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The ballad of Stephon

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:37 pm
by Duck One
The Blade and Stars has been allowing a new musician to play from time to time: a young man with spiked hair and round glasses has been playing his guitar, a stringed instrument like the lute but with a flat bottom and 12 strings. He is charming, witty, and always flirting with the ladies who patronize the establishment. What really makes him stand out is his music.

His playing is enchanting and compelling. The music changes, from staccato picking sharp and fast, to rhythmic strumming, and trance-like melodies. Sometimes he is known to summon magical lights which dance with the music, and occasionally he plays a sweet soft lullaby which brings the whole room to a hush. Now and then he will sing, explaining the need to offer some lyrical context to the music, but it is his playing which is truly intoxicating. Usually he will talk while playing, sometimes not entirely aware that his fingers are absently adding a foundation to the conversation.

Lately he has been adding some ballads, stories which romanticize adventure and celebrate local heroes. A favorite is one titled after the hero, Praten of Greatworm, a throaty and raucous romp of a song that echoes the spirit of the inspiration. He has also been seen working on a new offering which appears to be lighter and more cerebral, but that work has yet to formally unveiled.

If ever your find yourself near the Blade, stop in and catch his show if he is there. He is very approachable, and will no doubt lighten the mood of even the rainiest of Baldur’s Gate days.