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Ancient Red Dragon
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Help us out for a sec AL

Post by indio »

* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='df' and Tag='' and `Key`='ACR_MOD_STARTINGGOLD'
* Executing: INSERT INTO pwdata (Name, Tag, `Key`, Value, Expiration) VALUES ('df','','ACR_MOD_STARTINGGOLD', '1', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Value='1', Expiration=0
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='df' and Tag='' and `Key`='ACR_MOD_STARTARMORX'
* Executing: INSERT INTO pwdata (Name, Tag, `Key`, Value, Expiration) VALUES ('df','','ACR_MOD_STARTARMORX', '1', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Value='1', Expiration=0
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='df' and Tag='' and `Key`='ACR_MOD_FIRSTAID_IT'
* Executing: INSERT INTO pwdata (Name, Tag, `Key`, Value, Expiration) VALUES ('df','','ACR_MOD_FIRSTAID_IT', '1', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Value='1', Expiration=0
* Executing: SELECT ServerID, XP, GP, STR, CON, DEX, `INT`, WIS, CHA, Damage, Location FROM characters WHERE ID=0
* Executing: INSERT INTO logs (ServerID, CharacterID, Event, Description) VALUES (3,0,'Login','Could not load character: df')
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='df' and Tag='' and `Key`='ACR_DTH_LOCATION'
* Executing: SELECT PlotID, PlotState FROM quests WHERE ServerID=3 AND CharacterID=0
* Executing: UPDATE characters SET ServerID=3, Location='#A#interior#X#21.093210220#Y#16.838340759#Z#-4.000000000#O#270.000000000', Level=1, Deity='No Deity', HP=15, XP=0, GP=300, Morals=85, Ethics=50, Damage=0, Class1=0, Class2=255, Class3=255, Level1=1, Level2=0, Level3=0, STR=16, CON=16, DEX=16, `INT`=10, WIS=10, CHA=8 WHERE ID=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT ID FROM item_properties WHERE ItemProperty in (15,11) and IsIllegal=1
* Executing: INSERT INTO logs (ServerID, CharacterID, Event, Description) VALUES (3,0,'Acquire','Item: First Aid Kit, From: , By: df')
* Executing: INSERT INTO pwdata (Name, Tag, `Key`, Value, Expiration) VALUES ('df','','ACR_REST_LOGOUT_TIMER', '664358521', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Value='664358521', Expiration=0
* Executing: UPDATE characters SET ServerID=3, Level=1, Deity='No Deity', HP=15, XP=0, GP=300, Morals=85, Ethics=50, Damage=0, Class1=0, Class2=255, Class3=255, Level1=1, Level2=0, Level3=0, STR=16, CON=16, DEX=16, `INT`=10, WIS=10, CHA=8 WHERE ID=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: UPDATE characters SET IsOnline=0 WHERE ID=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Status FROM characters WHERE id=0
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='' and Tag='' and `Key`='ACR_REST_LOGOUT_TIMER'
It's booting me as the area loads....pretty sure I'm connecting to the remote vault ok.

# MySQL server connection parameters
class = SQL
server =
user = alfa_beta
password = xxxxxx
schema = alfa_beta

Last edited by indio on Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AcadiusLost »

All of that looks pretty reasonable, though I'm not seeing the "return" statements in the log that show the results of the SQL selects: The OAS2 log looks like this, for comparison:
OAS2: xp_mysql.txt wrote:NWNX MySQL Plugin V.0.0.8
(c) 2007 by Ingmar Stieger (Papillon)
visit us at
(built using mysql-5.0.27 source)

