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Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:19 pm
by Blindhamsterman
Hello all, this class was developed by the guys over on the wizards forum that have been creating the Elven Netbook, their goal has been to create balanced classes/feats and to compile as much lore as possible on the elves of Faerun.

Now assuming that DM's here are okay with the class, I'd be quite happy to make this class for ALFA once we're all updated to the latest patch. If there are any tweaks the DM's want then we can fix that up as well :)

Below is the reworked Bladesinger PrC. I streamlined the entry requirements (still not easy to get into.) Spellsong of Celerity now looks more like Daggerspell Fury or a 3.5e version of the RoF Bladesinger. Bladesong Master now adds full Dex to melee damage. I added a specialist style restriction to the Bladesinger, the cost of mixing spell and sword is fairly hefty, but I think it's warranted due to the relatively good spell progression, decent hit die, high BAB (think of the (ranged) touch attacks and the theoretical spell selection), two good saves and all.

Comments and suggestions appreciated.


Hit Die: d8
Entry Requirements
Race: Elf or half-elf.
Base Attack Bonus: +3.
Skills: Balance 2 ranks, Concentration 4 ranks, Perform (sing) 4 ranks, Perform (dance) 2 ranks, Tumble 2 ranks.
Feats: Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus (longsword, rapier, short sword, or scimitar).
Spells: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells.

Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A bladesinger gains no weapon proficiency but does gain proficiency with light armor.

Spellcasting: At each level, except for 1st, 5th, and 10th, a bladesinger gains new spells per day (spells known if applicable) and an increased caster level as if she had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class she belonged to before entering the bladesinger prestige class. She does not gain any other benefit that class would have gained. If the character had more than one arcane class before becoming a bladesinger, she must decide to which class she adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.

Bladesong Initiate (Ex): Upon becoming a bladesinger, the character chooses one weapon for which she has the Weapon Focus feat used to qualify for the class to become her favored weapon. If a bladesinger has more than one applicable weapon, she must choose one. A bladesinger cannot change her favored weapon once she makes her choice. A bladesinger receives a -2 penalty to attack with all weapons other than her favored weapon.

When wielding her favored weapon in one hand, nothing else in the other, and not using a shield, a bladesinger is in the bladesong stance. A bladesinger must use and benefit from the bladesong stance to gain any benefits from the bladesong and spellsong abilities of the bladesinger class. If the bladesinger wears medium or heavy armor, she loses all benefits of the bladesong stance.

When in the bladesong stance the bladesinger gains a dodge bonus to Armor Class equal to her class level, up to a maximum of her Intelligence bonus.

Spellsong Magic: A bladesinger dedicates herself to mixing magical and martial skill into a harmonious art. As a result, when the character becomes a bladesinger, she loses the ability to learn any new evocation or necromancy spells just as a specialist wizard would. (though she retaints the ability to cast spells of either school already known)

When a bladesinger uses a spell for any of her spellsong abilities, the spell gains a verbal component. Spells used for spellsong abilities cannot be enhanced by the Silent Spell metamagic feat or have their verbal components otherwise negated or countered, such as under the effects of the silence spell or if the bladesinger cannot speak.

Spellsong of Focus (Ex): A 3rd level bladesinger can take 10 when making a Concentration check to cast defensively when in the bladesong stance.

Bladesong Adept (Ex): When in the bladesong stance, a 5th level bladesinger ignores arcane spell failure chance when wearing light armor. Additionally, she can also use her favored weapon to do piercing or slashing damage, but not both at the same time.

Spellsong of Celerity (Ex): At 6th level, a bladesinger can quicken one spell as part of a full attack when in the bladesong stance. Doing this has no effect on the spell's effective level. A bladesinger must make at least one melee attack in any round in which she uses this ability, and he cannot make an attack with anything other than her favored weapon (although if a spell cast in conjunction with this ability requires an attack roll, she can still make the spell's attack).

A bladesinger can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + her Charisma modifier (if any). A bladesinger gains an additional use of this ability at 9th and 12th level.

Spellsong of Presence (Ex): A bladesinger of 8th level can expend a spell as a standard action to use Perform (Singing) in place of Intimidate for a number of rounds equal to 1+ her Charisma modifier (if any). The bladesinger gains a bonus on Intimidation checks equal to the spell level expended. A bladesinger may only use this ability while in the bladesong stance.

