status = characters.Status | 1
* Executing: SELECT * FROM servers WHERE ID=1
* Executing: INSERT INTO servers (ID, Name, IPAddress) VALUES(1,'ALFA Skullport','')
* Executing: UPDATE characters SET IsOnline=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (15) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (80) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (15,63,63,63,63,63) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (15) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (15,63,63,63) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (56) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (15) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (15) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (15) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (15,11) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT PlotState FROM quests WHERE ServerID=1 AND CharacterID=0 AND PlotID='foc_tutor_01'
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (15,11) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (15,63,63,63) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (15) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (15,1) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT IsBanned FROM cdkeys WHERE CDKey='KA7HUU74'
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT IsBanned FROM ipaddress WHERE CDKey='KA7HUU74'
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT ID, IsBanned FROM players WHERE CDKey='KA7HUU74' and Name='indio'
* Returning: 0 (column 1)
* Returning: 1 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT ID, IsDeleted, IsPlayable FROM characters WHERE PlayerID=1 and Name='Kadmaq Ebelless'
* Returning: 0 (column 1)
* Returning: 1 (column 2)
* Returning: 4 (column 0)
* Executing: INSERT INTO logs (ServerID, CharacterID, Event, Description) VALUES (1,4,'Login','Character: Kadmaq Ebelless')
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Kadmaq Ebelless' and Tag='KA7HUU74' and `Key`='ACR_MOD_STARTINGGOLD'
* Returning: 1 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Kadmaq Ebelless' and Tag='KA7HUU74' and `Key`='ACR_MOD_FIRSTAID_IT'
* Returning: 1 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT ServerID, XP, GP, STR, CON, DEX, `INT`, WIS, CHA, Damage, Location FROM characters WHERE ID=4
* Returning: #A#peasanthome3firstfloor#X#4.399686337#Y#1.599997520#Z#0.000000000#O#122.005516052 (column 10)
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Returning: 4032 (column 1)
* Returning: 1224 (column 2)
* Returning: 14 (column 3)
* Returning: 10 (column 4)
* Returning: 16 (column 5)
* Returning: 14 (column 6)
* Returning: 8 (column 7)
* Returning: 15 (column 8)
* Returning: 0 (column 9)
* Executing: INSERT INTO logs (ServerID, CharacterID, Event, Description) VALUES (1,4,'Login, Quarantined','Character: Kadmaq Ebelless')
* Executing: UPDATE characters, players SET characters.IsOnline=1, players.LastLogin=now(), players.Logins=players.Logins+1, players.IsDM=0 WHERE characters.ID=4 and players.ID=characters.PlayerID
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=4
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=4
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Kadmaq Ebelless' and Tag='KA7HUU74' and `Key`='ACR_DTH_LOCATION'
* Executing: SELECT PlotID, PlotState FROM quests WHERE ServerID=1 AND CharacterID=4
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=4
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=4
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Kadmaq Ebelless' and Tag='KA7HUU74' and `Key`='ACR_REST_LOGOUT_TIMER'
* Returning: 664354920 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Kadmaq Ebelless' and Tag='KA7HUU74' and `Key`='ACR_REST_HEAL_BONUS'
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Kadmaq Ebelless' and Tag='KA7HUU74' and `Key`='ACR_REST_FLAGS'
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Kadmaq Ebelless' and Tag='KA7HUU74' and `Key`='ACR_REST_FLAGS'
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: INSERT INTO pwdata (Name, Tag, `Key`, Value, Expiration) VALUES ('Kadmaq Ebelless','KA7HUU74','ACR_REST_FLAGS', '0', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Value='0', Expiration=0
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Kadmaq Ebelless' and Tag='KA7HUU74' and `Key`='ACR_REST_FLAGS'
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: INSERT INTO pwdata (Name, Tag, `Key`, Value, Expiration) VALUES ('Kadmaq Ebelless','KA7HUU74','ACR_REST_FLAGS', '0', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Value='0', Expiration=0
* Executing: INSERT INTO pwdata (Name, Tag, `Key`, Value, Expiration) VALUES ('Kadmaq Ebelless','KA7HUU74','ACR_REST_HEAL_BONUS', '0', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Value='0', Expiration=0
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Kadmaq Ebelless' and Tag='KA7HUU74' and `Key`='ACR_REST_STUDY_TIMER'
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Kadmaq Ebelless' and Tag='KA7HUU74' and `Key`='ACR_REST_PRAYER_TIMER'
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Kadmaq Ebelless' and Tag='KA7HUU74' and `Key`='ACR_REST_TIMER'
* Returning: 11073027 (column 0)
* Executing: DELETE FROM spelltrack WHERE CharacterID=4
* Executing: UPDATE characters SET ServerID=1, Location='#A##X#100.146377563#Y#103.775772095#Z#42.310310364#O#270.000000000', Level=3, Deity='No Deity', HP=26, XP=4032, GP=1224, Morals=85, Ethics=15, Damage=0, Class1=8, Class2=4, Class3=255, Level1=1, Level2=2, Level3=0, STR=14, CON=10, DEX=16, `INT`=14, WIS=8, CHA=15 WHERE ID=4
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=4
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=4
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Kadmaq Ebelless' and Tag='KA7HUU74' and `Key`='ACR_XP_BANKED_RPHOURS'
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT PlotState FROM quests WHERE ServerID=1 AND CharacterID=4 AND PlotID='sp_pirates_a'
* Executing: UPDATE characters SET ServerID=1, Location='#A#peasanthome3firstfloor#X#4.399686337#Y#1.599997520#Z#0.000000000#O#122.005516052', Level=3, Deity='No Deity', HP=26, XP=4032, GP=1224, Morals=85, Ethics=15, Damage=0, Class1=8, Class2=4, Class3=255, Level1=1, Level2=2, Level3=0, STR=14, CON=10, DEX=16, `INT`=14, WIS=8, CHA=15 WHERE ID=4
* Executing: SELECT PlotState FROM quests WHERE ServerID=1 AND CharacterID=4 AND PlotID='sp_pirates_a'
* Executing: INSERT INTO logs (ServerID, CharacterID, Event, Description) VALUES (1,4,'Logout','Character: Kadmaq Ebelless')
* Executing: INSERT INTO pwdata (Name, Tag, `Key`, Value, Expiration) VALUES ('Kadmaq Ebelless','KA7HUU74','ACR_REST_LOGOUT_TIMER', '664356600', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Value='664356600', Expiration=0
* Executing: UPDATE characters SET ServerID=1, Level=3, Deity='No Deity', HP=26, XP=4032, GP=1224, Morals=85, Ethics=15, Damage=0, Class1=8, Class2=4, Class3=255, Level1=1, Level2=2, Level3=0, STR=14, CON=10, DEX=16, `INT`=14, WIS=8, CHA=15 WHERE ID=4
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=4
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: UPDATE characters SET IsOnline=0 WHERE ID=4
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='Kadmaq Ebelless' and Tag='KA7HUU74' and `Key`='ACR_XP_BANKED_RPHOURS'
* Returning: 0 (column 0)
* Executing: INSERT INTO pwdata (Name, Tag, `Key`, Value, Expiration) VALUES ('Kadmaq Ebelless','KA7HUU74','ACR_XP_BANKED_RPHOURS', '1', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Value='1', Expiration=0
Maybe it's an old versionof the ACR? I don't know. Any help appreciated, plus a link to the most recent ACR would be great.

