Tavern Tales & Rumours

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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Castano »

Formorian raiders drive mystical residents out of Vale

Many of Myrloch Vale's mystical creatures, demihuman and elf inhabitants are relocating closer to human lands or fleeing into the mountains as reproted by shepherds and farmers. The refugees report being chased out by formorian warriors from Feywild...rumored to be loosed by an avatar of Malar himself.
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by JaydeMoon »

It is said that a troupe of actors scheduled to play in Corwell ran afoul of of some trouble that left two of their number dead and one in jail accused of their murders.

The first fellow, the lead of the troupe, was killed in his room in Trapper's Hold, a popular Inn and Tavern. The employees cooperated with the local guard in every manner.

The second member of the troupe killed was found dumped in an alley.

No one is certain why these men were killed.
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by dergon darkhelm »

An enormous wild boar has been placed in the fighting cage at the Crossbow Inn at Skaug.

Some men say that a prize of 100 coins is being offered to the man that can wrestle the beast and live. Others say that it fights alongside a maztican wild man who will fight as a pair against a ettin that was captured in Amn.

Either way, there is sure to be excitement at the Crossbow Inn this ride!
PCs: NWN1: Trailyn "Wayfarer" Krast, Nashkel hayseed

NWN2: ??

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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by rorax »


Ed the beastsmaster was seen wandering between the taverns, inns and alleys of Skaug looking for brave adventures to hunt down a gigantic firbolg that was last seen around Myrloch Vale.

Ed could also tell that he heard from a man, who heard from another man, that the firbolg is twice as big than the rest of his kin and is capable of cutting a small tree down with one cleave of his huge axe.

The reward for the brave adventures who'll manage to bring the beast back to him ALIVE is four hundred coins!

((OOC : I'll be placing the beast in various places, according to rumors(or not), if anyone is up for the task , they should bring down the monster in SUBDUAL mode, take a screen shot and send it to me or post in the forums.

Recommended party : Group of 4-5 characters, well balanced, from levels 5-6 and above.

Thanks, good luck and BE CAREFUL!!!!))
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Tegid »

DC 10 Gather Information check if in Skaug. Read the following to the players.
Port Skaug guards were seen hauling off the body of an orange-haired human male from an alley outside the Apple Heart Distillery. Investigation was minimal, suggesting the victim was a vagrant, slave, or other expendable.

If the roll is 15 or more read the following also to the players.
The man is said to be the victim of a knife-stabbing. The weapon left in the man's chest. It is also reported that he was at the docks harassing the crew of The Screaming Crow after a failed panhandling.

If the roll is 20 or more read the following also to the players.
A Port investigator had made mention of the dagger bearing markings of Luskan craftsmanship.
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by dergon darkhelm »

Holy crap! Skaug has port investigators?! *rushes off to clean up some .....things*
PCs: NWN1: Trailyn "Wayfarer" Krast, Nashkel hayseed

NWN2: ??

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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by dergon darkhelm »

The halfling did his work in silence. First he checked the perimeter of the tavern and nearby buildings to see if any scouts or associates might in waiting. He noted that the lower story southeast window was open just wide enough for a halfing to move through....just as planned. The coins he had passed to the musician to keep the window open behind the stage were well placed.

As the sun set he continued to watch the entrance to the building from his silent vantage in a nearby alley. Men, orcbloods and few dwarves entered and exited. Hully recognized none of them. That was good.

Once more he checked his gear. The small bag on an easy release on his hip, a caches of potions arranged along abandolier across his chest, his daggers, one on the hip and the other in a boot each easy for access. And of course, hos bows. Both his shortbow and his crossbow were slung across his shoulder, blacktipped bolts and arrows ready.

He would look like he was entering a dungeon rather than taking a meeting in a tavern, but "one can never be too careful" he reminded himself. He uttered a series of quiet prayers and chants, the magic warding him.

WIth a resolute nod he rose and entered The Crossbow Inn.
PCs: NWN1: Trailyn "Wayfarer" Krast, Nashkel hayseed

NWN2: ??