Bladesong Feat: A 10th level bladesinger receives Bladesong Style as a bonus feat. If she already has the Bladesong Style feat, she instead selects any feat that has Bladesong Style, Combat Expertise, or Weapon Focus (bladesinger’s favored weapon) as a prerequisite.

Spellsong of Fury (Ex): At 13th level, when a bladesinger makes a full attack while in her bladesong stance, she can make one additional attack in a round at her highest base attack bonus, but this attack and each other attack made in that round takes a -2 penalty. This penalty applies for one round, so it also affects attacks of opportunity the bladesinger might make before her next action. If the bladesinger makes the full attack using spellsong of fury in the same round she successfully casts a spell using spellsong of celerity, the bladesinger only takes a -1 penalty to all attacks for the round.

Bladesong Master (Ex): A 15th level bladesinger adds her Dexterity bonus to melee damage when in the bladesong stance. She also gains a +2 competence bonus to disarm and trip attempts with her favored weapon.

Class Skills (2+ Int modifier): Balance, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Jump, Knowledge (arcana), Perform, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Tumble.

Table: The Bladesinger
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Spells per Day
1st 1 0 2 2 Bladesong initiate - -
2nd 2 0 3 3 +1 level of existing class
3rd 3 1 3 3 Spellsong of focus +1 level of existing class
4th 4 1 4 4 - +1 level of existing class
5th 5 1 4 4 Bladesong adept -
6th 6 2 5 5 Spellsong of celerity 1/day +1 level of existing class
7th 7 2 5 5 - +1 level of existing class
8th 8 2 6 6 Spellsong of presence +1 level of existing class
9th 9 3 6 6 Spellsong of celerity 2/day +1 level of existing class
10th 10 3 7 7 Bladesong feat -
11th 11 3 7 7 - +1 level of existing class
12th 12 4 8 8 Spellsong of celerity 3/day +1 level of existing class
13th 13 4 8 8 Spellsong of fury +1 level of existing class
14th 14 5 9 9 +1 level of existing class
15th 15 5 9 9 Bladesong master +1 level of existing class

Bladesong Style [General]
Prerequisite: Elf or half-elf, Dex 13+, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus (longsword, rapier, short sword, or scimitar).
Benefit: You only gain the benefits of Bladesong Style when wielding a weapon, which you have Weapon Focus for (longsword, rapier, short sword, or scimitar), in one hand, nothing else in the other, and not using a shield. At the start of each encounter, you pick either the offensive stance or the defensive stance as a free action. If you chose the offensive stance, you add +1 to melee damage. If you chose the defensive stance, you gain +1 Armor Class when fighting defensively, making a total defense action, or using Combat Expertise. You cannot benefit from both bonuses at the same time, though you may switch between them as a swift action.
Special: A fighter may select Bladesong Style as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Advanced Bladesong Style [General]
Prerequisite: Elf or half-elf, Dex 15+, BAB +8, Dodge, Bladesong Style.
Benefit: When using the Bladesong Style feat, you gain a +1 bonus to attack in addition to the regular bonus if you chose the offensive stance. If you choose the defensive stance, in addition to the regular bonus, you can chose to have the Armor Class bonus from the Dodge feat applies to all opponents or the bonus against a single target increases to a +2 bonus to Armor Class.
Special: A fighter may select Advanced Bladesong Style as one of his fighter bonus feats

Re: Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:48 pm
by jmecha
If you can make a Bladesinger PRC for ALFA that the admin and DM's would approve of, you would have my thanks.

Re: Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:16 pm
by Blindhamsterman
It's the class I was using in PNP before our group disbanded. Lots of fun to play. I'm quite happy to make it (i'd probably use Kaedrins as a basis and rework it into the one you can see below)

DM's thoughts on this class?

Re: Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:54 pm
by Dorn
Constructive criticism very quickly at 1am....

a) Balance: It's like a VERY powerful eldritch knight. Ok you lose 5th and 10th spell slots. But you only need 1st level arcane spells to qualify, you get d8 hps instead of d6 and the special bladesong stuff. I dont know if the class itself in PnP DnD is a powerful or if i'm missreading. Medium level BAB would be a start perhaps.

b) Tech: How would we prevent the str bonus' (esp with power attack) that come from not wielding a shield (default it to wield the weapon in 2 hands)

Re: Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:16 pm
by Blindhamsterman
I'll start with this, Eldritch knight is one of the most underpowered prestige classes about. It is always used as a filler class with different 'fighter/wizard' classes used for the rest.