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Chosen of Forumamus, God of Forums
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Post by AcadiusLost »

I don't see anything in that logfile to explain a lack of questage- though your alfa_acr.hak may be out of date (and/or the quest launch scripts outdated). I'll update the acr hak on the worldgate in a few minutes. Once you've got the new version, perhaps check and confirm that everything is compiling correctly.
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Ancient Red Dragon
Posts: 2810
Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:40 am

Post by indio »

Yeah, it's setup like all my others so I don't see why either.

Perhaps tellingly, nothing enters the journal when acr_quest_update fires, which means that no journal entries ever get made.
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Ancient Red Dragon
Posts: 2810
Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:40 am

Post by indio »

I should also mention that the conversation fails the first time it encounters a quest script. So the line containing the Conditional acr_quest_progress "sp_pirates_a" variable, even when it equals 0, never shows...it simply exits the conversation as though the convo had ended.
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Ancient Red Dragon
Posts: 2810
Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:40 am

Post by indio »

Here are the errors of the compile. Not sure how I've ended up with these issues. Worldgate is up to date.
Information: Compiling as_group_commoner
Information: Compiling as_group_zombies_elite
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onpcloaded
Information: Compiling acf_door_onuserdefined
Information: Compiling abr_spawn_debug
Information: Compiling acf_trg_onclick
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onactivateitem
Information: Compiling gui_dmfi_vfxcustom
Error: gui_dmfi_vfxcustom.nss(25): ERROR: PARSING VARIABLE LIST

Information: Compiling gui_dmfi_skills
Error: gui_dmfi_skills.nss(17): ERROR: PARSING VARIABLE LIST

Information: Compiling as_group_lizardfolk_boss
Information: Compiling gb_heartbeat_sp
Information: Compiling acf_plc_onunlock
Information: Compiling as_group_orcs_low
Information: Compiling aca_startdoor
Information: Compiling sc_ud_npc_animate
Information: Compiling acf_cre_onphysicallyattacked
Information: Compiling acf_door_ondisarm
Information: Compiling acf_door_ontraptriggered
Information: Compiling acf_plc_onlock
Information: Compiling acf_area_client
Information: Compiling as_group_skeletons_boss
Information: Compiling acf_door_onclosed
Information: Compiling acf_area_onhbeat
Information: Compiling as_group_bugbears
Information: Compiling gui_dmfi_playerui
Error: dmfi_inc_tool.nss(1): ERROR: INVALID DECLARATION TYPE