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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Tegid »

The dawn light of a recent morning revealed the discovery of a slain Calishite male north outside of Skaug's Rum Gate. It is said the man was a merchant who made camp and portable business just off the road. The victim was felled by the bolt of a crossbow, killed as he slept. It is uncertain whether the man was robbed by his attacker or by the Port Guardsmen who made the grim discovery.
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by CloudDancing »

*Traveller's are hurriedly clustering in local towns, avoiding the roads as strange, even ludricous happenings seem to be plauging the shaded vales and valleys of Corwell and Onan Isles!*

"Rabbits! Rabbits everywhere with sword's in their mouths! Some sorta wizard has gone wild! They nearly chopped me legs off at the ankles with their fearsome teeth (and swords)!"

"Chickens is what chased me..the size of COWS! Let me tell you I saw nests of HUGE eggs and surely one of these could feed a village for a month! I escaped em by tossing a prayer to the Goddess and a few bags of corn from me wagon!"

"Sharks! Leapin' from the water! Shimming up on the sands, onto the fishermans boats! We gotta find Flamsterd..this is insanity!"

"Someone made me cows and pigs HUGE! I cannae feed them all, they eatin' everythin'"

"Ghosts and lumpen creatures runnin' wild..best lock yer doors and stay inside!"

Word is there is a pricey bounty out to find the Wizard or Warlock responsible for this dangerous tomfoolery from the seat of Caer Corwell right away. As well parties of strong hunters are needed to clear the roads of the giant menace.

((The search for the wily wizards begins tonight around 7pmish PST. Also don't try to do this solo.))
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by CloudDancing »

*in Caer Calidyrr there are rampant reports of an explosion taking half the roof off the Twisted Sail Inn. It is closed for repairs till further notice. Guards are very hush hush as the Inn's occupants loaded up many carts and hauled them off out of town into the Farheight foothills.*
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Thangorn »

Rumours abound in the vicinity of Caer Corwell and Cantrev Koart of two massive ugly giants pursuing a group of adventurer types to Koarts gates, an elf woman with the group was barely able to stand due to her horrific injuries.

The tale goes that two giants attacked the small Cantrev, killing farmers in the fields nearby and smashing open the gate with their massive clubs. A handful of guards-women perished in the pitched battle but the day was saved by a badly injured female elven knight, an odd dirty fellow and beautiful sorceress.
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[22:52] <Veilan> obviously something sinister must be afoot if a DM does not have his social security number in his avatar name!
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by Galadorn »

((awesome, gotta love the ring of true infamy... "an odd dirty fellow"... now that's epic. ;)))
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[causk] ((play games over the internet?)) yea, wouldnt recommend that. internet is for porn and weird people.
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by CloudDancing »

A rioteous band of oddly ragged Pirates arrived on Onan's Isle. They refueled and restocked trading out a nice supply of rum, froliced with the locals, and spoke of feats of killing and running out the orginal owners of the ship.

They claimed to be celebrating Greengrass. produced a lockbox which was markedly ensorcelled, opened, and passed around to the villagers to pay for the restocking.

They shipped out in a merry mood as several village daughters and sons were said to join them on this ship du fortune as it sailed off to places unknown.
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by CloudDancing »

*Reports of a nefarious crime are echoing througout the cobbled streets and shaded alleys of Caer Calidyrr. Five enchanted gemmed clockwork eggs of Gnomish make were stolen from the royal treasury by unknown theives. They were to be gifted to various favored friends of the High Queen Alicia for the celebration of Greengrass.

A reward is placed for finding the four missing precious gifts before they are transported off the isles to less savory locations.*

(descriptions of each egg will follow in the coming posts. This special scavenger hunt will start on Sunday midday and can be done w/o a Dm. More to come))
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Re: Tavern Tales & Rumours

Post by jmecha »

** Through heavy rains a stern looking young man dressed in expensive black silk made his way through the streets of Corwell, pushing the broken and blooded corpse of Kager Foehammer along in a rickety wheel barrel that looked ready to give beneath the weight of the dwarf and steel**
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