The Bladesinger as written in Races of Faerun is far more powerful, though it instead gets it's own spell list. It can quicken spells up to level 4 from any arcane list every single turn as part of a full attack, it also got lots of bonus feats.
The one from complete mage can quicken once per day and eventually twice per day, it lost the bonus feats, it gained progression in current arcane class but only every other level. This one generally considered to be too much in the other direction.

The one below would need either 2 levels of fighter and 1 of wizard, or 6 levels of wizard or a few other options.

The versions of bladesinger from the books have a higher BAB requirement of +5 to get into.

The class is based off of the prestige bard, prestige ranger and prestige paladin as seen in Unearthed arcana.

anyway back to class.
the requirement of +3 BAB puts up requirements, id say the best way to balance the class would actually be to increase the requirements so that you cant get into it before level 6 (making it impossible to get all levels in Bladesinger till level 20) The easiest way to do this would be to up the skill requirements so that one of the skills is 8...

the downside to the class is that you lose the ability to learn spells from two of the decent spell schools, you also lose a minimum of three levels of spellcasting from the PRC + probably 2-3 more before entry.

To make the class work right I think a feat that allows turning on and off bladesong style would make sense. during which you take a penalty to damage equal to half str bonus but you instead get the + to AC. It'd require a check for the item in hand being a sword with no item in other slot.

Re: Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:27 pm
by Blindhamsterman
This is the one found in complete warrior
[url] ... singer.htm[/url]

*tell a lie, its not quite the same as the one from complete warrior, they gave it 1 extra skill point/level, and made the song of celerity an as often as you like ability.

Re: Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:04 am
by oldgrayrogue

You should talk to Curmudgeon about this. I believe he was working on making a Bladesinger PrC for ALFA. He and I were running a PrC quest for a player whose PC, alas, died. But I think he started this already and might appreciate the work you have done.

Re: Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:40 pm
by Blindhamsterman
Okay, right then folks? have any of you looked at Kaedrins Bladesinger? its near enough identicle to the one from complete warrior and from what I've heard, theres a bit of a demand for the class. If I get the go ahead from DM's I'll get permission from Kaedrin to port it over :)

Re: Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:00 pm
by Curmudgeon
I'd like to hear Standards opinions on this, as there are substantial variations between the various versions of the Bladesinger PrC. Is Complete Warrior an FR source, or is it generic D&D? Is there an FR source that's also 3.5? And how well balanced is Kaedrin's implementation?

I'm in favor of implementing this AFTER we take care of some more urgent technical issues, but it won't hurt to look into it.

Re: Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:17 pm
by Blindhamsterman
there no 3.5 source for bladesinger set specifically in FR, the one Kaedrin did was based on complete warrior is pretty true, the only thing id change is updated skills and requirements to fit into the new ALFA 1.23 skill sets. once Admin/DMs give me the go ahead I'll check it out with Kaedrin

Re: Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:41 pm
by Blindhamsterman
Thought I'd check on this? Would standards folks perhaps be willing to say what they'd think was best implementation for the class?

I'd be quite happy to look into doing something about it once decisions have been made as I know of quite a few people that want the class. From a PNP perspective the modified 15 level version works very well as it still doesnt end up as good as a single classes wizard or fighter, (not even as good as an eldritch knight can be for BAB or Spellcasting) but gets more flavour etc. Having tested the character class myself in PNP I can honestly say that in most one on one fights with an equal level fighter it'll lose without lots of planning, and it doesn't really become a good caster till such a high level that it wont matter to most on ALFA anyway.

However The Complete warrior version might suit ALFAs desire for a not really that great but characterful class. Alternately there is the Races of Faerun version which isn't as good spellcasting wise (getting its own spell list) but it gets to quicken spells as part of full attacks for free and also gets a bunch of bonus feats and things (personally I think this version is too good with the at will quicken... but ends up being rather crap if it loses it in favour of a 1/day quicken)

Thoughts, what would people like?

Re: Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:15 am
by Lucifer
I'd like to see it included..the easier to qualify..the weaker it should be..harder to qualify..make it stronger..Elven types will take it for the RP and challenge i believe. I really do look at style points more than power when building a Char anyway. If cared about over all power..I'd Min/ Max on some Lame server :P

As for my thoughts on what version..what is quickest and easiet to implement for the Devs..That gets my vote..otherwise it will just sit and spin :doh:

Re: Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:35 am
by Rotku
Necromancy! The dead live again!

Re: Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:05 pm
by AcadiusLost
The deal with adding additional PrCs generally, is that it's a considerable piece of work for the tech dept (generally speaking, me) which stands to potentially benefit at most 2 or 3 PCs (assuming they can find DMs willing to support that angle of their character development, survive long enough to gain the levels and the prereqs, etc). If a bunch of time is spent implementing that one PrC, that tends to peeve others who would have rather seen (insert other custom PrC of choice here) added instead.

If I'm not mistaken, we went the entirety of NWN1-ALFA without ever adding a custom class of any kind, PrC or otherwise.

So, I'm not categorically against adding custom PrCs, I'd just like to see the following:
-Agreement on a "set" of several custom PrCs to add at once
-Agreement on the prerequisites and abilities of these PrCs
-Confirmation that acceptable scripts/resources are available for these abilities (or at least easily modifiable to conform to our needs).

In the course of the above, it ought to be possible for Standards-type folks and interested parties to shoulder a fair bit of the grunt-work for getting Custom PrCs into the game; and to make sure I'm not investing a lot of time into something that's going to be subsequently decried as unfair/unbalanced/unacceptable/etc. There can be a tremendous amount of back-and-forth argument and disagreement between various 3.0 to 3.5, alternate sourcebook, homegrown variations of PrCs... and that's not even taking into account NWN2 implementations, which may be varying flavors of the above.

Unless I see sufficient support/willingness to pitch in on PrCs, they're going to remain buried well down in my priority queue for tech work. There are many other systems that still need development which may improve the game experience for all players, instead of just one or two of them.

Re: Bladesinger PRC

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:50 am
by Munmun
If there is any significant push to add classes that potentially a lot of people could use I don't see why the Kaedrin's PrC Pack shouldn't be the first thing discussed. He has a site which lists everything it contains in various sections.

I'll attach a list of the classes it adds to this post, it is quite lengthy. Besides the classes it does a few fixes to existing ones and adds feats/spells/base items which are helpful to several classes and character types. Of course a lot of work would need to be done pouring over it and pulling out what parts ALFA would want to incorporate, if any. The process of deciding what to take from a pack of this magnitude could easily take months of discussions in the standards forum.

There is something very important to take into consideration though. As it stands now, AL would be the one on to whom all the work of implementing something like this would fall. He would need help from people with at least some moderate scripting expertise.

If I were to suggest a way to implement this, I would say do it in small doses. One class every few weeks.

Implemented Base Classes

1. Ninja - Highly skilled spies and assassins, ninjas can master a broad range of skills and combat techniques.
2. Scout - Any force on the move, whether it's an army or an adventuring group, needs information about what's ahead and what's behind and, more important, time to prepare for battle.
3. Thug - Fighters that forsake heavy armor and shields for agile, devastating attacks.

