WIP: Non Lethal Damage - UPDATED

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WIP: Non Lethal Damage - UPDATED

Post by Creslyn »

Current version of code here. Information in this post updated.

A simple toggle to turn subdual on and off, usable from PC Tools (immediate effect, free action) or with the Subdual Widget in inventory (requires a standard action to use like any other activated item). Equipped weapons get properties to negate real damage and fire a script that runs the actual subdual stuff.

Can be used by pc's or npc's, with any (melee) weapon, within reason (bonus damage either elemental or physical will still fry a victim). Will not work for npc's who already have natural creature weapons, such as animals and shapeshifted druids. Does not work accurately with giants and other such huge creatures.

Sneak attacks are disabled while in subdual mode.
Last edited by Creslyn on Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Wynna »


No fists? That's it. I'm outta here.

Ummm...wow, Cres? That's a lot of work. Thank you for getting wrestling this system into basic submission. I'll let tech minds comment on the actual code, but thanks!
Enjoy the game
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Post by Creslyn »

Original post updated with code and information.
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Post by Teric neDhalir »

tl;dr. Heh. Thanks for this, Creslyn.
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Post by Thangorn »

Thanks Cres.. remember to grab me for testing if you see me on.

These scripts are key to some of my statics (recapture the escaped slave), scripted events (taproom brawls and muggers) and city guard AI.

Yes Zhentil Keep beta at least will be a place to beat you into submission :)
On indefinite real life hiatus

[22:52] <Veilan> obviously something sinister must be afoot if a DM does not have his social security number in his avatar name!
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Post by White Warlock »

*bump* Excellent stuff Cres. Definitely cannot wait to see this ingame. Such a thing as this doesn't need to be perfect, but you have brought it pretty near close, and that's plenty more than we need to make the most out of it.

Thanks again Cres.
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Re: WIP: Non Lethal Damage - UPDATED

Post by Wynna »

Cres, I'm looking at environmental effects in a limited campaign environment. I've got the SRD cold effects coded, everything but making them subdual. To alter the code below to sudual, do I include your includes, toggle the NLD on and apply the damage every round? I haven't yet written the script to turn off the cold loop, but it will consist of setting the ColdRep variable back to 0 by leaving the area, which will truncate the loop. At that point I'll need to turn off subdual, too, and begin healing the effects applied below. Pointers for my first foray into your NLD code would be appreciated. Thanks!

Code: Select all

if(GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "ColdRep") == 1)
				{if(GetTag(GetArea(OBJECT_SELF)) == "5b_ext_frosthills_glacier")
					{float fTimeLoop = 91.0;
					 if(FindSubString(GetName(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CLOAK, OBJECT_SELF)), "Greatcloak") == -1)
						{fTimeLoop = 540.0;
					if(GetIsSkillSuccessful(OBJECT_SELF, SKILL_SURVIVAL, 15, TRUE))
						{SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "Survival", 4);}
					int nRep = GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "nRep");
					if(FortitudeSave(OBJECT_SELF, 15 + nRep - GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "Survival"), SAVING_THROW_TYPE_COLD, OBJECT_SELF))
						{effect eCold = EffectDamage(d6(), DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD, DAMAGE_POWER_NORMAL, FALSE);
					 	 ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eCold, OBJECT_SELF);
						 DelayCommand(fTimeLoop, ExecuteScript("slv_static_voice_cr_pc", OBJECT_SELF));
					SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "Survival", 0);
					nRep = nRep++;
					SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "nRep", nRep);
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Re: WIP: Non Lethal Damage - UPDATED

Post by Creslyn »

I really should wipe the stuff in this thread and post a link to the sourceforge page I guess (ed: done). Anyway, what you're after isn't too difficult. Simplest way to do it would be to use the ACR_ApplyNLDDamage() function that I oh so cleverly forgot to write. If AL can toss this into the include, you should be able to use it instead of applying the cold damage.

