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Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:55 am
by Blackwill
I want your babies... now I need the ACR items 8)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:04 am
by ç i p h é r
While there are tons of blueprints in this release (434 to be exact), we still need to incorporate Humans, Elves, and Dragons to name a few. Those were on the list but as yet are not complete. So, expect another release whenever we get those in.

Items are still somewhat up in the air, but definitely next on the hit list. I'll have to chat with Rusty and get [re]briefed on where we are with standards. It's quite possible that Tech is the bottleneck once again. But don't fret. We'll keep plugging along. :)

p.s. We do have a slew of mundane items we could probably release if our backs are up against the wall.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:10 am
by indio
Absolutely awesome. What an assortment, and how professionally completed. Bloody brilliant.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:20 am
by AcadiusLost
Yikes! Realized that the acf files needed for the ALFA creatures aren't included, and when they are installed, the creatures don't actually respond or move or fight back. Looks like we'll need ACR scripts sooner, rather than later.

To start with, perhaps we should copy the generic obsidian code into the acr_creature_i where appropriate? I'll try to look at it tonight.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:33 am
by darrenhfx
Let me know if I can help.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:48 am
by ç i p h é r
Ah yes. The AI. This is why we beta test, right? :)

AL, can you simply add the appropriate ExecuteScript() calls to invoke the OE AI files from the ACR event handlers? I think that'll simplify replacing them down the road, if we ever need to that is.

On a side note, some of the creatures use custom mundane items, like rusty swords. If need be, I can publish these as well.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:58 am
by darrenhfx
The rusty weapons and armour are nice!

You should share :)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 4:29 am
by ç i p h é r
I was holding off for a larger items package release. I didn't review the batch you sent over yet, but if Indio et al feel it's needed for testing now, I'll give it priority. I think they've got enough to test for the moment that this may not be pressing. Up to you folks in the trenches though.

Ask and ye shall receive. Maybe. :)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:52 pm
by AcadiusLost
One odd observation of mine- it seems like the association of the creature events with their acf scripts is being broken somewhat by the export/import process. Opening the blueprints shows the correct files in the correct event listings, but clicking on them shows a blank code body in the "preview" window, even when the scripts exist in the mod, until such time as you re-add the script (of the same name, etc) to the event. It appears that until this is done, the scripts don't actually fire. It's almost like it's storing pointers to scripts in the build mod, which are being broken by export into an ERF file.

It's possible this could be circumverted by bundling the acf_cre_xxxx files along with the creature blueprints, but I haven't tested it yet. In case it is important, I didn't have the acf_cre_ files in my mod when I imported the creatures .erf, I brought them in second- but after discovering the problem I re-imported the creatures.erf, overwriting the versions I had before, with no change of behaviour.

It's also possible the scripts could be reassociated using the Universal Blueprint Changer to load a saved Script Set or something.

Also, I noticed some of the ABR creature blueprints have local variables on them, while others don't- is this by intetntion?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:04 pm
by ç i p h é r
Did you try "recompiling" the scripts and/or palettes/blueprints?

Regarding the local variables, I noticed some had OE variables defined on them. I'm guessing it was probably on the initial blueprint they copied, but those are not needed no and should be removed. If you can, update the blueprints and commit them to the repository. There are a few ACR config options though, which are of course fine.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:18 pm
by AcadiusLost
I certainly recompiled all scripts, many times during my tests- I'll look for a way to "recompile/refresh palette" though, I'm still learning my way around the NWN2 toolset.

Some of the OE variables may affect AI settings (one was something like X2_HERBIVORE?)- if we're keeping the default AI for now, it may behoove us to consider their utility.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:28 pm
by ç i p h é r
AcadiusLost wrote:Some of the OE variables may affect AI settings (one was something like X2_HERBIVORE?)- if we're keeping the default AI for now, it may behoove us to consider their utility.
A good point. I don't suppose OE documented their AI controls anywhere? Any idea? An NWN2 forum search might produce something if not.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 8:56 am
by AcadiusLost
I did some more testing, it seems even when I restore the links between the creature blueprint events and the proper acf files, and export them together (in an erf containing both the acf_cre_xxx files and the blueprints), the imported version loses the links. As before, the text names of the scripts are still there in the event sections of the blueprints, but the "preview" window is blank, as if those scripts didn't exist in the module- and indeed, they are not called as they should be when the blueprints are laid down as instances.

Unless we find a way around this, we'll likely have to look at releasing our ABR content as a Base Mod, with those links already preserved. Unfortunately, this has further ramifications for any other blueprint imports.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 9:47 am
by Mayhem
Just a note from somebody who has been playing in the 03 Beta.

On paper, not displaying creature names sounds like a good, immersive idea. I would probably have agreed wthout hesitation to the suggestion.

In practice, I as a player don't like it. Yes, it makes us look at the monsters and see which one is wearing plate and therefore must be the fighter, but it isn't always possible to tell the visual for different armour types apart (something that would be obvious to the PC), especially when dirty/rusty /tatty colours are used.

Also, in mass combat, your combat display goes

Bob hits (3+14=17)
misses (2+12=14
misses (2+17=19)
hits (7+12=14)
misses (2+12=14)

One of the four creatures I'm fighting is clearly much more skilled than the others, something you would thing a moderately experienced warrior would be able to recognise, but which one is it? Even if they are physically different creatures (eg a mix of orcs and goblins) I wouldn't be able to tell, unless by some chance the screen action and the scrolling display are perfectly synchonised.


I think it would be preferable to see creature type at the least (Kobold), or preferably creature type and a *visual* description. (Kobold - light armour) (Goblin - robed) (Orc - battlescarred).

Don't know how practical that is at this stage, of course.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:45 pm
by AcadiusLost
Eh up- I was looking for something on the repository, and I found a whole load of creature skin blueprints. I'm guessing these ought to have been associated with their respective creatures as well?

I'll import some and try to see if they maintain pointers through an export or not- if not, w're really looking at a need for a Base Mod for this content. :/