Tavern Tales & Rumours

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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by dergon darkhelm »

The body of an elf, barely recognizable due to bloating, was found washed ashore in the shallow waters of the Dwyvach Salt Flats. A halfling hired a small horse drawn cart to have the body brought to Cantrev Pontswain for last rites. Any with knowledge of the elf's clan or kin can come forward and claim the remains at the village.
PCs: NWN1: Trailyn "Wayfarer" Krast, Nashkel hayseed

NWN2: ??

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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Heero »

dergon darkhelm wrote:The body of an elf, barely recognizable due to bloating, was found washed ashore in the shallow waters of the Dwyvach Salt Flats. A halfling hired a small horse drawn cart to have the body brought to Cantrev Pontswain for last rites. Any with knowledge of the elf's clan or kin can come forward and claim the remains at the village.

((OMG, its not dirtelf, is it?!?))
Heero just pawn in game of life.

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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Galadorn »

((whad'you care?! YOU DESERTED HIM! :( ))
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by dergon darkhelm »

The corpse had no specifically identifying features, wearing earth toned clothing and leather armor. It was male and carrying a number of dressed chickens on a belt loop.
PCs: NWN1: Trailyn "Wayfarer" Krast, Nashkel hayseed

NWN2: ??

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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Galadorn »


...never knew Illyrien was into "dressed chickens"...
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by CloudDancing »

*the supersitious villagers took the corpse and promptly burned it, worried about disease and the possibilty if getting blamed for elf-i-cide. It was agreed this was the appropriate way to deal with Elven remains among the Elders and the ashes were scattered to the wind*
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Galadorn »

*word passes slowly about Corwell and Caer Callidyr that townsfolk or adventurers seeking valuable commissioned masterwork leathers, or hides, and/or specially custom made enchanted boots, gloves, belts, hide or leather helms, talismans, or cloaks are to leave a message with local barkeeps, especially Annie at Trapper's Hold Inn in Corwell to be passed on to meet the crafter named Bu, Warden of the Isles*
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by CloudDancing »

Dabron Sashenstar, an aristocrat of Baldur’s Gate has been seen frequenting the steps of Caer Calidyrr on a bi-weekly basis. He also owns and leads the Merchant’s League of the Gate.

Recently widowed, all rumors point to him wooing the High Queen Alicia with presents of a fine black shire pony for her foster daughter Ainea, fine silks for the queen, and
all the court maids are flutter with this tall, raven-haired "merchant prince" and his winsome and courtly manner.

The favored son of the Sashenstars, Dabron is a charming man with a hearty laugh. He made friends quite quickly and inspired a lot of trust them as well as he did others
Standing over six feet tall, Dabron had dusky tanned skin with jet black hair that he kept in long braids.

Along with a large amount of wealth in both riches and investments, Dabron possesses many magical items. Among these were the Icemail of Orloebar, the longsword Grayflame, a pair of boots of the winterlands, and a stone horse figurine of wondrous power.
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by dergon darkhelm »

Hully frowned as the half-orc porter he had hired in Skaug hoisted the corpse of the thin, dark skinned elf on his shoulders.

"Why you want move to port? He dead!" the orc protested.

"My reasons be my own. Now git movin' or I'll trade those 4 silvers I paid ye for a stick in yer kidney, ye lout!"

The trio, halfling, half-orc, and dead drow, made an odd group as they entered the gates of Skaug, but the guards had seen stranger occurrances many times before and made little more than a quirk of an eye as they entered. They made their way to the crypts where the orc-blood unceremoniously dropped the drow, he had been known a Belgozt, onto the stone floor.

"Me not go down further. Rats and ghosts."

Hully acquiesced and dismissed the porter.

Looking down at the corpse of his prior crewmember, he certainly couldn't call him a friend, Hulurin adusted the corpse carefully to give it a position of rest. He coverered Belgozt's face with his trademark black mask and push closed his eyes. Then, the halfling took the satchel from the drow's belt, removing the gold, a few gems and a pair of elixers.

"Sorry Bel ..... really I be. But ye ainna ginna need these where ye'r goin'....whereever in the hells that be. I hope it ainna so bad as I picture. I'll put the gold te proper use, eh."