Code: Select all

// Apply an amount of nonlethal damage (nSubdualDamage) to oTarget directly.
// * This will simply apply a flat amount of nonlethal damage, ignoring resistances,
//    saves or anything and everything else.
void ACR_ApplyNLDDamageToCreature(object oTarget, int nSubdualDamage);

void ACR_ApplyNLDDamageToCreature(object oTarget, int nSubdualDamage)
    int nNLDTotal = _GetNLDTotal(oTarget);
    int nHPMax = GetMaxHitPoints(oTarget);
    int nCap = nHPMax + 10;
    nNLDTotal = ((nNLDTotal + nSubdualDamage) > nCap) ? nCap :
            nNLDTotal + nSubdualDamage;
    _SetNLDTotal(oTarget, nNLDTotal);
    ACR_ApplyNLDEffects(oTarget, nNLDTotal);
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Re: WIP: Non Lethal Damage - UPDATED

Post by Creslyn »

Just a minor update for AL, a couple bugs fixed and a few more checks implemented.
- Shapeshifters gain their 10/Silver dr vs non lethal damage
- remaining class/feat based dr checks added
- permanent -5 damage after a server crash bug fixed (won't affect existing bugged weapons, they'll need to be replaced)
- weapon focus: unarmed strike now accounted for in unarmed non lethal combat

Code: Select all

Mostly minor changes to the following functions:

void ACR_ToggleNLDMode(object oUser = OBJECT_SELF)
  object oWeapR = GetItemInSlot(4, oUser);
  object oWeapL = GetItemInSlot(5, oUser);
  object oCweap = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_R, oUser);
    if(GetIsObjectValid(oWeapR) && GetWeaponType(oWeapR) != WEAPON_TYPE_NONE
		&& GetWeaponRanged(oWeapR) != TRUE)
	  ACR_NLD_OnWeaponSwitch(oUser, oWeapR, FALSE);
	if(GetIsObjectValid(oWeapL) && GetWeaponType(oWeapL) != WEAPON_TYPE_NONE)
	  ACR_NLD_OnWeaponSwitch(oUser, oWeapL, FALSE);
	if(GetIsObjectValid(oCweap) && GetTag(oCweap) == "acr_nld_fist")
	  DestroyObject(oCweap, 0.2, FALSE);
	DelayCommand(0.1,_SetNLDMode(oUser, FALSE));
	_SetNLDMode(oUser, TRUE);
    if(GetIsObjectValid(oWeapR) && GetWeaponType(oWeapR) != WEAPON_TYPE_NONE
		&& GetWeaponRanged(oWeapR) != TRUE)
	  DelayCommand(0.1,ACR_NLD_OnWeaponSwitch(oUser, oWeapR, TRUE));
	if(GetIsObjectValid(oWeapL) && GetWeaponType(oWeapL) != WEAPON_TYPE_NONE)
	  DelayCommand(0.1,ACR_NLD_OnWeaponSwitch(oUser, oWeapL, TRUE));
	DelayCommand(0.1, _GiveNLDFist(oUser));

void ACR_NLD_OnWeaponSwitch(object oUser, object oWeapon, int bEquipped = TRUE)
  object oWeapR = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTHAND, oUser);
  object oWeapL = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTHAND, oUser);
  object oCweap = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_R, oUser);
// handle offhand/2handed str modifiers for currently equipped weapons
  if(GetIsObjectValid(oWeapR) && GetWeaponRanged(oWeapR) != TRUE 
  	&& GetWeaponType(oWeapR) != WEAPON_TYPE_NONE)
// item in the offhand?
    if(GetIsObjectValid(oWeapL) && oWeapL != oWeapR)
	  if(GetWeaponType(oWeapL) != WEAPON_TYPE_NONE)
//check weapon size vs creature size to determine if it's wielded 2 handed
	  int nSize = StringToInt(Get2DAString("baseitems","WeaponSize",GetBaseItemType(oWeapR)));
// Debug
//	SendMessageToPC(oUser, "Weapon size is: "+IntToString(nSize));	  
	  if((GetCreatureSize(oUser) == CREATURE_SIZE_HUGE && nSize >= 4)
	  	|| (GetCreatureSize(oUser) == CREATURE_SIZE_LARGE && nSize >= 4)
	  	|| (GetCreatureSize(oUser) == CREATURE_SIZE_MEDIUM && nSize >= 3)
	  	|| (GetCreatureSize(oUser) == CREATURE_SIZE_SMALL && nSize >= 2)
		|| (GetCreatureSize(oUser) == CREATURE_SIZE_TINY && nSize >= 1))
  else if(!GetIsObjectValid(oWeapR))
// need to work on barehanded subdual.
// now look at the weapon that was just equipped  
  if(GetTag(oWeapon) == "acr_nld_fist")
  if(GetIsObjectValid(oWeapon) && GetWeaponRanged(oWeapon) != TRUE 
  	&& GetWeaponType(oWeapon) != WEAPON_TYPE_NONE)
    itemproperty iProp;
    itemproperty iHit = ItemPropertyOnHitCastSpell(IP_CONST_ONHIT_CASTSPELL_ONHIT_UNIQUEPOWER,1);
	itemproperty iNoDam = ItemPropertyNoDamage();
	itemproperty iNoStr = ItemPropertyDamagePenalty(5);
	int nDiceDam, nDiceNum, nBaseItem, nSADice, nDamPenalty;
// weapon was just unequipped: remove NLD properties, zero damage/sneak vars
    if(bEquipped == FALSE)
	  iProp = GetFirstItemProperty(oWeapon);
	    if(GetItemPropertyType(iProp) == ITEM_PROPERTY_ONHITCASTSPELL
			|| GetItemPropertyType(iProp) == ITEM_PROPERTY_NO_DAMAGE
			|| GetItemPropertyType(iProp) == ITEM_PROPERTY_DECREASED_DAMAGE)
		iProp = GetNextItemProperty(oWeapon);
	  nDamPenalty = GetLocalInt(oWeapon, ACR_NLD_DAMAGE_PENALTY);
	  if(nDamPenalty >= 1 && nDamPenalty < 255)
// weapon was just equipped: add NLD properties, set damage/sneak vars
	  iProp = GetFirstItemProperty(oWeapon);
	    if(GetItemPropertyType(iProp) == ITEM_PROPERTY_DECREASED_DAMAGE)
		  nDamPenalty = GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(iProp);
		  SetLocalInt(oWeapon, ACR_NLD_DAMAGE_PENALTY, nDamPenalty);
		iProp = GetNextItemProperty(oWeapon);
	  if(nDamPenalty < 1)
	    SetLocalInt(oWeapon, ACR_NLD_DAMAGE_PENALTY, 255);
	  nBaseItem = GetBaseItemType(oWeapon);
	  nDiceDam = StringToInt(Get2DAString("baseitems","DieToRoll",nBaseItem));
	  nDiceNum = StringToInt(Get2DAString("baseitems","NumDice",nBaseItem));
	  nSADice = _GetNLDSneakAttackDice(oUser);

string _NLDamageReductionCheck(object oTarget, object oWeapon, int nNLDamage, int nHeal)
  string sReturn = "";
  int nDam = 0;
  int nHigh;
  string sHeal;
  string sWeapon = GetTag(oWeapon);
  object oSkin = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CARMOUR, oTarget);
  int nSDancer = GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_SHADOWDANCER, oTarget);
// Determine if oTarget has DR bypassable by adamantine weapons (spells only) 
  int nAdm = (GetHasSpellEffect(SPELL_PREMONITION, oTarget) == TRUE
    || GetHasSpellEffect(SPELL_SHADES_TARGET_CASTER, oTarget) == TRUE) ? 30 : 
  	(GetHasSpellEffect(SPELL_GREATER_STONESKIN, oTarget) == TRUE
	|| GetHasSpellEffect(SPELL_ETHEREAL_VISAGE, oTarget) == TRUE) ? 20 :
	(GetHasSpellEffect(SPELL_STONESKIN, oTarget) == TRUE
	|| GetHasSpellEffect(SPELL_SHADES_STONESKIN, oTarget) == TRUE
	|| GetHasSpellEffect(SPELL_SHADOW_SHIELD, oTarget) == TRUE
	|| (GetHasSpellEffect(SPELL_SHADOW_EVADE, oTarget) && nSDancer >= 10)) ? 10 :
	(GetHasSpellEffect(SPELLABILITY_MERGE_WITH_STONE, oTarget) == TRUE) ? 5 : FALSE;
  if(nAdm != FALSE)
// Check the attackers weapon - is it adamantine?
    if(TestStringAgainstPattern("**"+ACR_NLD_MAT_ADAMANTINE+"**", sWeapon))
	  nAdm = FALSE;

// Determine if oTarget has DR bypassable by magic weapons	
  int nMgc = (GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_MONK, oTarget) >= 20) ? 10 : 
  	(GetHasSpellEffect(SPELL_GHOSTLY_VISAGE, oTarget) == TRUE
	|| (GetHasSpellEffect(351, oTarget) == TRUE) || (nSDancer <= 5
	&& GetHasSpellEffect(SPELL_SHADOW_EVADE, oTarget))) ? 5 : FALSE;
  if(nMgc != FALSE)
// Check the attackers weapon - is it magical?
    if(GetItemHasItemProperty(oWeapon, ITEM_PROPERTY_ENHANCEMENT_BONUS))
	  nMgc = FALSE;
// Determine if oTarget has DR bypassable by cold iron weapons
  int nWlk = GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_WARLOCK, oTarget);
  int nCld= (nWlk >= 3 && nWlk < 7) ? 1 : (nWlk >= 7 && nWlk < 11) ? 2 :
	(nWlk >= 11 && nWlk < 15) ? 3 : (nWlk >= 15 && nWlk < 19) ? 4 :
	(nWlk >= 19 || GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_SPIRIT_SHAMAN, oTarget) >= 20) ? 5 : 
	(GetHasFeat(2087, oTarget)) ? 10 : FALSE;
  int nFey = GetHasFeat(2184, oTarget, TRUE);
  int nCnt;
	  if(GetHasFeat(nFey, oTarget, TRUE))
	    nFey += 1;
	nCld += nFey;
  if(nCld != FALSE)
// Check the attackers weapon - is it cold iron?	
	if(TestStringAgainstPattern("**"+ACR_NLD_MAT_COLDIRON+"**", sWeapon))
	  nCld = FALSE;
// Determine if oTarget has DR bypassable by silver weapons	
  int nSlv = (GetHasSpellEffect(SPELL_I_DARK_FORESIGHT, oTarget) == TRUE || GetHasFeat(2088, oTarget)
  	|| (GetHasSpellEffect(SPELL_SHADOW_EVADE, oTarget) && (nSDancer == 8 || nSDancer == 9)) 
	|| GetRacialType(oTarget) == RACIAL_TYPE_SHAPECHANGER) ? 10 : 
	(GetHasSpellEffect(SPELL_SHADOW_EVADE, oTarget) && (nSDancer == 6 || nSDancer == 7)) ? 5 : FALSE;
  if(nSlv != FALSE)
// Check the attackers weapon - is it alchemical silver?	
    if(TestStringAgainstPattern("**"+ACR_NLD_MAT_ALCSILVER+"**", sWeapon))
      nSlv = FALSE;

  if(nAdm != FALSE || nMgc != FALSE || nSlv != FALSE || nCld != FALSE)
    nHigh = (nAdm >= nMgc && nAdm >= nSlv && nAdm >= nCld) ? nAdm :
		(nSlv >= nMgc && nSlv >= nCld) ? nSlv :
		(nCld >= nMgc) ? nCld : nMgc;
    nHigh = FALSE;

