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Kid and DMing

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:25 pm
by kid
Hello, folks.

I took a wand on BG which means i'll be around fairly often in the next few months.
Nothing big planned yet but I thought i'll say Hi.
First and foremost, if you have any concerns about my DMing, let me know, I'll not force it on you.

A few things that came to mind about me and my likes, in no particular order:
  • • I enjoy groups and crawls, but also character development and one on one meaningful rp.
    • If I give you a hook that sounds too dangerous, or that doesn't seem to fit your skill-set, don't feel obliged to take it. Feel free to just refuse, or take the time to gather a party or information. in all likelihood the hook will still be there later (Time is flexible to a degree in my DMing).
    • if you have anything your character wishes to do, some npc (Known and named or from your own Bio) they wish to have a chat with, feel free to PM me. It may take time but we can try and see how it goes.
    • I usually let the engine handle combat, however, you can expect an intelligent rival to make intelligent decisions, even if I have to pause for it from time to time.
    • Also, related to the above, enemies will try to run if things go badly for them. Sense engine sucks for this, I am likely to use PnP rules (or a variation of them) to handle this.
    • There will be no railroading. I'm never attached to a certain outcome, npc or path I wish you to take.
    • Related to the above: play your character, try and interact with the world in any way you choose and i will try to accommodate it. If i'm not able to, do to time or engine constraints, I'll try and come up with closest best solution and let you know.
    • I try to avoid save or die rolls, but if we go up the level scale, those might be a part of the game. If they will be though, i'll try and provide at least a few hints before hand.
    • Invisibility won't always save your ass, especially if alone. If others are distracting the bad guys, it has very good chances to work however.
    • XP will be granted first and foremost in relation to risk (For PC's life, status, coin, etc), but obviously also for quality rp within character that helps create an enjoyably story.
    • Loots will be granted to those who manage to get it, in accordance to the given situation, assuming there are no crazy high/low wealth situations that require mending.
To try and sum up, I see my job as providing a setting. Bad/Good guys will be there and do what they do. Your characters can be a part of what is happening or not, change the outcome or not. When I set an adventure I have no idea how it will go. I only know what the bad guys will strive to achieve and what tools they have at their disposal. I have no "right way" to bring things to a close, so a lot of it is up to you.
Going in blasting is always an option, and most times it will be a viable one, but sometimes there will be other options even if I haven't thought of them. You can show me another way and i'll be open to it if you have the right plan and skills (or spells or connections or what not) to back it up.

Hope to see you all in game soon.


Re: Kid and DMing

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 8:18 pm
by Rumple C

Re: Kid and DMing

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 8:22 pm
by Heero
Kid is a viscous DM who has mercilessly killed my characters in the past. Always fun, tho.

Re: Kid and DMing

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 12:50 am
by ImStrokerAce
Yay! Death and entertainment in one package!

Re: Kid and DMing

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 3:01 am
by MaskedIllusion
*Remembers the time kid, rolled a con check for me, and then I died of a heart attack* Ahh, found memories.

Lol but no, I have many good memories of kid as a DM. He is very good at working with a player in what they want to do.