In the deep darkness of the rat-ridden crypts below one of the dirtiest ports in Faerun, Hulurin then spoke a prayer to Brandobaris asking for care of the soul of the fallen drow. He didn't know what a halfling god would think of a prayers for a drow. He didn't even know what he thought beyond that perhaps even the drow deserves a bit of help at death too.

He turned, exited the crypts and made for the surface of Skaug once more.
Last edited by dergon darkhelm on Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
PCs: NWN1: Trailyn "Wayfarer" Krast, Nashkel hayseed

NWN2: ??

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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by DarkHin »

dergon darkhelm wrote:Hully frowned as the half-orc porter he had hired in Skaug hoisted the corpse of the thin, dark skinned elf on his shoulders.

"Why you want move to port? He dead!" the orc protested.

"My reasons be my own. Now git movin' or I'll trade those 4 silvers I paid ye for a stick in yer kidney, ye lout!"

The trio, halfling, half-orc, and dead drow, made an odd group as they entered the gates of Skaug, but the guards had seen stranger occurrances many times before and made little more than a quirk of an eye as they entered. They made their way to the crypts where the orc-blood unceremoniously dropped the drow, he had been known a Belgozt, onto the stone floor.

"Me not go down further. Rats and ghosts."

Hully acquiesced and dismissed the porter.

Looking down at the corpse of his prior crewmember, he certainly couldn't call him a friend, Hulurin adusted the corpse carefully to give it a position of rest. He coverered Belgozt's face with his trademark and push closed his eyes. Then, the halfling took the satchel from the drow's belt, removing the gold, a few gems and a pair of elixers.

"Sorry Bel ..... really I be. But ye ainna ginna need these where ye'r goin'....whereever in the hells that be. I hope it ainna so bad as I picture. I'll put the gold te proper use, eh."

In the deep darkness of the rat-ridden crypts below one of the dirtiest ports in Faerun, Hulurin then spoke a prayer to Brandobaris asking for care of the soul of the fallen drow. He didn't know what a halfling god would think of a prayers for a drow. He didn't even know what he thought beyond that perhaps even the drow deserves a bit of help at death too.

He turned, exited the crypts and made for the surface of Skaug once more.
((And he was such a nice drow...))
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Galadorn »

*...a few weeks ago Bu was seen huffing and grunting passed Corwell gates carrying the drooping corpse of a huge great cat, headed towards the Corwell Grove. He has no been seen anywhere else for over a fortnight...*

((OOC: if anyone has visited the Corwell grove in the past 2-3 days please PM me for an update on what may or may not was seen happening there))
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Galadorn »

*massive flashes of divine light may have been spotted by someone gazing North-Easterly from Corwell town the passed day or so...*
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by dergon darkhelm »

On a dark street just off the central market in Skaug a three way stand off occurred.

It seemed a contingent of Skaug Corsairs, a local band of merceneries, and men under the command of Lord Maliceprow all stood for an extended time, weapons drawn and tense.

The tensions were eventually diffused without bloodshed, but some oaths were supposedly pledged making future violence likely.
PCs: NWN1: Trailyn "Wayfarer" Krast, Nashkel hayseed

NWN2: ??

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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by CloudDancing »

Two rumors of note have come out of Caer Calidyrr:

1. The High Queen Alicia is seeking an wise Mage or Priest skilled in the arts of Exorcism. Apparently the reward is that of one large Diamond she acquired from a Dragon's Hoard in her Princessly journeys is offered for the task. Oddly enough this occurs after a two-day lock down of Caer Calidyrr as well as an assurance that the shape-shifting murderer had been captured at last. There is much speculation in the taverns what this means. Still Helga the Herbalist notes people aren't stocking up on Belladonna like they used to and she is not buying.

2.A fearfully expensive relic, a Blue Dragon Orb, has been taken out of Council of Mages. The perpetrator is know and the Council is seeking him out with their own guard as well as with help from the Queen's Bard's Corps.
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Blindhamsterman »

A group of Elves arrived in the Isles recently, a Priest of Corellon Larethian and two warriors, male and female. They spent a short period of time in Caer Callidyr before heading out into the wilds. Some spoke of them seeking something in the many cave systems across the interconnected isles.

The same group were seen in Corwell town about a week later, looking a bit beaten up, but the did not state what they had found. Again they set out but have not been heard from since.

((assume this happened a shortish period ago IC time))
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