Coming Home

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Rumple C
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Coming Home

Post by Rumple C »


Thorv watched with incredulity as the rat spat fire at him. It landed right in his beard and he swatted it out, singeing his hands with heat, and his eyes with smoke. "You little shit!" he declared to the rat, though only the man next to him "Doc" would have heard it. Hours later, he walked into the watch building, a brace of rats swinging from a broken broom handle he has found in the dump. He was rewarded with enough coins to survive another day.


Vision the 1st

And so it was that Thorv Melairkyn returned to his ancestral lands, to find them overrun with vermin, both human and rat alike. He spoke words of anger and shed a single noble tear at the humiliation his ancestors had endured. The humans, upon seeing his righteous anger, cowered and offered up tribute of gold, lodging, and the weak water they call ale.
Last edited by Rumple C on Fri Jan 26, 2018 3:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
12.August.2015: Never forget.
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Re: Coming Home

Post by ayergo »

I predict great success with this character.
There's a place I like to hide
A doorway that I run through in the night
Relax child, you were there
But only didn't realize and you were scared
It's a place where you will learn
To face your fears, retrace the years
And ride the whims of your mind
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Re: Coming Home

Post by Galadorn »

ayergo wrote:I predict great success with this character.
Go team optimism!
Rumple C
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Re: Coming Home

Post by Rumple C »


Thorv was surrounded by adventurers. Humans mostly, but also hin, and elves. There was even another dwarf named Murgen who led his own small warband of mercenaries. They all swirled and talked over each other and pointed and flitted from person to person. Why couldn't they all just shut up and take turns speaking one by one? It was enough to give him a headache. This was going to be a very long, long campaign. Because these... these were the reckless and capable people he would need.


Vision the second.

And so it was that Thorv Melairkyn gathered about him the heroes of Waterdeep. They saw the great doom writ upon his brow and beseeched him to lead them then and now to holy war. He raised a hand and they fell silent as one as he spoke "Now is not yet the time for war nor blood. Now is not the time to make widows and orphans. Now is the time for penitence and prayer. Now is the time for sacrifices and supplication". The heroes became red with shame and knew the wisdom and truth of his words.
12.August.2015: Never forget.
Rumple C
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Re: Coming Home

Post by Rumple C »


Thorv lay broken on the city streets, magicked and arrow pierced. His vision faded, his last thought of what shits wizards are. Over him, Igneous and the watch man gone mad fought tooth and nail for survival.


Vision the third.

And so it was that Thorv was tested by the fire of adversity and shaped by the hammer of conflict. He was reforged anew, and all the stronger for it.
12.August.2015: Never forget.
Rumple C
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Re: Coming Home

Post by Rumple C »


Thorv sat on a poorly made wooden stool. In front of him, laying on the poorly made bed, were two axes, which were not poorly made.

He lifted the first axe Casselbrack, which was supposedly wielded by his kin hundreds of years ago. It was in the common style, a design not much changed in the hundreds of years since it was forged, and found across the continent, in the hands of orcs, dwarfs, and humans alike. The edge tingled with the magic used to craft it. It felt light in his hand, and he knew from experience how easy it was to wield.

Setting it down, he hefted the much heavier and unnamed other axe. This was made in the dwarfern style, and sized for dwarfern limbs. The axe was fully twice as heavy as Casselbrack. It was an honest axe, for it's providence could be trusted, and it was paid for in gold. There was no implied obligation, there was no knowing winks and smiles. It had taken some time for Thorv to become used to the balance of the thing, and longer still for him to become skilled in it's use. There was no tingle in it's edge for it was not magical, the only power behind it, was from his own arm and determination. He set it back on the bed.

There was no doubt that his path called for an axe, and a choice.


Vision the fouth.

And so it was that Thorv picked up his axe, and began to war.
12.August.2015: Never forget.
Wild Wombat
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Re: Coming Home

Post by Wild Wombat »

Murgen heard the voices and faded even further into the shadows. Slowly, an inch at a time, he eased his head around the corner and saw his bounty, the one-eyed killer, Mack Kipper. Unfortunately, Kipper was not alone, which made this a bounty too difficult to take alone.

As Murgen started to pull back, he was brought up short. He recognized the mug Kipper was drinking out of. It looked to be the twin of Thorv's favorite ale mug. Baffled, Murgen froze and looked more closely around the cavern. A glint of metal in a nook caught his eye. Shielding his eyes from the firelight, he squinted and the form of a body slowly took shape. A familiar body. Fists clenching involuntarily, Murgen nearly choked as he recognized Thorv's badly mutilated corpse.

Knowing that if their places had been reversed, Thorv would likely have charged the two in a blindly vengeful rage, Murgen sagged against the wall. Thorv he was not. A great warrior, he was not. Murgen's way was to bide his time and strike unseen and unexpectedly, not to attack when the odds were so badly against him. If Thorv could not take these two in a fair fight, Murgen knew he stood next to no chance.

So, he gritted his teeth and settled in, to see if an opportunity presented itself. He waited half the night, hoping that both men would fall asleep, but these were no naifs. One was always awake as the other slept. They did, however, let the fire gutter lower, casting more shadows throughout the cistern. Thorv's body was lost in deep darkness and there was at least one thing he could do for his friend.

Timing his footsteps to match the drip, drip of water, Murgen crept towards Thorv's body. Summoning strength he did not know he had, he slowly knelt over Thorv and began to pick him up ... and froze. Kipper's mate was poking at the fire and the cavern flared with light. Fortunately, the man was facing away. Knowing that inaction was the equivalent of being caught, Murgen straightened up and backed towards the exit, willing the man to keep stoking the fire.

Murgen made it. He rounded the corner and it was all he could do to maintain the same quiet snail's pace until he was safely out of earshot of the two killers.


The journey back to Daggerford proper was a haze for Murgen. He made for the most likely place he could think of: the Table of the Sword, Temple to the Warrior God of the humans, Tempus. He would convince them to honor his friend and prepare him for the journey to the home of Thorv Melairkyn's ancestors in Waterdeep. Having no great purpose of his own, Murgen had sworn to help Thorv with his. He would continue in Thorv's name, with the first step being to bring Thorv back home.

Thus it was that Murgen Kjarnisteinn found himself booking passage for himself and a coffin on a caravan bound for Waterdeep. Any who approached him were met with a scowl and a glare that fended off questions.
Retired NWN1: Murgen Kjarnisteinn (AKA Grumpy Scout)

NWN2 (Failed Experiment): Muir Cheartach, AKA The Pale Faced Pie Man

R.I.P.: Croaker Lyosbarr, Knight of Yartar, Lord of Lhuvenhead (NWN1)

"In no uncertain terms, i am adamantly opposed to any ingame mechanics that penalize players for wanting to meet up with other players, when their goal is to roleplay." - White Warlock
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