Information: Compiling as_group_skeletons_elite
Information: Compiling acf_plc_ondeath
Information: Compiling acf_door_ondeath
Information: Compiling abr_onuse_rezlever
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onmoduleload
Information: Compiling aca_tinting_lever
Error: acr_db_persist_i.nss(45): ERROR: FUNCTION DEFINITION MISSING NAME

Information: Compiling al_givesupplies_hh
Information: Compiling acf_trg_onexit
Information: Compiling acf_door_onopen
Information: Compiling gui_dmfi_dmui
Error: gui_dmfi_dmui.nss(21): ERROR: PARSING VARIABLE LIST

Information: Compiling as_group_kobolds_low
Information: Compiling as_group_wild
Information: Compiling acf_cre_onconversation
Information: Compiling acf_trg_ondisarm
Information: Compiling as_group_loot_low
Information: Compiling 001_sp_npc_nointerrupt
Information: Compiling acf_plc_onopen
Information: Compiling acf_plc_onclick
Information: Compiling gui_alfa_firstaid
Information: Compiling gui_cre_identify
Information: Compiling acf_cre_onperception
Information: Compiling gb_wanderer_sp
Information: Compiling acf_cre_oninventorydisturbed
Information: Compiling as_group_lizardfolk_low
Information: Compiling aca_startdoordisabled
Information: Compiling acf_spawn_i
Information: Compiling acf_area_onenter
Information: Compiling acf_door_onmeleeattacked
Information: Compiling gui_hss_pc_tool
Error: acr_db_persist_i.nss(45): ERROR: FUNCTION DEFINITION MISSING NAME

Information: Compiling gui_it_pickupexamine
Information: Compiling gui_dmfi_battle
Error: gui_dmfi_battle.nss(20): ERROR: PARSING VARIABLE LIST

Information: Compiling as_group_complex
Information: Compiling alfa_constants
Information: Compiling acf_cre_onspellcastat
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onuserdefinedevent
Information: Compiling acf_plc_onheartbeat
Information: Compiling gui_hss_actionsit
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onunacquireitem
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onmodulestart
Information: Compiling aca_startdoorracechk
Information: Compiling abr_it_firstaid
Information: Compiling acf_plc_onconversation
Information: Compiling acf_trg_onheartbeat
Information: Compiling aca_xps
Information: Compiling nwnx_include
Information: Compiling aca_startdoorclasschk
Information: Compiling gui_dmfi_list
Error: gui_dmfi_list.nss(19): ERROR: PARSING VARIABLE LIST

Information: Compiling gui_dmc_crselect
Information: Compiling acf_trg_ontraptriggered
Information: Compiling acf_cre_onuserdefined
Information: Compiling gui_dmfi_text
Error: gui_dmfi_text.nss(30): ERROR: UNDEFINED IDENTIFIER

Information: Compiling as_group_example
Information: Compiling acf_plc_ondisarm
Information: Compiling gui_dmc_crspawn
Information: Compiling gui_dmc_givexp
Information: Compiling aca_startmindoverbody
Information: Compiling sc_spawnin_npc_animate
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onheartbeat
Information: Compiling as_group_kobolds_elite
Information: Compiling acf_door_onused
Information: Compiling acf_area_userdef
Information: Compiling acf_door_ondamaged
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onplayerunequipitem
Information: Compiling al_checksupp_qv
Information: Compiling 001_sp_npc_anim
Information: Compiling acr_seamlessat_i
Information: Compiling acf_plc_ontraptriggered
Information: Compiling al_givesupplies_rm
Information: Compiling acf_door_onfailtoopen
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onplayerrest
Information: Compiling acf_cre_onblocked
Information: Compiling 01a_npc_one_liner
Information: Compiling as_group_goblins_elite
Information: Compiling indio_place_catwalk
Information: Compiling trapdoor
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onplayerlevelup
Information: Compiling nwnx_sql
Information: Compiling as_group_goblins_low
Information: Compiling al_givesupplies_qv
Information: Compiling as_group_slv
Error: bbs_include.nss(1): ERROR: INVALID DECLARATION TYPE

