Tavern Tales & Rumours

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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Hyme »

It is heard there a deep gnome that is willing to guide surface people into the underdark. He is normally found near at Cantrea Koart. It is said he doesn't speak common very well, but does speak a odd dialectal of gnomish.
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by rorax »

Two adventures were seen dragging heavily chained troll through the streets of Skaug. Rumor has it that the troll was placed inside the Crossbows inn arena cage, and that a firbolg should be imported soon to fight him!
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Hyme »

In Corwell word speaks of a deep Gnome that was detained by the guards. He is being held for questioning at the Corwell's guardhouse/ jail. It is not know what crime he charged with or if he is even being charged with a crime.
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by dergon darkhelm »

A halfling, clad in dark leathers and keeping his face mostly cowled, has recently taken up temporary residence in Cantrev Koart. This seems to be a bit odd since the hin makes it obvious with every person to whom he speaks that he finds the place distasteful saying "it smells like herring, pig shite, and cabbage all mixed tegether".

He appears to have no specific purpose or business in the place, spending nights awake and peering westward toward the fens and daytime sleeping in a small, dark room in the Koart hall. He did ask the tavernkeep to awaken him quietly should any other halflings arrive at the inn.

Cedric Rollstone, proprietor of the only tavern in the small Cantrev, is said to consider it a small boon, as the hin has a prodigious apetite for food, smoke, and drink and is also generous with gratuities.
PCs: NWN1: Trailyn "Wayfarer" Krast, Nashkel hayseed

NWN2: ??

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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by kid »

Posters posted in Corwell and the rest of the Cantrevs in Gwynneth Isle:


- Hully Tosscobble -

600 gold coins reward needed
for questioning at Cantrev Koart.
He is wanted ALIVE!
no coin would be paid for a corpse.

hin bold bearded, no mustache,
in black gard and hood and carrying weapons.
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by kid »

rumors speard around Gwynneth Isle about a gang of murderous hin.

all with information are asked to come to Caer Corwell
and adress the guards with said information.

Reward will be given to the helpful.

((kid aka DM BlackSheep))
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by dergon darkhelm »

At dusk, Hully awakened in the small cave where he had sought rest during the day. The rest had been poor as a trio of cockwings had nested just outside and had been loud in their mating calls all day. ... Hully hated sleeping rough.

He made a slow and careful path along the outskirts of the Cantrevs until he could see the torchlights at the Corwell East gate. Being sure to be unnoticed on the road, he frowned as he saw another of the wanted posters tacked to a tree on the Lowhill trail. His nose was not that long at all.

He would need refuge, for at least as long as it took formulate a plan. Was Marcus Wands still one of Alicia's high mages? Perhaps a letter to him? Was he even alive anymore? It had been months.

His plans thus far had resulted in worsening problems. Perhaps he sould just present himself to the guards in Koart and hpe that an honest story would eventually win him the understanding of the tall folk and cease the warrant for his arrest? *he frowned* "Not unless the Trickster hisself is watching over ye", he mused darkly.

He bypassed the guards at Lowhill easily, hopping over the low stone wall behind the beirgaarten. Only a few late night candles were seen through the thick windows of the hobbit holes in Lowhilll. The hin folk were sleeping.

He found a door ajar and entered the tunnels beneath the hill. Familiar dark comfort was quick to take him. He made his way for the temple in silence.

Creaking open the door to the chapel, he leaned in ..... "Father Bogo? "
PCs: NWN1: Trailyn "Wayfarer" Krast, Nashkel hayseed

NWN2: ??

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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by CloudDancing »

*After long last the Queen's consort, Keane has apparently be returned from the dead. It depends on whom you speak to but, while thin and wobbily, the wizard Keane is now seen again sitting with his wife on the High Throne. Many rumors have flow some disparaging the queen for drawing him forth from Chauntea's bosom while others applaud her fortitude in both finding her consort AND taking care of the shapeshifter incident.

However as those events become distant echos and enlivened bard songs, may of the most feral druids report a great tension in the creatures both magical and mundane. Harvestide comes now with ripening fruits and the farm druid and village druids have heeded this call, reminding folk and travller's to stay out of the forests and wild places.

Instead they are encouraging folk to help in the harvest. And so the population of the Island rises as wayward farmworkers slip up from the south and ship over for the two and half months of pick, pack, and slaughter.