  if(nHigh != FALSE)
	effect eDam;
    if(nHigh >= nNLDamage)
	  nDam = (nNLDamage > nHeal) ? nNLDamage - nHeal : 0;
	  sReturn = "ND_00";
	  sReturn = IntToString(nNLDamage - nHigh);
	  if(GetStringLength(sReturn) == 1)
	    sReturn = "0"+sReturn;
	  if(nHigh >= nHeal)
	    nDam = nHigh - nHeal;
		sReturn = "ND_"+sReturn;
	    nDam = 0;
		sHeal = IntToString(nHeal - nHigh) + "_";
		if(GetStringLength(sHeal) == 2)
		  sHeal = "0"+sHeal;
		sReturn = sHeal+sReturn;
	if(nDam > 0)
      eDam = EffectDamage(nDam, DAMAGE_TYPE_BLUDGEONING);
		ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eDam, oTarget));
// Determine if oTarget has DR not bypassable by anything
// (barb DR or adamantine armor/shield only)
	int nBarb = GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_BARBARIAN, oTarget);
	int nDDef = GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_DWARVENDEFENDER, oTarget);
	int nNoPass = (nBarb >= 7	&& nBarb < 10) ? 1 : (nBarb >= 10 && nBarb < 13) ? 2 : 
	  ((nBarb >= 13 && nBarb < 16) || (nDDef >= 6 && nDDef < 10)) ? 3 :
	  (nBarb >= 16 && nBarb < 19) ? 4 : (nBarb >= 19) ? 5 : (nDDef >= 10) ? 6 : FALSE;
	if(nNoPass != FALSE)
// Check for the Greater Resiliency feat (barb only)  
	  nNoPass = (GetHasFeat(FEAT_GREATER_RESILIENCY, oTarget) == TRUE) ?
	  nNoPass+1 : nNoPass;
	int nArm = 0;
	int nRank;
	object oArm = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CHEST, oTarget);
	  string sArm = GetTag(oArm);
	  if(TestStringAgainstPattern("**"+ACR_NLD_MAT_ADAMANTINE+"**", sArm))
    	nRank = GetArmorRank(oArm);
    	nArm = (nRank == ARMOR_RANK_HEAVY) ? 3 : (nRank == ARMOR_RANK_MEDIUM) ? 2 :
			(nRank == ARMOR_RANK_LIGHT) ? 1 : 0;
	object oShd = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTHAND, oTarget);
	  string sShd = GetTag(oShd);
	  if(TestStringAgainstPattern("**"+ACR_NLD_MAT_ADAMANTINE+"**", sShd))
    	int nType = GetBaseItemType(oShd);
		nArm = (nType == BASE_ITEM_TOWERSHIELD && nArm < 3) ? 3 :
	  		(nType == BASE_ITEM_LARGESHIELD && nArm < 2) ? 2 :
			(nType == BASE_ITEM_SMALLSHIELD && nArm < 1) ? 1 : nArm;
	nNoPass = (nNoPass >= nArm) ? nNoPass : nArm;
	if(nNoPass >= 1)
	  if(nNoPass < nNLDamage)
	    sReturn = IntToString(nNLDamage - nNoPass);
		if(GetStringLength(sReturn) == 1)
		  sReturn == "0"+sReturn;
		if(nNoPass >= nHeal)
		  sReturn = "ND_"+sReturn;
		  sHeal = IntToString(nHeal - nNoPass) + "_";
		  if(GetStringLength(sHeal) == 2)
		    sHeal = "0"+sHeal;
		  sReturn = sHeal + sReturn;
	    sReturn = "ND_00";
      sReturn = IntToString(nNLDamage);
	  if(GetStringLength(sReturn) == 1)
		sReturn = "0"+sReturn;
      sHeal = IntToString(nHeal) + "_";
	  if(GetStringLength(sHeal) == 2)
	    sHeal = "0"+sHeal;
	  sReturn = sHeal + sReturn;
  return sReturn;