Information: Compiling 001_sp_int_set
Information: Compiling acr_quest_update
Information: Compiling gui_dmc_crexamine
Information: Compiling indio_place_catwalk2
Information: Compiling acf_cre_onheartbeat
Information: Compiling as_group_skeletons_guards
Information: Compiling as_group_wild_nonhostile
Information: Compiling al_getsuppand pay_qv
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onplayerdeath
Information: Compiling nwnx_time
Information: Compiling alfa_options
Information: Compiling acf_cre_onrested
Information: Compiling al_checksupp_hh
Information: Compiling acf_trg_onenter
Information: Compiling as_group_goblins_boss
Information: Compiling al_getsuppand pay_rm
Information: Compiling 001_sp_int_get
Information: Compiling acf_door_onclick
Information: Compiling as_group_orcs_elite
Information: Compiling acf_cre_onendcombatround
Information: Compiling as_group_kobolds_boss
Information: Compiling acf_plc_ondamaged
Information: Compiling cs_close_door
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onclientleave
Information: Compiling as_group_skeletons_low
Information: Compiling gui_dmfi_dmtool
Error: gui_dmfi_dmtool.nss(14): ERROR: PARSING VARIABLE LIST

Information: Compiling acf_plc_onclosed
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onplayerrespawn
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onacquireitem
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onplayerdying
Information: Compiling as_group_zombies_low
Information: Compiling acr_quest_escort
Information: Compiling al_getsuppand pay_hh
Information: Compiling acf_mod_onplayerequipitem
Information: Compiling gui_dmfi_mngrtool
Error: gui_dmfi_mngrtool.nss(20): ERROR: NO RIGHT BRACKET ON EXPRESSION

Information: Compiling acf_door_onconversation
Information: Compiling gui_dmc_crunselect
Information: Compiling acf_trg_onuserdefined
Information: Compiling as_group_zombies_boss
Information: Compiling ga_onused_startconv
Information: Compiling acf_plc_onuserdefined
Information: Compiling hss_actionsit
Information: Compiling 001_sp_give_xp
Information: Compiling acf_mod_oncliententer
Information: Compiling as_group_lizardfolk_elite
Information: Compiling as_group_gnolls_elite
Information: Compiling acf_plc_onused
Information: Compiling acr_chat_exe
Information: Compiling acf_plc_onspellcastat
Information: Compiling as_group_gnolls_boss
Information: Compiling as_group_gnolls_low
Information: Compiling gui_it_pickupequip
Information: Compiling acr_quest_progress
Information: Compiling acf_plc_oninventorydisturbed
Information: Compiling acr_vfx_i
Information: Compiling acf_cre_ondeath
Information: Compiling gui_dmfi_dmlist
Error: gui_dmfi_dmlist.nss(18): ERROR: PARSING VARIABLE LIST

Information: Compiling acf_area_onexit
Information: Compiling acf_mod_oncutsceneabort
Information: Compiling acf_cre_onspawnin
Information: Compiling dw_on_percept_sit
Information: Compiling 001_sp_inn_door_lever
Information: Compiling as_group_orcs_boss
Information: Compiling alfa_persist
Information: Compiling sgk_jae_onuse_start_conv
Information: Compiling acf_plc_onmeleeattacked
Information: Compiling onspawn_immobile_anim
Information: Compiling acr_quest_errand
Information: Compiling ladder
Information: Compiling acf_door_onlock
Information: Compiling gui_dmfi_trgtool
Error: gui_dmfi_trgtool.nss(31): ERROR: NO RIGHT BRACKET ON EXPRESSION

Information: Compiling al_checksupp_rm
Information: Compiling acf_door_onunlock
Information: Compiling acf_door_onheartbeat
Information: Compiling acf_cre_ondamaged
Information: Compiling acr_death_i
Information: Compiling gui_dmc_setxp
Information: Compiling acf_door_onspellcastat
Information: Compiling acf_settings_i
Information: Compiling acr_quest_reward
Information: Compiling gui_hss_no_con_2
Information: Compiling acr_spellhook
Information: Compilation Finished
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Ancient Red Dragon
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Post by indio »

Ok...well, I imported all the acr related scripts from a recent TSM mod and the compile errors have gone, in particular the persist compile error. So I'll give it another swing when I get home tonight.

I'd imported the default acr package into Skullport, so I wonder if there are additional scripts needed that aren't included in that package currently?
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Ancient Red Dragon
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Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:40 am

Post by indio »

All working nicely.
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ç i p h é r
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Post by ç i p h é r »

It could just have been that your module didn't compile the necessary quest scripts because of the compile errors you were experiencing. Thus the odd behavior you witnessed.

BTW, make sure you import all the gui_* scripts directly into your module. These must be server-side to function. Item scripts also need to be server-side as well.
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Ancient Red Dragon
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Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:40 am

Post by indio »

My guess is script omissions from the zip file of the acr. But the only acr zip I've got is from late last year, so it's not surprising it's out of date. Is there a current acr zip available?
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ç i p h é r
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Post by ç i p h é r »

That's a very good possibility too. We haven't run a formal ACR release in a while. I'll see about getting one up on SF for you to download....but first things first. I've a mad craving for ice cream.... :smirk: