Example Quest Toolings

For toolset tutorials as well as question and answers.
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by Zelknolf »

3. Tooling the Antagonist's Lair (Area Transition, 1 of 2)

Next up, then, is making sure that people can get into your area. Because we're tooling a hole in the ground, we're going to do this with triggers. However, you can follow (basically) the same steps to attach doors to each other.

First thing to do then is make a new trigger. I'm going to use a generic one for example here.
tooling_area_AT_newtrigger.png (23.73 KiB) Viewed 5976 times
Once you've picked that, you click multiple times on the scene. Every new click puts a new corner on the trigger, so you need at least three to turn it into a clickable area transition, but most people put down four (because we D&Ders think of everything in terms of square grids).
tooling_area_AT_drawtrigger.png (133.46 KiB) Viewed 5976 times
Once that's done, click "Select Objects" on your toolbar and pick the trigger to get at its properties. Once you're there, you have a few things to do.
tooling_area_AT_triggerprops.png (21.1 KiB) Viewed 5976 times
First, give it a name that's useful to players. "Area Transition" sounds like crap and doesn't provide the information that a person actually there would be able to tell, but "Walk down a slippery path" does quite a bit to communicate what happens if you click on it.
Next, give it a new tag and template name. Anything that isn't the default. This just makes sure that if a future builder tries to reset all of the generic triggers, they don't break your AT.
Lastly, set the area transition to "Transition to a waypoint," and then specify a unique name for a waypoint below. And make note of what it is. You're going to need it to build the other half of the AT.
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by Zelknolf »

3. Tooling the Antagonist's Lair (Area Transition, 2 of 2)

Then, once the trigger is down, you just need to put down a waypoint for it to point at. These waypoints don't have to be anything special-- all that's necessary is they need to be on a place where a PC can walk, and they need to have the tag that you specified on the trigger.

And remember that you want these waypoints to reference the trigger in the connecting area, and you need two pairs to make the connection complete. (So if Trigger A links to Waypoint A, then you put Trigger A and Waypoint B together, and Trigger B and Waypoint A together)
tooling_area_AT_newwp.png (28.86 KiB) Viewed 5975 times
A generic waypoint is really all you need.
tooling_area_AT_placewp.png (76.04 KiB) Viewed 5975 times
It's usually polite to put the waypoint off of the trigger and pointed in the reasonable direction for someone coming through the AT. Helps keep people from double-ATing.
tooling_area_AT_wpprops.png (17.4 KiB) Viewed 5975 times
Property adjustments are, as promised, minimal. Just make it match the destination for your trigger.
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by Zelknolf »

3. Tooling the Antagonist's Lair (Spawns)

Then, the last thing that turns this area into some kind of adventure area, where people can go and play something that starts to look like Dungeons and Dragons are spawns. Fortunately, the things you picked up with area transitions are help here.

First, we're going to search for a generic spawn point. Most servers have a copies of the example spawns, which are pre-made spawn points with generic properties. You can do a lot with the spawn system, but even seasoned veterans find a rundown of every feature to be like drinking from the firehose.

So, pick the most-basic of the basic spawns.
tooling_area_spawns_wp.png (24.15 KiB) Viewed 5970 times
Place the waypoint like you did with the area transition, but this time at the location you want the spawn to appear. Pick it, and then on the waypoint's properties, open up its variables list.
tooling_area_spawns_vars.png (18.24 KiB) Viewed 5970 times
And in the popup you get from that, find ACR_SPAWN_RESNAME, and set its value to be the Resource Name of the creature you want to spawn.
tooling_area_spawns_vars2.png (20 KiB) Viewed 5970 times
From there, you can copy (Control+C) and paste (Control+V) your spawn point as needed across your area, until it looks like about enough to fill the place with monsters (which we want; remember, these centipedes are bad enough that barkeepers are hiring unwashed armed strangers to do something about it).

You can refine your spawn points by reading the documentation for spawn points (that is, it's more efficient to place one spawn point which spawns four creatures instead of four spawn points at one creature each), but this isn't strictly required to make things work. Spawn processing happens relatively infrequently (for a computer, anyway), and waypoints don't get swept up in other odd calculations the way that placeables do.

In any case, once that's done, this is usually when your project has hit a reasonable breakpoint-- you've made content, and can safely give it to the server you're working for. It doesn't contain a proper quest yet, but it is an area with a working walkmesh and some spawns. People could "hear about" the centipedes and go check it out-- and if they're particularly bold, foolish, or clumsy, even get killed by it (but probably actually just lose a couple points of dex and wobble back to town swearing).
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by kid »

I wish this was here a year or three ago when I had time to actually do something. awesome stuff.
<paazin>: internet relationships are really a great idea
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by Zelknolf »

4. Tooling the Hook (1 of 4)

Onward to the actual static quest now. It does seem like a lot of buildup to as much, but this is where you start if you were working with a bunch of resources that already existed (e.g. "I have a quest that takes place between Rivermoot and one of the orc caves, having to do with orcs, and how they're green." -- that project starts here).

So I start by opening up my inn keeper's conversation. On most servers, you can figure out which one it is by just looking at the name (this one is named "Eldata" so the conversation with Eldata in the name is the one I want).

This conversation already has an option to ask about work, and already has the failover option of "I can't hire you, but here's a breadcrumb to help you find statics elsewhere." -- not every conversation will have that, but you can use the same strategies I'm using to add the quest to this node to add the node to begin with.
tooling_hook_1.png (10.34 KiB) Viewed 5958 times
So, first, I pick the node I want to respond to and click add.
tooling_hook_2.png (8.39 KiB) Viewed 5958 times
This is a pretty fleshed-out conversation, so I have some written voice to mimic. Fortunately, the voice is also pretty archetypal, so it's an easy one to copy.
tooling_hook_3.png (11.55 KiB) Viewed 5958 times
Now that ends up going below the "sod off, I can't hire you" line, which we don't want. When an NPC gets a chance to speak, they will always say the first thing that they're allowed to, so we want to put the default option last on the list, and we want the options for specific circumstances before it.
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by Zelknolf »

4. Tooling the Hook (2 of 4)

Now we get into the part that starts to look like code to some people. I promise, it is not. It's the computer asking in a very computerey way "What step of what quest do you want these people to be on?" and "OK, what step are they on now?"

So we're going to pick our newly-on-top conversation option, and we're going to add a condition to it.
tooling_hook_4.png (30.5 KiB) Viewed 5958 times
And the ACR already provides us with all of the code we need in that condition. So we're just going to use it-- if there's something broken in it, it gets to be someone else's job to fix it. (also, it means that we can just fix that one thing if something really is broken, instead of mucking through everyone's custom code and fixing each individual case).
tooling_hook_5.png (9.14 KiB) Viewed 5958 times
Once you type in the script's name, hit refresh, and you'll get two boxes.

Now, we need to name our quest. Strictly speaking, you can pick any string that plays nice with WinForms, C++ and SQL. But you don't know either of those things (or why would you be reading this?) -- so, simple rule that will work: use all lower-case letters, numbers, and underscores.

I'm going to call this one 010_sel_centipede_arc
(this will make it easy for people reviewing logs to figure out what's happening. 010 is Baldur's Gate, "sel" is added to most of the happenings in and around Ruqel, centipede is actually English, and we call this one the "arc" because we're going to be distinguishing it from its spinoff centipede butchery later; if you call your quest something like "derp," and it breaks, we're going to have a hard time figuring out what or where "derp" is to fix it)
tooling_hook_6.png (6.31 KiB) Viewed 5958 times
The quest's name goes into the box labeled sQuest.

The other box, nState, is again a computery way of asking "What step of this quest does this person need to be on to see this?" -- well, they haven't even started the quest, right? That's why Eldata is trying to give the PC some work. Presumably, she'd otherwise have responded to the topic of work with "Oh yeah, how is that thing coming along? You were supposed to save me from centipede-themed doom, remember?" -- so the PC needs to be on step 0 to start this quest, and we put that in the nState box.
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by Zelknolf »

4. Tooling the Hook (3 of 4)

Now that we have the NPC talking about work, we need to give the PC the option to take or reject the offer, and we'll need to update the quest state.

To do that, we select the NPC's offer and add nodes inside of it.
tooling_hook_7.png (12.18 KiB) Viewed 5956 times
But this time, our new node gets an action (we have something to do: we have to say "OK, the PC is now on step 1!")
tooling_hook_8.png (36.69 KiB) Viewed 5956 times
Now, you don't necessarily have to set the same quest that you checked as being updated. If you had a big story arc with a bunch of little quests springing out of it, you'd want to check where the arc is and then start the subquest. But that's not what we're doing here. So, we use the standard ACR script (acr_quest_update) and we tell it to set the PC's 010_sel_centipede_arc to step 1.
tooling_hook_9.png (3.99 KiB) Viewed 5956 times
As a brief mention of the boxes we're leaving as zeros:
-- bAllPlayers is a dangerous option, and you should be super careful with it. It is meant for use with server-wide quests (e.g. if taking this action prompts some impetus for action onto every player on the server, that's what bAllPlayers is for; but if you're writing such a thing, that's probably a conversation between you and the HDM). So, for here, it's 0. We don't want to make the whole server kill centipedes when one person asks about it.
-- bAllowOverrideHigher is used if you want this action to let people step backward in the quest. Usually you use this if your quest is repeatable, and you want to let someone go from the finished state to the started state. That's not going to apply here.
-- nXP is used to give XP for this step of the quest. We're not doing that here because the PC hasn't really done anything.
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by Zelknolf »

4. Tooling the Hook (4 of 4)

With that done, we have all of the functional pieces that make the quest work, but it's nice for everyone's experience if we flesh it out a little bit. What does the NPC say if the PC says no? Are they happy, mad, businesslike, unresponsive if they accept? And what do they say if the PC asks about work again?
tooling_hook_10.png (16.23 KiB) Viewed 5956 times
I include an example of that last one, because it's the one that needs a condition on it. I place this one between the "Step 0" conversation and the "default" conversation option, and I put a check on it to see if the PC is on "Step 1" (which is where we just put the PC, if they accepted the work) -- this way, if the PC asks again, they get asked what's up with centipedes.
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by Zelknolf »

No update tonight; I found a bug when I was preparing the skill check stuff, and it really needed fixing (it's something that folk new to building quests could easily be tripped up by; would cause efforts to start a quest with the all-party flag set to completely fail without feedback. Would be a very bad idea to throw effort into encouraging folk to take up the task while leaving a landmine in there-- so I fixed it instead.)

Should be back to trying to put shovelfuls of detail into screenshots on Wednesday. Will hopefully get into Boolean logic in the conditions tab, skill-based challenges, and super-basic XP awards before I have to wade into designing/coding the defense-type quests.
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by Zelknolf »

5. Tooling a Skill Challenge

Firstly, let's remember tooling creatures:
http://www.alandfaraway.org/phpBB3/view ... =0#p615485

The drunk mercenary that we want the PCs to talk to is a creature, though we don't expect him to fight, so we can be less concerned with the exact precision of all of his stats. As long as he could plausibly be some drunk dude behind an inn (e.g. doesn't cast hellball), we're in good territory. I do want to call out something that doesn't usually matter on drooling bitey monsters, though-- a quest NPC is going to need a conversation on it.

So copy an existing one (this will spare you fussing over stuff like "is this conversation a cutscene?" "do I want to annoy my entire party with that cutscene?" "should I make it a cutscene anyway?" and "should my NPC rapidly blink while narrating?") and rename it to something useful. Then it goes onto the NPC here:
tooling_skillcheck_1.png (23.94 KiB) Viewed 5931 times

Secondly, I want to reference back to conditions:
http://www.alandfaraway.org/phpBB3/view ... 15#p615559

I'm going to assume that you know how to do those from here, so if it's rusty or you didn't quite get the hook to work, head back there, refresh your memory, and send some questions at me if necessary.

That said, let's look back at what we wanted to roll:
◦Knowledge: Nature (DC 11) -- Identify the creature (a 0.25 HD vermin) by its description.
◦Heal (DC 15) -- Identify the wound, determining that it's a monstrous centipede.
◦Survival (DC 15) -- Identify likely candidates based on the tale and the surroundings.
◦Search (DC 15) -- Find a bit of chitin left behind from the scuffle

So we have four skill checks, each one more-or-less prompted by the mercenary's retelling. That being the case, we're going to put our conversation together like this:
tooling_skillcheck_2.png (23.36 KiB) Viewed 5931 times
In red
This is a condition that is almost exactly like the one we set up earlier, but now, we're on quest step 1. We set it to quest step 1 during the conversation with the inn keeper, so we want to set nState on this conversation's acr_quest_progress to 1, so that the PC can only do it after having talked to the inn keeper.

In green
These are the nodes where we're going to place the skill checks. Note that they are NPC responses to an action. We want them here, because if they appear on a PC line, then all of the skill checks are rolled before the PC attempts anything, and the player knows what will work before trying.

In blue
The action scripts are going on the same nodes as the skill checks. That is telling the system, "If this is what the NPC ends up saying, I want you to do this." -- in this case, set the quest to step 2 (and, if you're doing it because they passed a skill check, give them a little XP cookie).

The new bits of script look like so:
tooling_skillcheck_3.png (13.19 KiB) Viewed 5931 times
I went and did a naughty thing there, referencing a resource that I didn't introduce to you-- skills.2da is part of the haks, which isn't usually something a builder has to look at. Unfortunately, nSkill has to be an integer, so you have to look up which skill you're going to use here:
https://github.com/ALandFarAway/ALFA-Ba ... skills.2DA

The lines marked with "DEL_" are either skills that OE deleted in the NWN1 to NWN2 transition (like discipline) or skills that ALFA deleted because we split it into its subskills (like perform or lore). The other ones are fair game for you to use, and the number for the skill is right next to the name of the skill on that table. Unfortunately, they are on that list in the order they were added, instead of anything like alphabetical-- but, Ctrl+F is "find" in almost every browser, so you can quickly find the skill you're looking for. -- not to sound too teachery, but probably in your best interest to try to identify which skill check is being rolled in the screenshot.

Also, calling out a second time that I put a number which is not 0 into the nXP of the quest update line. So, in this particular search check, if the PC makes it, they get 10 xp (minus dimrets, of course; if a level 20 comes up to beat up some centipedes, they'll get something more like 1 xp).

Once that's done, we have a quest NPC who we just made and made integral to the quest, so he needs a spawn point just like the centipedes did. Anywhere is fine, but I just put him in a heap behind the inn. Presumably smelling like whatever he was trying to drink a couple hours ago (also, smelling of what he successfully drank).
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by Zelknolf »

6. Writing a Turnin

Fortunately, here, we're in relatively-simple territory. The thing we're going to do here is going to look almost exactly like a quest turn-in. First thing is going to be to get the NPC prompting about the task that has been given to the PC.

But! Something important here, there are two states in which the NPC will ask the same thing.

That is:
Step 0: The PC hasn't heard of the job
Step 1: The PC has been told to talk to the mercenary
Step 2: The PC has talked to the mercenary, and has information to report

Step 3: The PC has reported back to the inn keeper with information from the mercenary.

In the red steps, the NPC would ask "Hey, did you learn anything from the mercenary?" (after all, she doesn't know if you've had any luck; that's why she hired you!)

So to do that, we're going to add two lines to our condition tab for the NPC's introduction:
conversation_bools_1.png (50.4 KiB) Viewed 5926 times
And then, inside of that node, the PC's response to talk about what they've learned only has one line (for step 2; the one where they have something to report -- we don't have to account for any other step, because we've filtered everything down to PCs on steps 1 or 2 at this point).
conversation_bools_2.png (47.86 KiB) Viewed 5926 times
Now, if this was a simpler quest; a one-step skill challenge, we also set an action to set quest state to 3 when reporting in, fork over a little gold and XP, and call it done. But we've got much more in mind here, so we're going to keep going. The NPC offers more work, and gives the PCs an opportunity to accept or decline. So, if the PC accepts, we need to advance to step 3
conversation_bools_3.png (47.79 KiB) Viewed 5926 times
And from there, we're writing a scouting quest for our next challenge.
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by Zelknolf »

7. Bonus Skill Challenge

In our example above, there's a skill-check-looking conversation option. This is the kind that I told you not to use before, because it would roll everything and tell the PC what will work-- but in this case, we have a knowledge check (which is a passive skill-- the PC wouldn't know that they're missing an opportunity if they failed the check), so I've put it inside the conversation, as a way to let PCs who would just "know" this stuff get away from the extra walking.

So to do this, let's reference back to those steps, as we now have two new steps to be concerned with:
Step 0: The PC hasn't heard of the job
Step 1: The PC has been told to talk to the mercenary
Step 2: The PC has talked to the mercenary, and has information to report
Step 3: The PC has reported back to the inn keeper with information from the mercenary.
Step 4: The PC has found the centipede den
Step 5: The PC has reported back and been given the next task in the quest

These two.

Then, what we'll do is put a skill check on the PC conversation option:
conversation_bools_4.png (47.76 KiB) Viewed 5926 times
If the PC makes this skill check, then the results of the knowledge check appear as the first option to pick. If they fail, they only get an accept/decline to go scouting for a centipede den.

But, also, we need to take an action on that same node:
conversation_bools_5.png (48.57 KiB) Viewed 5926 times
If the PC has made this check, they know where centipedes lair, and are thus on step 4. But the NPC asks about the next piece, so we also have to take an action if the PC accepts the next part of the quest, to bring us up to centipede butchery.
conversation_bools_6.png (56.9 KiB) Viewed 5926 times
If the PCs follow the path of the next post, then they will actually get to step 4 by walking up next to the centipede den, and will get to step 5 by bringing that information back and taking the next step.
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by Zelknolf »