void _ApplyNLDFist(object oUser)
  object oFist = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_R, oUser);
  int nDiceDam, nDiceNum, nSADice, nSlot, nSize, nMonk;
  nSize = GetCreatureSize(oUser);
  nDiceNum = 1;
  nDiceDam = (nSize == CREATURE_SIZE_SMALL) ? 2 : 3;
  nMonk = GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_MONK, oUser) 
  	+ GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_SACREDFIST, oUser);
  if(nMonk >= 1)
    if(nMonk <= 3)
	  nDiceDam = (nSize == CREATURE_SIZE_SMALL) ? 4 : 6;
	else if(nMonk <= 7)
	  nDiceDam = (nSize == CREATURE_SIZE_SMALL) ? 6 : 8;
	else if(nMonk <= 11)
	  nDiceDam = (nSize == CREATURE_SIZE_SMALL) ? 8 : 10;
	else if(nMonk <= 15)
	  nDiceDam = (nSize == CREATURE_SIZE_SMALL) ? 10 : 6; 
	  nDiceNum = (nSize == CREATURE_SIZE_SMALL) ? 1 : 2;
	else if(nMonk <= 19)
	  nDiceDam = (nSize == CREATURE_SIZE_SMALL) ? 6 : 8; 
	  nDiceNum = 2;
	  nDiceDam = (nSize == CREATURE_SIZE_SMALL) ? 8 : 10;
	  nDiceNum = 2;
  nSADice = _GetNLDSneakAttackDice(oUser);
  SetLocalInt(oFist, ACR_NLD_DICE_DAMAGE, nDiceDam);
  SetLocalInt(oFist, ACR_NLD_DICE_NUMBER, nDiceNum);
  SetLocalInt(oFist, ACR_NLD_SA_DICE, nSADice);
  SetLocalInt(oFist, ACR_NLD_WOFFHAND, FALSE);
  SetLocalInt(oFist, ACR_NLD_W2HANDED, FALSE);
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Re: WIP: Non Lethal Damage - UPDATED

Post by Ithildur »

Nice update; thanks mate and good work.
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Re: WIP: Non Lethal Damage - UPDATED

Post by danielmn »


Thanks for your work on that system man, greatly appreciated!
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<danielmn>: Yes,
<danielmn>: Easily.

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Re: WIP: Non Lethal Damage - UPDATED

Post by paazin »

I'm going to add a section of this so it's available as a public call for anyone who wants to throw nonlethal damage because of in game effects or whatnot. (like the swimming fatigue on BG would be perfect to replace with this)
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Re: WIP: Non Lethal Damage - UPDATED

Post by Ronan »

Sweet, that should be in there anyway. It'll come in handy if anyone ever implements mage duels.
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Re: WIP: Non Lethal Damage - UPDATED

Post by Ronan »


Why didn't we allow NLD to be applied as normal damage, then immediately heal that damage and add it to the creature's NLD total?

I was surprised to see that we're messing with item properties and feats. This seems very error-prone, especially with our bic backups and whatnot. Unless it was written/tested/integrated very well?
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Re: WIP: Non Lethal Damage - UPDATED

Post by Zelknolf »

The only real vulnerability right now is just a lack of cleanup as part of OnClientEnter (we probably ought to clear any -5 damage that appears on the equipped weapon and the subdual damage creature weapon if that is equipped)-- lesser damage has the advantage of preventing undue OnDeath/ OnDying events (which is, currently, restricted to attempting to subdue someone who has 1 hp) -- as the both of those are effectively crude workarounds of the default NWN/ NWN2 systems of respawning (and are thus also error prone by nature, though also better-tested by nature).

I'm not sure how intentional it was, but it's easier to recover from a bugged weapon than a bugged death, so I'd probably defend its honor insofar as I'm able.