* Log level set to 2 (everything)
* Connecting to server
* Plugin initialized.
* Registering under function class SQL
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `areas` (`ID` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ServerID` smallint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Tag` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Visits` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`X` smallint(5) default NULL,`Y` smallint(5) default NULL,`Z` smallint(5) default NULL,`IsSafe` bool NOT NULL default false,`IsInside` bool NOT NULL default false,`IsNatural` bool NOT NULL default false,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY (`ServerID`, `Tag`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cdkeys` (`CDKey` varchar(8) NOT NULL,`IsBanned` bool NOT NULL default false,PRIMARY KEY (`CDKey`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `characters` (`ID` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ServerID` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`PlayerID` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Name` varchar(32) NOT NULL,`Level` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 1,`Race` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Subrace` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED default NULL,`Deity` varchar(32) default NULL,`Gender` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`HP` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`XP` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`GP` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`Wealth` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`Ethics` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Morals` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Class1` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Level1` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 1,`Class2` smallint(5) UNSIGNED default NULL,`Level2` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED default NULL,`Class3` smallint(5) UNSIGNED default NULL,`Level3` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED default NULL,`STR` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`CON` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`DEX` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`INT` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`WIS` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`CHA` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Location` varchar(128) default NULL,`Damage` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`Deaths` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`Status` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`IsOnline` bool NOT NULL default false,`IsDeleted` bool NOT NULL default false,`IsPlayable` bool NOT NULL default true,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY (`PlayerID`, `Name`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `heedspwdata` (`player` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`tag` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`val` varchar(128) default NULL,`expire` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`index` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,PRIMARY KEY (`index`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ipaddress` (`ID` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`CDKey` varchar(8) NOT NULL,`IPAddress` varchar(16) NOT NULL,`IsBanned` bool NOT NULL default false,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY (`CDKey`, `IPAddress`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `item_properties` (`ID` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ItemProperty` smallint(5) NOT NULL,`Description` varchar(128) default NULL,`IsIllegal` bool NOT NULL default 0,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY (`ItemProperty`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `logs` (`ID` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ServerID` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`CharacterID` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED default NULL,`Event` varchar(32) NOT NULL,`Description` varchar(128) default NULL,`Date` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `players` (`ID` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`CDKey` varchar(8) NOT NULL,`Name` varchar(32) NOT NULL,`FirstLogin` datetime,`LastLogin` datetime,`LastLogout` datetime,`Logins` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`TimeOnline` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`IsDM` bool NOT NULL default false,`IsBanned` bool NOT NULL default false,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY(`CDKey`, `Name`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pwdata` (`Name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Tag` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Key` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Value` varchar(128) default NULL,`Expiration` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`Last` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,PRIMARY KEY (`Name`, `Tag`, `Key`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pwobject` (`Name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Tag` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Key` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`Value` varchar(128) default NULL,`Expiration` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,`Last` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,PRIMARY KEY (`Name`, `Tag`, `Key`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `quests` (`ID` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ServerID` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`CharacterID` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`PlotID` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',`PlotState` varchar(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY(`ServerID`, `CharacterID`, `PlotID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `servers` (`ID` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`IPAddress` varchar(21) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `spelltrack` (`ID` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`CharacterID` mediumint(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`Class` smallint(5) NOT NULL,`Uses` varchar(128) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY (`CharacterID`, `Class`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='OAS2 import clean' and Tag='alfa_00x' and `Key`='ACR_TIME_SERVERTIME'
* Returning: 666139380 (column 0)
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='OAS2 import clean' and Tag='alfa_00x' and `Key`='ACR_TIME_SERVERTIME'
* Returning: 666139380 (column 0)
* Executing: INSERT INTO pwdata (Name, Tag, `Key`, Value, Expiration) VALUES ('OAS2 import clean','alfa_00x','ACR_TIME_SERVERTIME', '666141060', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Value='666141060', Expiration=0
* Executing: SELECT pwdata.Name, pwdata.Tag, pwdata.Value, characters.ID, characters.Status FROM characters JOIN players on players.ID=characters.PlayerID JOIN pwdata on pwdata.Name=characters.Name WHERE pwdata.Tag=players.CDKey and pwdata.`Key`='ACR_DTH_LOCATION' and characters.Status = characters.Status | 1
* Executing: SELECT * FROM servers WHERE ID=0
* Returning: ALFA 00 Open Application Server (column 1)
* Returning: (column 2)
* Executing: UPDATE characters SET IsOnline=0
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='OAS2 import clean' and Tag='alfa_00x' and `Key`='ACR_TIME_SERVERTIME'
* Returning: 666141060 (column 0)
* Executing: INSERT INTO pwdata (Name, Tag, `Key`, Value, Expiration) VALUES ('OAS2 import clean','alfa_00x','ACR_TIME_SERVERTIME', '666141120', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Value='666141120', Expiration=0
* Executing: SELECT Value FROM pwdata WHERE Name='OAS2 import clean' and Tag='alfa_00x' and `Key`='ACR_TIME_SERVERTIME'
* Returning: 666141120 (column 0)
And so on, and so forth. I've got my log level set to 2 (everything) in xp_mysql.ini - though it seems to me you must have that as well, as the other options are 1 (log only errors), and 0 (log nothing).

So, somehow it looks like it's still firing all the database queries, but not receiving any replies from the central SQL server. I connect to a different schema with the OAS2, so later I can try your connection info, as well as browsing the alfa_beta schema to see if any of those entries actually wrote anything to it.

You've got the "Executing" lines, but no "Returning" replies.

In the meantime, have you tried pointing it at a local MySQL schema?
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Ancient Red Dragon
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Post by indio »

Thanks for that.

I'm getting my localhost details sorted out again...just have to remember how to do a few things and I'll host it locally.

And yeah, errors are set to 2.
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Ancient Red Dragon
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Post by indio »


Thanks AL.
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Post by AcadiusLost »

Was it a problem with the outdated files in the haks and otherwise? Be useful to have the fix described in brief in case others run afoul of the same problem.
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Ancient Red Dragon
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Post by indio »

Sorry, you must have missed the irc PM.

It's a silly error on my part. I've got 3 machines networked for building and testing. 1 toolset, 1 player client and 1 server. The module was on the toolset and server machines, but not on the clent box, and so was kicking me like someone who had n PWC file in place.
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Post by AcadiusLost »

Was it actually giving the "You have been Booted" error, or was it the more normal "Error Loading Module" one that generally happens with a missing/mismatched PWC? I've seen misreported errors before (ex. "Missing required hak file" on a PWC mismatch), so curious to know if the "You Have been Booted" comes up in cases other than script-booting. I've generally been advising everyone that the "Booted" always means Database problems.
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Ancient Red Dragon
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Post by indio »

Well now, that's interesting.

Initially I was getting a booted message which is why I came straight to you. After you'd got me to update and recompile (which clearly fixed the booting problem) I was getting the secondary error, the error loading module. Copied the module to the client machine, and voila.