As always the Harvestide wills folks with ebullience and cheer. The druids coordinate the long days of harvest and on the weekends grand festivals are held for all workers for the folk to drink, dance, and enjoy.

The High Queen has send out missives to those who serve the court but secretly those who serve a Mistress Pathra, the rich owner of the Caer Calidyrr dance hall.*

"Please come to the castle this evening with this invitation and speak with me. I have news and new work for you."

(Old players please feel free to bring new players with you to this. Markedly evil players may find themselves vulnerable in this campaign unless prepared to "suck it up" and pretend to be otherwise. I know some can. I just wanted to note that the High Queen does not abide any of the evil qualities if exposed in her face and is a rather powerful Druid.)
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by CloudDancing »

*All the taverns and inns are in a buzz. A new High Court Wizard has been chosen from the party that was essential in finding the lost King Consort Keane. Courtiers and servants are already being groomed to work beside her.

Her name is Madeline Bourgeois and oddly many villagers have reported meeting her in various occupations around the islands for a good long time. No words of ill have been spoken yet aloud on this choice of the HIgh Queen and some see it as a sign things are getting back to normal*

*As well the High Queen has posted guards at the trails to the forests of Oman's Island. The Stone Forest, known for it's many trolls, is infested by beasts with the powers of the storm. NO ONE is to enter the forest till the Queen removes the guard*
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by randomrper »

The other day an armored figure was seen heading into the forests near 'Cantrev Koart a little after nightfall. On a hill somewhere between the Bone Castle and the known pirate hideout, sounds of battle were heard and the flashing of spellcasting. After several minutes of silence when the situation was finished, the armored figure was seen walking out of the forest, apparently not much worse for the wear singing a battlesong quietly. The remains of a large number of undead were found by forresters the next morning.
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by dergon darkhelm »

Cantrev Koart has arrested a number of halflings and is flaying them openly in the public commons. On the same day, the Koart Captain of the Guard was found murdered.

Also, a huge bear tried to breach the walls at the same small Cantrev and was turned to stone by a powerful wizard. Supposedly a local drunk has been entrepreneurial and is charging three coppers for a gander at the marvellous and feral statue.
PCs: NWN1: Trailyn "Wayfarer" Krast, Nashkel hayseed

NWN2: ??

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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Burt »

dergon darkhelm wrote:Supposedly a local drunk has been entrepreneurial and is charging three coppers for a gander at the marvellous and feral statue.
If asked about this Jonathan will freely point anyone in direction of said bearish lump of rock and declare that such a marvel should be free for all to behold.
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by I-KP »

There was almost an execution at Cantrev Koart last sun: a small, battered, bruised and bound blonde-haired female Hin was introduced to the cold iron of an anvil; the hungry steel of the axeman's blade; and a baying crowd of Human townsfolk. The bloodcurdling proceedings were interrupted by a dark-clad, gate-climbing Hin brandishing parchments reportedly baring the Queen's royal seal; a hedge-born looking man who spoke with a calm and measured voice; and a rather large, enraged bear thrashing around in the moat just beyond the cantrev walls. It was not long before the townsfolk went home disappointed; the axeman's steel remained thirsty; the gate-climbing, dark-clad Hin was also taken into the cantrev's hospitality; and the blonde-haired Hin was carried kicking and screaming back into the cantrev jailhouse shrieking something in a language no-one admitted to understanding.

Later that eve in the cantrev, a loud and determined male voice was heard to shout words roughly in the familiarity of: "If they misstreat ye any further, they'll all pay for it many-fold!"
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by kid »

A small hin meticulously dressed and smells of flowers
is running around lowhill telling all the story of the stone soup
and about the wonders of Sheela.

She is met with a smile and an approving nod by most,
tho the hins of lowhill are not yet sure how to take her odd stories.
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by kid »

Lord Koart sent a large force to Lowhill and was
met with little resistance by the hin of the village.
Under threat of attack the force was allowed to search throwout the hin settlement
accompanied by Lowhill guards.

Little property damage was done during the search and promises
where made by the force commander compensations will be made by lord Koart.

In the end of the day two dark armored hins where dragged
from Lowhill to the Hall of Lord Koart by the searching men.
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