8. Trigger Challenges ("Scouting" quests)

Back to the sketch of how the quest is coming together, we've a fairly-straightforward bit of tooling to do to cover the transition between these two steps, should the PC not have fancy knowledge skills (or if, perhaps, the PC had angered the dice gods and rolled a 3.)
Step 0: The PC hasn't heard of the job
Step 1: The PC has been told to talk to the mercenary
Step 2: The PC has talked to the mercenary, and has information to report
Step 3: The PC has reported back to the inn keeper with information from the mercenary.
Step 4: The PC has found the centipede den

Step 5: The PC has reported back and been given the next task in the quest

We provide some standard triggers for the task, so grabbing one of those...
quest_trigger_1.png (16.72 KiB) Viewed 5924 times
And drawing it around the centipede lair...
quest_trigger_2.png (130.04 KiB) Viewed 5924 times
Gets us started. Then, upon checking the properties of that trigger, you can get into its local variables.
quest_trigger_3.png (26.19 KiB) Viewed 5924 times
We're only getting into quest numbers and states here, because all we're asking the PC to do is find a thing. But an interested person might look at the other (currently-empty) variables on this trigger to get an idea of how one does the bounty type challenge (usually "raids" or "assaults" in NPC conversations).

But with that, we make another simple conversation edit to Eldata, just like the one we did for the last turnin, and everyone has a chance to get up to quest state 5.
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by Zelknolf »

Lack of updates this weekend was due to spare time being spent on development and testing of the defense quest type. Fortunately, the functional portions of the quest are done now and I just have some flavor text to write for journals; I expect to do another tiny ACR release (which would have no functional impact, but would enable the creation of certain types of static challenges), finish those journal entries, give the pile to BG, and then come back here to explain it all.
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Re: Example Quest Toolings

Post by Zelknolf »

9. Clearing / Slaughter Challenges

If you'll recall a little ways back here:
http://www.alandfaraway.org/phpBB3/view ... 15#p615704

I mentioned a second action inside of our conversation that I said to not pay attention to. In my infinite sneakiness, I started a second quest in that second line.
slaughter_1.png (30.72 KiB) Viewed 5899 times
This is like starting the arc, which we did here:
http://www.alandfaraway.org/phpBB3/view ... 15#p615561
but we're calling this 010_sel_centipede_kill this time, to keep the mass slaughter of centipedes separate from the quest arc. Doing it like this (as two quests, instead of 1) has an advantage: it will mean that we'll be able to re-use the killing of centipedes elsewhere if we want (and we do-- that will show up at the end).

Then, to make this quest work, we need to set on the centipedes that they're appropriate creatures to kill to advance this quest.
slaughter_2.png (32.96 KiB) Viewed 5899 times
The lower state is the quest step that you're on when you want to start having killing things increase the quest step by 1, and the upper state is when you want it to stop. So killing centipedes can bring a character's state of 010_sel_centipede_kill from 1 to 11. It's important to note that you can put the same quest on many different creatures if you want-- the effect, then, is that you need to kill a total of ten things, and that any of the creatures you set these variables on will count as part of it.

Then at the turnin, we need to check both quests in our conversation nodes to make sure that the right options appear at the right time.
slaughter_3.png (39.47 KiB) Viewed 5899 times
And then on completion and accepting the next step, we need to update both quests again.

It's just like we covered here:
http://www.alandfaraway.org/phpBB3/view ... 15#p615561

Setting _arc to 6 and _kill to 12.

So our quest looks like so:
Arc Step 0: The PC hasn't heard of the job
Arc Step 1: The PC has been told to talk to the mercenary
Arc Step 2: The PC has talked to the mercenary, and has information to report
Arc Step 3: The PC has reported back to the inn keeper with information from the mercenary.
Arc Step 4: The PC has found the centipede den
Arc Step 5: The PC has reported back and been asked to kill a handful of centipedes to reduce the threat
  • Kill Step 1: Has Killed 0 of 10 Centipedes
  • Kill Step 2: Has Killed 1 of 10 Centipedes
  • Kill Step 3: Has Killed 2 of 10 Centipedes
  • Kill Step 4: Has Killed 3 of 10 Centipedes
  • Kill Step 5: Has Killed 4 of 10 Centipedes
  • Kill Step 6: Has Killed 5 of 10 Centipedes
  • Kill Step 7: Has Killed 6 of 10 Centipedes
  • Kill Step 8: Has Killed 7 of 10 Centipedes
  • Kill Step 9: Has Killed 8 of 10 Centipedes
  • Kill Step 10: Has Killed 9 of 10 Centipedes
  • Kill Step 11: Has Killed 10 of 10 Centipedes
  • Kill Step 12: Has turned in the centipede murder
Arc Step 6: Eldata tells the PCs that the killing of a few centipedes made everything worse, and asks them to contain the threat.