Implemented PrCs

1. Anointed Knight - The anointed knight is a holy soldier who has taken great pains to learn the intricacies of alchemy in order to become a more capable combatant.
2. Avenger - The Avenger is a variant of the Assassin that is identical in all respects except that instead of requiring the character to be evil, any non-chaotic can choose this PRC.
3. Black Flame Zealot - Black Flame zealots use stealth, divine magic, and the zeal of fanaticism to destroy their enemies.
4. Bladesinger - Bladesingers are elves who have blended art, swordplay, and arcane magic into a harmonious whole.
5. Canaith Lyrist - Warrior, thief, spy, poet, woodland champion: the Canaith lyrist is a legendary figure who serves as the herald and teacher to great kings, the champion of the common folk, and the keeper of lore long forgotten elsewhere.
6. Champion of the Silver Flame - Champions of the Silver Flame are dedicated to fighting supernatural forces of evil and extraplanar threats.
7. Champion of the Wild - In order to become a champion of the wild, an initiate must excel in swordplay and exhibit patience, grace, and compassion.
8. Child of Night - Children of night are more than spellcasters, more than scholars, and they claim to be more than mortal.
9. Daggerspell Mage - Daggerspell mages work to perfect a unique fighting and spellcasting (arcane) style that relies on wielding a pair of daggers at all times.
10. Daggerspell Shaper - Daggerspell shapers work to perfect a unique fighting and spellcasting (druid) style that relies on wielding a pair of daggers at all times.
11. Dark Lantern - The Dark Lanterns serve as spies and assassins.
12. Dervish - The dervish epitomizes speeds, quickness, and abandon.
13. Dissonant Chord - The typical Bleaknik is a poet, but they also engage in painting (largely in dark shades), dirges, or even near-suicidal stunts.
14. Divine Seeker - The divine seeker infiltrates dangerous places to rescue prisoners, reclaim stolen relics, or eliminate enemy leaders.
15. Dragon Warrior - Dragon warriors are dedicated warriors, members of a special, self-selected class who revered dragonkind and emulate dragons' ferocious martial abilities to the point of taking on some draconic traits.
16. Dragonslayer - Dragonslayers combat dragons.
17. Dread Commando - Dread commandos are the elite scouts and strike force of a well-trained mercenary band. Source: Heroes of Battle.
18. Dread Pirate - A dread pirate has mastered every aspect of larceny on the high seas.
19. Eldritch Disciple - A multiclass warlock and divine spellcaster.
20. Elemental Archer (custom PrC) - Elemental archers wield raw elemental power to supplement their combat prowess with ranged weapons.
21. Elemental Warrior - The elemental warrior sees that great strength comes from focusing on the most basic aspects of reality.
22. Fist of the Forest - "To be one with the wild, you must become wild yourself. It's only natural." A wicked fusion of monk and barbarian.
23. Forest Master - Guardians of the pristine wilderness and defenders of the ancient trees, forest masters are the living embodiments of sentient nature.
24. Frost Mage - Frost mages usually hail from lands of cold, snow, and ice: tundra, glaciers even outer planes perpetually shrouded in winter.
25. Ghost-Faced Killer - Ghost-faced killers act as assassins and spies for hire, mercenaries that hides behind a guise of open and honorable conduct.
26. Heartwarder - Heartwarders are aesthetes and hedonists who actively seek out pleasure and beauty in all things and who nurture the creation of beautiful objects.
27. Hospitaler - Hospitalers are a fighting force of necessity, sworn to poverty, obedience, and the defense of those in their care.
28. Knight of Tierdrial (custom) - Knights of Tierdrial study the martial and mystical arts with equal fervor, seeking to find a graceful balance between blade and spell.
29. Lion of Talisid - The lions of Talisid protect nature and emulate their patron in more concrete ways.
30. Lyric Thaumaturge - The lyric thaumaturge understands better than most how the natural harmonics of the universe pervade all things.
31. Master of Radiance - Masters of Radiance channel the pure, undiluted power of the sun.
32. Nature's Warrior - Nature's warriors are defenders of the wild, protectors of the natural world, and often druids who have spent "too much time" in wild shape form.
33. Nightsong Enforcer - The enforcers of the Nightsong Guild focus on the stealth-centered combat training that rogues usually learn.
34. Nightsong Infiltrator - The nightsong infiltrator is the perfect thief and the perfect spy.
35. Shadowbane Stalker - Shadowbane stalkers find evil hidden in civilized areas so that it can be destroyed.
36. Shining Blade - The Shining Blade is a Full BAB PRC that gains increased divine spell ability for 5 of the 10 levels, and the ability to infuse their weapons with divine energy.
37. Skullclan Hunter - The skullclan hunter is the acclaimed foe of unlife.
38. Stormsinger - The stormsingers have learned the secret methods of harnessing the magic powers of music to influence and control the weather.
39. Swiftblade - Swiftblades gain increased spellcasting abilities, heightened speed, and unparalleled understanding of the haste spell.
40. Tempest - The Tempest is a Full BAB PRC that gains increased skill with two-weapon fighting and has a High Reflex save.
41. Warrior of Darkness - The warrior of darkness, sometimes called the dark knight, is a practitioner of black magic.
42. Whirling Dervish - Some rogues and monks, especially those that belong to the Ciphers, choose to concentrate on their movement and speed rather than on raw damage.
43. Wilderness Stalker - The wilderness is unforgiving, and the ability to find food often means the difference between survival and starvation.